Malawian boy comes back from the dead: two Families fight over him

Michael Katugwa

Two unrelated families in Mchinji are in a tug of war over a sixteen-year-old boy identified as Michael Katugwa who has risen from the dead ten years after his death.

Village headman Sitima of traditional authority Zulu in the district has told Mchinji Police Station that in his village there has been commotion since the resurfacing of the boy who is alleged to have resurrected last month and has attracted many people from all walks flocking into his village to see him.

Confirming the development to Malawi24, Mchinji Police Spokesperson Kaitano Lubrino said police have gathered that the parents of the boy Mr. and Mrs. Katugwa have happily welcomed their last born son back.

“The father said that their son died in 2007 at Mchinji District Hospital while at the age of six after a short illness,” Lubrino told Malawi24.

Michael Katugwa
Michael Katugwa: Comes back from the dead.

The boy who is in a normal state of humanity is remembering and can narrate things before his death was pronounced.

Currently he has revealed that he did not die and was not buried in the grave but what he remembers is that during his funeral ceremony instead of his body being taken to the grave, he was concealed within the house and later he just realized he was in Mozambique where he joined his friends in a certain mansion where he stayed for the whole period without coming out.

He further said that, day by day, he could notice one boy after another leaving the house to unknown destination up until one day they remained six in number and this is also the same time watchmen who manned the premise became compassionate for them and released them all.

The boy who was born on September 3, 2001 also added that luckily enough, just because the premises where he alleges to have been forcefully harboured is near Muloza Boarder in Mulanje he therefore used well-wishers to take him home.

But things started to fall apart in the village after another family which comes from a similar village name but from another Traditional Authority Mduwa in Mchinji led by Mrs. Potrocio Adamson 51, came and approached the chief claiming the boy to be her son who also died some years ago.

This development prompted the villagers to involve the police to amicably sort out the issue with professional expertise.

Meanwhile the police are handling the issue and have engaged mediation in which the two parties have entered to establish the truth about the matter.



  1. The lod is with u”pray hard boy”koma boy ot type of food u wre eating zere? ngati umadya nsima aphwanga kuno ndiye cimanga nje!!! & ze maize prices are very expens….. ndiye chikha umasungiratu ufa uli mchigayo bwezi ukudya panopa. I am sorry boy(god save u)!!!! kkkkk…..

  2. Matsiku otsiriza….
    Man awa kuchoka mpaka kubweraso asenal isanatengebe league.
    Wafika nthawi ya boo coz chelsea ikutengaso league

  3. Now he is 26 years and he is not risen from dead we call it missing dead person.If I mistaken go and check graveyard are the same as well.

  4. nkhani ndyoti anamwalira osati anatengedwa m’mankhwala tikukamba zili pa ground,si za fakeso.Osamangotsutsapo ai.

  5. Mwanayu ndi kumudziwa kotero maliro ake ndinaika nawo,komaso akumatha kutchula maina azake,abale ake komaso ukutha kumafusa anthu ena amene anachoka m’mudzimo,kumatiso nyumba iyi inali ya maudzu anakhoma malata,ndizambiri zomwe akunena.Ngakhale banja linalo likumalimbira kuti ndi wawo akungolakwisa,komaso buku la ku church/lomwe timalitcha:Ulendo wabanja lathu dzina ndilomwelo,choseketsa ndi choti enawo akulimbira kumuitana dzina akukana ali dzina langa silimenelo,komaso mwanayo anafanana kwambiri nda bambo ake,mwanayodi anamwaliradi,akumanena kuti njira yakumandayi ndiyoopsa njirayitu inadutsa pafupi ndi nyumba zao. Ufiti ulipodi.

  6. Nothing wrong in the reporting! if aperson is scientificaly pronounced dead what else can we call it? get ready for the judgement day Bible limatiuza kuti china chilichonse chomwe chinasunga anthu chidzawa tulutsa/kubweza kaya nyanja kaya manda you name it !

  7. One of those family must be the one responsible for boy’s death whilst the other is the true relation to the boy.Am sure if the boy can remmember his name before death,the issue is sorted.

