Mutharika is on another level – Saul Chembezi

Saulos Chilima, Peter Mutharika

Nobody can stop Mutharika and all those who think they will break him are wasting their time, that is according to musician Saul Chembezi.

In his latest release, Chembezi has joined musician Joseph Nkasa to heap praises on the Malawi leader.

President Mutharika
Mutharika praised.

Among other things, Chembezi praises Mutharika for constructing roads and opening community colleges.

He also sings that Mutharika is on another level owing to his ability to run the country without direct donor support for two years.

Chembezi has been known to be sympathetic to the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and on the 2014 campaign trail he used to partner with Sendera sisters to sing for Peter Mutharika.



  1. Sakunama, kugwa mmanja mwa Mulungu,ndi koopsya. Kusiya ndale kukayamba ubusa, mzonveka kma kusiya ubusa kukayamba ndale, mmmmmm very shem ,, ndikutha kuona Mutharika akuwina 2019 mosavuta

  2. Phungu Nkasa , Soul Chembezi , osamalowesa ndale munyimbo zanu ,think about anthu amene amagula nyimbo zanu . Its not only DPP people, but each and every Malawian and yet si onse amasapota DPP, mind u, business yanu izatha DPP ikachoka muboma.

  3. Another level yotani?yolephera kapena yakuba.2019 Nonse muntharika ndi Chembezi mukakumana kwa ngolingoliwa,chifukwa ndi kumene mutakakhale.

  4. Chembezi ukuona ngati ukukhoza umuuze zoonadi peter wakoyo kuti MCP ilowa basi anthu pano achenjera kubera mavote kulibe man uzasaza wadyazo wamvaaaaa!

  5. He is singing in support of cashgate thieving the Dpp government is busy at , sewage pipe water supply to the people of Lilongwe, all Malawians are not fools like him

  6. Chembezi as one of the Malawians have a freedom of expression as stipulated in Malawian rules. And you all who are criticizing him that is your rights of speaking and decision making. No one is bad here or doing wrong here

  7. Chembezi is going mad and he still don’t know what is happening in Malawi.People are in great trouble because of peter muthalika.chembezi and mkasa are stupid Gueyes.

  8. To some people democracy you are collected when you praise opposition parties…. PP did the cashgate but they have thousands supporters.. MCP Fed people crocodiles they have millions supporters… A chair adapakulanso zawo but UDF has supporters…DPP has also it’s weaknesses yes but is the ones on driving seat.. have millions supporting it don’t make mistake about that kkkkkkk

  9. Getting Fame Is Simple But How I Wish Wishes Were Horses Then This Small Rat Chembezi Could Ride To A Certain Extent…..Chembezi Feels Mutharika Is On Top Of Everything,,,Alas!!!!! Thats A Total Joke Of The 19th century….

    chembez wasauka afuna ndalama kucoka kuboma.

  10. After atawoona kuti sizikumuyendera wangoganiza zonamiza bwana kuti awadyere .udzabweza iwe ukuona ngati ndindani angavoterenso umphawi kuno kumalawi walemba m’madzi uzabweza utapatsidwezo

  11. Chembezi u do the same with Mkasa ?But do u know what was happening to Nkasa at Dowa? please quit it my coz u will face the music oky!

  12. Thats his own opinion, and vote its a secreat thing, what is good for him isn’t good to everyone, so let him praise Dpp the way he want because its his human rights to do that. Hate it love it but he can’t change his mind of supporting Dpp bcoz of u, u can say whatever u want here but it won’t change or put chakwera in that position of head of state. Just waite 2019, then all will come to an end!

  13. Ndiye ndikamanena kuti malawians very stupid pipo wina aziti ndikulakwitsa eti? Omwe mukususana ndi zomwe chembezi wachita bwanji nanu osagoimba yanu kuyamikila tsogoleri wanuyo? Gd in criticism poor in doing very stupid pipo! Let Muthalika rule dis country. Inu amene simukumufunanu wait till his 10years. MCP can’t rule Malawi again, kodi mumasagalala komatigulisa makadi? Kumati manga nyakula, kukawadyesa anthu ku ng’ona? Inu maufi ngati mwasowa chochita pezani zina coz mcp will never rule Malawi again. Do u think 18million malawians can b developed by only muthalika? Inuyo what r u doing 2 develop Malawi? 18million r de ones which r stupid coz r waiting 1 person in de name of muthalika 2 develop them.

