Three arrested for killing theft suspect in Kawale


By Topson Banda.

Police at Kawale in Lilongwe have arrested three suspects in connection to the murder of a theft suspect which was committed in April last year.

The murder suspects have been identified as Denis Mpelembe (38), Redson Tongole (37), and Emmas Nzama (35).

They allegedly committed the offence on April 4, 2020 in Chilinde township, where the three assaulted Kingsley Chimuzukila (deceased) and later fled.

According to Kawale deputy Publicist Mabvuto Phiri, it is alleged that Chimuzukila entered the shop of a certain man and stole a plasma screen and was running away.

Thereafter, the owner shouted for help and the people around chased the alleged suspect and managed to apprehend him and recover the stolen plasma.

Later, the three arrested suspects started assaulting Chimuzukila in front of cameras and left him unconscious. The matter was reported at Kawale Police and investigations were instituted.

A medical report was also issued on the same day for Chimuzukila to receive treatment at the hospital.

He was then taken to Kamuzu Central Hospital by his wife and on April 6, 2020 and he died as he was receiving treatment.

After receiving the news, the suspects fled away until the day of arrest on January 4, 2020.

“Investigations conducted revealed that there was a video clip in circulation and following this video clip, detectives from Kawale have managed to arrest the three suspects to answer murder charges,” said Phiri.

Meanwhile, police are appealing to the general public to refrain from taking the law into their own hands.

Mpelembe hails from Kabango Village in the area of Traditional Authority Malemia in Zomba, Tongole is from Kafwafwa village in the area of Traditional Authority Tambala in Dedza which is also the area of Mzama in Nseu village.
