A Kamlepo kukhala ngati alowa m’tchire muja: sakudziwika komwe ali

Kamlepo Kalua

Bambo Kamlepo Kalua amene anamenyela ufulu wa zipani zambiri, ati asowa.

Bambo Kalua amene ndi Phungu mu dera la Kummawa mu boma la Rumphi ati sakudziwika kumene ali. Wanena izi ndi mwana wawo, Penjani.

Malingana ndi Penjani, amene amazitcha kuti Fredokiss pa nkhani zoyimba, Bambo ake asowa pa nthawi imene akufufuzidwa ndi a Polisi komanso bungwe la misonkho.

Kamlepo Kalua
A Kamlepo Kalua sakuziwika komwe ali.

A Kalua akuganizilidwa kuti analowetsa galimoto mu dziko muno mozemba msonkho.

Koma anthu ena akuti boma la a Peter Mutharika likungofuna kuzunza a Kalua chifukwa akhala akulidzudzula mopanda mantha.

“Ife monga a ku banja zikutiopsa, Bambo wathu sachoka osalawila ngati umu zachitikilamu,” adatelo Penjani.

Iye anaonjezelapo kuti nthawi imene atate ake asowelayi ndi yopatsa nkhawa malinga ndi kuti anali akuthupsa boma.

Koma anthu ena aseka mwachikhakhali nkhani yoti a Kalua asowa.

“Walowa m’tchire ameneyo, paja anaopsezapo kutelo,” walemba mkulu wina pa Facebook.

Mmbuyomu a Kalua ankaopseza mtsogoleri wakale wa dziko lino, a Bakili Muluzi, kuti iwo azalowa m’tchire posakondwa ndi utsogoleri wa a Muluzi.



  1. mumangova thengo eti nonse mukukamba zosagwira tima giys khondo siyamasewera mukakhuta nsima mumatakhula mwa uchisiru ndithu ndipo ngati amalephela kulipila sokho ndie ndalama ya zida akatenga kuti kkkkkkkk aaaaa mmmmmm amalawi kupusa tiyeni DRC, mozambic, naigeria,sudan, somalia. inu kuno ndie mulindikolowera inu osamangodya sima yanuo bwanji ndipo kamulep kamulepo basi uyo ali ku paliyamento mungonena za ziii

  2. Ngati kamlepo anamenyera ufulu wa zipani zambiri ku Malawi kuno,nde anthu ngati Chihana, Machipisa Munthali komanso ma Bishop a chi Katolika aja nde kut anamenyera chani mdziko muno nthawi imene ija ? Zonama pano ayi

    1. It was simply a collective effort bro. If we have to single out only one person then it was Chihana who held his feet on the ground firmly than anyone else. Kamulepo was one of the most important and significant voices we often heard in those days. Don’t forget it wasn’t a physical fight so voices played a very important role

  3. ifwe shilefwaya fyaupuba awa akamulepo ali kuchitekete umo mu malawi wesu so imwe mulelanda landa va upuba basop tulemona

    1. dats depromatic… even if he can go to india he cn do what ever he wonts, worlds political rule dat was issued in 1859

  4. Koma tisapenze tafa ndiye kuti iwe nala ulipamabvuto ngati njoka palibe chimene walakwa ndiue ukusowensa anthinmunjira imen e ikufuna

  5. Kusowa a Kamlepo akulukulu aja aaa mukunama alipo paja kuli ndege zausiku avaya kuholiday koma ngati alowa tchire adziwe kuti zingawatsatire ndi tchetche.

  6. kamlepo watopa ndichilungamo tiona kuti ife titani popeza tatani kale nkhondo kuti buuuuu!!!!””” ine kumva kukoma mwina tingamapasane ulemu ziko lopanda osutsa boma limakhala lopanda sogolo basi kaluwa yiyambe mwina angaziwe kuti siwe munthu okuseweretsa

  7. Iwe penjani bambo ako pamene amachoka anamvala chiyani tifunefune mokuthandinza iwe Amai ndi banja Lao ndipo apolosi apite kunyumba akufunse sannayambane ndi akazi ao

  8. Apatu sananene kut waphedwa akut wasowa ndye mmalo mot muzimufunafuna komwe wa lowera mukungotayapo nthawi apa panja ankanenatu kut adzalowa mutchire tengani agalu mukamusake ku tchireko

  9. Kamlepo Kalua who some misguided individuals reported as missing in an attempt to gain public sympathy, following the raid that MRA had on his house and the summon which he got from Police Headquarters is indeed hidding from his wife for reasons better not to himself, and enjoying sex at one of his girl friends in Guliver,Area 49 in Lilongwe. [ 116 more words ]

  10. Njira ndi zambiri zomwe anthu amamenyera ufulu mu Dziko,komabe kulankhula kokha pa channel Africa kunabweretsa change ku Malawi,nthawi ija akadadziwa ndani za ulamuliro wa nkhanza ku Malawi kuno,kapena kulankhula osanyongedwa.

  11. Ndizomwe dpp imafuna zimenezo kumva kuti wina akuvutika Iwo kumtima kuti mbeee!!!! koma ndikuuzeni amene mumaitenga miyoyo yanzanu yosewelesa kuti tsiku lina muzaona polekela komanso chomwe mungadziwe ndichakuti ngati kuli munthu mmodzi amene anamenyera ufulu wa Dziko lino nde Mmodzi mwaiwo ndi Kamlepo kaluwayo Abakha enenu mudakali kumbuyo kwa Amai anu. nde tsiku lina zizakutembenukilani muzaona ngati tsoka

    1. Lmfaoo RIP English @ #Gracee_Mwalee . “Hz Cover?”. Next time better use this one the Standard one ” Do not underestimate the power of simplicity”. your synonym phrase is older than you, and was expired. Or kanjani Admin?

