…Wadabwa recalled
Flames mentor Enerst Mtawali has named a 27 man squad ahead of the 2017 African Cup of Nations qualifier away to Zimbabwe and the Cosafa Castle Cup scheduled for next month in Namibia.

Some notable faces missing out on the list are that of Chimango Kayira and Robert Ng’ambi.
Mtawali has included four new faces to the list, with Rafique Namwera, Paul Phiri, Richard Mbulu and Stain Malata all given their first senior national team call up.
Former Golden Arrows forward Peter Wadabwa has also made the cut, with Muhamad Sulumba and Jafali Chande all been re-called for the second time.
Below is the full squad list:
Goalkeepers -Charles Swini -Brighton Munthali -John Soko
Defenders -Miracle Gabeya -John Lanjesi -Yamikani Fodya -Francis Mulimbika -Stainley Sanudi -Limbikani Mzava -Harry Nyirenda
Midfielders -Joseph Kamwendo -John Banda -Micium Mhone -Gerald Phiri Jnr -Isaac Kaliyati -Rafiq Namwera -Jafali Chande -Paul Phiri -Stein Malata -Wonder Jeremani -Dalitso Sailesi
Strikers -Chiukepo Msowoya -Peter Wadabwa -Muhamad Sulumba -Gabadinho Mhango -Shumacher Kuwali -Richard Mbulu
Technical Panel
- Enerst Mtawali-Head Coach –Nsanzurwimo Ramadhan-Assistant Coach –Clement Kafwafwa-Team Manager –Swadick Sanudi-Goalkeepers’ trainer –Levison Mwale– Team Doctor
The team will start camping on Sunday, 22 May 2016 at Mpira Village.
Before facing Zimbabwe, the Flames will play Botswana on 29 May in an international friendly match.
Kkkkk km gyx ndie bola nama2 myb w r win tm onele
Tikangoluza game imeneyi Mtawali tikuchekacheka ndipo tikunyenyanyenya uziwanso ,, ukayang’ane kopangirako nyasi za kozo
knowledge musonda, khama brilliant, kasande, ndoro sorry my team flames who will stop these player .
Tinazolowera kuludza,bola Nyasa big bullets
kuzolowera kuluza
Substantial call up!
nayenso coach uyu saii bwino anthu simukunamizira kuti azipita! kaira amathandiza national team
Bora kusapota zimu
Sindingasapote malawi ngankhale ndili wakumalawi
Koma M’zavayo sadalitsa eish!!!
ndizibwana tsoka amaliyanba dala
koma zosiya ma player ngati amenew
flames moto tisamanyoze timuyafuko lathu
Koma coach palinzeru pamenepa ukati uwonesese? Kusiya ng,ambi?
Kuwonela mpira wa malawi bora kumangogona flames kuchititsa manyaziiiii
Tizawina osamanyoza ziko lakwathu komwe tinachokela
“Whats your take?” mwandipinda amalawi 24.
Malawi is malawi on speaking not on pich .
Kumeneko ndekupusa.
Mpila simbali yathu ife a Malawi tikanangosiya kumangoononga ndalama zaboma for nothng sizoona bola kumakalima tomato kudimba mwina kumapeza lanchele.
Am a Malawia bt ikakwana nthawi ya mpira mmmm! Zimandivuta. Malawi sizatheka unless tikhale opanda flames for some years in order to rebuild the team. See now is this the game to drop Ng’ambi? Zimbabwe ndi team yovuta yomwe it’s not easy for us to defit them, and it needs senior players not from division.
Ndimanena ine kt kwabwno tingoigulitsa team ndi panel yomwe,and tisacyepo kan2 nd nyamilandu aguritsidwe bas, ndalamazo tigulire chimanga ma ADMAC osa
Masapusi coach
Zimbabwe 15 Malawi 0 Fina results
All the best guyz, pangofunika anyani ena ake osakaasiyasiya(Ndoro plus mfiti Billiat) ok??
