…recreating Kamuzu’s brutal MYP
… Malawi Army not pleased with APM’s plans
President Peter Mutharika has set up plans to create his own paramilitary youth group that will be operating like the Malawi Young Pioneers (MYP) under Kamuzu Banda, according to reports reaching Malawi24.
A well-placed source with detailed information has told Malawi24 that Mutharika could defend himself should Malawians decide to hold public protests as the president’s popularity continue to drop-off. The source says Peter Mukhito is an overseer of the plan likely to send shivers down the spine among members of the public.

According to the source, several police officers carefully handpicked by State House are currently undergoing drilling at the Malawi Armed Forces College (Mafco) in Salima.
“These programmes are platoon Commanders and Company Commanders Courses which are for military officers who need to be equipped in tactical infantry skills for effective command of platoons and companies,” said the source.
Malawi24 understands that the move met strong resistance from MDF senior officers who questioned the legitimacy of having police officers drilled in pure military programs.
Amwalira zisanachitike guys,wosadandawula.
kkkkkkkkkkkkk koma kumenekooooooo!! Koma nyasalande! sungamvetse.
Rumors in Malawi is the the truth tomorrow
tithana nawo makape amene mulowe kaya muonanso
Always fucking up
To be Honest to Malawi to raise and stand as a real indepenent state it need a bratal dictator .. I always give a damn to democracy because it gives fools an opportunity to critisis a noble mans idea hence redevelopmenet . Do you think peaople go for cash gate forr wahat resons they know that the same money thay have storen will save them from there shit.. If a bratal Dictator arises let’s surport him for the sake of our own poor country. Take for exmple the Legendary Bingu munthalika, aftre his death everry body was saying ‘ koma man awawa akanakhalabe moyo akanacita zinthu. Let’s learn to accept. And respect other peoples idea… So. I say carry own Peter as long as it is for the sake of our. Poor country not your personal interest
Kod Ameneu Waesa Ngat Kwao Kuno Eti? Apa Ndie Zaonetselatu Kut Munthuyu Ndi Foreigner Akufuna Asilikali Akeake Chifukwa Chan ? Akufuna Tidzikhala Ngat Ku Mozambique Zimenezo Ai Apo Ai Katenge Green Card Yake Abwelere
Go On Mr President!!Mukukwanitsa Malonjezo Anu,just Do Wat U Think, Its Ur Turn.
We can’t change thingz at the same time,Peter u have to think deeply be4 u act otherwise thingz will gonna go worse than it z now, Kaya ndangolankhula ine
We can’t change thingz at the same time,Peter u have to think deeply be4 u act otherwise thingz will gonna go worse than it z now, Kaya ndangolankhula ine
ndy ntchto yapolice n chan?dolayo gulilan chmanga mm admark mu.mm km boma ili man
you ka peter take care about wat u wont to do,kodi ufa liti? eeich umeniuz sana unahakili kenge wewe
MDF gwira ntchito Pitala uyu ali ndi maganizo a Bokoharam!
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thumbs up to our men in uniform, I’m only surprised that some people like this, which means that we have many UN caught beasts
Komatu simukuganiza chomwe chili kutsogolo kwache? Bwanji akatsegula David White Head and Sons, chifukwa imalemba antchito masauzande. Muziwunika kuti pali cholinga chotani kuti mkulu ameneyu ayambenso MYP. Osamangoyankhula za job creation. Muziwonanso ma balleta a red ali pa mwamba panupo kuti akutanthauza chani? Mufera za eni. Ngati a MDF akunyanyala nayo nkhani imeneyi, ndiye kapopangolo ungatani?
This is not a bad idea not everything MYP was doing was bad. besides job creation this idea will increase food supply in this country which at the moment is in short supply. I support this.
Nothing wrong these people nowadays their life is in danger from armed robbery.
Kodi munthu wa mwamuna, amakhala pamodzimodzi? Kumayenda kukafuna maganyu. Kodi amene akupita ku ulendo kukafuna ntchito, nkufuna kwawo ngati? Munthu nkumadziwona wekha kuti kodi apa, ndakhala motani, osamangokhala ngati kuti anakukhomelerani kuti simudzayenda moyo wanu wonse. Kodi kupanda nkhani ya MYP imene mukufunayo, mukanatani? Tisamakhale ma Homesick.
Koma operation bwezani yake tizakaphulitsa ndata #point to note
Alibho tipeze tchito pano
Wina wake wangokula msinkhu, koma ndamuwona kuti nzeru yeniyeni, alibe or pa ma comments apa, aku chita comment parallel ndi nkhani ikukambidwa apayi. Mufela za eni a ngitawo mukachita mfwee, mfwee, tikufuna MYP.
Zitsilu! mukuganiza kuti whats the motive behind? you think mavuto a ntchito achepa ndi ka myp ka fake? You will be ruled with an iron fist,these opposing bwampx will be searched like mice and dealt with by this stupid group whatever name you call it,the country will be like hell,four century backwards.open your eyes
Zitsilu! mukuganiza kuti whats the motive behind? you think mavuto a ntchito achepa ndi ka myp ka fake? You will be ruled with an iron fist,these opposing bwampx will be searched like mice and dealt with by this stupid group whatever name you call it,the country will be like hell,four century backwards.open your eyes
Asamati Akamwa Wayn Wakeyo Mkumayankhula Mbwambwanda Zakezo Shupt!!!!!
I wish i could be the leader of that group
I wish i could be the leader of that group
I wish i could be the leader of that group
I like fruitful taught osati komangotukwana Nanga inu Amene mukutukwana mungakhale Atsogoleri amtundu wanji
I like fruitful taught osati komangotukwana Nanga inu Amene mukutukwana mungakhale Atsogoleri amtundu wanji
I like fruitful taught osati komangotukwana Nanga inu Amene mukutukwana mungakhale Atsogoleri amtundu wanji
yalowera pati imfa amnzanga adali kuchimpandaaa
yalowera pati imfa amnzanga adali kuchimpandaaa
yalowera pati imfa amnzanga adali kuchimpandaaa
Ine pheee. We need discipline
Ine pheee. We need discipline
Ine pheee. We need discipline
Zisakasa za Malawi tsopano. Mu zaka zikubwerazi a Malawi tidzathawa nkhondo ya mfuti, nthawi yake ndi imenei. Ka gulu ka nkhondo kotani nako?
Zisakasa za Malawi tsopano. Mu zaka zikubwerazi a Malawi tidzathawa nkhondo ya mfuti, nthawi yake ndi imenei. Ka gulu ka nkhondo kotani nako?
Zisakasa za Malawi tsopano. Mu zaka zikubwerazi a Malawi tidzathawa nkhondo ya mfuti, nthawi yake ndi imenei. Ka gulu ka nkhondo kotani nako?
Hez trying to bringback the hands of time though too late but if Malawi fails to pump water to Cities and towns nyanja yathu mulimadzi ankhaninkhani,nangamagetsi,fertilizer kudula hw do you expect this country move 4ward?leaders without avision
Nkhani ndiyofunika kuimvesa kapena ngati simumvesa ndibwino kufunsa kuti akuuzeni zolinga zomwe akufunira kuti atsekulenso ma base.Ine ndikuona ngati achita bwino chifukwa mmene muja mumalimidwa kwambiri ndipo zokolora zawo zimaonjezera kwambiri pa zokolora za mdziko muno.Peter sali kutali mufunseni akufotokozeleni mmalo momasambula pa air ngati pano!
