Disbelief engulfed people in Johannesburg, South Africa after an Ethiopian torched a Malawian with paraffin, after what police say is an unknown heighten quarrel over an unknown issue.
It is reported that the Malawian was seen going into the Ethiopian’s shop only for the people to see him alight minutes later by what they believe was after the Malawian was doused with paraffin.
‘It is after this that the locals rescued the Malawian before they took on the Ethiopian and taught him a few lessons by beating before law enforcers arrived at the scene”.
The Malawian whose identities are yet to be made available is currently in hospital according to medi a reports from the Rainbow Nation.
In a statement, Lieutenant Colonel Lungelo Dlamini said “Police rescued an Ethiopian national from the community and arrested him on charges of attempted murder. This followed an incident in which a Malawian national who went into the suspect’s shop was allegedly [doused] with paraffin and set alight after an argument”.
The two were both seeking greener pastures in South Africa.
Ndizowona mukunenazi tibweze?Bwanji amvese amalawi tisamagone nafeso ndi anthu.
Mungobwerako ma guys tizilima kuno chifukwa kumeneko mukukhala mosowa Mtendere kwambiri.Ife kuno tikudandaula kwambiri tikamamva mukungolira kumeneko bwerani kuno kumudzi zinthu zinatsintha kuno.mukamabwera palibe chimene mumabweresanso kuno ndalama mungothera mahule,ife tatopa nazo kumva za kundendeko ife kuno tingoufila basi tikudya mondokwa
Mungobwerako ma guys tizilima kuno chifukwa kumeneko mukukhala mosowa Mtendere kwambiri.Ife kuno tikudandaula kwambiri tikamamva mukungolira kumeneko bwerani kuno kumudzi zinthu zinatsintha kuno.mukamabwera palibe chimene mumabweresanso kuno ndalama mungothera mahule,ife tatopa nazo kumva za kundendeko ife kuno tingoufila basi tikudya mondokwa
Amalawi phuma
But why are some Malawians relating this with xenophobia? Crazy
wathu mutibwezere wamoyo
wauchikape ameneyo
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: [email protected] or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: [email protected] AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS.
Too many Ethiopians in Malawi than malawians in Ethiopia. I need only seven of them. Lets catch them n burn dem.
Thats bad news
Kumawanvela chisoni anthu amenewa gyz amavutikatu kwawo
Ngati zilizoona nde ayenela kukhala gulu la mijomba, coz these guys they like to work in small and stinking shops here in Joz
Ine ndimagwira ntchito ku Selby, osati mu small street mwanumo
I really don’t know that is wrong with this people, I have never seen a animal doing something like that to his brother. I am sure that the devel are in them. Because they can’t be human
I really don’t know that is wrong with this people, I have never seen a animal doing something like that to his brother. I am sure that the devel are in them. Because they can’t be human
Ma admn a page iyi most of tym amalemba zoduka mutu mumadana ndi fans yomwe zawo zinayenda RSA ndi deal timalandila weekly amost 55pin MK inu mumalandila K35 pin zina mumapanga ma deal kut muzifika pamenepo.nkhani mwalembayi ndiyopnda umboni
Ma admn a page iyi most of tym amalemba zoduka mutu mumadana ndi fans yomwe zawo zinayenda RSA ndi deal timalandila weekly amost 55pin MK inu mumalandila K35 pin zina mumapanga ma deal kut muzifika pamenepo.nkhani mwalembayi ndiyopnda umboni
kodi Dzina lake ndani?
kumudzi ndi kuti kumalawiko?
nanga wa achibale alinawo pafupi?
chonde ndikufuna kudziwa!!!
kodi Dzina lake ndani?
kumudzi ndi kuti kumalawiko?
nanga wa achibale alinawo pafupi?
chonde ndikufuna kudziwa!!!
Achta bwn0
It’s very pathetic and heart rending…..need to be trained in peace making n conflicts resolution and management skills.
May God forgive ths heartless Ethiopian
Ayawo ameneyo
Ayawo ameneyo
Those fucken Ethiopians are very rude sometimes
Kunoso tiwawotchaso palipose pali foreigner aphedwe lija ndikale amalawi tikuphedwa .
Zomvesa chisoni
anthu amene samatha kumvetsetsa liu lakuti mlendo chifukwa ukakhala mulendo umayenela kumadzichepetsa nanga tinene kuti eni dzikowa akati tiyeni kwanu tikafuna mkhala pakati kuti atithandize zosakhalatu bwino izi
anthu amene samatha kumvetsetsa liu lakuti mlendo chifukwa ukakhala mulendo umayenela kumadzichepetsa nanga tinene kuti eni dzikowa akati tiyeni kwanu tikafuna mkhala pakati kuti atithandize zosakhalatu bwino izi
anthu amene samatha kumvetsetsa liu lakuti mlendo chifukwa ukakhala mulendo umayenela kumadzichepetsa nanga tinene kuti eni dzikowa akati tiyeni kwanu tikafuna mkhala pakati kuti atithandize zosakhalatu bwino izi
anthu amene samatha kumvetsetsa liu lakuti mlendo chifukwa ukakhala mulendo umayenela kumadzichepetsa nanga tinene kuti eni dzikowa akati tiyeni kwanu tikafuna mkhala pakati kuti atithandize zosakhalatu bwino izi
anthu amene samatha kumvetsetsa liu lakuti mlendo chifukwa ukakhala mulendo umayenela kumadzichepetsa nanga tinene kuti eni dzikowa akati tiyeni kwanu tikafuna mkhala pakati kuti atithandize zosakhalatu bwino izi
Ngati obwera okhaokha akupanga zimenezi pamaso pa eni dziko nanga atayamba yawo ija muziti chani?
