The Malawi Government has described Malawi Congress Party (MCP) supporters who protested against presidential results at Capital Hill in Lilongwe yesterday  as intruders. This is according to government's press statement released on Tuesday, 4th June… ...
Esther mcheka-chilenje
The National Coordinator for Malawi's NGO-Gender Coordination Network (NGO-GCN) has asked the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to pick a female Member of Parliament for the position of Speaker. NGO-GCN National Coordinator Innocent Hauya has… ...
Police in Kasungu are keeping in custody a 23-year-old man for stealing cattle. According to Kasungu police public relations officer Harry Namwaza, the suspect has been identified as Semudeni Grevazio. Namwaza said the suspect on… ...
...kuthimathima kwamagetsi ikhala mbiri... Mtsogoleri wa dziko lino Arthur Peter Mutharika wati akwaniritsa zonse zomwe wakhala akulonjeza nthawi yokopa anthu koma walimbikitsa umodzi ndi chikondi kuti dziko lino litukuke. A Mutharika amayankhula izi lachisanu m’mawa… ...
Swearing-in ceremony for the President-Elect Peter Mutharika and Vice President-Elect Everton Chimulirenji is expected to take place today in Blantyre. The ceremony follows Malawi Electoral Commission's (MEC) announcement of the presidential election results on Monday… ...