An2 openga tapanga bwnj?ther iz no way,ndkt no way ifeyo amalawi tkatenge mun2 opanda mano mkamwa kumuika pampando….tapanga bwnj…nah nah nah nawonso apitala ati ayambse m.y.p….4 w@?
tapanga bwino ka iwo anthu abwinobwino
Mwasochela taptan pena
Kamasaya zamuvuta, unyanawo ndithu
Paja chimagwa mwezi ukapita kumidima,,inu mwaiwala? Amakomoka president wathu ndiye aaaah tilibe driver
Tilembeni ife
Kkkk, mpaka Malawi for sale?
ma!!man kumalinvesatu bwino dzikoli ndilathu zofunika kumalisata bwino bwino mbelela muzakayona panopa ndi MALAWI 4sale
Mmmm…Baberon yokhayokha bac….At de end ndikhondo bac..Koma akuruwa nde ndimavutodi…..Aringati khosa koma ndimimburu..
Nanga munthu wanzeru zake akanene kuti akufuna MYP lero, pomwe iyeyo akulephera kulemba a ntchito za boma, akuti ndalama zoti alipire ma civil servants alibe, ndiye zomwe akalipire MYP yakeyo azipeza kuti? Ndiye kuti pali nzeru pamenepo?
Angopanga try ife tikusowa chochita MDF
Angopanga try ife tikusowa chochita MDF
Zitsiru zikamakangana ndibwino kukhala chete.
Zitsiru zikamakangana ndibwino kukhala chete.
Tipeze ntchito
Tipeze ntchito
Tikungodikira nthawi ndi tsiku. Pangani MYP yanuyo, oyamba kutibulidwa kodetsa nkhawa, ndinu a MYP inu. Simunawonepo kuti munthu akuchotsedwa mafupa ali moyo, kungokhala chithupi chokha. Zikuchitika ku Phoka ku Rumphi zimenezo.
Tikungodikira nthawi ndi tsiku. Pangani MYP yanuyo, oyamba kutibulidwa kodetsa nkhawa, ndinu a MYP inu. Simunawonepo kuti munthu akuchotsedwa mafupa ali moyo, kungokhala chithupi chokha. Zikuchitika ku Phoka ku Rumphi zimenezo.
Thanks Usuf Symonie for your support on my comment.
Thanks Usuf Symonie for your support on my comment.
Zanga phee. Zibapangani MYP yanuyo. Ngati simukudziwa, mukamfunse Tchongwe yemwe anali mkulu wa MYP pa Mzuzu ndi nzache Chenda Mkandiwire.
Zanga phee. Zibapangani MYP yanuyo. Ngati simukudziwa, mukamfunse Tchongwe yemwe anali mkulu wa MYP pa Mzuzu ndi nzache Chenda Mkandiwire.
YES Scout movement back to MYP mmmh tipezentchitoapa
YES Scout movement back to MYP mmmh tipezentchitoapa
Abwana mwataniso why?
Bwanji osamangoba ndalama za ana amasiye masaya kweve nalowana
phee pangan group yanuo tikayambira ku state house house konko kuthira utsi ganyoti
Aitha ine brigadier kale
Nthawi imeneyo kwacha siyinkagwa. Nanga lero?
no1 wl come up with such an idea….plz let’s wake up & work for our own good plz
kkkkkkk amene akufuna magazi ayelekeze,akufuna apuzinse umbamva kumalawi kkkkk munthu opanda mano uyu!
Chitsilu cha president ichi kaya masaya ngat chimanga cha popcon
Chitsilu cha president ichi kaya masaya ngat chimanga cha popcon
Chitsilu cha president ichi kaya masaya ngat chimanga cha popcon
Munthu oyipa ameneyu kuyipa ngati manyi akati chinkhope choyipacho
Munthu oyipa ameneyu kuyipa ngati manyi akati chinkhope choyipacho
Munthu oyipa ameneyu kuyipa ngati manyi akati chinkhope choyipacho
it’s not a horrible decision coz he is trying to improvise an outlet of unemployed youth who are smoking like chimney and drinking like fish…. most of, them amakhala ndima 35 points and above and they av no hope kuvaya mu ma university komanso ma university a private sangakwanitse kulipila…… inu mumati azitani?
it’s not a horrible decision coz he is trying to improvise an outlet of unemployed youth who are smoking like chimney and drinking like fish…. most of, them amakhala ndima 35 points and above and they av no hope kuvaya mu ma university komanso ma university a private sangakwanitse kulipila…… inu mumati azitani?
it’s not a horrible decision coz he is trying to improvise an outlet of unemployed youth who are smoking like chimney and drinking like fish…. most of, them amakhala ndima 35 points and above and they av no hope kuvaya mu ma university komanso ma university a private sangakwanitse kulipila…… inu mumati azitani?
it’s not a horrible decision coz he is trying to improvise an outlet of unemployed youth who are smoking like chimney and drinking like fish…. most of, them amakhala ndima 35 points and above and they av no hope kuvaya mu ma university komanso ma university a private sangakwanitse kulipila…… inu mumati azitani?
ndikuwona mdima,.malawi alibe tsogolo under peter mutharika
ndikuwona mdima,.malawi alibe tsogolo under peter mutharika
ndikuwona mdima,.malawi alibe tsogolo under peter mutharika
ndikuwona mdima,.malawi alibe tsogolo under peter mutharika
Its a matta of choosing…….???? … Ova intelligency,they laugh in yo face bt plannin’ 2….???? U.
Its a matta of choosing…….???? … Ova intelligency,they laugh in yo face bt plannin’ 2….???? U.
Its a matta of choosing…….???? … Ova intelligency,they laugh in yo face bt plannin’ 2….???? U.
Its a matta of choosing…….???? … Ova intelligency,they laugh in yo face bt plannin’ 2….???? U.
kkkkkk ku mpanje
kkkkkk ku mpanje
kkkkkk ku mpanje
kkkkkk ku mpanje
So help us God to solve this problem in any means like what you did before
So help us God to solve this problem in any means like what you did before
So help us God to solve this problem in any means like what you did before
So help us God to solve this problem in any means like what you did before
Tilembedwe zimenezo mwina tipeza zochita
Tilembedwe zimenezo mwina tipeza zochita
Kuti yithe MYP, phokoso linayamba ku mpoto pakati pa Moyale Barracks ndi MYP yomweyo, mpaka kufalikira dziko lonse. Kunali mfuti ku Mzuzu kuchokera ku Moyale Barracks kuphwasula MYP yomweyo mukuyifunayo. Kuphedwa a MYP osati masewera, kutenthedwa ndi moto, akazi kucheketedwa mabele, ndiye wina akanene za MYP pano? Ngati enanu munali ana mukuyamwa mabele, kumafunsatu anzanu amene anakumana nazo. Msilikali si munthu womachita naye masewera akalusa. Ndiye wina mfwe, mfwe, ndikufuna MYP, muzathamanga nazo zimenezo.
Kuti yithe MYP, phokoso linayamba ku mpoto pakati pa Moyale Barracks ndi MYP yomweyo, mpaka kufalikira dziko lonse. Kunali mfuti ku Mzuzu kuchokera ku Moyale Barracks kuphwasula MYP yomweyo mukuyifunayo. Kuphedwa a MYP osati masewera, kutenthedwa ndi moto, akazi kucheketedwa mabele, ndiye wina akanene za MYP pano? Ngati enanu munali ana mukuyamwa mabele, kumafunsatu anzanu amene anakumana nazo. Msilikali si munthu womachita naye masewera akalusa. Ndiye wina mfwe, mfwe, ndikufuna MYP, muzathamanga nazo zimenezo.
UOoooh my goodness, wt is this now? Peter mutharika is driving the car while is drunk and for sure this guy totally has failed his job. Thus y now is comiing up with stories for getting that his people are dying of hunger. Is that readership u have been looking for my fellow malawins?
