Maseko Ngoni cultural heritage event cancelled following deaths of key figures

Maseko Ngoni

The annual Maseko Ngoni Cultural Heritage event, known as Umhlangano, has been cancelled this year due to the recent tragic deaths of Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima and prominent musician Lucius Banda. 

Inkosi Ya Makosi Gomani V made this announcement, reflecting the deep impact these losses have had on the Maseko Ngoni clan.

In his statement, Gomani V conveyed the profound sense of mourning within the clan, acknowledging the significant roles both Chilima and Banda played in their cultural and social spheres. 

Chilima, a respected political leader, and Lucius Banda, a beloved artist, were both considered key pillars of the clan. Their contributions to the Maseko Ngoni community were substantial, and their passing has left a notable void.

The decision to cancel Umhlangano is a mark of respect and a period of reflection for the clan as they grieve these significant losses. 

The event, which celebrates Maseko Ngoni’s cultural heritage, will resume in future years as the community continues to honour the legacies of Chilima and Banda.
