Dotolo oyeza mitembo m'dziko muno, a Charles Dzamalala, watsutsa zoti malemu Kottana Maria Chidyaonga adamwalira chifukwa chakulumidwa ndi njoka koma wati anadyetsedwa mankhwala. Kottana wa zaka 23 adamwalira loweruka pa 4 January chaka chino. Usiku… ...
Anthu m’mudzi mwa Chikandila mfumu yaikulu Mkanda m'boma la Mchinji alawulidwa pomwe mkulu wina anathawa mkazi wake kuchipinda ndikukagwidwa akuchita chisembwele ndi galu wake. Watsimikiza zankhaniyi ndi mneneri wa apolisi m'bomali a Inspector Kaitano Lubrino… ...
UTM says thugs invaded the homes of its witnesses in the presidential elections case. The party's publicity secretary, Joseph Chidanti Malunga said in a statement today that Darlington Ndasauka and Mirriam Gwalidi who were both… ...
The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) has intensified sensitization and awareness campaign aimed at helping people survive floods. The development follows a stern warning from the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services that… ...