UOoooh my goodness, wt is this now? Peter mutharika is driving the car while is drunk and for sure this guy totally has failed his job. Thus y now is comiing up with stories for getting that his people are dying of hunger. Is that readership u have been looking for my fellow malawins?
More fire mr president pangan choncho ndithu.tipeze zochta basi,,,
More fire mr president pangan choncho ndithu.tipeze zochta basi,,,
zinthu zikayamba kuthina ndi choncho
zinthu zikayamba kuthina ndi choncho
Dharap Kasero, these people are pigheaded strong. They don’t know the previous MYP in the days of the late Dr Kamuzu Banda. They could hear rumours speculating all over the universe that there was MYP.
Dharap Kasero, these people are pigheaded strong. They don’t know the previous MYP in the days of the late Dr Kamuzu Banda. They could hear rumours speculating all over the universe that there was MYP.
Kodi Bingu, Bakili, Joyce, bwanji sankafuna program ya MYP, poti iwowo anali muboma momwemo? Zinazi nkumadzifunsa, osamangothamangira zina zilizonse. Mukagulitsidwa mukachita masewera.
Kodi Bingu, Bakili, Joyce, bwanji sankafuna program ya MYP, poti iwowo anali muboma momwemo? Zinazi nkumadzifunsa, osamangothamangira zina zilizonse. Mukagulitsidwa mukachita masewera.
ntchito yapezeka baxi ku ma graduate and tithana ndi a police aziphuphu
ntchito yapezeka baxi ku ma graduate and tithana ndi a police aziphuphu
Mkuluyu misala yamuyamba
Mkuluyu misala yamuyamba
Ngati munthu akukanika kulemba a ntchito za Boma, akunena kuti ndalama zoti ndingamalipire ma civil servants, ndilibe, ndiye MYP mukazitenga kutiko ndalamazo? Mufa nazo zinazi, nkusamvetsetsa kwanuko. Simukudziwa kuti mnzanu pochita izi, ali ndi cholinga chotani? Mukathera mu Shire ngati muchite nazo masewera.
Ngati munthu akukanika kulemba a ntchito za Boma, akunena kuti ndalama zoti ndingamalipire ma civil servants, ndilibe, ndiye MYP mukazitenga kutiko ndalamazo? Mufa nazo zinazi, nkusamvetsetsa kwanuko. Simukudziwa kuti mnzanu pochita izi, ali ndi cholinga chotani? Mukathera mu Shire ngati muchite nazo masewera.
Mwina usazagweso pokutetezela
Mwina usazagweso pokutetezela
Winau ndi uchisilu,akulephera kulemba ntchito ma nurse anthu ogwira ntchito za umoyo
Winau ndi uchisilu,akulephera kulemba ntchito ma nurse anthu ogwira ntchito za umoyo
Ndi diru
Ndi diru
Kodi bwanji iyeyo Peter sakanayitanitsa ma company kunja kuti anthu apeze ntchito? Ndiye MYP kukhala chinthu choti munthu kumanena kuti anthu azipeza nawo mwayi wa ntchito?
Kodi bwanji iyeyo Peter sakanayitanitsa ma company kunja kuti anthu apeze ntchito? Ndiye MYP kukhala chinthu choti munthu kumanena kuti anthu azipeza nawo mwayi wa ntchito?
Winau ndi uchisilu,akulephera kulemba ntchito ma nurse anthu ogwira ntchito za umoyo
Winau ndi uchisilu,akulephera kulemba ntchito ma nurse anthu ogwira ntchito za umoyo
Vuto lake MYP iyeyo sadaiwone ka, nthawi imene ija adali kumafama akwameleka
Vuto lake MYP iyeyo sadaiwone ka, nthawi imene ija adali kumafama akwameleka
Kkkkk, these people do not know that mountains are ahead of them. So be patient. If there will be war, those people who wants to join MYP will be the ones to be involved. So leave them.
Kkkkk, these people do not know that mountains are ahead of them. So be patient. If there will be war, those people who wants to join MYP will be the ones to be involved. So leave them.
I see a war
I see a war
nkhani uabwino imeneyo …job creation… big up
Inuyo ndi amene mungadandaule za njalazo. Koma zoti thumba la chimanga lili pa 20000,wina alibe nazo ntchito. If you can read all the comments that have been written, you will find out that there are different views. People banked their all hopes on the issue of MYP and not hunger and development.
That’s shit Mr Mutharika.
mkuluyi satithandiza kuphunzila kwake sikwausogoleli thumba laufa ndi 20000 atipha munthuyu bola mkulu wake
If the decision has been made by President and the majority in Malawi has accepted it, there’s no one who can go against it. Kodi anthu tonse timafanana maganizo ngati? Za njalazo, wina alibe nazo ntchito koma akufuna MYP anthu kuti akalowe ntchito basi. Komano akuyiwala kuti mawa ndi mkucha, kuzabwera chani? Let them fulfill what they needed but tomorrow it will be a reality.
Ili ndiye bodza lopanda nalo manyaz
Ili ndiye bodza lopanda nalo manyaz
Kusiya kutesa njala ndi kulimbana za asilika kodi tisidwa asilikali or what but you must know malawi is to pour country not rich country please remember before ngwazi h kamusu banda what he doing for that group
Kusiya kutesa njala ndi kulimbana za asilika kodi tisidwa asilikali or what but you must know malawi is to pour country not rich country please remember before ngwazi h kamusu banda what he doing for that group
Mmm english bro? Too much broken
Hahahahahaha ya ya ya
Hahahahahaha ya ya ya
Man mutitukwanisa inu if u didn’t know English plz don’t force matters. Chichewa chomwe munayankhulacho chinamveka.
Jomba Abudul kuwechecheta ku English kweloko kkkkk
Dyomba wangu kikikiki awachete chiyao pecho tupikane hahaha
Koma yeah…!!!!!
kkkkkkkkkkkkk uhuuuuu…..i understand
Mr Frencha Bwana, don’t worry. Jobs with be created there provided you have accepted your President’s plans to introduce MYP bases in Malawi. Accept it, nanga si ulova wakula pa Malawi and other people can’t leave Malawi to seek for greener pastures somewhere. They are homesick.
Mr Frencha Bwana, don’t worry. Jobs with be created there provided you have accepted your President’s plans to introduce MYP bases in Malawi. Accept it, nanga si ulova wakula pa Malawi and other people can’t leave Malawi to seek for greener pastures somewhere. They are homesick.
I have burst into the roars of laughter taking into account of what Ibrah Aidi has written. Kkkk, Ibrah, you are quiet unfortunate to have someone from Renamo to rule you.
I have burst into the roars of laughter taking into account of what Ibrah Aidi has written. Kkkk, Ibrah, you are quiet unfortunate to have someone from Renamo to rule you.
Guys don’t become upset so easily. What we are doing here is sharing ideas, debate for that matter about the problems facing our country currently. I have seen some people’s tempers flaring up. Everything goes on well with peace talks.
Guys don’t become upset so easily. What we are doing here is sharing ideas, debate for that matter about the problems facing our country currently. I have seen some people’s tempers flaring up. Everything goes on well with peace talks.
Guys osangonyoza zina zilizonse, awa ndi maganizo abwino coz ntchito zikusowa nde atatero ndekut anthu ena apeza mwayi wantchito,kuchepesako chiwengero cha anthu osowa ntchito
Guys osangonyoza zina zilizonse, awa ndi maganizo abwino coz ntchito zikusowa nde atatero ndekut anthu ena apeza mwayi wantchito,kuchepesako chiwengero cha anthu osowa ntchito
Njala mwagonjetsa mukuyambitsa zimenezopo?paja kumpha ndi kuba ndiye manifesto yanu zimenezo ife toto tikugwetsaninso mukamapanga mphuma!
