Limbe police are keeping in custody four suspects who stole K9 million cash and items worth K8 million from a shop in the town. Limbe police deputy public Relations Pedzesai Zembeneko identified the suspects as… ...
Association of People Living with Albinism (APAM) says it has intensified awareness campaigns aimed at reducing cases of attacks against people with albinism in the country. Speaking with Malawi24 on Thursday, APAM chairperson Overtone Kondowe… ...
Kasungu First Grade Magistrate court has sentenced a 60-year-old man to 10 years in prison for raping a 4-year-old girl. Confirming on the incident, Deputy Public Relations officer Harry Namwaza said the rapist Pitolosi Jalijali… ...
Police in Lilongwe are keeping in custody a 30-year-old man. The man has been arrested for impersonating the Principal Secretary (PS) for Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The police station’s spokesperson Kingsley Dandaula identified… ...