Three people have died following floods which hit Karonga last week. According to the Department of Disaster Management Affairs, the ongoing assessment following the floods indicate that three people have been killed and that 818… ...
A Malawian businessman of Asian origin on Wednesday escaped a 10 year jail term by paying K22.7 million fine imposed on him. According to the Blantyre police publicist Inspector Augustus Nkhwazi, the convict has been… ...
Democratic Progressive Party
A political commentator in the country has questioned movements of politicians ahead of the 2019 tripartite elections. Over ten prominent politicians have changed or joined new political parties since the start of the year. Recently,… ...
Barber Shops
Authorities in Zimbabwe have warned that there are chances of contracting HIV through the use of shared of hair clippers. The National Aids Council (NAC) in Zimbabwe has claimed that people who have their hair… ...
The Blantyre Chief Resident Magistrate Court has sentenced a 33-year-old man to twenty four months imprisonment with hard labour for stealing K21.4 million. According to Blantyre police publicist, Inspector Augustus Nkhwazi, the convict has been… ...
Peter Mutharika
President Peter Mutharika will leave the country on Friday for an official visit to the United Kingdom where he will attend this year’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) which starts Monday. This 25th Commonwealth… ...