Njala mwagonjetsa mukuyambitsa zimenezopo?paja kumpha ndi kuba ndiye manifesto yanu zimenezo ife toto tikugwetsaninso mukamapanga mphuma!
Fake, incomplete, cooked and biased story. Real brains don’t waste time on such. I wonder if cursings and facts mean the same.
Fake, incomplete, cooked and biased story. Real brains don’t waste time on such. I wonder if cursings and facts mean the same.
Tinasakha olakwika guyez
Tinasakha olakwika guyez
If the issue of Lake Malawi could have been taken to International Court of Justice in Hague, today it would have been a different story to be talked about. But your president is reluctant to do so and we don’t know, why?
If the issue of Lake Malawi could have been taken to International Court of Justice in Hague, today it would have been a different story to be talked about. But your president is reluctant to do so and we don’t know, why?
Mumati Mulungu wakwiya ndi Malawi akuti langa pano ikugwa bwino komaso m’mela wosangalatsa.kodi tinene kuti watikhululukira maka kwa azanthu m’mafunira dziko lanu zoipa nu because muledzera ndi ndale .
Mumati Mulungu wakwiya ndi Malawi akuti langa pano ikugwa bwino komaso m’mela wosangalatsa.kodi tinene kuti watikhululukira maka kwa azanthu m’mafunira dziko lanu zoipa nu because muledzera ndi ndale .
Uku ndikufuna kuyambitsa nkhondo mdziko, ku mozambique nkhondo simatha chifukwa choti opposition ili ndi asilikali ake,
Kulandidwa kwa nyanja ya Malawi ndi Tanzania, ndi fault ya president wanuyo. That was named Lake Nyasa. It has a boundary at Songwe in Karonga and the British people signed it with Mwalimu Julius Nyerere of Tanzania. From there, it changed its name from Lake Nyasa to Lake Malawi. Chifukwa choti president wanuyo sakuyidziwa history ya Lake Malawi mmene ili, nchifukwa chake zikumuvuta. Therefore, he could have contact Mr DD Phiri, the Director of Aggrey Memorial School in Malawi to give Peter Mutharika more information about Lake Malawi.
History has a way of repeating it self…..
vuto lovotela alinam ndiyizi zikuyamba
Zinazi mukumangomva history kuti kale kunali MYP. Kuti ithe MYP, mufunse anzanu chimene chinapangitsa kuti ithe MYP ku Malawi. Ngati uli ulova, iyambitseni MYP yanuyo. Kaloweni ntchito ku MYP. Anzanu ena amene anali ku MYP komweko, ali ku Mozambique, Tanzania, ena ku South Africa. Anachimina, sakuyifunanso.
Ufulu ndi wanu kusankha chimene mukufuna. Sitikukukakamizani kuti musiye ku joina MYP imene mukufunayo.
Let it be as at onetime there will be operation bwezani 2
We don’t talk of Syria, Iraq and whatsoever. Think of your country. We’re not the Syrians. Those people are used fighting because of the resources available there like oil fields. What do you have in Malawi that you can fight for? Among the poorests countries in the world, Malawi is at position 3.Feel it.
nkhani yabwino ulova too much achinyamata tidzilowera komwe and Tz akufuna kutilanda nyanja we need to be fully equiped and ve so many tactics wosangosutsa zilizonse
Akuluakulu MDF ndi MP muti chani mkuluyu akudelelani ife tidikila zelu zanu inde ife achinyata tikufuna zochita koma tidikila upangili wanu pakhaniyii[Ine MAKALAN WECHA] kwathu ndi Ku Zomba
Ukanene kuti palibe cholakwika? Sunachiwonepo iwe nchifukwa ukumayankhula choncho. Omwe anayiwona kuyipa mfuti pa nthawi ya operation Bwezani, akuwuza zoona zache. Mwangokula, simunaziwone. Muzaziwona.
Kkkkkkk tionaso ina yakumwanza
Palibe cholakwika apresident .
Dziko lili manja mwa agalu
Ndiye mwati Young Pioneer yatani???kkkkkkk,..ibwerexo kma.,..
MDF kukhala cheteku ili ndi cholinga. Mukadzangoyamba MYP yanuyo, definately muzasanduka akapolo a MDF. Pamenepo mudziwe kuti mukufuna kulowetsa udani pakati pa MDF ndi MYP yanuyo.
MDF kukhala cheteku ili ndi cholinga. Mukadzangoyamba MYP yanuyo, definately muzasanduka akapolo a MDF. Pamenepo mudziwe kuti mukufuna kulowetsa udani pakati pa MDF ndi MYP yanuyo.
MDF kukhala cheteku ili ndi cholinga. Mukadzangoyamba MYP yanuyo, definately muzasanduka akapolo a MDF. Pamenepo mudziwe kuti mukufuna kulowetsa udani pakati pa MDF ndi MYP yanuyo.
Inu ndinu nyambo basi za MYP. Muzasiya makhomo anu, kulowa mtchire. Ndiye mudzayiwone MDF mmene idzakukutumulireni.
Inu ndinu nyambo basi za MYP. Muzasiya makhomo anu, kulowa mtchire. Ndiye mudzayiwone MDF mmene idzakukutumulireni.
Inu ndinu nyambo basi za MYP. Muzasiya makhomo anu, kulowa mtchire. Ndiye mudzayiwone MDF mmene idzakukutumulireni.
chamba basi munthu opanda mano angakhale ndi .nzeru ? si mbuzi imeneyi ! Peter nawe tikuyika mugulu la ma president woipa the whole world ! bcoz watikwana bwanji ndalama uzitipansa ife tikasegulile ma babashop ndi ma business ena .!
chamba basi munthu opanda mano angakhale ndi .nzeru ? si mbuzi imeneyi ! Peter nawe tikuyika mugulu la ma president woipa the whole world ! bcoz watikwana bwanji ndalama uzitipansa ife tikasegulile ma babashop ndi ma business ena .!
chamba basi munthu opanda mano angakhale ndi .nzeru ? si mbuzi imeneyi ! Peter nawe tikuyika mugulu la ma president woipa the whole world ! bcoz watikwana bwanji ndalama uzitipansa ife tikasegulile ma babashop ndi ma business ena .!
Am Sorry For You My Mother Malawi For Being Ruled By This Idiot President. Its To Be Ruled By Nkhululu
Am Sorry For You My Mother Malawi For Being Ruled By This Idiot President. Its To Be Ruled By Nkhululu
Am Sorry For You My Mother Malawi For Being Ruled By This Idiot President. Its To Be Ruled By Nkhululu
Zoonadi man tidzathamangadi chifukwa 2019 sadzawina
Zoonadi man tidzathamangadi chifukwa 2019 sadzawina
Zoonadi man tidzathamangadi chifukwa 2019 sadzawina
Kkkkkk, mclean Matope wanena chinthu chachikulu. Ngati a police akuvala patapata, jombo yakutha, kuli bwanji wina amene akufuna ku joina MYP? Akakupatsako chani ku MYP? Sakudziwa kuti mnzawo amene akufuna MYP watchera misampha kuti iwowo akodwemo. Muluza nazo maumoyo zongotengekatengeka nazo moyo izo. Think of what you can do to earn your living.
