Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) will host a debate for Football Association of Malawi (FAM) presidential candidates.
According to a press release from ZBS that Malawi24 have seen, the show will be beamed ‘live’ on Zodiak television and will also be broadcast on Zodiak radio.
The debate has been scheduled to take place on Saturday, 5th December 2015 at Bingu International Conference Centre in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe.
There are eleven days to go before FAM’s elections to take place in Mangochi on 12th December. Unlike in the two previous elections, this year there are three candidates who are competing for Chiwembe’s highest office.
Canada based Malawian, Willy Yabwanya Phiri, Wilkins Mijiga and incumbent Walter Nyamilandu are those that are eyeing the post.
Kkkkkkkk koma anthu ena mukuona ngati walter amene angamugwese ndani? Musavutike ndipo pezani zina zochita, ndimafuna ndikuuzeniso kuti mukamati amatha mpila ndikumwela mukufuna kunena chani? Komaso musagawanise mitundu konse mukunenako mwagoonesa kuzikonda kwanu akulu, ukanakhala kuti uzapita nawo kokavotako mmmm iwe ndithu ukakavuta iwee, koma siyanisani ndale ndimpila. Mukazaamba kuzisata zamphila simuzasowa koma pano aaaaa ayi ndithu siilani ozisata.
Mpira pa Malawi
Walter emweyo
Zimafunika kusiilana izi. Ndikadakhala nyamilandu, ndikadatula pansi udindo poona mmene flames ikuchititsira manyazi chipani cha dpp komanso dziko la malawi
New day has come atumbuka kuzikonda tiyeseko kumwela
Zaatumbuka zayambira pati? Kuzolowera sankho anyani inu,, panya pako ndikumwera kwakoko stupit zamako
Kodi iwe walter! watikonda wamva, kapena ukhale referee.
Nyamilandu Watikwana We Want To See Other Faces
Water achoke watikwana ena nawo adyeko ndalama
Siindingaikire Comment coz Sindukavota nawo,kma #Nyamilandu Akangowinanso, Ndibwera ku #Malawi konko ndizapangitse ma By-Election coz Tatopa Naye,we need New Faces @ #FAM
Walter, Willy, Wilkings? http://WWW.FAM.COM
We need pple who cn bring a positive change t our footballteam nt jst new face with an idle mind.
Www . competition. Walter, Wikins and Willie
Football its not about how fast u run,bt its abt how wel u bounce.if someone wl say kwakuti kulibe mpira the world wl laugh @ him..no racism w r 1 in malawi.
We need pple who cn bring a positive change in football not jst new face with idol mind
Dt write long comment plz we take too long to read it
For Netball
Ayendese mpira wake uti?kumalawi kuli mpiranso eti? Ndine mbuli pankhani imeneyi, no comment
Nyamilanduyo achoke ena ayesenawo mwayi
Tiwone anthu ena mayendetseredwa awo mkuluyu akapume
Walter ndiwo wina achewa satha mpila nganga mijiga nde uti zachamba bax
kodi Walter ndi ntchito yoluzayi imene simunamalize????????
Nyamilandu kwake kwatha.
Ine Nyamilanduyu sindifuna ndikumuwona mmaso mwangamu,akagwele uko saliyekha mziko muno.FAM siyamunthu mmodzi akanapuma munthuyu abale chonde.
Ine ndimadabwa kuti thawi zonse walter walter kodi alipo yekha?fifa chimodzimodzi mose mose muja ndina yamba kumva za blatter blatter palibe ena?ZACHINYENGO ZAZIPHUPHU SIZINGATHE kodi mukudziwa kuti ku FAM kuliso CASHGATE? afufuze
Kudya msolo wa mphende nkhupitisilana ena alowemo and take flames into world cup tatopa ife ndikufera mu gear,Yes we can.
