…claims wife is too ugly without makeup
A man from Durban, South Africa, has filed a lawsuit against his wife just 24 hours after tying the knot saying her make up trucked him into believing she was beautiful.
The man , identified as Lindo, has told the press that his wife looks ugly when she removes her makeup.
He claims that had he seen her without wearing any make up he could not have fallen for her her hand in marriage.
“When he saw her in his room after the wedding and refused to believe that she was his wife without her make-up. It was like the mask had come off” reported iMzansi.
According to the publication, Lindo who has already filled to have the marriages nullified, is now suing her for fraud and trauma.
In reiteration, the woman has hit back saying he will fix Lindo because the fruit of Eden that he eats does not wear any make up.
“Why is he acting like it gets makeup? Yet, he enjoys it” she has been quoted as saying.
Nooo this is too much.
mkazi sikhuku wava kape iwe wagula pasika simawetedwa mwachidule ukakwatire kumudzi kwanu mkaz oti umamuziwa pamene amanyera owk basi wamuonayo nayen kape iwe eti kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Lindo you must be very stupid and foolish. Beauty is in the heart of the beholder. Beauty is not the face. there is the element of growing old too. Stupid man
too bad
Kungokumana nthawi yomweyo kumanga ndikumadya katundu what a shame on the man
Too much make up
There is a permanent problem with the hubby kkkk
Preach did to de infants not dignified ladies n gentlemen’s..
Ndiwaboxa kape ameneyu
.tixiti anangoxiwana baxi nkukwatilana…xauxilu etih..
So…. meaning he married her a day after meeting her??
So…. meaning he married her a day after meeting her??
Very interesting. Even the beautiful ones get old and wrinkly too. Wrong reasons for marrying.
Very interesting. Even the beautiful ones get old and wrinkly too. Wrong reasons for marrying.
Kkkkkkk absolutely shupit
From the two pictures one is able to confirm
The woman’s beauty is in the heart not by the face
There is problem .
Every woman is beautiful
Kkkk. Makwatirakwatira
this was just aN infatuation. it ends. as quickly as it appears. Itt is only with the heart thAt one can see riightly coZ what is essential is invisible to the eye
Thats why i love village girls because most of them look naturary.
Remember Beautiful Woman Its Another Man’s Slavery
True,i agree with you boy,,these wemon loocs lyc aghost,,,,,,
This is an old old story being repeated for the ampteenth time.Boring.
Dont talk about men what isee here is only ladies…
we all created in God’s image and we’re all good
Kumakhutira ndi chilengegwe cha mulungu
Thats what happen when you dating on facebook
Now adays No Money no Marriege thax.
beauty lies in de eyes of beholder lucky dube sananame apa angosova man wo basi kwatila nkhwangwa bola izikawaza bwino nkhuni kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahahahahahaha kakakakakakakakaka yoyoyo oooo nooo
You can hear in your ear whispering “makeup”
May be his heart ♥ is a makeup
She is happy because
She can divorce in one piece
Lather than in pieces.
ee mkazi kuti aphweke timamunamiza za banja zikatheka zomwe tikufunazo kupasa bail,moti dolo uyu inali style imeneyo kuopa kutchajidwa dola zambiri
thats vry fooling to both of them, let the go to helo
That is problem we guys timapusisika akazi akaziphoda nanga sizimenezi aziona yekha
no no d guy is playing us ..ol along he hasn’t seen her girlfriend s natural face until she became his wife…ai guy s come on ..u mean she even wear make up in bed….mmmm sumtng fishy here…I jst dnt blive it. he knows y hes divorcing her.unless if he met her in d mng n decides to marry her afternoon.
As she says the fruit of Eden has bn enjoyd ndiyeno zilakolako zatha kumapezano zifukwa? The problem with munthu ndilimeneli. Ukamvula umtaye koma yeah ugly chani zamkutu
Kanti amadoda banye ingudu mxm. Unguban utsho kuwe uye utshate lomfanzi wako? icho awufuni namuhlanje qa. Guyz Beauty of the face is Temporary. Bt a beauty of heart is Permanent..
I think it was a short time affair & they got married with out knowing each other.man you must be very dull
Kkkkkkk,too bad nomata wat we deserve to know the real person not artificial
beauty fades but dumbness is forever
Every God’s creature is good.
”the fruit does not wear makeup” haha lmao
kpma kumeneko…! kkkkkk! too ugly? ndiye akhale sister wako!