  8. I never believed also before until I met the person who died and came back to life, and I interviewed him and his story was amazing.

  9. Koma amene mmapanga zimenezinu mulungu sinzanu mwanva

  10. Munthu oti amukwirila 10 yrs angazuke mwanji anthu anaziwa bwanji zaboza basi muphesa mwana waeni anthu aziti ndi nzukwa

  11. ndinaonera pa mbc mfanayo wakana kuti sanafe, even if this was true i would never in a million times believe this story, we have far more better issues here in our country that needs to be looked into than this nonsense from these two families and it must stop

  12. mmmmm ufiti ulipodi padziko pano mpaka kumubisa mwana nzaka zonsezi tsamila pa yesu m’bale wanga kuti oipayo asazakutengeso mulungu ndi wakutha wakukondera

  13. Pepani man zikomo mwabwerako kumene munaliko kodi kumeneko kunalibe mtendere chifukwa pano mwapeza bingu atapita chaponda ndi amene mwamupezayu muzionela nonkha ndikuona ngati Kumene munaliko bolanitu chifukwa malawi panopa Mmmmmmm nokha muzanena kuti bolani kumene ndinapitako kunali bwino

  14. JEHOVAH, must have died. the “24 ELDERS” probably must have elected a new GOD in heaven who probably does not want more black people in heaven, just like US president, “TRUMP” who wont let muslims in the US. being denied entry into heaven because of his skin color, Michael was admitted to hell where he must have spent those ten years until SATAN, decided to chase him out, mainly because “HELL” is not a refugee camp but rather, a place of torment. thus, MICHAEL was sent back to the “VIGOR SUPERCLUSTER” and into our “LOCAL GALACTIC GROUP” past the “ANDROMEDA GALAXY” and into the “MILKY WAY GALAXY” and deeper into our “INTERSTELLAR NEIGHBORHOOD” where our solar system lies and where our miserable planet, EARTH lies.

  15. Banja linalo mwina ndilimene linasowetsatu mwanayu..lufuna lisawululike nyasi zomwe zimapanga ..sizingatheke mwana wako osamudziwa mpaka kumakalimbilana wa ena ..apolice a thandizeni anthu apite akapange DNA

  16. Sizachilendo ngankhale kuchileka ndinamuona ndi maso anga nyamata anamwalila kale pafupifupi dzaka 10 koma anapezeka kumachinjili ali fom2 mpakana anakatengedwapo panopo alipo zimachika maka maka anthu ali ndi dzigayo amagula munthu kumumwalilisa zili zaufiti

    1. Mwee Mulungu Alemekezeke.Ine Zandichikira Zanazanali Mwana Wanga Wagwidwa Ndi Ng’ona Ku Nkula Falls Mpaka Pano Manda Ake Sitinaone.

  17. Wakufa samadzukaso…momwe ndayiwerengera nkhaniyi zikuonetsa kut Mwanayu sanamwalire koma anatengedwa mmakhwala..wafotokoza ekha mwanayu kunena kut..Pamaliro ake mmalo chilichonse chomwe chimachitika amaona ndithu ndipo watsimikiza kut tsiku loyika nthupi lake Bokosi iyeyu anatengedwa kupita naye Ku Mozambiq kuchi Mansion chinachake komwe anakapezakonso anzake ena kumeneko..Muzisiyanitsa anthu olemba nkhaninu..Imfa yomwe timayidziwa ife munthu sangadzukeso moyo ukatha watha basi ndipo amati mzimu ulionse uzalawa Imfa kamodzi kokha basi osati anafa nde wadzukaso ayi…Muziti anasowetsedwa mmatsenga nde wabwerako….We Thank God for saving this little boy….Pray hard boy Mulungu alinawe cholinga….

    1. Sanalakwitse izi ndizomwe anthu akhala akudziwa pa zaka 10 zonsezi. Zoti anasowetsedwa mmatsenga akudziwa ndi mwanayo komanso omwe adamusowetsawo. Anthu zomwe amadziwa ndizoti iye adamwalira ndipo adakamuika mmanda ndiye kumuona atabwera anena chichewa choti ‘wauka kumanda’ coz ndikomwe iwo adakamuika. Olemba sadalakwitse zili ndi ife kuona kuti nkhaniyi tiilongosola bwanji?