    1. Kkkkk mcp ndiyomwe inazuza anthu kumalawi kuno. Inuyo ozitcha ophunzilanu mwapangapo chani kutukula Malawi? Which policies r u talking about? Gd in insult other yet u r doing nothing. Chembezi has done a very gd work polingana ndi mene iye akuzionera zithu. Nanu imbani yanu yoyamikila sogoleri wanuyo. Stupid pipo r gd in criticism and blaming without solutions.

    2. #luciano which better! Zoti kamuzu akamapita any where outside sanjika ana a xool around BT osaphunzirazo? Za makadi, kudyesa anthu ku ng’ona, kukwapulidwa ku erio was zat better 2 u? Kulesedwa kumaga nyumba za upstayer kuti ukufuna uziona chani was zat better u r talking about? Can u tell me zat during mcp era Malawi was rich?

    3. Yes munthawi yakamuzu , zinthu zinalibwino. Kunalibe njala, Kamuzu ankapereka zipangizo zaulimi kwa anthu osauka kuti azikhala ndichakudya chokwanila.maphuzilo anali amphavu, ndipo munthawi yaulamulilo yake anthu amayamba kuyankhula English Ali standard 5.. Chitetezo chinali champhavu, ndi kuti munthawi yankuluyu kunalibe kuphana mwachisawawa ngati lero,ndipo anthu ankayenda mitunda italiitali chifukwa chitetezo chadziko chinali champhavu… Zomangamanga, ndi kuti munthawi yankuluyu anachita zitukuko zambiri zomwe ma president anthawi ya Democracy sanachite, anamanga maoffice aboma monga ngati capital hill, manyumba ambiri( Malawi housing) miseu,njanji,ndi steamer za Mmadzi (mtendele).. anamanganso university of Malawi like chanco komanso Polly ,bunda …mwachidule zitukuko zambiri ziliM’malawi pano anamanga ndi Kamuzu..

    4. #j-luciano i can see zat u r N0T stupid lik many malawians who r gd in insult on social network, i totally agree with wat u r saying, tell me kodi nkhaza zinja was it part of development? Nanga zokakamizana makadi? Kudyesa anthu ku ng’ona was zat part of security? Do u know zat anthu a kumwera anazuzika kwambiri ndi mcp? I always say chakwera can b a gd leader but de party mcp mmmm its too bad. And we can’t make zat mistake aloweso boma. Malawi watukuka kwambiri muthawi ya democracy compare how it was looking lik in 1994 and 2017.

    5. #luciano thawi yomwe tikalandira chimanga cha yellow chotchedwa Kenya how old was u? Even mu thawi ya mcp kunali njala tikakalandila chimanga cha yellow ndi sugar plus nandolo and sometimes punga. By de way what r u doing 2 develop Malawi? Sitikuyenera kusiila tchito yotukula Malawi munthu modzi, and tisiye zondalira munthu modzi anthu 18 million kumatukwana munthu modzi kuti sakutukula dziko. Thus very bad.

    6. ah a enock here in malawi if there big fool its u why i say so bcoz of vs things, (1) u do know the leadership of kamuzu we him ngwazi and here in we never find other guy like kamuzu (2) u dont know wat iz mcp coz 4 example chaponda anasokoneza kagulidwe ka chimanga kod pamenepa tingamati DPP inasokoneza (3) ukukamba za makadi kod ku malawi kuno sakupeleka msonkho ngakhale mwana oti sanabadwe alimimba mwa may ake kupeleka so dont think like tortoize

    7. Malawians Ndi Anthu Ovuta Mukufuna Mutharika Azikupangilan Chan Kt Muzaone Kut Akulamulira Bwino Musaembekezele Kut Munthu Waulesi Azapindula Kukhala Olimbila Nde Khani Sizolozana Zala Pano

    8. #yamikani ndikulephera kutolera zomwe walembazo. U r mixing 2 much, tandiuza pakali pano ndikuti komwe mwana akumamulipiilira sokho asanabadweko? And explain how? Issue ya chaponda isiyeni ambiri sakuivesa including iweyo. By de way what r u doing 2 develop Malawi?