Am a real malawian nd am proud of it flames woyeee
Ndine mmalawi bac flames ndimakunyadilani malawi woyeeee 2017
Love our nation love our team. All the best guys we are behind you
Ng’ambi & chimango they aree key players sakanayenela kusiyidwa chifukwa cha mafana omwe alibe experience
apereke mwayi kwa anzao basi koma ndi zopoila coz this is an international game ikufunika ma professional players
Squad imeneyi atengela quarter system eti ? Bola akanatengela merit . Tendai ndoro ndi khama biliyati azawakhaulisa muona.
I don’t think coach wanzeru angansiye top player lyk MNG’AMBI ndikutenga zomwe watengazi nkumati tikupita ku ZIM kokawina game hahahahahahaha
Squad is good bt dropping Ngambi is abig brow to the nation i wish coach to recall him if nt wait n see asadzakwiye akutodzedwa noways calling maplayers akusewera 1st division kuno ku rsa matimuso woti sanachite buino ndikusiya player wa PSL woti amadziwa bwino achina Katsande, Ndoro ,Billiati etc chidani chani
Kuno ku jonzi akumufuna matimu atatu ndikumamusiya palibe nzeru
the best of gud luck anywe..its our team,our pride lets support them..nice selection mr kochi..God bless..
Zanu izo mumasapota flamesnu mugulire chile panado ochuluka chifukwatu mandimu ndiye muchita kutopa nao.
Bola ine ndinangosankha kt ndizisapota Nyasa bg bullets ndi Arsenal mateam osaondetsa
a very very important match I cant wait
kkkkkk koma abale
Dzimene zikuchitika ku PARLIAMENT YAKU SOUTH AFRICA bolanson yaku Malawi2……..
Team yokhumudwitsa…waste to support this team, you end up dying with heart attack.
What’s wrong with Ng’ambi? Nde kuli bwino usale iweyo Enerst2
Ntawaliyo ndiye bakha weniwei ndithu kodi kwao nkuti ameneyu
Train harder coz zim is on fire
Vakumulekela ng’ambi na kayila sowe tione mkawine na wa tyakide winu awo mwasola
acoach kumsiya ng’ambi mwalakwisa,thus y anthu amati muzikhala ndi first eleven,mumachosa ma seasoned prayers nkumayikamo tisasamba tinatake.zomvesa chisoni kwambiri.
Mpira ndiozungulira kodi sitina chite draw ndi Guinea pakwao koma kwathu nkuluza,, let’s support our team bcoz win and lose is in hands of God
Ngati mateam sakuchita bwino maligi athu tisayembekezere chipambano.
Ichi ndiye chanba chomusiyila Ng’ambi ndi chyani?
Ntawali ndiwe wausiru.ng’ambi ndi nyondo wasiyira chani.ntchito ngati sukuyifuna osangonena bwanji
Dropping Ng’ambi is no sense, mtawari must think again
3 -0 zimu kumenya mwi
Coach wamasimba why he droped ng’ambi plantinum star nyc prayer,how but wadabwa.
We expect more!
Kodi Ernest Mtawali nkhani ya ndalama yomwe ija ikupitilirabe kuti mpaka ukamusire Baggio Ng’ambi ndekuti analakwisa kukumbusa ngongole yake
Wen Mtawali bcomez Bigga than Malawi…..
Wy dropped ng’ambi?
Voetsek national team without Ng’ambi ndechani ameneyo ndiamene amadziwa achina Ndoro, Billiat etc
Phamphaniso DERNMAK atumizenso KIM. osazipopa kuti mulindi makochi ku malawi kunena zoona tilibe makochi.
Apakunena zoona zimbabwe tingotayisapo nthawi kambani zina
Kinnah waz gud for coaching de flames! zinazi mmm kaya
kkkkkk rasta sangakhale coach
Tidazolowera ku loser, kukhala M’Malawi nkulimba mtima
Mwatero kodi kulibe ng’ambe chabwino
Chandeeeeeeee wapita??