    2. Kodi Atora Nkhani akamalemba nkhani mesa amakhala kut apeza umboni onse okwanira pankhaniyo ?? ndizoonadi sanalakwitse koma panthawi yomwe mwanayu watulukira ndkufotokoza kwa anthu kut iye sanamwalire koma anasowetsedwa mmakhwala mau oyenera kuwagwilitsa tchito ndi ati polemba nkhaniyi oti anamwalira kapena anasowetsedwa mmatsenga ?? Mwanayu wanenatu ekha..sindinamwalire koma ndinatengedwa mmatsenga izi ndizomwe zimayenera kulembedwa sinanga ndizomwe mwiniwake wanena ekha….Kaya mwandinva pamenepo madala #Marc..

    3. Mwana amene anamuyika m’manda dzaka 10 zapitazo pomuganizira kut wamwalira atangodwala kwakanthawi kochepa chabe relo wabwera poyera ndikuyakhula kut iye sanafeyi koma anasowetsedwa mmatsenga i hop ikanayamba chonchi nkhaniyi ndekut imfa sikanatengapo mbali…chomwe ndikukana ine ndichakut..Anamwalira dzaka 10 zapitazo then wadzukano aaaa broh Mulungu akachotsa moyo wachotsa basi no more coming back….

    4. Matsenga ndi chinthu chovuta chifukwa amadziwa kuti pachitika matsenga ndi opangayo ndi opangilidwa. Atola nkhani zomwe akudziwa ndizoti mwanayo adamwalira zaka 10 zapitazo malingana ndi apabanja, mafumu komanso anthu ammudzi. Ndiye sangalembe kuti adasowa mmatsenga pomwe eni ake adamuika mmanda. Mutu wankhani ndionena kuti ‘Mwana Yemwe Adamwalira Zaka 10 Zapitazo Wapezeka Ali Ndi Moyo’. Matsenga adachitika inde koma zimenezo akudziwa ndi mwanayo ndi munthu yemwe adapanga chipongweyo. Mu history ya mnyamatayu muli zoti adamwalira.

    5. Kkkkkk oky..koma ndikwabwino kumva zomwe mwanayu akunena..anyway thanx brah tachezako apa ndikukhulupilira kut tasiyana bho bho palibe wakhumudwapo apa coz enatu zimathera kutukwanana zomwezi kkkkkk

    6. Thanx my brother #Limbani inu ndi ine maganizo anthu ndamodzi..Atola nkhaniwa akanamva kaye zokamba zamwamayu kut akuti bwanji kodi..mwanayu speach yake yoyamba munkhaniyi akut,,Sindinamwalire koma ndinatengedwa mmatsenga thats the point there..atorankhani akanayambira pamenepo polemba nkhaniyi…

    7. Munthu akamwalira, amakaikidwa ,munthu akasowa pamakhala malingaliro oti ali moyo kapena ayi,ndipo mboni zamunthu omwalira ndi anthu amene anapita kumaliroko ndi anamfedwa omwe, Pamene mboni ya munthu osowa sizimakwana 10 kuopa mafunso, ndie MUTU WA NKHANI NDI OMWEWU, ataola nkhani sanalakwitse pakuti Mboni ndi zambiri kuti Mwanayu anamwalira

    8. Chinawapangitsa a tolankhani kupita kukatola nkhani ndi chani? Anamva kuti wina wauka kwa akufa. Ndizoona munthu akafa samadzuka. Koma kutengera ndi mbiri ya mnyamatayu, anthu amadziwa zoti adamwalira. Kufunsa nkhani ya mwana ameneyo aliyense anena kuti adamwalira ndipo tidakaika ku manda. From there ndipomwe pamadziwika zifukwa zomwe zapangitsa kuti apezeke ali moyo. Ubwino wake mkati mwa nkhaniyo mwafotokozedwa bwino kuti adasowa mmatsenga komano mutu wankhani siolakwika malingana ndi momwe zidakhalira.