    9. #levison it was nt kamuzu alone, its mcp i remember kamuzu adalakhulapo pa khaza za mcp ndipo iye adanena kuti samaziwa kuti chipani cha mcp chimazuza anthu. Sikamuzu yemwe amakwapula anthu ku erio, sikamuzu yemwe amagulisa makadi kwa mwana osabadwa. Sikamuzu yemwe amalanda ng’ombe, nkhuku ndi mbuzi koma mcp

  14. I have never seen IDIOT like this fool musician who knows nothing how malawians are struggling to find their basic needs in Peter Mtharika time and if there are many idiots around the World this musician is the first one (no 1)

  15. Hah Ah ah ah ahhahaahha soul chembez !!!alibe kalikose ngati tili ndi oyimba omwe akumvq akuwala it’s him ndipo ndiwopusa bomqa Lake liti akuyamikilalo aaaaaa ukoooo

  16. awa agundika chilichonse akuyankha ndiiwowa mmalo mwa dausi

    makadet muuuunya ndithu mmodzi mwa iwo ndi uyu Ian Clarence kkkkkkkk

  17. These poor musicians are saying so just to fool MR President, unfortunately author(Peter) is unlike some other Presidents, will give him nothing

  18. soul chembezicho ndiye chichani ngati wasauka angonena ife ndiye amene tikuvutika ndi mbavazi voti ili muntima zupusitsanani choncho

  19. Even if you call a musician I don’t recognise him, do we have in Malawi a musician Saul chembezi???.
    Do you people buy his songs
    ? I don’t like him even if I got his songs

  20. Ndizowona zimenezozo anthu angati alephera kutukula Malawi? ndiye mukalimbane ndi munthu mmodzi! Why only Mutharika p? mumusiye munthu alamumure momwe aganizira, ma plan anuwo mukadzawina mukutinyasa makamaka a mcp sitikusowekera nzeru zanu munthawiyi!! ndipo simudzawina khalani pansi.

  21. Kodi choir ya Saulo chembezi idakaimbabe??? Anthu angaikondenso imeneyi masiku ano koma?? Tinyimbo take sitomwetija tinapanga chuku ngakhale pa radio sitimanvekanso, nanga angakambenso chanzeru chani kuposa kufuna kuzigulira ufulu ndi tindalama ta DPP. Ukhaula ada masiku ano anthu akuimba tofewatofewa wazidziwa???

  22. Kodi choir ya Saulo chembezi idakaimbabe??? Anthu angaikondenso imeneyi masiku ano koma?? Tinyimbo take sitomwetija tinapanga chuku ngakhale pa radio sitimanvekanso, nanga angakambenso chanzeru chani kuposa kufuna kuzigulira ufulu ndi tindalama ta DPP. Ukhaula ada masiku ano anthu akuimba tofewatofewa wazidziwa???

  23. Fortune seekers .If Mkasa did it,Chimbezi is following suit .I am a Thief myself,if I give Chembezi ,Mkasa,5m each, it will be all praises.

  24. Anthu oyimba inu mukaona kuti sizikukuyenderani mumakhala busy kuwombera mmanja chinyau chomwe sichikutha kuvina!!Dyera la ziii osabwelera kumudzi muzikalima bwanji?Nzako Nkasa wasanduka nazo chitsiru!!Osaona anzanu a Lucious Banda aja akuimbabe ndipo zikuwayendera!!!!Ukanakhala wanzeru iwe Saul ukanangoyamba kutumikira Mulungu osati zomwe ukunenazo!!Ukapatsidwa ndalama ndiye ukuona ngati tonsefe tapatsidwa?Anzako akupita kumakaimba mumatchalitchi akunja iwe waganiza bwanji????Osamawayamikira amai ake amene anavutika kuti iwe ufike pamenepo bwanji?Mukasauka kumawapempha atsogoleri adzikowa mwabwino osati kuwanamiza!!!

  25. Amalawi akasowa zoyankhula,chomwe amaziwa ndi kunena zawina.Inu pangani zanu ameneyi ndiye Kaduka.Taonani zamene mukuwanena ngati Peteryo,iye akupanga zake ndipo zikuyenda.Amalawi tikatenga kwambiri zandalezi ndithu palibe chomwe tingapange pamoyo wathu.Mwachitsanzo: Boma kungosintha,muzaonanso ena omwe ali m’boma pano alinso m’boma linalo.Malawi zuka tsopano.

  26. Useless creature on earth. Never seen such poor musician in Malawi. Sorry for u chembezi….may be u r looking for sponsorship for video shooting….

  27. We r about entering campaign period, it’s time to make money from these politicians. Therefore Mr chembezi is trying his lucky. Not all of us will get from the ruling others will get our mteleshede from the apposition. What we need is to be very clever.

