Malawi opposition parties slapped in the face

Lazarous Chakwera

A human rights and good governance NGO has condemned Malawi’s opposition parties for not talking about issues that  concerns ordinary Malawians.

The drilling has come from the Malawi Watch as the  Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government continues to get unending criticism from opposition parties in Malawi over what is being termed as failed leadership.

Lazarous Chakwera
Malawi Watch says opposition parties are only working on their personal vendettas.

The Malawi Watch feels the opposition parties are only working on their personal vendettas on the government other than expressing the concerns of Malawians and guiding government in good faith of what measures it should take on the said areas so that the nation develops.

The NGO feels that the opposition parties which include the Malawi Congress Party and the People’s Party (MCP) have taken  Parliament as the place where they should take their personal issues.

‘’Malawi Watch take this opportunity to remind the rest of the opposition members that they are in the august house on behalf of the people of Malawi,’’ reads a depict of the statement.

It adds: ’’We also believe that opposition parties have the responsibility to hold the government to account for its commissions or omissions by serving as a watchdog of those in power. This is extremely important as it keeps the government to its mandate and ensures a high level of transparency in state matters. In fact, that is what President Mutharika called for in his address.’’

In his state of the nation address, Mutharika did not let scot free the opposition. He slammed them for not being positive about his leadership something he said is detrimental to Malawi’s economy.

In their responses, the MCP and the PP still bit Mutharika hard saying he is clueless and therefore needs not to undermine the arguments by his critics.

They accuse him of smiling to corruption citing recent reports of misappropriated funds at Escom as an example.

The DPP has over the years shrugged off every criticism the opposition and Civil Societies render on matters of national interest ranging from the economy, blackouts and corruption.




  1. That’s true they don’t know that the more they castigating the current administration the more they make them popular, but don’t worry you used to be on the failing side

  2. Apa zikungoonetseratu kuti onse a DDP ndi mbuli. Mukuva kuwawa come 2019. Mwatitopetsa anthu inu.

  3. This NGO you call Malawi Watch belongs to DPP youth cadets and they are the ones who are destroying our beautiful Malawi, they are thieves who are stealing our tax money.

  4. Billy Banda lost his value way back, he was hard on JB but he is very soft on Peter. No wonder his organisation ‘Malawi Watch’ is being used by the Dpp led government to defend their silly agendas. Who can smile to all these problems?
    The solutions to all these problems are in their manifesto thats what the leader of oppostion reminded them. Some NGOs are stupid and puppets of the ruling party.

  5. If you can’t report things the way people should under stand then its good just come open and say we belong to such a party,

  6. unless these 7o called ngos are sidelining /shielding the ruling government,Chakwera is concrned with problems poor people are facing in this country,if u are comfortable with prolonged blackouts,corruption,poor crop prices etc etc ,u better bagger off or zip ur mouth

  7. unless these 7o called ngos are sidelining /shielding the ruling government,Chakwera is concrned with problems poor people are facing in this country,if u are comfortable with prolonged blackouts,corruption,poor crop prices etc etc ,u better bagger off or zip ur mouth

  8. Yes chakwera watikwana thi is 2017 still time of the ruling Dpp,chakwera is a leader of opposition party not a leader of the ruling government tikati tizitere nde Malawi sadzasintha mpaka kale tikati kutsutsa sindeku ma plan a mtsogoleri wonse azikhala wopanda ntchito ayi nde alamulira ndindani? zabwino-zoipa chakwera amatsutsa it means he don’t know his responsibility then wovulala ndi a Malawi kenaka mukumati wapanga chani president koma mukudziwa kale kuti kuli a chakwera wotsutsa mopusa ndi mwa mchimbulimbuli vuto a Malawi kukhulupirira ndale too much timalorera dziko lisasinthe koma bola ndale ichitike, koma apapa chakwera can you try to be shame and remain silent. Mr chakwera amaganiza ngati mwana kodi process ya Interconnection ya magetsi ingatheke pompano pamene magetsi ataayamba kale kuvuta? ndiye vutoli mukuwona kuti ndi la president Peter? iyeyoso anapeza Interconnection kulibe ndipo kupanga zimenezi sikophweka! akuti tiba gwiritsa ntchito ma generator akutsutsaso koma ma negative report basi!