    9. Padzaka 10 anthu amadziwa kut mwanayu anamwalira now mwini wakeyo wabwera ndipo wanena kut ine sindinamwalire koma ndinatengedwa mmatsenga..nde fuso langa ndilakut ,,Atorankhani amayenera kugwilitsabe tchito mau omwalira amene ali mumbiri yamwanayu kapena mau achilendo omwe abwera ndimwini wake omwalirayu kut sindinafe koma ndinatengedwa mmatsenga ???

    10. Atolankhani anayenela kugwilitsa ntchito mau oti munthu yemwe adaikidwa mmanda atamwalira wapezeka ali ndi moyo. Chimodzimodzi kuti munthu amene adafa, wauka. Kenako pambuyo pake tidziwe chomwe chidachitika. Kkkkkkk bro, inenso ndimalemba nkhani ndipo ndikadalembanso mutu omwewo ndikadakhala ineyo.

    11. Kkkkk inu broh inetu ndikukana mau omwe mukugwilitsa tchitowo oti Munthu amene adafa aaaaa Broh akafa munthu samaukasoyi…zoti mwanayo adafa inali mbiri yomwe inachitika nthawi imeneyo now Chilungamo chadziwika kut mwanayu sadafeyi…ndikadakhala ngat ine ndikadalemba chonchi…Mwana amene adayikidwa mmanda pomati wamwalira relo wabwera poyera ndikuluulura kuntundu wa a Malawi kut iyeyo sadafe koma anatengedwa mmatsenga…Apo nde nditha kuvomereza…Akwao amadziwa kut mwanayo adamwalira koma now alimoyo ndekut zoti adamwalirazo zikanayenera kukhala kaye apo ndikufotokoza chomwe chinamutenga mwanayu ndipo zadziwika kut ndizamuwaanthu….Ineyo sindilemba nkhani koma ndimayitsata bwino nkhani iliyonse momwe ilili…

    12. Mwanayu sanasowe. Anamwalira ndipo anamwalirira kuchipatala. Achipatala adatsikimiza za imfa yamnyamatayo ndipo mwambo wamaliro udachitika.
      Olemba alemba bwino.

      Pa zoti mabanja awiri akumukanganganirana mnyamatayo angonena kuti makolo anga ndiawa, mesa akuti akukumbukira chilichonse.

    13. Mr mana i agree with u coz zimachitikad anthu okhwima wa amamusowetsa munthu mmasenga,ife ndikumat wafa pomwe ataikapo chanthochi,sitingawone ndimasowa coz zimachitika mu ufit.mwanayo mulungu ali naye cholinga azipephera kwambir.

    14. most people experience DELUSIONS, after waking from a deep coma, they begin saying things such as; “i was taken to another country through “whitchcraft”. madness follows.

    15. A Deep coma for more than 9year @ #Theo_Lals ha ha. ha cmon man. Now I can see that some comments here are escaping the fact. ock guys life lost anywhere is a sad day for humanity. Now praise the Lord for his wonders

    16. @ Ireen, I choose to differ with you and Mr Mana who is also against the heading of the story, the fact that the boy was pronounced dead at the hospital is undisputed fact. The heading of the story is therefore correct and doesn’t require media legend to certify it fit.

    17. #Christopher am not againts the heading koma chomwe udziwe ndichakut munthu akamwalira sadzukaso nde let me ask in this way..Do u believe kut mwanayu adafadi nde wadzuka kwakufa ?? yes or no ??

    18. No matter kut kuchipatala anapanga comfirm kut mwanayu watisiya komano ndi momwe mwanayi wakambira kumbali yake ndizoona kut anamwaliradi nde wadzuka kwakufako ?? Ndiyakheni Mr #Christopher

    19. Apatu palibe chomwe anthu tikuyenela kulimbana tikunela kuziyankha mafuso angapo mwatokha,, mafuso ake nawa

      Kodi tsiku lomwe mwanayu anasowa chinaachika ndichani??

      Kodi abale ake a mwanayu thupi lamwanayu analiwona kapena sanaliwone??

