Senior Resident Magistrate Court in Limbe sentenced two men to 9 years imprisonment with hard labour for robbing a police officer based at Limbe Police Station.
The two are George Size and Patrick Mteketa both aged 18.
According to Deputy Public Relations officer for Limbe police Patrick Mussah this occurred on July 30, 2017 at around 6pm as the police officer was coming from Limbe Shops going to Manje bus depot in Limbe market.
Mussa said that as the victim was passing through some shops he met six criminals who robbed him of his laptop bag containing things like driving licence, ATM cards and other items worth K245,000.
They also stabbed him on his left hand with a sharp object.
Investigations led to the arrest of the two who were charged with Robbery with Violence Contrary to Section 301(2) of the penal code.
In court, both Size and Mteketa pleaded guilty and asked for leniency saying that they are first offenders and bread winners for their families.
When passing judgement, Senior Residence Magistrate Court Thoko Soko sentenced the two to 9 years IHL for Robbery with violence.
George Size hails from Maida village in Traditional Authority Mabuka and Patrick Mteketa comes from Nalikata village in Traditional Authority Mkando both from Mulanje district.
Amenewo akuziwa ntchito yokuba
Mpaka 9 years for just robbing a police officer???
9yrs just robbing that little 200 thousand kwacha. Wina anatibera ma billion mukungomuyang’ana Chaponda yo.
Nanga chaponda ndalam
Kkkkkkkkk abeledwa bwanji wachitetezo?
Kkkkkkkkk komaya kumalawi zoona mpaka kukaba kupolice zoona? Apa nde zachionekele kuti police yathu is very poor asilikali nawo angofa ngati nkhuku zachitopa Tata ikugwa osalumpha monga nsilikali aaa nchito basi kulembana pachibale zopusa zokhazokha basi
Koma ngati wa police akubeledwa how about a civilian wongokhala
Admin tafotokoza ni bwinobwino mwati bwanji admin mwahahahaha!!! Wa police kubedwa kkkkkkk
wapolisiyo atabeledwa anaaknena ku polisi kapena anadzinenera ekha?
Muuzeni wapolisiyo akalembetse statement ku police.
kkkkkk analembesa kale pa tsiku lodandaulankhaniyake that’s y awa awapasa sentence yao bro kkkkkl chifukwa nae pasikulo anali ngat munthu wamba
Ngati akubeledwa achitetezo kkkkkk
Zaucilu Mulandu Wake Omweo Bac Mpaka 9 Yrs Mulephera Kumanga A Cash Gate Owoo Kaamba Ndio Osauka
Kodi za George kaloswe zilipati???
mbava zokhazokha kuberana
PEOPLES FREE TALK: ORANGE BANDA WROTE How Peter Mutharika and his DPP has plundered government resources. Just In one week it was reported that in Agriculture K7billion was stolen,at Medical Stores K16billion and ADMARC K67billion. Let alone the K58billion stolen at ESCOM. The Total amount is K 150billion. No any audit done. Yet the so called CASHGATE smeared against JB was K30billion with 72 people arrested and a forensic audit report. Why is nobody mentioning this and standing up strong to call Mutharika account for this? Mutharika is a thief and a failed leader thats why he has incapacitated Escom. Malawians please,let us be vigilant for our nation. Mutharika has $10 million already in his foreign account yet by 2014 he had nothing,where has he got the money?
prison can be better place than to be free pig in Malawi
Ai aziona ndikuziwa kuti anthu amabadi
Stupid police. …Did he run out of bullets ?
Iiiiiiiii bola pamenepo kumabera police yomweyo kuti idziwe kuti kunja kuno kuli mbava ndikanakonda opopa magazi aja akanapopaso apolice omwewo
kkkkkkkk koma abale anthu ku Malawi mantha anachosa ndikale ndithu kkkkkkk this courage is something else
okuba abelana mukuwamanganso?? siboo
18 years – bread winners???????????????????????? they deserve the punishment. Koma wa policeyo anali ndi goods worth 245,000 on that day???????????????????????????