Kkkkkk, mclean Matope wanena chinthu chachikulu. Ngati a police akuvala patapata, jombo yakutha, kuli bwanji wina amene akufuna ku joina MYP? Akakupatsako chani ku MYP? Sakudziwa kuti mnzawo amene akufuna MYP watchera misampha kuti iwowo akodwemo. Muluza nazo maumoyo zongotengekatengeka nazo moyo izo. Think of what you can do to earn your living.
Kkkkkk, mclean Matope wanena chinthu chachikulu. Ngati a police akuvala patapata, jombo yakutha, kuli bwanji wina amene akufuna ku joina MYP? Akakupatsako chani ku MYP? Sakudziwa kuti mnzawo amene akufuna MYP watchera misampha kuti iwowo akodwemo. Muluza nazo maumoyo zongotengekatengeka nazo moyo izo. Think of what you can do to earn your living.
Ndalamazo mungothandzra kupolice,ma offcers akuvala slipers(pata-pata)kuntchto jombo kulibe,salary ndyochepanso ndnaiwala pamenepo.
Ndalamazo mungothandzra kupolice,ma offcers akuvala slipers(pata-pata)kuntchto jombo kulibe,salary ndyochepanso ndnaiwala pamenepo.
Ndalamazo mungothandzra kupolice,ma offcers akuvala slipers(pata-pata)kuntchto jombo kulibe,salary ndyochepanso ndnaiwala pamenepo.
Ayi, akulembani ntchito ku MYP. Nanga si ulova wakula?
Ayi, akulembani ntchito ku MYP. Nanga si ulova wakula?
Ayi, akulembani ntchito ku MYP. Nanga si ulova wakula?
Thanks Goodwell Brighton Kalinda. Am commenting from Capetown but I feel sorry to those who are interested to join MYP bases in Malawi. Had they knew the way other people suffered with that MYP, they could not accept that MYP.
Thanks Goodwell Brighton Kalinda. Am commenting from Capetown but I feel sorry to those who are interested to join MYP bases in Malawi. Had they knew the way other people suffered with that MYP, they could not accept that MYP.
Thanks Goodwell Brighton Kalinda. Am commenting from Capetown but I feel sorry to those who are interested to join MYP bases in Malawi. Had they knew the way other people suffered with that MYP, they could not accept that MYP.
Sakulakwa mwina kulebwedwako job kumeneko
Sakulakwa mwina kulebwedwako job kumeneko
Sakulakwa mwina kulebwedwako job kumeneko
thats total madness
thats total madness
thats total madness
Mind you guys, Malawi is now worse in everything. So don’t talk much more about Zambia. We are behind in everything. Don’t accept everything. You are free to join MYP there but before you should join, first of all you need to be very pensive.
Mind you guys, Malawi is now worse in everything. So don’t talk much more about Zambia. We are behind in everything. Don’t accept everything. You are free to join MYP there but before you should join, first of all you need to be very pensive.
Mind you guys, Malawi is now worse in everything. So don’t talk much more about Zambia. We are behind in everything. Don’t accept everything. You are free to join MYP there but before you should join, first of all you need to be very pensive.
Kkkkk Owen Archer ndiye kuti chating ameneyo ndiye mbuzi yamunthu
Kkkkk Owen Archer ndiye kuti chating ameneyo ndiye mbuzi yamunthu
Kkkkk Owen Archer ndiye kuti chating ameneyo ndiye mbuzi yamunthu
You can’t compare Zambia and Malawi. U need to be very thoughtful and constructive mukamayankhula zinthu. Ku Zambia kumene ukunenako, sikuli ngati ku Malawi. I was born there despite am a Malawian. Zinthu mmene zafikira apa ku Malawi, zafika pa mwana wakana phala. Zambia is more advanced than Malawi. Osamatengera za anzanu, but you need to weigh yourself before you act on something.
You can’t compare Zambia and Malawi. U need to be very thoughtful and constructive mukamayankhula zinthu. Ku Zambia kumene ukunenako, sikuli ngati ku Malawi. I was born there despite am a Malawian. Zinthu mmene zafikira apa ku Malawi, zafika pa mwana wakana phala. Zambia is more advanced than Malawi. Osamatengera za anzanu, but you need to weigh yourself before you act on something.
You can’t compare Zambia and Malawi. U need to be very thoughtful and constructive mukamayankhula zinthu. Ku Zambia kumene ukunenako, sikuli ngati ku Malawi. I was born there despite am a Malawian. Zinthu mmene zafikira apa ku Malawi, zafika pa mwana wakana phala. Zambia is more advanced than Malawi. Osamatengera za anzanu, but you need to weigh yourself before you act on something.
so your comparing malawi with zambia
Wat z mo advanced in zambia? Teo me am syng n zambia paramilitary camp thats lilayi so wat maks thnk dat zambia z better than malawi? Coz malawiz economic imashahako ni icho chabe dat mutharika anaipysa vintu.
Wat z mo advanced in zambia? Teo me am syng n zambia paramilitary camp thats lilayi so wat maks thnk dat zambia z better than malawi? Coz malawiz economic imashahako ni icho chabe dat mutharika anaipysa vintu.
Wat z mo advanced in zambia? Teo me am syng n zambia paramilitary camp thats lilayi so wat maks thnk dat zambia z better than malawi? Coz malawiz economic imashahako ni icho chabe dat mutharika anaipysa vintu.
Point reserve
Point reserve
Point reserve
Atcheya ndi deal
Atcheya ndi deal
Atcheya ndi deal
Ayichoche ayiwone. Pajatu, chosamva adachiphikira mmasamba. Wakutsina khutu, ndi mnansi. Yomwe akufuna, avomereze kuti MYP ikhaleko. Munthu ali ndi ufulu kusankha chomwe akufuna komano, paufulu wakowo, uziyang’ana kumene ukuchokera, ndi kumene ukupita.
Thanks Stanly Banda for your support on my comment.
Malick John, please write so that we should understand your point of view clear.
Pele ni paganisisye wele ampiniwo uti sisowileje sila tusipatile basi.ndembo sinyele
Kwa yemwe sanayiwone operation bwezani, he or she is free to join MYP. Koma amene anaziwona kalero mmene zinalili, sangayerekedze dala kulora zinthu zoterezi. Kunafa anthu, kutenthedwa ndi moto live.
kutengera zimenezo bwenzi ku syria iraq somalia etc bwenzi anthu amayikowa sakulowa usilikali umachindabe ngakhale ukumva kul aids. U need to be strong
Hey you pitala, we Malawians don’t want to hear and see your such barbaric and stupid ideas happening again in Malawi. we already booted out such nonses long way back in 2993. fuck off.
Wait, we shall see the anticipated results. But be careful. Accepting everything coming on our way would be disastrous.
No comment
Poor decision, this will mean that MDF is useless hence creating enemity between the two groups
APM wapenga eti? Amene azidzalipira zidakwazo ndi ndani? Ndalama zolipilira mbuzi zomwe zikufuna kupangidwa recruit-zo zichokera kuti?
Don’t we have enough security in our country? What pivotal role do the police and army play in Malawi? Him has got a hidden agenda towards MYP.
Kkkk, nzomvetsa chisoni. Mudzayiwona MYP mmene imakhalira. Sayizi imeneyi zikuwonetseratu poyera kuti u DICTATOR walowa basi.
akufuna akhale dictator ameneyu ala
A Malawi, tisamakhale ngati kuti ndife anthu osazindikira popanga zinthu.kumbukirani kuti, ngati munthu akupanga zimenezi, ali ncholinga. Mkuluyu, akudziwa kuti zake zamudera. Ndiye akangoluza azagwiritsa ntchito inu nomwenu kuti mukalowe mtchire. Kumbukirani momwe anavutikira anzathu pa operation bwezani, azimayi kucheketa mabele. Anavutikatu anthu. Ena omwe anajoina MYP yomweyo, kuthawira ku Mozambique.