To drop Ng’ambi it means ur not a gd coach,go n lose dis game stupit Malawians football,i am out!!!
Iwe mtawali shaaaaaaaaaaaa new philosophy? Kkkkkkkkkkk
No problem Chimango absent Chande come in,thats good 4 us.
Kd anyamata awater nyamilandu,akukatan ku flames? A2 ali poztion 10 kumachita kuwatenga gulu chocho y? Blue egoz ili ndi anyamata abwino hvy mungatengeko m’modzi?
muziyendako makwalalamu ma player’s ndi DiwiDiwi sakana midzimu ndipo atinthandiza ife but don’t Blem Coach ndivuto lama Player’s wo
Ok tamva
Inenso guys andisiya eti,ndiye fodya WA chamba adzikamugulira ndani kaya Ku Zim….coach wachabe uyu eti!
Mutawali ur fired
Anatengaso o o belo ndi oo nakamura a mwina tikawina kwa mugabe
Is flames still alive…? I cant even mention starting 11….even Walter Nyamirandu he cant mention first 11 for Flamez…what a shame of team.
mmmmmmhu chiteam chimandipsyesa mtima ichi,kodi ndalama zomwe imagwilitsa ntchito manyaka a team imeneyi simungangoonjezela ku league yanziko munoyi??????. Mwina nkutukulako mpira kwa ten yrs??????.Every time we sing the same song yakuluza iyaaaaaaaaaa
No Excuse needed this is a must win game okey
Nde mwati ng’ambi mulibe?koma zinazi,ok ndakumvani.
Kodi a coach-wa akamaitana ma players akuyendela perfomance kapena kukongola kwa dzina la player???????.Ng’ambi mmene akutsewelela ku platinum guys iiiiiiiiii iyi ndinsanje basi.
Umasankha utasuta ganja et?y u dt u call Ng’ambi?
Amene mwasankhidwa coach wakudalirani perform to your level best and to the betterment of our country.
Komaso coach mwaganiza bwanji msanje ndi luso lanzanu bwanji wandikwiyisa
Wakalamba n,gambi kkkkkkkk musova
Ng’ambi,Atusaye,Kaira,Chipuwa and S Nthala amayenera kupita koma coach popeza mutu wake sunagwire bwino ntchito mpake wasiya anthuwa
guyz Robert samadzpereka ku nation timu,,,, achtabwno kumusiya
Zimbabwe 4-0 Malawi,Coz every game we change players like used condoms.
I feel shame to be a malawian Kadziko kakang’ono,kovutika,kamiseche,kokupha albino,Kopanda mbiri ya mpira,koma kaduka ndiye eee number 1 palibenso mwa africa yonse…Komwe ndili kuno azungu akandifusa where do you come from ndimangoti I forget my country name and I will check for you in my passport then I’ll let you know.
Kkkk iwe nd galu bac kkkk
Kkkkkkkkk iwe ndi one
Iwe ndiwakuba ungatchule bwanji kwanu
Ure a y.l ( young idiot)
kkkkkkkk waiwalapo kuti kokonda Mathanyula
kkkkkkkk waiwalapo kuti kokonda Mathanyula
Kwanu nkwanu mayi
Kkkkkk or ine sindingatchule dziko la cv lonyatsa eish shame malawi
Kkkkkkk udakali ndi mphabvu adzadziwa kwanu ukadzadwala m’bale
Kwanu mkwanu mayi be patriotic
wairapo kunyozana mitundu
Given sindikukunva ukuti chani?