  9. Whenever opposition try to advise the Govt they receive it as an attack….therefore the Govt does not receive criticism….they want people to clap hands even when they are promising lies to the nation. .

  10. Kodi awa ndi amacard ndimisonkho kungotchula zinthu zimenezo sazalamulila boma amalanda akazi amzawo mchaka ambili mwaiwo anatha ndimatenda ndie wakwachapano sapezeka this is not the time for chiodanso mmabhowa paMBC radio eish wen i think of this party I dnt stop vomiting its really disgusting

  11. NGO are more sequining hand to mouth people get out you full people you don’t know how you can handle good things in Malawi you know. Electro reform bill is very important blz it’s law why your doing that

  12. Can Malawi Watch come out clearly, be specific about the issues they want the opposition to be talking about in parliament other than what they are tabling now. One can clearly see that the so called Malawi watch is dpp sympathiser. Please opposition keep on the good work.

  13. Zandikwana izi sopano
    Iyah!!! Kungolowa fb nkhani zokhazokhazi a 24 nanu osatiuzako nkhani Zina bwanji? Olo tibwetuke apa palibe chopindula osangokhala chete ndikudikila 2019 bwanji?

  14. Malawians, beware!!! Some NGOs are actually GONGOs (Government Non Governmental Organizations)!!! Their agenda is supported by Ruling Authorities. They are no better than Party Cadets!!!

  15. How do you separate which concern Malawians from what the opposition side is always highlighting? Is the government blessed with a listening ear?

  16. A big problem is those human rights organisations ciz they do nothing to pretect the citizens even to bring togetherness between the ruling and the opposition

    1. LIAR,Mugabi too still wants to be Zim president even up to this minute,u want to say those in power now here does not want to president

  17. ameneyo ndiye malawiyo, mitima idazadza ndi ndale zogwetsana basi, kodi do u think malawi angatukuke mu five years zokha basi? kusintha boma palibe chomwe malawi angadzapindule koma kuti chipani chobweracho chidzayamba kaye kukhutitsa mmatumba mwawo pobwezeretsa zomwe adataya pa kampeni, choncho chitukuko chidzakhala kuti chaimaso malawi ndiye kuti wasiidwaso ndima step angapo ndi maiko omuzungulira. chomwe ndidaona mwa amalawi ndikufuna zinthu zachangu zomwe zonsatheka, bima linalo lidzabwera nkumaba ndalama ponena kuti akupanga zitukuko pomwe akungomaliziitsa zomwe boma linalo lidaziyama kale ndinso kuti ndalama zake zidavomerezedwa ndi kuikidwaso padera kaleso ndi nyumba ya malamulo kale kale , ndipo ngati kuli kuthetsa uphawi mudziko musadzayembekezere boma lokha kuti likuthetserani umphawi mmakomo mwanu ayi, izi zimafunika aliyese kudzilimbikira mwa iye yekha ndi banja lake kuti asinthe moyo wa pa banja lake. dziko la malawi lidachuluka ndi anthu ongofuna zinthu zachidule basi monga, amabungwe, andale, anthu adzipembedzo ( adzibusa), azamalonda,thats why malawiyu ali complicated. zipani zotsutsa nazo zimalimbana kwambiri ndi boma lomwe likulamula mmalo mothandizila kupeza njila ndikupereka nfundo paza chitukuko cha dziko. zomwe zimadziwa zipani zotsutsa ku malawi kuno ndikulepheretsa boma lomwe lilipo pa zitukuko zomwe zikufuna kuchitidwa dziko pomangotsutsa zilizonse osaperekako zifukwa zonveka bwino kwa amalawi osauka kumidzi, chonvetsa chisonitu kwambiri otsutsa bomawo amachitiza izi eti kusungila nfundo ndi njila zawo zachitukuko ndicholinga chakutii adzazigwiritse ntchito iwo akadzalowa m’boma, osati kutchukitsa anzawo ku iwalaso kuti akatero athandiza amalawi osauka ndi dziko lathu. ndale zomwe zimachitika ku malawi ndi zampeni kumphasa, zolikhilana pansi, kugwetsana ngakhaletu winayo akuchita zinthu zabwino kakhalenso ma plan abwino, ndilo tanthauzo la ndale ku malawi mwadzina lake. ife anthu otsatila zipani ku malawi esh! tili ndi vuto lamnanu longokhulupilira chilochonse chomwe andalewa akunena, ndipo tilibeso nthawi yoyang’ana mmbuyo ndi kutsogolo pa zomwe zakhala andale akuchita, sithanso kuona vision ya zokamba zina ndi ma plan awo andalewa bwino, amalawi ambiri tilibe vision timayendera yagwa mmbale ndindiwo. langa ndi pempho pano kuti tiyeni amalawi tisinthe kaganizidwe ndi kachitidwe kathu pa ndale ndi chitukuko chathu, all the malawi.