Kkkkkk,koma akuluwa zochita zawasowa sopano>osayiwala kugulilatu zikwanje zija paja mnati mzapitiliza pomwe analekezela achimwene anu kagulu kake nkomwekoka
Tikalowe payiniya basi.
ayelekeze awone!
chimecho ndiye chamba akutenga ngati zikoli la agogo ake eeti
thesani njala agogo inu manyazi mulibe
Iyayi, enanu mmene inkachitika operation bwezani simunayiwone nchifukwa chake mukufulumira kumeza, kutafuna kukadakomabe. Si zinthu zoti lero lino wina nkumakatchula za MYP. Mudzatha psitii, mukamachita matamawo. Asilikali ngati sakukondwa nazo, ndiye iwe lero ukuti ukufuna MYP, ukalowe ntchito. Si masewera amenewo? Ngati munthu akulephera kulemba a ntchito za Boma, akuti boma lilibe ndalama zoti lingamalipire ma civil servants, iweyo ukufuna MYP iwe, adzakulipira chani?
Iyayi, enanu mmene inkachitika operation bwezani simunayiwone nchifukwa chake mukufulumira kumeza, kutafuna kukadakomabe. Si zinthu zoti lero lino wina nkumakatchula za MYP. Mudzatha psitii, mukamachita matamawo. Asilikali ngati sakukondwa nazo, ndiye iwe lero ukuti ukufuna MYP, ukalowe ntchito. Si masewera amenewo? Ngati munthu akulephera kulemba a ntchito za Boma, akuti boma lilibe ndalama zoti lingamalipire ma civil servants, iweyo ukufuna MYP iwe, adzakulipira chani?
Ndiye muone athu osaphuzila mmene akudanila nazo koma kut muwafunse tchito yagululi sakukudziwa koma makan…..a malawi!!!!
Ndiye muone athu osaphuzila mmene akudanila nazo koma kut muwafunse tchito yagululi sakukudziwa koma makan…..a malawi!!!!
military….maschatry…..Ballistic…Intelligence…Philosophy..,psychology…Politics…Multi-lingua skills …gat to meet all these skills if u want tojoin the military….half-baked…Nkhani…..
military….maschatry…..Ballistic…Intelligence…Philosophy..,psychology…Politics…Multi-lingua skills …gat to meet all these skills if u want tojoin the military….half-baked…Nkhani…..
Wachita bwino
Wachita bwino
Peter ndi mbuzi yokalamba akufuna akadzaluza adzagwiritse ntchito gulu lankhondo lomwelo kuyambitsa nkhondo. Kumaiwerenga a Malawi. Koma constitution silola zmenez mwina sakudziwa malamulo aku mw kuno poti ndiwa ku us. Kkkkkk uzeleza pera!
Peter ndi mbuzi yokalamba akufuna akadzaluza adzagwiritse ntchito gulu lankhondo lomwelo kuyambitsa nkhondo. Kumaiwerenga a Malawi. Koma constitution silola zmenez mwina sakudziwa malamulo aku mw kuno poti ndiwa ku us. Kkkkkk uzeleza pera!
Curse be upon whoever played arole for this man to become victorious in 2014 Elections.
Curse be upon whoever played arole for this man to become victorious in 2014 Elections.
Peter ndi mbuzi yokalamba akufuna akadzaluza adzagwiritse ntchito gulu lankhondo lomwelo kuyambitsa nkhondo. Kumaiwerenga a Malawi. Koma constitution silola zmenez mwina sakudziwa malamulo aku mw kuno poti ndiwa ku us. Kkkkkk uzeleza pera!
Peter ndi mbuzi yokalamba akufuna akadzaluza adzagwiritse ntchito gulu lankhondo lomwelo kuyambitsa nkhondo. Kumaiwerenga a Malawi. Koma constitution silola zmenez mwina sakudziwa malamulo aku mw kuno poti ndiwa ku us. Kkkkkk uzeleza pera!
Thats un acceptable idea,whats the aim of doing this?.If he wants he can just recruite more solders not special force then malawi will be decrared wartone country soon.
Thats un acceptable idea,whats the aim of doing this?.If he wants he can just recruite more solders not special force then malawi will be decrared wartone country soon.
I agree 100% bro. No need that unless he got his own hidden agenda
Kkkk wamva kukoma kwa u president akuziwa kuti third term izamugwesa osalola a malawi izi ndi zimene maiko azathu mu africa akumana nazo wath out if the bill pass i go out my country with my family
Kkkk wamva kukoma kwa u president akuziwa kuti third term izamugwesa osalola a malawi izi ndi zimene maiko azathu mu africa akumana nazo wath out if the bill pass i go out my country with my family
Bora asamakakondere kulemba anthu akwao tipita basi mmaona ngati ife sitimafuna kuomba mfuti
Bora asamakakondere kulemba anthu akwao tipita basi mmaona ngati ife sitimafuna kuomba mfuti
Bora asamakakondere kulemba anthu akwao tipita basi mmaona ngati ife sitimafuna kuomba mfuti
Bora asamakakondere kulemba anthu akwao tipita basi mmaona ngati ife sitimafuna kuomba mfuti
Anthu akuba kudana ndi chitetezo! kkk
MYP will never catch u from falling mr President..gravity is lyk a nature call,evrybody obeys it.MYP…or no MYP mr Peter u r falling down again…kkk..President wathu sazatheka guys..kodi anamusankha ndani?..eish..
MYP will never catch u from falling mr President..gravity is lyk a nature call,evrybody obeys it.MYP…or no MYP mr Peter u r falling down again…kkk..President wathu sazatheka guys..kodi anamusankha ndani?..eish..
Mmmm peeter uku ndiye kuganiza bwino iweyodi ndi mulhomwe
Mmmm peeter uku ndiye kuganiza bwino iweyodi ndi mulhomwe
mzeru zabwinozi zimachedwa kut… go ahead with the program.
mzeru zabwinozi zimachedwa kut… go ahead with the program.
come on petr ana amalawi akule ndi ma skillz!
come on petr ana amalawi akule ndi ma skillz!
Kkkkk zafika posauzana,sheeee.
Kkkkk zafika posauzana,sheeee.
Ooo shame! Nkumat gvt has no money kt alembe anthu ntchito(nurses en teachers) koma Eeee. kod akuziyambazi aziwalipira chan?
Ooo shame! Nkumat gvt has no money kt alembe anthu ntchito(nurses en teachers) koma Eeee. kod akuziyambazi aziwalipira chan?
Tikusowa Zochita Tizajoina Ife.
Tikusowa Zochita Tizajoina Ife.
Kodi osangomnchotsa bwanji
Akudziwa Kuti 2019 sadzauna mpila ndiye akufuna adzalowe mtchile basi.
kodi enanu mukubwera nditi mfundo tanu…tidziti mukumuikira kumbuyo mkuluyu..!? shupitiii..!!!