Old story besides were whites not black
Ukwati simasewera ndi chikole chamoyo onse tiyeni tizionesesa,koma ngati mtima siu kukhutila musiye upeze wina koma osazayambilanso
Ladies, thats cheap advice.marry with natural beauty and use makeups afterwards.
Oooooh yes
Mavuto ofunsila utalezela ndiamenewa
he had no real love for her,,,the guy is stupid how could he do that,,,,he have lame excuses how could a person ask for hand in marriage to someone you doesn’t knw? foolish,,,,,,
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Fainted!!!
The guy is true,the lady has been hiding her looks in makeup, ,mind u first thing that attracts men ndi maonekedwe zintchito pambuyo…..look at doz 2 pic who can accept that guys…..ladys of today r robbers
Kkkkkk aungabaleke baba qubeka kwenza umshado umuntu wakho wangampela loyo , aunganake ukuth umumbi noma umuhle yena niphathane kahle empilwen yenu._____yoooo dis makes funny
Kkkkkkkk ……wina uyu
That’s bull shit
Amuna ambiri timafera nsalu kkkkk
#owenmalembeka come and see,kikikikiki,
Tnm yanga 90% apa pokha ndaiphula Kkkkk
Lmao lol
Chikondi cha pamaso. Koma amuna inu?
# Charles mangwere, that’s very correct indeed.
God’s creation is always beautiful becoz we were created in his own image. Lord have mercy on you brother!
his image with those makeups! no no no God did not wear makeup
hahahahaha hahahahaha kodi amunawo ndi ooneka bwanji?
People must know that we see fake everything from everybody every day. Fake faces,boobs bums,hair etc 😉
Its bad….
Amukoleka hahahaha
beauty lies in the eye of the beholder boi
Thats what happens when u go for “beauty” only…from experience point of view,a real woman should be defined by her deeds not the way she does her make up..these make-ups(though to some gals these are make downs) fade within hours..if u ask a gentleman like me,a pure definition of a life partner is the one with beautiful characters..beautiful face comes second
Shame on you man
Hahahaha thats very Funny. so u ddnt see Her. The day u got hook up?? Kkkkkk walowa moto iweyo. Oh sorry ndinaiwala kuti muthu wake. Nd waku south africa. Ndimutokotele cha kwao. Komwe kwa zulu natal. Ubambe umoya ndota. Kanti wena awubonanga. Ukuthi umakoti wako uyabeta? Shata naye baba ungabaleke manje.
Asolve hahahahah kkkkkk rol
That man is an obtuse . He should’ve known her before a long term commitment .
Love is blind
it wasn’t a marriage this two couples did not have enough time to examine each other
Its yr responsibility 2 maintain such artificial beauty.
girls should embrace their naturalarity not these artificial face, hair and boobs. even me i cannot continue
So sad
if she was looking nice by that then after u c that shs ugle yes u are right to sure her;
munthu wamayi woopsa!
Wat fucks my mind up rgt now is does she does make-up on the whole bodyYall don’t be wastin our energy on some photoshopped shit..unless if u said she ain’t got #pussy but since she does, fuck Lindo, no divorce shall be granted.
i think all of u blaming this guy are jxt crazy.u are being too harsh on him.when choosing a mariage partner,there are positives that u would want your partner to have.this man wanted a beautiful woman& i guess everyone knws what beauty is.here is this woman,editing herself to entice this gentleman.they get married& the next morning the guy see’s her unedited& arrange a divorce.who’s to blame?the guy’s preference was beauty,natural beauty& the woman pretended she’s one.this is a message to all stupid ladies who wear makeups,the guy has done it right
Send her to me
Lindo why can’t you make ur wife look beautiful? what type of beauty ru looking for? do you think you will find a beautiful lady? shame on you!!!
Adm: Ndawona wina anali wakuda heavy koma pano ndiwoyera chifukwa cha make up yomweyo.koma mapazi ake ndi akudabe,mwamuna wake sakumusiya.
Pongoganizila mmmmmh mkazi ameneyu athakuipa ndintima omwe ndithuuu!!
Ooooh am agree with him kikikikikikiki but the problem is himself….,,@makwatila-makwatila pofuna mkazi womanga naye banja alwayz patience is needed bcoz it’s like final choice lol!!
Dave Kayira
Inkosi Emmanuel Matumbi
Foolish and immature man he must go to hell God has a better husband for you my sister,luckily he has shown his true character.
If you need someone knw them better see them even on sundy.
