Egypt names bridge Mallawi not after Malawi


Egypt has named a newly constructed bridge Mallawi and not after the Republic of Malawi as claimed on social media.

The bridge said to be named after Malawi is actually called Mallawi Bridge, after a city where it is located.

Yesterday, a Facebook Page called “Africa Report Files” claimed that Egypt has constructed a new bridge and has named it after the Republic of Malawi.

“It’s called ‘Malawi Bridge’, located at Ibrahimya Pasture are of the country,” the page posted.

The post, shared over 160 times, was picked up and copied  by several other social media pages including some owned by Malawians.

However, a fact-check by Malawi24 has established that the bridge is named after Mallawi, a city in Egypt.

A search of the images posted by Africa Files Facebook page showed that the images originated from the Facebook page SAMCO National Construction Company. On 25 August the company posted a video of the bridge, calling it Mallawi.

“After two years of work and facing challenges, We finished works of Mallawi bridge at the upper Egypt,” the company posted.

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