Ndi chitsiru chimunthu ichi (peter) instead of working to find out solutions to bring this country back on economic track, he is busy forming a military group as if he is the most wanted man in the world. Aaaah! Amalawi vuto lovotera munthu chifukwa cha mtundu ndi komwe akuchokera tinabesa nazo zisankho za 2014.
sinkhani yotukwana man just give a right solution nt kitukwana ngati inu mukutukwana nde inu mungakhale mtsogoleri wamtundu wanji
sinkhani yotukwana man just give a right solution nt kitukwana ngati inu mukutukwana nde inu mungakhale mtsogoleri wamtundu wanji
sinkhani yotukwana man just give a right solution nt kitukwana ngati inu mukutukwana nde inu mungakhale mtsogoleri wamtundu wanji
I havent insulted any one. To say he is fool is not insulting. Anthu amatukwana pali chani apa.
apange zomwezo mwina enafe mkupeza mwayi ogwilisako ntchito ka certificate kathuka amene ali ndi # ya peter andigayile ndimulimbikise
kkk ukaipeza inenso undigaile ndikuifuna
kkk ukaipeza inenso undigaile ndikuifuna
AFANA PETER 0884154699. imeneyo ndi imene yapezeka2 ina ikungoti busy mwina ali ku mafco
AFANA PETER 0884154699. imeneyo ndi imene yapezeka2 ina ikungoti busy mwina ali ku mafco
Wawa inetu ndinakamba naye ka 2 min kenakake ati zimenezi sangayerekeze kusiira panjira…akasinja wagula kale ndipo tizitchena koposa a MDF
vuto losankha obwera ndithu abweretsa nkhondo alendowa
Sick nations which believes in any rumour!
No wonder he 4cd into presidentl with his fraud ! Stupid man a so called President Peter!/ Petrol
Do I smell fascism here?
kukubwelaku ndithu muMalawi muno tizakwapulanapo mwina ndipamene tizalongosoke
Hahaha i lyk d@…
Good English and accused spelling but Story lack Basis
akunamatu bwampini ameneyu
Prof. APM kumeneko nde tmat usogoleri wamasomphenya, osati za u gay ayi. MYP yinali kusula achinyamata luso losiyanasiyana monga Carpentry, Mechanic, Driving, greatly Farming. Military was just an added advantage to strengthen internal national security added to tremendious job done by MDF and MPS. MYP ooyeeeeee!!! Koma yikabweranso yizapeleke ulemu kwa makolo ake MDF and MPS. Nanunso makolo mukhululukireni mwana abwerelenso.
that will be one way of creating emloyment to de youth
Cadets promoted to be soldiers kkkk a malawi ndalama mwazitenga kuti?
Ameneyi nkhani siyofuna kuti ena apeze chochita koma kufuna kuyambisa chisokonezo kumeneko, zonadi ndalama zake ziti poti zina zukanika konko, kuperewera kwa mzeru akuluwa
Ameneyi nkhani siyofuna kuti ena apeze chochita koma kufuna kuyambisa chisokonezo kumeneko, zonadi ndalama zake ziti poti zina zukanika konko, kuperewera kwa mzeru akuluwa
Bokoharam inabadwanso choncho. Does it mean kuti kumene kuli National Security Service ndiye kuli chitetezo?
Gud news bwana mwaganiza bho mwina ulova ungachepe.
Usazinamize Kuti uzalembedwa ogwila ntchito uku analembedwa kale ndipo anakwana.
Ayi, ayambise,, ife tikajoina nawo. Mavuto osowa ntchito achuluka kwa ife achinyamata. Bola azangotiphunzisa kuomba mfutiko basi
Are you sure?
Those who focus on the one side of the coin have an incomplete story to tell about a coin, but focus on features on both sides of the coin and concentrate and provide a conduce environment for the possitive to be increased and improved. MYP was brutal on one side but carefully analyse the other side. I rest my case.
motherfucking decision
That z rubish Pitala why u r so foolish?? U r criminal pitala u steal money then you buy a weapon if we talk about it u must kill us, ok i c iwee satana wamkulu iwee. Anthu akulira njala iwee busy ndi ma weapon oh my goodness my malawi oh Jehovah God pliz help us to this anemy pitala nduna ya satana iyi abale.
Yaa that true we not take to our bcoz we r beta but the villagers suffering much Esther
Waganiza bwanji? Takamba za njala tidye kaye ndipamene tingamve bwino za ma plan akowo
tapangani zimenezo anthu apezepo ntchito
Military training for the Malawi Police is not a strange thing.Since the Nyasaland days the Police were part of the Askaris.In Kamuzu’s days military training courses for Senior Police Officers were held outside the country in UK,Australia and Taiwan (even Israel).
The Command courses were done jointly with other world Army and Police officers.The Police has PMF and other anti terror Task and Tactical Force(SWAT equivalent),Border Patrol,Airport Security,State House,etc where paramilitary skills are required.Not because this present regime wants but as a standard internal security requirement for Malawi.
Those skeptical of this arrangement are not security conscious patriotic Malawians whether from MDF or civilians.Politics has overtaken their better judgement.
Kodi mwayiwala za operation bwezani zija? Musamangokondwera zina zilizonse. Mawa2.
#atleast!!! We’re just livng in de villges wth nothng to do aftr xool,,,,do dat Mr Presdent,it’ll creat opportuntz to us…….
No sence ! people are starving while u r busy forming a military group for what? Are these soldiers for Lomwe built province?
#if udapeza ganyu mwai wako nafe tipezeko basi!!! Zichitike ndithu
Christopher Madalitso Nyirenda,the issue is no za alomwe apa ,just say what you want to say,osati za alomwe,the gud advice wanena kale,people are starving ,why another military
Zoona m bale , ngakhale Lomwe built idont think is behind him, amwene njala yavuta pa Malawi.
F soldiers cnt lyk what da president z doing,,, apa ndi coup basi
Military tiyeni tilande boma basi
Akalanda boma asilikali ukuona ngati azilongo ako aka azpeza mtendele ask maiko omwe a silikali analamulilapo… azizangogwililidwa mwachisawawa think before u comment.
Alande basi atibweretsera mpungwpungwe amenewa
Linda,,,,I knw what am syng….am a soldier myslf en I knw what happens wen da president z nt loyal to its army
Then you are the bloody useless soldier.
Fuck up u nosense sordier fuck yo comment u knw nothin en m am a sordier MAFCO
Fuck up u nosense sordier fuck yo comment u knw nothin en m am a sordier MAFCO
Hahahaha thanx for ur hate replies,,,u cld undrstnd what I meant t sims u hv msd my point
What kind of coup d’état is it going to look like, in some countries where that barbaric thing had happened the soldiers runs the government by controlling the valuable resources like mines et cetera, so when you look around there in Malawi what resources do you see that can make the soldiers run the government if the international community boycotts that action?
Kkkkk peter continue ur funny jokes am enjoying
Mbuya uyo mahara amala nsono
Oye bwana pangani zomwezo peter woyeee dziko likupita chitsogolo
Gud idea mwina enafe tipeza ntchito,komaso we wil learn some skils lik carpentry,mechanic and so on,plz dont just writen zikhale zoona .
Wanva zoti Malawi young Pioneer imaphunzitsa ntchito, ndi magulu ankhondo
Wanva zoti Malawi young Pioneer imaphunzitsa ntchito, ndi magulu ankhondo
Tivomele njilu ai, ena apeza ntchito
Nyc decision dis wu help 2create job opportunities coz f w luk@most ov de young men here in mw r staving kusowa xocita yet de certfctes r there wt wel qualifyd..tikungokanda apa nde apa mkulu waitha
Kod nthawi ya mapoza ndino?
Eee man ndiino kkkkk bwanji?
Yasowa maplan nkhalamba yanuyo, Peter if u dont have something to implement just stay quiet then enjoy ur gin and tonic to refresh ur old aged mind. I wish u gud luck mr president.