Walter hs miserably failed in th administration of local futbal.luk @ th national team.where z th products of youth futbal?actualy wht r th platforms and sound structures of properly managing youth futbal so as 2 produce quality players and sustain their careers in th long run?wht hs changed in th standard of local futbal during th ‘century’ h hs bn at th helm?wy alwyz is h caught in th webs of corruption and office-abuse allegations?and wht bout th status of women’s footbal?isnt it surprzng tht Sulom hsnt imposed hm?thanx 4 th memories Nyamilandu bt its tym to leave.evrybody knws tht FAM and local futbal needs fixing bt w stopped bylvngtht u r th ryt guy to lead this task.imagin even sum sane wanderers fans r desperate 2 see u pack becauz ur misadministration shame them.make a wise decision nw othawyz if it wl happen tht u wl win again then it wl jst confirm th presence of weaknesses and unfairnes in th electoral system
nyamirandu yemweyo amakhara nafe pamavuto ndi pa mtendere mwana okurira mumpira kokuno kumalawi akuziwa zomwe amalawi akuna.anawo fundo alimbe akungomuyoza nyamirandu mzawo olo tsiku limodzi sanawanyakhurepo amango nyakhura za mpira bisi kwaine onse voti mwana wanuwanu nyamilandu opanda ndeu ndi munthu zake ndi za mpira basi.omuyaza asiyeni aziyoza mulungu akuwaona cifukwa akuyoza mnthu opanda cifukwa.
Zodiak imandibowa
Malawians so greedy we want new face here
Kma mtumbuka awina kkkkkkkkkk! Ndkaika vuto ndiodzkonda atumbuka kwmbiri #Nyamilandu yemweyo basi
Kodi Water Nyamilandu Manda kwao ndikuti bwana. Pena pake sibwino kuika nkamwa chinthu choti sumeza, atumbuka ndi mpira zagwirizana patipo. God have mercy. Big shame on you.
I hate Nyamilandu with passion sure.
Nyamilandu enough iz enough plz!
Walter shud rest he is not th onl wise peson.
Three Ws. Loliest!!
nyamilanduyoooooooooooooooooo owinawina
Ana akuba awa
nde dzichani dzimenedzo
a goal.com akalemba nkhani ya anthu atatu, amayikapo zithunzi za anthu onsewo, inu mwangoyika cha candidate modzi chifukwa? kukondera sichoncho?
Walter must exit we want new thingx!
Thats a welcome development a zodiak,a malawi azimvere okha fundo za anthu amene akufuna kuzapikisana pa mpando wa malawi fa president.ena atha kukhala ndinzeru ndi upangiri amene ungathandize mpira wathu patsogolo,tinene zoona mpira m’malawi muno walowa pansi.flames pano ingotibulidwa ndi team ina iliyonse including tz.enawo nchito zamanja awo taziona.lets try something new.bye bye.
nyamilandu azipita tioneko ena eeeeeeeeeeee nanga ndiwamuyaya iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
It could have been better if the debates started b4 the nominations by the FAM affiliates. Otherwise we lost gud pple bcoz of the FAM affiliates!
Koma this Walter guy osangochoka mwantendere bwanji kakaka zaziii
Zinthu ndizosiyirana..tione zina apa
Bwanji enawo simudawaikepo apa? pita nawoni uko malonda anuwo!
Concentrate on netball, forget bout soccer….
Im tired of this name so called #nyamilandu,ntng he hv done abt football
Koma ufiti basi
boma limakanatu nkhani zaufiti..
kodi iwe ukukakamila chani nyamilandu watikwana ife sitikukufuna
more fire Mijiga wawina kale iwee atumbuka alephera tiyendeseko ife akumwera sopano bcz zikuonesa kt palibe chigawo chotha mpira kuposa kumwera ndie apa tipase anthu akumwera enanu tiyeni ku simama ndi ku chipiku….ndat atumbukaso ayiiii ulendo uno zopusa…
Siine m2mbuka koma fundo yanui man ndiyachimidxi cox dis ix nt a regional issue!
Siine m2mbuka koma fundo yanui man ndiyachimidxi cox dis ix nt a regional issue!
kkkkkkkkk muisovenge
Kungoonetsa umbuli wanu onse apa, zukhuzana pat ndi tribe?
Tangowakhululukirani awo mungowodzina lawo lokhalo ndi aKalikokha angaganize chani chanzeru kupotsa zoputsazo?
va ziii fundo less, galu ya munthu
Wanama walter is from chikwawa. No tribe in mw has all pple inteligent
Nyamirandu achoke tiziwe mmene amabela. Palowe Mijiga
There is no football in Malawi. What a wasting time is this
Lol what Race
Zaziii osangozisiya bwanji