Kamlepo found, tied up in blue ropes and looking clean

Kamlepo Kalua

Legislator for Rumphi East Kamlepo Kalua whose family claimed he had been missing, has been found.

Kamlepo Kalua

According to media reports, Kalua was found this morning at Njamba roundabout.

Photos circulating on the social media show Kamlepo dressed in smart clothes with a neatly shaven face. He is also tied with blue ropes.

Media reports indicate that Kamlepo claim that unknown people dumped him at the spot.

It is said that Kamlepo claims that he does not remember anything about his abduction.



  1. Osamayetsa zida zoti zolira kaletu apa kamlepo wamva kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk iwe akubwandile ungaoneketso chonchi mesa afuna achotse macharge ako onse bwinotu kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  2. Kkkkkkkkkk koma abale, fisi ndi fisi basi or achoke phiri la Mulanje kupita phiri la Dedza akhalabe fisi basi!!

  3. Komatu tidakamunvetsetsa munthuyu. Ine tinsapato wavalato sindidamuonepo atavala. Tinene kuti amene anamupanga man nap wo amubweleka?kkkkkkkkkkk.


    Mr Kamlepo’s memory was last seen in the vicinity of the Kwacha roundabout area, without its owner. Reports say the memory has been cited in other parts of the city but there has been no official confirmation.
    Anybody who sees Mr. Kamlepo’s memory is requested to report to the family or the nearest police. Warning: please do not attempt to reunite the memory with Mr Kamlepo himself directly , as he is said not be keen to have it back at the moment.

  5. kkkkkk iyi ndiye yopeka man, wangoona kuti asemphana ndi ma allowance aku parliament ndiye wangoti avumbuluke basi kkkk Kamulepo ndi Vubwa guyz

  6. We are too quick to judge even in the absence of all or enough information.

    What if? What if? What if the kidnappers deliberately staged the release of Kamplepo Kalua in this manner knowing that people will react exactly the way they have?

    He was clean. In tidy clothes. Well shaved.

    The only reason or main reason why people are doubting Kamplepo is that he was clean.

    Hypothetically speaking, he was sedated. Cleaned and dumped.

    Lets see this from another angle.

    That said, I am not saying Kamplepo is caught pants down or that the people are wrong.

    Just look at it from another angle.
    Copied from PK

    1. true……people only thinks on one side of an issue

  7. Inu mumati asowa mpaka liti?Parliament now is in session sangaphonye allowances uyu,he was seeking sympathy from activists and Malawian but since he has noticed that anthu anatopa ndi drama yake wangoona kuti avumbuluke chibisalirano chathera pompo kkkkkkkkkkkk

  8. Thrown out of a moving car koma top which is only supported by shoulders osagwa.Well staged.

  9. There is no need to conclude so quick from kamlepo kidnapping. There is alot to think out of the books. Never happened to kamlepo before in difficult times. I reserves my judgment.

  10. Kung0nva kut Boma limapha wanthu….nde wati upusitse ife??
    Boma lake liti lingasiye khosa yogeiragwira??
    Some Stupit moron Malawian said kut Governt(Dpp) ndiyomwe inamugwira–pomwe munuwake akut anageidwa ndi anthu osadziwika..i think Boma lipitise ku court anthu omwe akut kamlepo Anagwida ndi Dpp…
    interp0l is hunting him bec0z some of his cars are suspected to b stolen in SouthAfrica by some pple..and Govt likumufunanso kut ayakhe bwino pa za tax yomwe anazemba ndipo kut ngat apezeka olakwa alipire!!! nde Boma lomwero likamubise??/kumupha???
    This z Dramma!!
    am not backing Govt/hating opposition No!!!..Since i dont blv all politician…i cant back or hating them

    aah opposition amabakilidwa most of the tym chifukwa amaoneka ngat iwowo ndi Agwiro..koma or awine amachita zomwe chimapanga chipani chochoka choo…and pple they forget kut Otsutsa boma ndi osatsutsa onsewp amagwira ntchito m’boma..kkkkkkk
    with ma dea i dont blv any politician (amatibera /kupha/kupondereza just to metion few)