That was my question too,cause if thats his patial pic then is worse than chimp,
Ndiye tisaseke mufumu ija yamangidwa chifukwa chopasa mimba mukazi wamisala sanasate makeup anasata chikonde mwina nayeso amapanga makeup?
no woman is ugly
Mwamunayo angovomereza basi chikondi ndi kukongola sizimayenderana
Lindo has to continue with the mariage…and continue spending hs money on make up just to mantain the beauty of hs wife.if he continue with that divorce thing it wil only potray how selfish he is.after al he stil enjoys the fruit of eden which has no make up.I saw those 2 pics…shes nt such ulgly.
people you can tok
Buth thats the truth
Sh is ugly bossman. Lets be honest with ourselves, nowadays dudes fall for beauty and character is second.
Aaaa nkhaniyi ndi yamakedxana imapezeka ma page ambirimbiri.. inu mwatani mwasowa nkhani
kkkkkk waitulukira akanyanya kuďziphoda powder mpàka malayers 14 khungu lachibadwa kuchita kusowa
A woman or womanman?
Hahahahaaaa kuzipenta ngati njoka ikazivula khungu?iyaaa
When y are trying 2 fool us be reasonable
Tulo tumenetu basi
The hair isn’t hers also, kudabwa mutu wake ndiwama bump ma bump hahaha asamatinamize akaziwa!
Makeup azimayi tanyanyanso.mpaka anthu osakuzindikila ukachotsa Halima Mussa Christine Gausi Da Silva
Eh it’s too much mwamva
Beauty upon be holder
kunali kumowa mene anapezako
I strongly believe that the man even more ugly than the devil himself.How could he just do that?She was also created in the image of the MOST HIGH.
Stupid man,loving makeup than the lady hahahaha
That’s talking
Munyanya inde kuzipenta ngat nanzikambe iyaaaa azikusiyani chomcho amunawo
Nyau yaikazi kkkkkkkk
that’s what happens with cosmetic driven beauty
ķkkkkkkkkkkkk,ithink he is in mad in beauty not love
Can u read Romans 9:20,21 don’t want to argue with pipo am different stay blessed!
Izi zakale kalezi mkuziona pano nde mwati mwanamize anthu? Aaaa
True I saw this last yr jan
Very true Annie Gerald Zuze me too long time ago
Iyeyo adali wakhungu pofunsila mkaziwakeyo, moti watseguka lero maso kuyamba kuona ndikuzidziwa kuti asali okongola nkaziyo? Zinazi nkovuta kuzimvetsa eish!!
kkkkkkkkkk ma make up atepezetsa nazo mavuto
kkkkkkk ndakomoka ine
Why worry much I thought its only him who will see her without make up? Wen she goes out she will be beautiful? Crap!
Solve it
Akaz ena ndi nyau
Don’t go for looks even this fades away. But the one your heart truly desires will have no compromise, excuse nakadhalika!
He was deceived bro, thats what i can say kkkkkkkkk
But didn’t he know before he marries her?
beauty lies in eyes of behorder women please always minimise your make up
Old story many years back and you are putting as latest news, Malawi 24 your out of stories now
I dnt remember African queens applying make up it’s only dat they wanna luk lyk wyt people
mwangofunsirana tsiku lomwelo nkumanga ukwati
How tricky the Makeups are I hate them!
U r stingy with yr money kkk mayb u got someone who used it wrongly.
Ntaye basi amabisa mawanga
kkkkkkkkkk what do u think guyz? Charlie Candan Onol Cree Cee Tallo Usova Wekha Phiri Tawina Chrissy Catherine Mandota Herbert Chiwanda Pelemende WA Bwantasa
shaaa! wachita bwino, kwanchita anga ma gay??
Its better 2 marry she who hs beautiful heart than beautiful face!
Hahaaahaaa eee munyanya kuzikuthulila powder…
zikuonetsa kuti mkulu ameneyu ndi osakhazikika.komanso akazi kunyanya kuphoda,nkhope yoyera koma msana ndi miyendo mitundu yosiyanasiyana.
Iwe unaona ndani?Amene unaonayo simkazi koma mzukwa kkkkk
ndekuti sumaona kkkk
Inde Wanangwa sukunama akazi a masiku ano ndi a fake nkhope yoyera, mkono wa brown, mwendo wa black hahahaha! Birimankhwe weni weni kkkkk!
Kkkkkkk, admin, nkhani mwangopeka iyi. Sizoona!
Dont rush into marriage cos of physical beauty only, look for someone with agood character
The man waz not serious, beauty is alwayz there in those are beautiful even not in make up.