United states of mulanje and thyolo kakakakakakak
kkkkk kadziko kake kochepa komweka mutulukemo dziko lina kkkkk
Zochitika mdziko ndi zawo amene amazichita koma kwanu muzakufuna osakonda kunyoza. Iweyo ukuona ngati wafikapo koma uzapitanso konko. Ifenso tili moyenda koma sunganyoze kwanu. Ukunama chemwa usiyiletu kunyozako bwenzi pokwera posika ndi ——————————– ? Posamuka sathyola minga kukaunjika pamjigo ukasika mmwambamo ukawepeza omwewo
i’ll never back kumpanje,dziko lochitisa manyaz
i’ll never back kumpanje,dziko lochitisa manyaz
i’ll never back kumpanje,dziko lochitisa manyaz
kkkkkkkkk uli bho #Levison
Kkkkkk kma coach iwe ntchito ukuifuna?
wandisekesa zed kk
Tinene zoona kunusiya Ng’ambi ndi mistake yayikulu.pofuna kutukula mpira ku Malawi tiyeni tichotse udani wakunyumba. sinthawi yokayesa zida iyi ayi. ndigwirizanenaye mzanga vuto ma coach anthu saudziwa mpira wanthu wa ku MalawiTikadalira a Malawi
Koma mmene akumenyera ndoro ndi billiat eish..tizasamba zigoli ndithu
Wht do we expect frm Mtawali,how could he drop Ng’ambi? Wake up and smell the coffee Malawi
Only God knows the results
Apandye tukantchapibwaso bas
Droping key players? Still build ateam? For how long? We will not play afriendly match its about atournament. Mind, we will not play against Nyerere but stars. Lets deliver their plate with ur try and error soccer
Koma Ernest mtawali hahaha kumusiya ng’ambi?.Ngati mudanyengerana azimayi nde mmmmm very bad ganyu uyu simulimbapo ndithu kina phiri dd his best i salute him tidakunthako Egypt, congo, Algéria osaiwala tidadrawer ko ndi Ivory cost.#Kina the great
I can see flames doing better than previous time. Good will fight the battle for us.
Akamenya mtawali pa mid. Thats why wasiya robert& chimango
Akamenya mtawali pa mid. Thats why wasiya robert& chimango
Why not #NG’AMBI !
Coach don’t waste your time & Money.our national team(Flames) it was good before but now is useless.tikaluza 3-1
Sibasi pano tingot
Kkkkkk kusiya Ng’ambi kutenga mhone
Kuonela Flames ndi.kowawa..
Kadyeni ndalama zanthu zamisokho wonder Jeremani:stein malata ,Rafiq namwera and wadabwa
Vuto si coach,,,, kma tlibe ma player abho
khama biliati (sundowns psl player of the year) tendai ndoro (Orlando pirates the current nedbank top goal scorer)…wiliam kasande (kaizer chief n psl defensive midfielder of the year…..osawelengera ma star aku chicken inn, dynamos apa….ndee malo mptenga malevel awo achina ng’ambi mkuwasianso….tiyiSOVENGE
Why droping Robert ‘Baggio’ Ng’ambi?
Good luck flames♨
Mmmmm mpila kumalawi uzatheka nyamilandu akachoka
a wa akuchinya ku team ya police osawatengako bwanji?
4get About Football In Mw Coz Tnazolowera Kuluza, Even Mutatenga Maplayers Lyk Kane,suraz,vardy And CR 7,2 B Our 4ward Tingaluzebe,cndikuziwa Kt Malawi Idalakwanji?
Zim7-1flames all the best to flames
We need experienced midfielders like ng’ambi and chimango especially against Zimbabwe.You keep changing the squad every call up and expect the flames to do well???,,
Koma coach ameneyu kusiya Robert Ng’ambi ndi Chimwango Kayila
Let the coach do his work this time osamkakamiza kuti atenga muthu yemwe sanakondwere naye
Do u know khama billiat, Tendai ndoro, en willard kasande? Usamayesetu expect more goals baba
Koma flames ilipobe? Team izidzikocha yokha, sadzapezekapo coach woyitha team imeneyi bliv me.
we need players who can deliver,had workng wt never give up sprit.
mungonyambita misonkho muli ziiii….olo muluze sizikukhudzani.
bola kupatsa netball team imayesetsa
Malawi siyitha zomwe pano ine nditi
ndie titaa!!!!
