Kondwani Nankhumwa with Uladi Mussa
The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has e expelled Leader of Opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa,  Vice President (Centre) Grezelder Jeffrey and National Publicity Secretary Nicholas Harry Dausi. The party has also fired Presidential Advisor Cecelia Chazama, National… ...
Maize imported from Tanzania
Maize from Tanzania can now be imported into Malawi as Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, has lifted the ban on the importation of maize from Tanzania. The ban was imposed due to the presence… ...
Malawians musician Katelele Ching'oma
M'modzi mwa oyimba odziwika bwino kuno ku Malawi, Katelele Ching'oma, watisiya. Oyimbayu wamwalira m'bandakucha wa lero ku chipatala cha Kamuzu Central ku Lilongwe komwe anamutengela. Mchimwene wake wa oyimbayu, a Elvis Ching'oma, wati Katelele amadwala… ...