      Kodi munthu oti wasowa ndi munthu oti wamwalila zimasiyana bwanji?

      Kodi anthu aja amati aikidwa muzigayo, munkhoka, mmashop amene aja amakhala asowesedwa kapena aphedwa?

      Ndikhulupilila tikaziyankha mafuso amenewa tipeza choonadi cha nkhaniyi

    20. Ndizoonadi pali kusiyana kwakulu kwa munthu oti wasowa ndi munthu oti wamwalira ,osowa uja thupi lake sitimaliona ndipo sitingadziwa kuti Ali kuti pamene omwalira uja thupi lake timaliona ndipo timakalika mpaka kumanda ndipo mwanayo pamaso pa anthu onse anali atamwalira koma matsenga mwaomo anali ndi moyo anangomuchosa pakati pa abale ake ndi kumupitisa kwina kukagwiritsa ntchito imene anamuchotsera dziko chachikulu chimene ndikuchiona ineyo ndi choti mulungu ndi amene amuchotsa mwanayi kuti oipawo akazindikile kuti iwo ndi olephera wamkulu ndi mulungu wa kumwamba mphwanga mulungu Ali nawe cholinga

    21. #Emily zanveka ndithu zomwe mwakamba chemawali..poti kumapeto kwa mfundo yanu mwatchulako Mulungu ndakondwera nanu chifukwa mukudziwa ndithu kut Mzimu ulionse uzalawa imfa kamodzi kokha basi..tsono ineyo ndikufuseni chonchi..Kodi mwanayu wauka pamanda pomwe anayikidwa dzaka za 10 zapitazo kapena wapulumutsidwa ndi Munthu wina komwe ku Mozambiq ?? momwe mwanayu amabwera pakwawo zimaonetsa kut wauka kwakufa kut uyutu watuluka pa manda uyu ?? Take a point there chemwali wakufa saukasoyi uyu sanamwalireyi anangosowetsedwa chabe…

  18. Nde China mkimanena kuti umfiti kulibe, chimakhala chili chani? iweyo kutamba kwambiri kapena misala? tingoyamika kuti mwanayu wabwelela ndinthawi yabwino kuti adalile pa Mulungu pakuti Ndi MULUNGU Zonse ndizotheka.

  19. Ndiye amakula nsinkhu? Kapena wabwera mmene anachokela. Ngati samakula ndiye si achosela zaka 10 zo pa chiwelengelo cha zaka zake? Mabanjawo akumukanganila monga tiziti wasintha nkhope? Kapena mwanayo makolo ake enieni sakuwakumbukila?
    Koma Central Region inamaliza masenga. Mayi winanso si anadzuka ku Kasungu.

  20. kkkkkkk welcome back mwana iwe ukaziputa limba ngati ukuonganti moyowu ukuphweka nowadays ukumbukila komwe udaliko kkkkk

  21. this is a testimony of how i got cure from HIV/AIDS, i have being suffering from hiv/aids for the past 8 years without the expectation of being cure, i was on ARV, despite the ARV i was not comfortable and there was nothing i could do because i knew and i was told by my doctor that there is no cure for HIV/AIDS, my dream of getting cured came to past the day i came across a testimony like this on a facebook page of how someone was cured through the help of dr abumen herbal medicine, i was advice its not real that there is no cure but something keep telling me to contact him, of which i later did and the cure was sent to me with an instruction on how to use it which i did accordingly and went for a test, to my greatest suprice the result was negative i could not hold back the tears of joy running down my chick my doctor was shocked, i thank God that am finanly cured from hiv/aids, DR Abumen is an herbal specialist that can cure hiv/aids, you can contact him through his email which is [email protected] or whatsapp his mobile number is +2347085071418, am sharing to save lives, PLEASE SHARE TO SAVE SOME LIVES.

  22. Africa sazathekaso kumaphana zoona munthu ndikudzukaso? ndimpake amati azungu amati timapanga ufiti opanda nawo phindu olo mwinaso azimayi aja anamwalira pangozi yapa Linthipe ku dedza kuti Tifufuze bwino alipo amene aja anangowakupa mumatsenga basi

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