A 36-year-old man in Chikwawa has died after he was hit by a falling tree. Peter Hesten died on Thursday at Zalera Village in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Ndakwera in the district. According… ...
The Senior Resident Magistrate Court in Lilongwe has today granted bail to Ndizakupanga Rape singer Mwiza Chavura. Senior Resident Magistrate Violet Chipawo granted Chavura bail saying the artist surrendered himself to police on Friday last… ...
The Blantyre Synod of Central Church Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) has set Sunday, 28th January as a day when all its congregations will pray for rains. The prayers are aimed at seeking God's intervention following the… ...
A boy aged 11 has died after a tree fell on him in Laiti village in Traditional Authority Bvumbwe in Thyolo. Confirming on the incident, Limbe Police Station Assistant Public Relations Officer Patrick Mussa identified… ...