  11. Wamupotsatu manganya munthuyu ndi drama imeneyi, pakufunika ife a tikuferanji timupange recruit the guy got talent heavy

  12. Malawi sadzatukuka coz ku parliament kwazaza awiniko. Kamlepo ukufuna kundiwuza kut kuchibwano kwako kulbe ndevu? Ndkudabwa nawetu coz wthn 3 to 4 dez ndevu zmakhala kut zamera or utameta bwanj. Bt iweyo a solid 1wk kuchibwano kul seeee ngat kwamwana. Ndizoona iz? Ndye amakusamalanikotu mpaka zovala kuyela chonch? Koma Mulepo. Opanda even magaz? Munthu ochta kuponyedwa from a fast moving car? Wangoona ka 2 mita ka ku parliament wat ndkapusa ndbetsa. Kkkkk koma ku Rumphi kuli ntchto. Muona parliament ikatha asowaso. Kamlepo ameneyo.

  13. Kamplepo tsopano yake ija yolowa mthengo kubweramo atazimanga yekha so as to buy sympathy, kikikikiki koma abale utambwali suonadi msinkhu eti

  14. Mutu wake sukugwira ntchito akayambilenso plan wapangayi ndi yofoila, maganizo awu mwana enieni bola adakapezeka kuma estate munda wa tea koma pa shop rite hahahaha ngakhale mwana wanga sangapange zofoilazo.vuto ndi chipani alicho anthu ake sauzana nzeru

  15. Musatengele Kut Akuoneka Smart Ndie Kut Sanapangidwe Cpogwe Ai,Inu Mumafuna Kut Adzioneka Magaz Okhaokha Kapena Akhale Malisece Ndie Mukanakhulupila Kuti Ndi Zoonad? Kamlepo Simwana Oti Angaganize Mopepela Ngat Momwe Mukuganizilamo
    Ndale Sanaambe Lelo Akuluo Anaziamba Pakathaw Ndithu Ndpo Wakumana Ndizikhomo Pali Cani APA Comwe Cngamupangitse Kut Apange Zopusa Zomwe Mukuganizazo???

    ******Zomwe Akukambazo Ndi Zoona Wapangidwad Cipongwe Osat Za Drama Mukukambazo******

    1. Aaaiwee thats Dramma…kod iwe Kamlepo umutenga ngat Angel??kapena anthu a opposition uma waona ngat a ngwiro??..all politician are cruke people..
      Amusowetsa bwanji..poti interp0l z hunting him(Coz his cars are suspected to b stolen in south Africa by some pple) komanso Boma silinathane naye lifuna tax yomwe anazemba ngat atapezeka kut ndiolakwaa….nde Boma lomwero limubisee??? anazibisa yekhaa plus aganyu omwe anawalipirawo kut amumange dzingwee)( fearing interp0l…
      Only moron maliwian can bliv this….
      am not backing governt/hating opposers since i dont blv all politicians…..

  16. And those blues ropes is a sign of DPP? Are you a comedian or what?? OMG retire from politics cause your are not fit to be in any public office.muzikalima baba

  17. tiyeni tilemekeze la dziko,osati kunyoza mtsongole wathu chifukwa cha anthu wa pac omwe ali moyo woipa. a pac taowana adzna

  18. KK is genius. If it is an act, which means there is a good reason behind it. KK has been good man Voicing out what Malawians need. Very few today will appreciate him because of being brainwashed. In matters like these, you don’t go straight to a conclusion…there is a lot to know about all this.

  19. Anamangidwa ndi means wake Penjani ndi chigwe cha blue anthu aziti chipani cha DPP chomwe chamanga nzeru za chitumbuka bambo ndi zimenezo pepani akubanja kwa akaluwa onse ndi Rumphi East

  20. KKKK Uyu ndiye winiko weniweni asaah,I think Kamlepo should join Manganya and his crew azichitira limodzi sewero la Tikuferanji.

    Akuyesa Ife tingakhulupilire sewero lakeli? Atachita kusankha zingwe za blue

    Zikhale zenizeni akadamusiya atatupa nkhopeyo ndithu

  21. in 1993 pa channel Africa akati iwowo ndi mafia a real soldier trained in israel akuopseza kamuzu kuti atha kulowa mtchire nde apa otsaonesa u mafia wo

  22. Kamulepo apa wapanga za ukaluwa, kufuna kudesa mbiri ya DPP nkumati anandimanga ndi zingwe za bru ndale zachikale izi.

