Indian hemp
Police in Kasungu uprooted 5000 Indian hemp plants from a piece of land belonging to George Phiri, 45. Kasungu police station public relations officer Harry Namwaza said the operation was conducted on Friday in Msakasiro… ...
Peter Mutharika
President Peter Mutharika has warned contractors against carrying out substandard work saying his government will deal with such contractors. The president said this at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe during launch of the… ...
Floods Malawi
Two people have died in Ntchisi district after being swept away by flooded rivers which they were crossing. Deputy public relations officer for Ntchisi police station Gladson M'bumpha identified the two as Kafuta Mwanza aged… ...
Police in Kasungu have arrested a woman for killing a 3-month-old baby. The 34 year old woman identified as Memory Kanjere killed the child after suspecting the baby’s mother of having a love affair with… ...