Amnesty International says the recent killing of a person with albinism in Thyolo is a sign that Malawi should do more in prosecuting perpetrators of previous crimes against people with albinism.
On Tuesday, a 19 year old man with albinism, Madalitso Pensulo, was killed in Mlonda Village under the Nsabwe Traditional Authority in Thyolo.

Reacting to the killing, Amnesty International said Malawi’s failure to address policing issues and to investigate previous crimes against people with albinism is giving criminals confidence that they can get away with the murders.
“Malawian authorities must take immediate steps to address the poor policing and failures in the criminal justice system which have led to a climate of impunity for crimes against people with albinism.
“People with albinism are living in fear within their own communities. This latest killing highlights the urgent need for Malawian authorities to ensure an effective criminal justice system to bring suspected perpetrators of past related crimes to justice. They must ensure a coordinated security strategy that protects all people with albinism in Malawi, and put an end to their abduction and killing,” Amnesty International’s Regional Director for Southern Africa, Deprose Muchena.
He also called on the police and to make sure that they bring to book Pensulo’s killer in order to send the message that attacks on people with albinism will not be tolerated.
shem to all people who involved in situation
I’m sorry make sure those people loked up
Anyone found involved against humanity. The law must take action.
Kuli okamuzu kunalibe zimenezi.panopa chitetezo kulibe
Dera lathu layipa Sandama ukutichitsa mantha
dziko lathu lamasiye lilibe mtsogoleri mukhoza kutipanga adopt
Y? Y? Y? Malawi Hv A Shame
Ndizomvesa chisoni kuti amalawi ena mpaka lero sitinaziwebe kuti mtundu wachialubino ndi amalawi anzathu, anzathu a m ‘boma chonde, chitanipo kanthu zidayamba ndikale mchitidwe umenewu uthe, nonse amene mukutengapo gawo lakupha ma alubino ambuye akuyendeleni mumuziwe yesu.
very sad, dela la kwawo kwa atsogoleli shame.
Don’t tolerate that as a government
Munthu yemwe wapanga zoipayo wagwidwa zulo Ku Mozambique, koma atangooloka naye Ruo kufika kumalawi panali chinamtindi cha apolice ndipo mwamsangamsanga anamuthawisa kugulu la anthu okwiya. Kukamba kwake amati a President ati afuna akamuone wamoyo ncholonga kuti athe kuulula ena okhuzidwa.
kkkk ati apresident akamuone shaaaa koma anthuwa atitha sure sasowa zonama et
Eeee koma m’bale kunavuta.
Moti pakwawo panopa mpabwinja
wankuluyi akuziwapo kanthu
Zotsakhala boh amalawi ndchan?????????????? mulowelelepo YEHOVA
Malawi Wafika Pomvesa Chison,kuchosa Vakab kunkhwepesa Chitetezo Mmalo Monkwimisa,cholinga Aziyendanazo Bwino Ziwalozo
Malawi tsopano ayenera kutenga lamulo la opha mzake aphedwenso,Chifukwa palibe chisoni iwo kupha anthu ndiyenso akapezeka nawo aphedwe,Ndiye khaya ndichani amalawi police akapeza kuti wina waphedwa chifukwa anapha mzake akumayamba kufufuza omwe abwezelawo kuti ati awamange,kumakhala kusowa ntchito yogwira kapena mumaziwapo kanthu inu apolice.
Tsopano tingati bwanji,izi zikuwonetselatu chitetezo kwanthu kuno kulibe nanga zikuvuta pati kuti anthu amenewa atetezedwe,kapena zala zanthu ziloze akulu akulu aboma kuti akudziwapo kanthu?
Akapezeka aphedwe basi
Akapezeka okupha albino nayenso aphedye ndiyenchitidwe umenewu uzachepa so sad.
Now That vakabu yathetsedwa ndi the so called law makers…this albino killing will be rampant…aziyenda ndi ziwalozo opanda kufunsidwa…one of the disadvantages kuletsedwa kwa vakabu.
So sad indeed! Anthu enawa amamva bwanji akamapanga zimenezi?
Kodi anamachende inu mwayambilanso???
Koma anthu mukumaganiza bwanji pomachotsa miyoyo ya achalubino? ?kodi inu wanuwo azauchotsa ndani, allah kumeletsa udzu mwapeza chida chosautsila anzanu? ?? Komadziwani kuti mulungu alinanu chochita, ameen
if we can hold hands we can finish this we cant just wait for police ,its sad!!
So sad
tchile lamelasopa anthu agwile tchito pamene kunali koyela mumasowa kopita,sikundi limodzi anthu opanga mchitidweu azasiya