  18. Slapped In The Face? What Does That Mean? Be Serious Guys When Ever You Want To Write Something Of National Importance. Mukuzitengera Chibwana.

  19. Lets MUGABELISE this man, irememba
    in 2013-2014 amkasokosa “ndabwela kuzathesa umphawi kumalawi!!!” {malata otcipa, fertilizer…… akuzatidyela ndalama zamisonkho yathu??


    1. Kodi ku parliament ntchito yake ndi chani.kodi 50+1 aķufuna chakweyo akakambirana kuti,kodi ma parastatals like Escom,WB.who agreed kuti zikhaleko? I thought ndi ma Mp omwewo.thats why malawi is poor coz even the MPs dont know the powers they hoĺd.

    2. Akufuna 50 +1 ndi a Malawi osati Chakwera, inu mbuli za dppnu mukuikaniranji? You all those mps could be ignorant inu a Ben Obook nkukhala anzeru? No wonder you belong to an evil movement called dpp that has completely blinded you

    3. Akufuna 50+1 ndi a mcp coz mukuziwa kuti Lilongwe party yanuyo sizanunkha kanthu come 2019,kuli aford,PP,UDf,Umodzi party.nde zatheka bwanj kuti onsewa sananyanyale koma chakwera yekha.2019 muli mmadzi ndi ma 26% anuwo

    4. Emmanuel nkanda.zikuonetsa kuti facebook yafika kumene ku ntcheuko.ever head of think wina aliyense pa FB anaika dzina lake hahaha mbuzi

    5. Ben Obook suli mmalawi muno, its all opposition parties that are going for 50+1 and as of now your dpp has given up and any day the bill will be in parliament. It seems you are not even following recent trends and you even dont know mcp defeated your dpp at your own backyard msanje lalanje, mulira simunati

    6. Am in malawi osadanda..50+1 will only benefit mcp,chifukwa mukaluza you believe you would have a second chance on the elections.after yanu ya atibera ija.something other partys dont benefit from.2019 muli mmadzi

    7. Let me assure you dpp will get complete zero MPs in central and northern region in 2019, mark my words dpp will be bowing down to peoples pressure like mmene yagivila ndi electoral reform bill, msanje, chikwawa and mangochi will be a fierce battle field between mcp and your dpp. By the way; how can you rise above macroeconomic stability without addressing microeconomic situation?( speech ya dull professor wanuyo ku parliament mutu wake unali rising above macroeconomic stability) and how can you run a liberalised economy through threatening traders? What kind of economics is that? Today cement prices are still very exorbitant despite your dpp ignorantic intervention through useless propaganda Mabodza Broadcasting Corporation MBC. Dpp is clueless and visionless, i believe even those who are currently supporting dpp are agents of the devil, evil and blind. Last time i told you Ben Obook that MCP will defeat your dpp in just ended by elections and you were in the forefront exalting and defending that dpp will win, did your dpp won? This just shows that you are clueless and hopeless like your dpp.

    8. Binwell kachikopa dont make a mistake of comparing by-elections and General elections.its only about 30 thousand voters who casted their votes in the past by-elections,out of a possible 500 thousand.the mistakes will be rectified.To say about evil Mcp is the mother of all evils in your Chakwera running away from God,he stoped preaching the gospel now all he knows is insults.what a shameless man.and in North, Mighty DPP has solid structures and committees not your Nyau Lilongwe party.I can not vote for Lazaro,theres nothing he has achieved in his life that can convince Malawians with apart from being an opposition leader of a Dead Old party.