Ngati obwera okhaokha akupanga zimenezi pamaso pa eni dziko nanga atayamba yawo ija muziti chani?
Ethiopian to burn amalawian what went wrong first? Ihv never heard about it before let me investigate cause am also leaving in Johannesburg bt not with Ethiopians.
Thats too wrong, if there was an issue that they failed to solve, it was better to call the police. These ethionpians must know that they left their country insearch for better life as we do. Shame for the inhuman heart of an ethiopian, know that you will also have same death.
Z he stil alive or what else?
Tamuwona ife tikukhala mbali ya thokoza yomweyo R IP
amagwira ntchito yanji ndipo anasephana pa nkhani yanji?
Ngati anaba ndarama ndiye mpaka kumuotcha munthu. Tsono ntchito ya police ndi chani?
Burn them burn them samanva anthu amenewo
Kusamva kwake kotani? Atusaye nanu mukuona ngati ndinu akatakwa pandziko pano eti?
Kusamva kwake kotani? Atusaye nanu mukuona ngati ndinu akatakwa pandziko pano eti?
hhhhhh musova ife tili mmalawi muno nga nga nga whether mavuto or zabwino kwathu ndi kuno basi
hhhhhh musova ife tili mmalawi muno nga nga nga whether mavuto or zabwino kwathu ndi kuno basi
Ukuziwa chian mwana osakhwima panchombo atusai machendiakonso
hhhhhh ufuna ndikubwenzere kodi
nkhani yandichepera iyi sindinafike potukwana ndakupewa wanva
Burn them? Adakhala brother wako ukanamva bwa? Zopusa eti!
Atusaye kumaganiza ngati munthu ayise
Wachita zankhaza Amalawi tichitepo kanthu pankhani imeneyo
Zachamba ma Ethiopia ndiatsiru, ukamaagwirila ntchito!!zauchikape
Hey Repent And Come back To God Or Perish!These Are Last Days Peoples Are So Cruel See?
Thats Right Sir!
eish ndi choncho anthu awa
Koma guyz
not good
So sad
These pple are so fullsh we must be united all malawians komatengapo mbali yayikulu pamavuto ngati awa asamale asapitilize kwatsalako kwawo
komao alikwathu ku zaleka refuge camp ayiwala
Speed recovery
Dont get twisted the guy is alive after the community help him to out the fire from his body and the Ethiopian man was served by police after angry community wanted to kill him after pouring parrafin on a Malawian man. And to the other hand the Ethiopian man from other part of RSA was shot and killed by robbers who were later arrested after being tracked down by dog police unit. http://www.twitter.com/fishaniwana
We say ‘on the other hand’ not ‘to the other hand
man kodi ma shop ake ati ku Thokoza? kapena amene ali Selema street?
#chikutumbwe ayi amene ali mu Haile Selase road
#chikutumbwe ayi amene ali mu Haile Selase road
Near the hostels.
@Willy re-read the comment.
Ndinayamba kukwiya
@Willy mwawerenga2 mwaphuma. Tawerenganixo.
@willy mwaledzera kod?
akanangomuthira parrafin mkumuyatsa naye amve moto.
@Joy amafuna mukupha mu Ethiopia luckly police they came fast and serve him.
kumangobwerako mwachuluka
@Andy mwatero man.
Francis, has this just happened here in Thokoza? Which side bro?
aise zachitika thokoxa mbali yakuti ine ndili pano pa spruit
Eish mwamfufuza ndiwakuti munthuyo kwathu?
Zovuta mafolena okhaokha.
We don’t understand.adm
Those guys there so stupid, ndikuwaziwa bwino lomwe lomwe I have there that Selema street for 3yrs, amawagwilisa ntchito a Mw ambiri osawalipila powanamiza kuti azawapatsa ndalama pantchaka mapeto ake kuwanamizila kuti aba cholinga asawalipile I know them mashop a Alli amapanga zimenezo. Nafe tiziwamenya achabale awo poti amadusa ku Mw kuno akamapita ku SA
misunderstanding is our problem serious,what someone can rush saying Rip?yet the victim still in hospital for treatment,getting well soon
You Are Right Sir Second Hand Imformation Always Miss Lead People Thats What The Devil Did To Eve See?Get Wel Soon Man May The Lord God Touch You With His Healings
So Pathetic As Human Beings
whch side zachtikila zimenezi?
whch side zachtikila zimenezi?
Either a Malawian was caught with stolen money from the said Ethiopian or the Ethiopian was refusing to pay him his wages
Masiku otsiliza anthu adzakhala osowa chikondi lelo czi?
Bad news.May his soul rest in peace.
muthuyo wafa kapena alimoyo?
I was ther by Thokoza Police station! At Natal Spreight!
Wat happened boss?
Munthuyo anachotsedwa Ntchito nde anamuuza kuti adzatenge ndalama yake Sunday R150 ya masiku amene anagwira kuyambira pa 1 march kufikira pa 3! Then atafika kudzafusa ndalama yake anayamba kumumenya kumunamizira kuti akufuna kudzaba! Then anamuthira Paraffin mkumuyasa mwayi anthu anamuzimisa mwachangu apolice aagwira anthuwo koma Shop yawo sinaotchedwe
ma ethiopia ndi akhaza big ine ndagwira nawo ntchito ndikuwaziwa bwino
iwe ndiye watiwuza zowona , tiwasaka kuno kwenikweni mukhalango ya Chikangawa tiwawombela 4 okha si awocha wathu wosalakwa ifeso tipha wosalakwa whach it?