  28. after failing to source enough money through music now you want peter to sort out your financial problems,,, bt peter himself knows that he is afailer and ind is desperate in winning back peoples support

  29. That is how he, Saul Chembezi, has seen it. He could be right after all or wrong. Still, he is within his rights so let none condemn him. He has a right to opinion as everyone is.

  30. I don’t think it’s right to condemn Saul Chembezi and call him names. He has got a right to his opinion just like you!! Politics is a game of having different opinions/views and choices…. Period!!!!!

    1. Yes Andy Andrea Andulu, I just mean that. In democracy one has got a right to express and stand by his/her own opinion/view as wrong as it doesn’t injure on harm others. That’s why we have different political parties with different ideologies and all of them have got members. In this case Saul Chembezi is exercising his right

    2. Mr bad do you waste time with people without brain… what you have written is 100percent correct.. 18million can not think the same and any sane person my bear in mind that and ready to respect other people’s choices or opinions hahahaa

  31. Even Judas Iscariot was thinking it was wise to betray Jesus without knowing that the majority of the disciples were not with him in his wayward thinking so too is this bootlicker musician!

  32. Shame on him ndipo siwoyimba uyu manyaka awa anthu omwe sangathandize dziko ma gulu ake ndi awa chitsiru cha munthu he is blind

  33. Money hungry you idiot, standard 3 for sure, no brains at all Mr Chembezi . Just keep on playing your useless music.

  34. Kkkkkk….even ma cadets ali ndi ufulu oyakhula zakukhosi kwao…
    Kodi is it wrong for a cadet to dream akumwa wa mkaka mpaka 2024….?
    After all ndi maloto basi….
    Sikuti kulota utakwela ndege nde kiti ukwela ndegeyo kkkkkk

  35. Kuyankhula mosaphyetira palibe munthu yemwe amakhala 100% kwa munthu wina chimene mumakonda sichimene ena akonda ngakhale ife tomwe sitingachite chili chonse chabwino kwa makolo athu, ana athu, kwa mkadzi kapena mwamuna wathu,boy frnd olo girl frnd wathu China chakebe chikhala cholakwika basi pamaso pa wokondedwa wathuyo A mutharika achitako ndithu zina zabwino koma chifukwa ena tinabadwa ndikungodana naye munthu olo atachita zabwino zochuluka bwanji singaysangalale nayebe chifukwa nzeru zathu umunthu wathu tinaziika kuti munthu yu siwabwino nchimodzimodzi Yesu mkhristu mtendere ukhale kwa iye m’mene anali pansi pano anayetsetsa kugwira ntchito yotamandika komabe ena anadana naye ndipo akudana nayebe pana pano nde munthu ameneyo bravo chembezi

    1. malawians are very politically biased.the ones that were madly praising jb when she was plundering the country are the ones hating pm.udf stuppoters hated pm before dpp/udf venture,now they are quiet.just becoz jb is married in the north many northerners who are noisy were quiet when she was shocking this country’s economy.if chakwera comes & doing nonsense,the chewas wil remaing quite as they did whe tembo/ was subbotaging sub-sahara electrification lomwes are happy praising the cold governance of pm,when someone comes they be busy snooring.generally,we malawians are political robbots of the political elites.shame on malawian democracy!

  36. Au drunk or what chembezi? Can u please shut your Dirty mouth…. Coz u dont know what your talkng about son of the bitch dmn it.

  37. Who is Saul chembezi? You’re talking about broke ass nigga, come on ..he straggling with poverty.ndiumpawi ukuwapangitsa ,achina Tay grin, fredokiss ndi Lucius Banda samapanga nao zopusanzo chifukwa Ali ndi ndalama..ati Saul chembezi sinzake wa Joseph nkasa ameneyu..

  38. Osamuphera.ufulu.mzanu.ndimene.wawonera.iyeyo.mukufuna.azinena.zomwe.mukuzifuna.inu?inuso.kamban.momwe.mukuwonera.inu.kungozolowera.kumangotukwanizana.basi.shame.on.u

    1. Dick head, useless comment what’s wrong for him to choose his side, mind yo own business n learn to live the life

    1. kkkk Mr Mike Charles Banda do you think he can deny 10 milion kwacha if he can be asked to compose a song praising MCP? kkkkkk mwinanso 10 milion iyi yachuluka.

    2. What’s wrong 4 him to choose his side u idiots n idiotess, u wanted him to sing praises for Lazalo?? Beside who gave u the guarantee that Chakwera is better than Mutharika???? Whether u need or not 2019 APM Bomaa muti nyoooooooooooooooooo

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