    9. Then Ben Obook dont know what is politics, who told you revelands, pastors, Bishops dont do politics? It seems you are just arguing because you dont know what you aee saying! Defeat is a defeat poyamba before those elections ndimayesa umanama iwe Ben O book kuti dpp iwina those by elections? Lero wayamba kuyithawa nkumanama kuti those were just by elections? Siumanama kuti electoral reform akuifuna ndi a mcp okha iwe? Ndiye dpp yavomera bwanji under pressure kubweretsa bill ya electoral reform? Chakwera has grown in Malawi, a university of Malawi graduate who knows Malawi well, let your solid structures dpp alone being defeated in its own backyard and go on falsely claiming dpp has solid structures, let your grezeder wa jefrey, mtaba, kasaira, mchacha continue cheating your president dpp has solid structures in the north mudzamva nkhwangwa ili mmutu? And truth pains, NORMAL MALAWIANS WILL NEVER GO FOR DPP MARK MY WORDS AS I TOLD YOU ABOUT THOSE BY ELECTIONS. YOUR NEPOTISTIC THINKING WILL ACHIEVE YOU NOTHING, BINGU WAS A BETTER LEADER THAN THIS YOUR SLEEPING PROFESSOR WHO IS ALWAYS FED LIES. WHETHER YOU HATE CHAKWERA OR NOT BUT MOST MALAWIANS ARE TIRED OF DPP, GO AND MAKE YOUR OWN ASSESSMENT OUT THERE, IN TRUE SENSE THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE, MCP HAS SOLID SUSTAINABLE GRASSROOT STRUCTURES THAN ANY OTHER PARTY IN MALAWI. TAYANKHANI FUSO LANGA LIJA HOW CAN YOU ACHIEVE MACROECONOMIC STABILITY WITHOUT ACHIEVING MICROECONOMIC STABILITY? Ben O book, ukapanda fuso limeneli ndiye you are useless, then not knowing what you are saying

    10. Binwell kachikopa.i kno you are looking for the i will just answer you in hints.during the past months the finance minister talked about how the levels of inflation has dropped..and for the first time Malawi has over 2 billion dollars in its foreign currency reserves.Low interest rates,you can see lately borrowing money from banks and other institutions has effectively benefited a lot of Malawians.Currency stability,you may want to argue this but you should kno it was JB who devalued the kwacha.there are a lot of answers i can give you just to show how the gvt is working torwards achieving macroeconomic stability,but you cant see since all you think about is hate together with Lazaro.And i keep hearing Lazaro’s insults but i’ve hardly heard him table any current solutions for the problems.Lazaro failed at Assemblys and he will fail again in politics

    11. Koma ine ndikavotera Chakwera natopa ndimbava zakizo zimenezo ofunika mukambirane akubanja kwanu mmene medyera ndalama zakubazo.

  20. Admin shame on you Mr cadet, zakuvutani inu a DPP vomerezani basi.Nthawi yanu yatha, red card ilandirenii osapanga phokoso

    1. I like the dreaming chilungomo nokha mukuchidziwa kuti nyimboyanu ndiyoti atibela chisakho simunati pa Facebook page mukuonangati mukuwina zaziiiiiiiii

    1. Temporary solution…??? ukudziwa kut Gen set idzaononga ndalama zingati patsiku…umbava wachaponda mesa anaba ndalama komaso chimanga cha amalawi? shortage of drugs and more corruption scandals….

    2. Ase Escom makes about over K5 billion pa mwezi.ndalama ukuñenazo ndizochepa kwambiri.and ma cashgate ukunenawo even Trump in america is having his own.

    3. 5 billion ???? Usayiwale kut za Ku my mlhakho was alomwe komaso ma party a DPP ndalama zake zikuchoka komko…….. Just admit kut uyu walephera…. Let’s have a man of God osat anthu enawa oti or verse ya Bible samayidziwa alive chison ndi mavuto komwe amalawi alkukumana nawo….. in fact zama gen set anatinamizaso…if you follow current affairs umve zimene anayankhula poyamba zamaGen set.. Minister of finance over 80 yrs president 78 ..aaaah akalamba ndi nzeru zomwe ee…

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