  23. The dpp regime is a shame to the general public members they are trying so hard to eliminate the strong citizens in this country.After God’s miracles for saving Kamlepo the Dpp so called cadets are making noise using silly and fowl languages against innocent true citizen of our country.No matter what you say no matter what you do you must know that for God to win He doesn’t need weapons.

    1. stop acting as a educated savage bra, u know nothing about kidnapping, akuluwa akufuna adye nawo parliament meeting allowances ndinkani abwerako kuchibwenziko. he is saying that he can’t remember anything about kidnapping is he is a 3 years kid? plus he is saying that he was thrown out of the moving car so how come for him kuti apezeke ali clean komanso osavulala? this old man must be sent to the Zomba mental hospital for the checkup kkkkkk

  24. When a mad man told the police that they is a robbery happening down the road. The started laughing and carry on playing draft. After 3 hrs another man came to report the robbery the police rushed to the amour to get guns to respond the case. Unfortunately the robbers stole all the guns. When they went back to the mad man to get details the mad man was laughing so loud.

  25. Kupepesa sikupusa munthu wamkulu apa pokha pepesani ku mtundu wa amalawi. Star marley anaimba kale olo kamudzu amene anapepesa. Malawi anachangamuka ku Rumphi konko zimenezi

  26. Za ameneyu ndidayamba kumva mma 90’s.. ask Makolija he know hw crook is this gogo….awawa ndi anthu amene akulephelesa Malawi kutukuka…y dont they givup wth politics and luk afta there zizukulutunzi

    1. Wabodza Iwe Kamlepo Ndi True Son Of Malawi Osat Akanyimbi Enawa.Iye Kwake Ndkuthoka Clungamo Ndpo Ngat Mumamuda Kamlepo Muli Ndivuto Lalikulu

    2. aaah Mpaxh issah…kkkk wat truth??
      u rember that Guy claiming kut anthu omwe anamira pa madzi aja during Easter..Boma ndilomwe linapangitsa??..nde chilugamo chimecho??..dont blv politicians just follow them

    3. True son of Malawi ?..u r kidding budy..Kamlepo wakhala akusokoneza zithu in this County kuyambila kalekale..so if he is true Malawian y he keep on lying to fellow Malawians?

  27. paja Pa chichewa Pali mau oti “chili ndi mutu, chili ndi mzeru”. Ndizotheka kuti Mr kalua apangira dala monga mmene ambiri tikulankhulila apa. koma titati tione mbali ina ya nkhaniyi zinthuzi ndi ndale izi ndiye olo mutakhala inu osowesao mupanga chilichonse pofuna kuti a kaluwa asakhulupiridwe.Atchena inde, koma kidnapper angalephele kuchapa ndi kusita kapena kumsambisa munthu mkovuta kodi? ine ndikuona kuti zonsezi ndi zadala ati ife tizingoti kamlepo ngwamaplan.kodi iyeyo ndi mwana kuti angalephele kudziwa kuti munthu ogwidwa saoneka bwino? kwa ine ndekha apapa pokha omwe adamusowesa ka mulepo ndawaziwa.aziulula okha apa

    1. Hahahaha moti iweyo munthu wankulu wanzeluzake nkukhala pansi kumakhulupilila zimenezi. Akuti amuponya pagalimoto yomwe imaenda, ukuonapo fumbi lililonse pathupi lake kapena kunyuka penapake zoti nkukhulupilila kuti munthu anaponyedwa pagalimoto likuenda? kodi munthu oti wagwila wina ncholinga chachiwembu alinso ndinthawi yoti azikupasa zofunika zomwe ukufuna mpaka kusheva ? think twice munthuyu waotcha cv yake apa wasewela yakuphwa

