Man arrested for robbing German national at Zomba Mountain


Police in Zomba have arrested a 32-year-old man, Frank Mereka, for robbing a German national of money and iPhone at Zomba Mountain.

Deputy Public Relations Officer for Zomba Police Station Sergeant Aaron Chilala has confirmed to Malawi24 of the arrest of Mereka.

Sergeant Chilala has told Malawi24 that on July 23, 2023, Ms. Stephanie Mayer, a German citizen was robbed off money in foreign currency, an iphone and assorted documents by an unknown person at Zomba Mountain as she was heading to Ku Chawe Inn.

He said that after receipt of the report, Zomba Police Station through the Criminal Investigations Department acted swiftly in the matter and on July 30, 2023 police found the assorted documents dumped within the mountain.

The team continued with intensive investigations which have led to arrest of Mereka who was found in possession of an iphone that got stolen during the robbery which the owner has positively identified.

Ms. Mayer Stephanie and her colleagues who were together during the incident, have also managed to identify Mereka as the one who robbed them during the fateful day.

Mereka who hails from Chiwalo village, Traditional Authority Kapoloma in Machinga district is currently under police custody waiting to appear before court soon to answer applicable charges.

Meanwhile Police in the district would like to assure its residents and tourists of maximum security as law enforcers have intensified measures to create unsafe environment for thieves in the district.