Biliyati vs Ng’ambi pls dont leave this guy in ur squad
We waste our time fighting coaches instead of looking at real issues that r affecting Malawi ftball. No coach will be a darling to Malawi supporters coz most of them do not understand ftball.
So whats the matter?we have experienced and skilled players the good combination by the good coach can bring gøød results.the big problem is our coaches are having some personal conflicts which they bring to our team and is killing the team.for instance,no reason have been given why Chimango and bajo have been sidelined can this put malawian futbal on the Map?i don’t think so.
No soldier can carry a gun he is not conversant with.
musuya zampila mutenga mbola…malawi sizatheka bax
why dropping baggio?
Take care Flames . BILLIYAT & MBESUMA Waiting for you.
Kkkkkkkkkkk kuzimbabwe kuli mbesuma or zambia
mbesuna is 4m Zambia,Billiat malajira,ndoro,musona r on fire
Why supporting flamez instead of queens
Ndinatopa ndikumwa mankhwala otchedwa Grandpa ine chifukwa choonera game ya flames iyaaaaaaaaaa ikagwere uku flames!
Maybe he has personal issues with ng’ambi because he is performing well @ his club
Mtawali anabweleka ndalama kwa Baggio nthawi ija zisakuyenda ku South Africa after Mtawali kumusankha kuti akhale coach wa nation Baggio anafunsa ndalama yake basi kudana kunayambira pompo
Vuto la amalawi ndilimenelo
Stop Calling them Flames pliz! pliz! let us call them smokes or hang over united. Kkk!
When you combine Kachaso with Chamba it end’s up like this–this coach doesnt need to be sacked only,bt also he hv to visit medical check up(Zomba mental Hospital)some wires are not working in his heard
fremz nde ndiyaukape hvy.kd ndalamazo zikusowa kopita?osatikongoza tiyanbire gen achinyamata bwanji?
This coach is useless
Ku supporter Flames ndikulimba mtima,ine ndinaiwala kalekale zoti tili ndi national team.
Eee!! amwene zoonadi, nanenso better to support Barclays Teams. Kwathu Kuno Kulibe fball!!!
Iiiiii kulimba mtimadi man ngatimunama Kkkkkkk
Ernest palibe chanzeru ukuchita tinodikira umalidze contract yako anzakoso adyeko ndalama dzaulele dzaboma
kkkkkkkk FLAMES sizathekaso bola akanakhala Kinna Phiri (K.P)
anatimenya pakhomo atayenda wapansi kuchoka kuchipata chamwanza mpaka pakamuzu stadium what about kwapitira kwawo kaya izo tamabesa ndalamazo go!!!!!!! Zimbabwe Kkkkkkkk
They forget khama Biliati,all the south africans psl teams they are defeated by sundowns becz of him,even Ntawali knows him very well.its better that money they donate to poor malawians.
Kkkkk that’s true bro is better that money donates to hospital
Guys why calling achina Mbulu, Stein Malata,peter Wadabwa And Wonder Jeremani ,leaving Robert And Chimango Mmmmmmmm What A blunder.
mbulu z better than sulumba
All the above better than namwera and kaliati.
This ganja coach will take us nowhere!
kkkkkkkkkkkkk ndakomoka
Flames kkk kuchinyidwa basi
This guy,”mtawali” has grudges with Ng’ambi.
Droping Robert?why?the team does not lack skill it z lacking experience whch can be used to feed our skilled strikers to find goals when thngs go bad.Enerst,when shall you realise that this z a competitive match and there z no way to test the players its time to call players who can put Malawian football on map.Joseph and Ng’ambi’s cordination can be better for Chiukepo,Chande,Gaba,and the likes but with this squad i don’t think we will do somethng there.
nde mukaluze eti?
wadabwa deserves … a call… ali pa high….