    2. kodi iwe ndimadikila kuti ukhoza kunena zamzeru iwe ngopeperanso eti ukufuna ndichite kuchivula chinthunzi kuti ndione kuti wanyuka kapena ineyo ndizifunafuna kuti kodi fumbi ili pati ngati iwe fumbiyo sukuiona sungaxiwe wekha kuti nde kuti pamalopo panalibe kaya oponyedwa kaya ogona yekha pansi ngati pamalopo Pali fumbi zovala zimatuwa basi. ulibe lingalilo la ndale iwe you don’t know what politics is all about. Apart from stupid cardet like you, any body who has wisdom akuziwa kuti iyi ndi game ya mpira ukuziwa chani galu iwe mxii

    3. Hahaha sine wakadeti sine wayouth sine kaya mumanena chani kuzipani zanuzo ndilibenazo ntchito koma zakaluwa ngati ukuganiza kuti anamupanga kidnapped ndiye wapala kwambili olo utafunsa ntundu wakwanu omwe za politics alinazo kutali koma amaima pachilungamo atha kukuuza zoona zake. koma mmutu mwako munazaza mamina apolitics ndiye apo ukungoona kuti drama yomwe wasewela kaluwa ndiyeniyeni. ukhala choncho ndiumbuli wako wandaleo kumakhulupilila boza

    4. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk like t or not kamlepo waz kidnapped ndipo zikungotengera anthu omwe amauziwa mpira kuti atulukile zomwe zikuchitika mground sizambuzi ngati achina mafukeni Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.zinalo likuchita kukamba kuti kanthu ka mka mbuzi aka.

    5. Munthu wosowesedwa amavutika kwambiri chifukwa omusowesawo amakhala naye cholinga. Sangamupatse chisamaliro chokwanira koma kumuzunza basi ndipo sakadamusiya pamalo abwino ngati amenewa ayi akadakamutaya kunkhalango kuti yekha azipezere chipulumuso. A Prince Jay Chinkango kaya ndinu member wa Kamulepo / chibale chilipo izo out Kamulepo ngwaboza ndipo inu musathe mau apa. Kamulepo opusa iweyonso opusa ukupanga macomment awuchikape,,,,,,

    6. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk brother mandala sindimapanga ndale ine Komanso kamlepo sim’bale wanga .koma ngati mwandimvesa ndanena pawiri kuti nzotheka kuti akunama komanso nkutheka sakunama chifukwa zifukwa zonsezi tikunena zosonyeza kamlepo ngwamaplan kidnapper angaziziwe. komanso inu ndi tikungoziwa kuti mkuluyu anasowa koma sitikuziwa kuti nchifukwa chani ndiye tisanaweluze tidikile timve nkhaniyi mapeto ake

    7. Anthu obadwa lelo sangamuziwe kuti kaluwa ndindani mapeto ake amakhulupilila.zokamba zakaluwa. fake news okhulupilila nkhani imeneyi ndimbuzi yeniyeni

    8. Kkkk kidnapping? if he was thrown out of the moving car how come kuti sanavulare paliponse? And he is saying that he don’t remember anything about this kidnapping thing , he is not a three years old kid that can not remember anything kkkkkkk mkuluyu must go to Zomba mental hospital for check up

    9. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk anyway sindikuyenela kupitirila kutaya nthawi yanga pa nkhani yoti siigulila bread pa table yanga.kuzitengerera ndipitilila kuchimwa. All i can say is sorry to mafukeni and mandala for calling you with bad names like galu, mbuzi chisilu ndine munthu forget this. ndachita izi poziwa kuti kutukwana ndikolakwika osati ndavomere mau anu ayi. have a good day

  28. koma abale zina ukaona!!! cholinga tiziti anakupangan kidnap..oh my God munthu wankulu wazelezekatu uyu.. kapena mukufuna kuyambisa ķalua drama group.. Shame man. kumakula nthawi zina coz this is nonsense..

