The Blantyre Central Senior Resident Magistrate’s court has sentenced a 46-year-old man to five years in prison with hard labour for raping a girl.
Confirming the development to Malawi24 was Chileka police publicist Sergeant Peter Mchiza who identified the convict as Justin Wyson.
Sergeant Mchiza said the court through Police prosecutor Inspector Grace Kanjiwa, heard that, on 11 September 2020 at Maliyana Village in Blantyre, the victim went to the convict’s shop to buy some food colours.
The publicist said the girl found the convict alone at the shop as other family members were attending a funeral.
This gave the convict an advantage to take the girl to a latrine where he raped her.
Wyson promised the victim some money but the victim later reported the matter to other people who reported to police, leading to the perpetrator’s arrest.
Appearing in court before Senior Resident Magistrate Mwanyongo, Wyson pleaded guilty to the court for the charge of defilement and he was therefore convicted and sentenced to five years imprisonment with hard labour.
Justin Wyson comes from Chinsewu Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kapeni in Blantyre District