    2. Yes dont talk too much or put to conclunsion that he is dead but wait and see what outcome. Dont judge bcos u have no clear information about that. I agree with gracee mwalee. And dont laugh gramma bcos u are not whiteman u can also made mistake

    3. Yes dont talk too much or put to conclunsion that he is dead but wait and see what outcome. Dont judge bcos u have no clear information about that. I agree with gracee mwalee. And dont laugh gramma bcos u are not whiteman u can also made mistake

    1. Ufulu wa democracy kamlepo wamenya nawo pa wailes ya chanel africa,mwina ulimwana nthawi yimeneyo….

    2. yah i cn agree with #joe. dis guy he z one of our heroooox thou its often dat most government do persecute him durin ther arena…

  12. CORRECTION :Kamlepo sanamenyere ufulu wa zipani zambiri. Amangolongolola pa Channel Africa. The Catholic bishops, Chihana, Bakili, and the majority of Malawians were here feeling the real heat NOT Kamlepo.

    1. Vuto lothawa xul ndilimenero bro.Kodi akadakhala kuti sadamenyere nawo ufulu akadakhala ndichipani?Ukalowenso mclass ukamve kuti atsogoleri alipowa ndi ati adamenyela ufulu wazipani.

    2. Umafuna atenge zibonga NDE uziti anamenyera nawo ?? Inu mwabadwa my ulamuliro was Joyce banda NDE mukuwawata chan APA! Ukat amangolongolora ukutanthauza kut amayankhula zosamveka?kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk achina petala anuwa koma anathawira Ku america

    3. Thank u for collection, I dont see any difference between him and steve liwewe banda, the only difference is that steve is one of long serving football commentor while him is a long serving political commentator, both commenting off the field. You cant say steve is a footballer pioneer.

    4. Atumbuka kuyesesa kubakila zot zosabakilika, chsanzo nd icho mwauzidwacho, sports pundit sikut iyeyo nd osewera ay, osewera mpira nd wina pundit nd winanso. Kamlepo was at that time a political pundit and offered nothing than that, coward ngat ameney akakhale omenyera ufulu? Mwna ufulu wa atumbuka okha kapena?

    5. Chihana ndi amene anamenyera ufulu pamodzi ndi catholic bishops ndife a malawi eni ake. Ngakhale pamene timachita campaign ya referundum chitsiru chanucho kunalibe. Tinavutika tokha iye anabwera after referundum. Ngati simukudziwa lero mudziwe osamangonyoza ena ngati inuyo mukudziwa kanthu. Mmaso mwanu mwakudamo

    6. Nkhani ili pano siyasukulu kapena age, kwa amene mukuti munapita kusukulunu. Nkhani ndiyoti Kalua sanamenyere ufulu wa multiparty. Ndibwerezenso, I repeat, two times, twice, for the second time, AMANGOLONGOLOLA!!! Komanso pano sitimadziwana amwene nchifukwa chake mumangonena kuti ndiana, othawa sukulu. Koma omwe mumawanena chonchowo mukuwadziwa kuti ndindani, amakhala kuti, and amatani for a living, munayamba mwawaonapo.

    7. Nkhani ili pano siyamitundu kapena misinkhu koma mfundo mu debate basi. Kutero mukupereka mfundo ngati mtundu wa kwa Kaluwa kapena m’Malawi? Sindimapereka mfundo ngati mlomwe kapena wachipani ayi koma ngati m’Malawi molingana ndimomwe nkhaniyo ilili. Pomwe inu mwachita kuonekeratu kuti mumatsatira “wakwathu syndrome” or zikhale zabodza.

    8. The difference between Kamlepo and Chilembwe is that Kamlepo played a vital role in fighting for the National Freedom while Rev.Chilembwe was fighting for freedom of his church congregation and pple around Chiladzuro district.

    9. Akulu, this is what I call deliberate distortion of facts. Was Chinyama from Chiradzulo? Choona chenicheni mukuchidziwa kuti Chilembwe fought for the freedom of Malawi then Nyasaland. Go to the national archives and read. Koma Kaluwa sanamenyere ufulu wa democracy, period. But If you just want to glorify your lie, go ahead. Koma kwa ine and many well meaning Malawians respect the Catholic bishops, Chihana, and few others not this coward! Komanso you are totally off track. The issue here is kumenyera ufulu wa zipani zambiri not kumenyera ufulu from the colonialists.

  13. Pitani ku kupolice ndiye mutiuza ife ndiye titani anzanu wachibale akasowa amapita ku police. komanso fufuzani kwa achibale anu ku Tanzania kwawo

  14. Palibe wa ndale amene adamenyera ulamuliro wa zipani zambiri koposa kungolowererapo pa ntchito yolemetsa imene ma Bishopu a Katolika akugwira polimbana ndi Dr Banda.

  15. Kamlepo ndi munthu woti anachita za inteligence ndipo akudziwa kut the moment azatengedwe kukagona ku police-he is gone!! Mark my words

  16. Kupha Kamlepo ndikuziputila nkhondo cz w won’t rest instead will bring unrest situation mudzikomo…………..AGALATIYA OTCHONA KU USA UFULU UJA MWATILANDANSO???????

  17. Anaopsyezako boma my nthawi ya ulamuliro wa a Bakili!
    Nanga ino ndi nthawi ya Bakili ??
    Xitikudabwa Ku kusautsidwa kwa a Kamlepo ,
    Ndizomwe a DPP amaziwika nazo kuzunza aliyese wowapatsa befu.

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