    1. kkkkkkk so ur serious kuti anamupanga kidnapped. looking smart and confidence no fumbi kapena kunyuka penapake monga munthu oponyedwa 4m speeding vehicle. Akupisisanitu uyu mukati muzimutengela. munthu kumumanga kwake kumeneko nkumati wamagidwa hahahaha khala chelu ndinkulu ameneyi

    2. Kkkk Inu Mukukhulipira Zot Anasowazo? Kkk Tazchangamukan Amwene Uyu Nd Ntchto Yake Yolowa Ntchireyo, Munfufuze Kungot Kumalawi Kuno Kulbe Mway Ot Atha Kukhala Nd Asilikali Ake Other Wise Uyu Akanakhala Nsogoleri Wa BOKO MALAWI

  29. Kape ameneu anene komwe anali sizoyipitsirana mbiri apa komanso wa kidnapping saoneka chonchi the best way anene basi sizimenezo ayi ma move achitonga akanikatu apa

  30. DPP regime thugs are busy making jokes out this incident, yes we know its your time but everybody knows that kangawuluke chamwam’mba bwanji koma tsiku Lina kadzatera.
    timakudziwani tidzakukwapulani.

    Fuck you!!

    1. Iwe nde wopenga, kutukwana zomwezi? Iweso nde wopepera bwanji! Zoona ndebvu pepeyaaa kumatukwana pagulupa? Alindimulandu ndi MRA not DPP. Zoti Ameneyo analowesa magalimoto mozembera MRA suukuziwa?

  31. what if the thugs made sure that he look clean like this so you people don’t believe his story? did you thought about that? no because it’s working

    1. what about not be injured if he saying that he was thrown out of the moving vehicle? Not even dirty part of his clothes so that we can believe that he was thrown?

    2. A kidnapper who can tie somebody with blue strings, and kumumangila kutsogolo,, what a stupid kidnapper, what was the purpose? This is foolish politics by Kamlepo, even when disposing him, atleast he could have some bruises if indeed he was in the hands of kidnappers rather than his own relatives

  32. Zinalakwika kt munthu kukaphwanya nyumba yake kenako nzasowa. Amene amamsungawo zinachita kuavuta kt ampange ting’iting’i. Nde akufuna tizilimbana pano. Zoona zake waakanika uyu nchifkwa zili dere. Ummmm kamlepo nde ndi katundudi mzito. Awakanike awa??????? Tiyeni tizilimbana naye chabe pakamwa pompa

    1. Kkkk Akulu Kunyumba Kwake Skunaphwanydwe Musatnamize Apa, Sanasowe Uyu Akufuna Azitpusitsa Nd Wa Ndale Za Drama Uyu Ine Pano Sndkumukhulupilr Uyu. Ogwidwa Mmamudziwa Inu? Makofi Nd Matheke Okha Akanampasa Kt Asamajaire,, Koma Ol Kukandka Mayaz Kkkk Ndale Zopusa Iz

    2. eti eti adhaaa akuti anamponya while the vehicle was in motion how come for him kuti asavulale kapena zovala zake kuda? kkkkk ganja immapweteka mkuluyu heavy

  33. Kod awa chamba akadasutabe??mr Kamlepo,u dnt need Jesus alone but also Luke,Mathew,Moses,Peter,John & all disciples u might also need Judas iscariot all to pray 4 U coz mul nd ziwanda heavy

    1. Sindmafuna kutengapo mbali koma mmm munthuyu wathawitsa bp yomwe yandivuta cha kummawaku. Big up my frnd! ndwed mtsangalasi.

  34. Hahaha starlin samafa paja nd mwINI film. Kma na apa pokha akamlepo film sinabebe, akanakmenyani kkkhapani magazi chuchu moti anthu akumverenidi chisoni kaya. Hahahaha film sinabebe ndeno tzingweto mkanaika ta mcp kt an2u akhulupilire2

  35. Anali kuchibwezi uyu musavutikenao kuti anasowesedwa. Wangomva kuti parliament asegula watumphuka kuopa kusemphana ndi 2mita allowance. Osowesedwa 4 a wek amaoneka wasmat chochi kkkkkkkkk ndiye kidnapp amamusamalatu. Akadakhala kuti osunga anthu mwaupandu amatero enafe titapita kumeneko kukakhalilatu zikuoneka kuti kulibe umphawi koma ntendere okhaokha

  36. Wopenga wazilowetsa drama Uyu Timing Cholinga Tizit Anasowa Move Yofuna Kutchukra Kwambr Zopangana Iz Munthu Sanagwidwe Uyu Asatipusitse Akanamugwira Akanampanga Zina Nd Zina.

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