SKC Candlelight Memorial vigil moves to Masintha Ground

Saulos Chilima

The SKC Candlelight Memorial Vigil will be held at Masintha Ground, marking a significant change in venue for the event. This relocation is expected to accommodate a larger audience and enhance the visibility of the memorial activities.

The vigil, known for its solemn tribute and reflection, aims to honour and remember those who have passed away. Moving to Masintha Ground provides a more spacious and accessible setting, allowing more community members to participate in this meaningful event.

Organizers are preparing for a poignant and reflective evening, with plans to include speeches, performances, and moments of silence. The new venue at Masintha Ground reflects the event’s growth and the increased interest from the public in joining the memorial observance.

It’s been a month and a day since Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima and eight others perished in a plane crash in Chikangawa Forest in Mzimba district when they were on their way to Nkhatabay for the burial of the former Justice Minister and Attorney General, Ralph Kasambara.