Ndalama zomwe alandira ku china ayamba kupenga nazo. Paja akuti mugulile chimanga osati zimenezo
“this country z moving 4ward” silikubwelera m’mbuyo,bambo openga mwapanga bwanji?
apanga bwino ka inu abambo abwinobwino
شوف. الجديد
فى عالم الديكورات الحديثه
فقره. https://m.facebook.com/%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%B4%D9%82%D9%87-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D9%85%D8%B1-2016-%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%88%D8%B6%D9%87-%D9%88%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%89-%D8%A3%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D9%8A%D8%AF-1559753007599035/
Kutha maplan
Ili ndibodza akuluwa. Sizoonayi kuti mdziko muli Defence force, Police, nde akanene zoti abweretsenso gulu lina lachitetezo. Bwanji plan yomwe alinayoyo osangoipanga implement ku Army ndi ku police komko plus kuonjezerako achinyamata ena
it`s person group
That’s very true my brother and the most ugly part of that agenda is that he will be using the tax payers money
akatilemba azititumiza ku israel kukuphunzila nkhondo,go komko basi go ahead mr will join u.
mmakwana man Peter…..apo nde muitha
owk nafexo tikuyambixa lyfe ku #tcheu ur invited all 2 join #MPF mw.pachingon.force
Malawi 24 ukuyankhula chani shupit! APM gooooooh tipeze kaganyo ife kkkkkkk
Eeeeetu man
Ku Zambia ali ndi group ngati yomwe tinali nalo la myp is doing fine in Zambia they call it Zambia national service koma kwathu kwa chuluka mbuzi
Dyela Ndiye Chiyambi Chankhondo Kumbukani Mmene Imatha Myp Kodi Munali Ndizaka Zingati Mwina Mukulemba Kamba Ka Zibwana.
Dyela Ndiye Chiyambi Chankhondo Kumbukani Mmene Imatha Myp Kodi Munali Ndizaka Zingati Mwina Mukulemba Kamba Ka Zibwana.
Davie i lik ur coment, pena pake wosamangoganiza zapompopompo kumaunika patsogolo kuti zizatha bwanji zinthu izi, Pipo wil regret
Esther Nedi Regrate for what people that time were able to be trained different job general fitter mechanical engineering and so on anzathu ku Zambia they are doing fine muziyenda mkumawona osamangokhala ndikumapereka ma coment zinthu zomwe mulibe ideas
#Goodwell i think ungoyankhurira chifukwa cha umphawi ndikusowa kwantchito, we r nt talking abt Zambia here dis is malawi
#Goodwell i think ungoyankhurira chifukwa cha umphawi ndikusowa kwantchito, we r nt talking abt Zambia here dis is malawi
#Goodwell i think ungoyankhurira chifukwa cha umphawi ndikusowa kwantchito, we r nt talking abt Zambia here dis is malawi
I know what iam talking and iam at well paying work so no regrate
I know what iam talking and iam at well paying work so no regrate
I know what iam talking and iam at well paying work so no regrate
I think you don’t know the previous myp we had during the former president late Kamuzu Banda and this is Malawi not Zambia.
I think you don’t know the previous myp we had during the former president late Kamuzu Banda and this is Malawi not Zambia.
Tell more about that myp and for your information i was in military that time and i know what iam taliking
Tell more about that myp and for your information i was in military that time and i know what iam taliking
Sizongokamba for the sake kuti munamva politian akukamba ayi
Sizongokamba for the sake kuti munamva politian akukamba ayi
inu aGoodwell mudzagwera limodzi ndi aprof anuwa
I dont support any political party in mw iam doing my own things papa but i support the plan
I see no problem with Malawi young pioneer.Mtharika will create jobs here and MYP does also agricultural practices,tightening national security,nature preservative and so on.Yea,welcome MYP.
Thats The Biggining Of War Take Care.
Thats The Biggining Of War Take Care.
wat kind of jobs ife tili ba den nursing tinamaliza last yr kma no job wat job are u tokn about go to hell with ur stupid apm mxiiiiv
Fanuel uli mmalawi mommuno koma?
Fanuel uli mmalawi mommuno koma?
Fanuel uli mmalawi mommuno koma?
We want to fight tz
We want to fight tz
We want to fight tz
Supporting stupid ideaz
We have defence force and Malawi police here, there is no need for other forces. If he wants to tighten security, he would have implemented this idea in defence force and Malawi police and add more youth there. Wake up bro
akulu muli ndi nzelu kumene?
In other countries there are more than 12 departments of national security and Malawi we have probably only 3.There’s a weakness here in case of war with Tanzania we can be finished just on a single day.
hmmmm bodza amwene… Kodi wabadwa liti Fanuel?
Foolish Comment Fanuel.Unayamba Wayiwonapo MYP Iwe?I Thnk Ndiwe Nthumbidwa!!
Nkhondo2 Iyi Amalawi Masankhasankha
Pepani munthuyu maloto amamuvuta kwambiri. Ndazana analota atagwa, lero walota ali ndi asilikali ake, mawa adzalota ali maliseche ndithu.
Zoona amundala tiye nazoni creating jobs.zida zilipo kare ntchito tigwira
Mwina mungasiye kulembana pachibale ku Malawi Defence Force ko coz ambiri tipita kumeneko may b u will work up.
The wil do the same thing ngat kwanu kulibe ali kuphika udzingakhala basi no job
The wil do the same thing ngat kwanu kulibe ali kuphika udzingakhala basi no job
Kkkkkkk koma ndiyedi2 Malawi sazathekaso basi.
Blavo,this will create job oppotunity
Thts bwampini 4 u
Eish plz ndisankheni now ndikhale woyankhulika achinyamatawo munthu wankulu.
Munthu anali mluzi basi
Mwaiwala muja ankati “amayi ndabambo ndat ndisangoyenda yenda ndakubwereseran chimanga” msonkhano kutha kungosiya mapokoso chimanga kuksonesanso boma lina”kkkkkkk
Andale palibe wabwino inu ndine tizingolimbikira ntchito dats all
Kkkk komatu mwaona mwene alinane unyolo; mluzi momwe zavutira zinthumu maka njala amayesesa kukapeza chimanga chopangidwa ndi science ife nkhumadya ndipo ngakhale ndalamano siinkasowa motaniyi. Mmm basi ndimomwemo nkutani nanga
This is not fair,police officers cant be drilled in infantrial skills,ku mafco kulibe ma unyolotu ndi za nkhondo basi,ndiye y?
umbava uchuluka
vuto lamunthu olemela kwambili ndilimenelo,kugula MSB,kuyambitsa kagulu kankhondo,then akadzaluza masankho ndikulowa mtchile,he wil b wel equiped coz ndalama alinazo,ankhondo ndi amene angalembewa,basi mabvuto pa Malawi,
zoona walakhula mumthu wamkulu
Tiyenazo peter I will joine the paramillitary myp
Ya nkhondo ija ndimeneyo…..
Hope Operation bwezani is just news to him coz he was mliyenda
Munthuyu ndiwazeru amaona patali kwabasi
Mwina Afuna Azimudzutsa Akagwa
comment reserved,mmmmmm,zinazi….8-)8-)8-)
Tijoyina bola mfutizo
Ndeyake bola asangokamba naye
Full support
Mhlakho wa arhomwe
Nkhani si ina ayi koma REFORM kkk
Ndalama zake azinyera kwani Bwampiniyu?
Bwanawa Kweni Kweni Nchiyani
Job creation go ahead Sir
May Be They Will Be Responsible To Uplift Him Whenever He Falls, Minus That The Idea Has No Space In Malawi.
Kkkkkkk nyc saguestion
this guy wy now takulakwilan chani?
koma walira mokwezatu pamenepa kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkk koma kumeneko!!
Koma mkulu ameneyu atithandiza…..
Amagwatu paja.
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk zamvuta peter muthalika, angosiya kulamulirako