Just in: Chanco student found dead

Albinos Malawi

A fourth year student at Chancellor College (Chanco) in Zomba who was studying Social Science has been found dead in her room today, Police say.

Chanco.The student, 22 year-old Ester Kachikuni, who was physically challenged and used a wheelchair was found dead in her room at the college hostels.

Confirming the development, Zomba police spokesperson Patricia Supliano said the deceased’s sister who is also at the college found the body today.

Supliano further said authorities at the college are yet to establish the cause of the death.

Meanwhile there are plans to send the body to College of Medicine for a postmortem.



  1. We have lost this guy fr real and do not show your stupidity here.we can’t replace someone’s life.makolo ataya chuma chawo, nthawi komanso moyo wamwana wawo amene amadalira kuti mwina mawa adzawatora but mmm…! May his soul rest n peace.tikusowani brother,malangizo aja mwapita nawo shshsh.

  2. Amalawi bomali limapanga chithu mwachisisi limapha koma limakana chasowa alikuti inumulimba ause mutendere aaaaaaa!!

  3. Firstly,,RIP Esther and the fact that I am also going to die one day, may Good Elshadai receive your soul.

    Secondly, guys other people’s SINS should not be seen as our point of attraction and ife kumaoneka madolo just because tikudziwa kufooka kwa anzthu NO. kaya Esther wamwalira ndi matenda, or what so ever you can comment, Death is something that needs to be seen beyond our shallow imagination.

    remember that she has people and now those her relatives are deeply saddened by this death, nde wina kumatukwana munthu omwalira, honestly that madness.

    Why always us Malawians we are such people who thinks opposite to the truth? kungopanga type kuti RIP tikuono kutaya nthawi, koma mpakana kutukwana?

    I must confess: I Regrate Being a Malawian and I Feel Shy for the same

  4. Kodi iwe mwana wa mbuzi ukulankhula choncho ndimulongo wako paja ndie ukuchita manyaz kt anali ndi AIDS kapena sudziwa kt ana ambiri akawapeza ndimatenda amamwa poison kapena kuzimangilira muroom momwe amagona iwe waphunzira kt sipaja unaphunzira kumzimba kasukulu kapansi pamtengo paja usaziyese kukhala odziwa apa

  5. Anthu writing disrespectful comments ,mwafufuza kuti linali boma?did you hear anali wandale?or anali ndimatenda?Muganize ali wachibale wanu,she has atwin who is also disabled from ku chanco konko,osamaoneka ochenjera kapena okutha zinthu kwambiri,zodzionetsa pagulu kuti mumatha kulankhula,think twice before you make conclusions,

    1. Iweyo Ndie Kuzimva Shugar Kwambiri? Walankhulapo Chan Apa? Utsutsa Anthu Angat? Nawenso Uganize Bwino Polemba Ma Coment Ako Ozikundikilawo Mpa Social Network2 Apa Owoo!

  6. Paja Boma Mumakondela Posankha Ana Amabwana Okha Okha Ndie Mumati Azitan Sucrifice Imeneyo Satanic Nanga Mphawi Ingamukhudze Pati Apa Kadziphanani Ife Amphawife Paja Mumatikanizako


    1. Read the story again.Am also a student at the said University,this girl was so humble and quiet.Politics was not her part.She was using a wheel chair coz she was disabled.I believe she has died of natural causes.

    2. Mmmm macomment enawa tingolakwa nawo apa,, zi2 zopanda umboni zizitiopsya kuankhurapo,ndibwino kukhara mburi pa zomwe sitikudziwaz

    1. Panyero panu mayi ndithu,munthu anali olumala uyu nde mudziyankhula manyi anuwo? Ndikanakudziwani ine apa kumwamba uko ndikanakuthirani mpeni.Unabelekapo koma iwe hule iwe?

    2. as big as you are talking nosense like this, God have mercy on you, learn to speak with your mouth and mind not just your mouth,

  8. ameneyi ngati mukuti wapezeka atafa nkhani zake mongoganizira ndizitatu zimenez kusagwilizana pa nkhani ya ndalama ndiazizake,kulandana achikondi ndiazizake,kapena pang’ono kungoganizalako nkhani zandelezi muja anachitira Robert chasowa…koma zomwalira ndimatenda sitingazinamizire matenda anasiya kupha anthu..anthu akuphana okhaokha

    1. komaso olemba nkhani awa a malawi 24 akuyenera kuphuzisidwa mwapadera kalembedwe ka nkhani osamangofikila kuti haz found dead…azitha kunenakoxo mavuto omwe amakuna nawo munthuyo pamoyo wake..chifukwa apa sopano zikuoneka kuti nkhani ikuveka kuti anali olumara anthuwa amatha kukumana ndizopinga zambili ngati Bp kukwera chifukwa chakulumala kwao kuti azitengere madz olo mankhwala paokha zimatha kuvuta….Nanga Kod nkhani zongofikila haz found dead kumasiilako anthu amene akuidziwa bwino nkhaniyo pliz

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