Prince Harry has arrived in the country for a three day visit that will see him meet President Peter Mutharika. The prince, who is also the Duke of Sussex, will meet Mutharika later today. Before… ...
Nsanje World Inland port
Malawi says it is still waiting for an official position from the Mozambican Government regarding the Shire Zambezi Waterway Project in Nsanje. Malawi High Commissioner to Mozambique Frank Elias Viyazhi insisted in a statement on… ...
Police on Thursday fired teargas to disperse crowds in Rumphi and Kasungu who were protesting against different issues. In Rumphi, demonstrators were marching against the quota system of selecting students to secondary schools. When the… ...
Protesters agitating for the abolishment of the quota system marched today in Mzuzu. The demonstrations were organized by the Quota Must Fall Movement which wants government to stop using the quota system when selecting students… ...