Zomba Senior Resident Magistrate court has sentenced two men to 14 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour each for stealing cattle.
Zomba Police deputy public relations officer Sergeant Patrick Maseko said the suspects are Steven Musowa, 32, and Thokozani Maduka, 24.
The court heard from Prosecutor, Sub Inspector Chimpazi Katukwana that the two, during the months of March and April this year, stole 22 cows from different people within Zomba district.
All the cases were reported to Kachulu Police Unit and Police managed to recover 17 out of 22.
Appearing before court, the two pleaded not guilty but the court found them guilty after the state paraded 12 witnesses.
In his antecedents, Katukwana told the court that the two convicts deserved stiffer punishment considering the seriousness of the offence and that some of the cattle they stole were not recovered.
He further said that, it takes years to raise the cattle and that cattle is regarded as a precious property in the villages.
In mitigation, the two asked the court for lenient sentences saying that they are bread winners to their respective families.
When passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Michongwe, concurred with the state and slapped the two with 14 years jail term.
Steven Musowa comes from Mulangali village, Traditional Authority Mwambo whilst Thokozani Maduka comes from Sululu village, Traditional Authority Mkagula both in Zomba district.