Masiku ano azimayi ali muzovala
Choose wisely ,wisely,wisely ,,tisankhe mwamzeru
Kkkkkkkkkk royco akusitha anthu
watsaup at malawi24 mukuika shit
Haaaaaa nature beauty tells not make ups.without make ups bwenzi azimayi enawa iiiiiiiii
This Simply Means He Hadn’t Ample Time To Choose A Beautiful Wife,looks Ugly Today Kkkkkk.
koma ndiye ndi nkhwangwaditu
Abale nkhani yakalekaleyi aah mwatani Malawi24?
Yakale Kaleyi Kodi Mwatani? Mabodza Newz Za Kale Muxowa Ma Reporter Kodi? Tiuzeni Tizikupatsani Real And Current News 4m Ma Location
Kkkkk waidabwa et
hahahaha “the fruit of Eden does not wear make up yet he enjoys it” wise saying!
Kkkkkkk the fruit of eden?
Fr sure!
bodza iri, munthu wthout makeup sungachite kusintha 100%
Beauty is the heart! But this is one of millions of looking only at one angle of characteristics of a person. How long did they court for him not to notice this? There some out there very beautiful but very rough with the tongue. Dont know house chores such as cooking and washing etc. Rushy job gives rushy results. By the wa,is he handsome?
Let him tell us! We r all created in the image of God.
but who is to blame?these women are a big problem.they edit themselves to entice men.the man wanted natural beauty,that’s his preference& he’s done nothing wrong.u want a woman who can cook& do bra bra bra.thats your choice.what this man want is a beautiful woman,a natural beauty by the way…
If he is looking for natural beauty then he is a failure. He cant see make-up when he sees one. Iam afraid it will take him eternity to find one without make up because he is blind. Please advise him to make it clear to the next girl he wants natural beauty because makr-up makes him blind.
Yes women edit themselves because men encourage this. We have forgotten natural beauty. Take away wigs from our female,you get a differrnt girl. Some heavily apply deoderants you cant tell their natural smell. Just like males. Take away trousers and see hockey-stick legs. Some with belly stomachs look like child’s drawing. All these make happy marriages because they fall in genuine love and not for display.
Get the man? Says he felt deceived
that is totally immaturity, marrying a woman based on her appearance its just what other stupid men do, true love comes from heart not from her looks, I would be happy to marry an ugly woman who will be good wife for the rest of my life
i don’t think the man married her for only her beauty..prolly it was because he fell inlove in her unless he tells us that she charmed him..well talking about natural beauty,if that’s what he wants then he should have thought about that before asking her out worse still asking her to marry him…she might be ugly on the outside but beautiful in the inside..not all that glitters is gold..this man needs someone to put some senses in him
Mr Joseph Nduna u got a point & I lyk it.
Tim Scott she did not tell him she was beautiful. He saw beauty which was not there. Dont we all? We should also note that beauty here may mean anything. Make-up may also mean “pretend”. She never cheated her. Meaning he knew she was not really what the make up was making her out to be. Make-up is not invisible.
that was a lame execuse for devorce ….he planned this way back but too coward to terminate the relationship!
that was a lame execuse for devorce ….he planned this way back but too coward to terminate the relationship!
Kusata ma looks uzasova ngati mbwiyako’yu! wazidziwa?
Kkkk! ndi dhiLu!
Rhoda’s Own c dis
Mmmm komabe zina zinyanya ndi manyaka omwe olochikondicho u need to choose
zimvere mtolo wokonda ma makeup iwe
aaah so for how long was there dating done?anyway phuma ndy vuto
osakwatila nkhope kwatilani khalidwe
People gonna mad
dont go for looks it can disieve,nde ndizimenezotu kkk
Mavuto Womakwatila ndinkhopewa ndiamenewo, mukwatila nazo akazi 30 posaka wokongola. Amzanu amakwatila ndimtima posayang’ana nkhope. Popeza mtima ndipomwe pachokela chikondi.
ma looks ndi ofunikanso, ndithu
Akhale okongola koma pa nyumba kumakhala ngati ku prison kkkkkkkkkk.
kkkkk khaya zanu izo! ife Azanu ndiye Stimasakha timangodya zimene zikutayidwazi ndiye ndiwo zenizeni zoti zimawusa mudyo. pa Chisilamu kusala ngati izi! ndi Hallam kkkkk.
wachita bwino kumusiya. akazi aphunzire kukhala natural not zima artificial face and hair
Ndimadziwila ine mpakuti ngati utamusambitsa noma atakhala wosawoneka bwino ngati momwe ananenela m’balewangayo m’mwambamu. Akhoza kusalala kwambili.
Zoona zake