As the storm over the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Malawi refuses to die, renowned poet Hudson Chamasowa has spoken out in defence of gays.

In a late night Facebook post, Chamasowa who also works for Joyce Banda owned Ufulu radio station posted that Malawians should allow homosexuality as long as the persons involved are aged 18 and above.
Chamasowa as well tore apart the religious argument thrown around by most Malawians who are against homosexuality on the basis that it is sinful. The poet told Malawians that they should leave judgement in the hands of God.
Chamasowa becomes the first renowned poet to speak in support of gay rights. His stand however is contradictory to the stand taken by musician Lucius Banda who had to abandon a musical show after spotting two men kissing.
Sindidzaveranso ndakatulo zako gay iwe .
Kod chamasowa anatulukira mkamwa mwa Ababa ake?
kupanda nzeru eeettttiii……anamubereka ndi bambo ake iyeyo ???????
Tek ur car a kathire mafuta thru ekizozi nde mukaone zichitike nde tiyambe kukambirana abt gay after
mwaitha baba
Koma ndevu zokhazokha mwati sipakhala nkhondo
kkkk.. bass lokhalokha
chamasowa diging own grave stupid
watch it very attentively ….see your next side ,i will be watching this too…..remember that soon he is coming back….will be watch evey episode of this durty move light here …..!!!!
Mwatchuka dziko lakuziwani. Kufuna kulemera mwachungu, mulemera. Bwana nzeru muli nazo ndizoona koma ngati simuopa mulungu ndiinu opanda nzeru. Sitingakutukwaneni poti tikuziwa kuti simaganizo anu kulakhula zimenezi, mukulemekeza ntchito, lemekezan ntchito. Mukazalemera muzanena.
Chamasowa zoona sumati wabadwa mwatsopano galu iwe bwanji ukuwayikira pachilolo anthu anyasi ngati amenewa wandikhumudwitsa nyani
Kod mbuzi iyi inabadwila kut bro u r BG idiot
What a shame
…and I dnt even knw the guy…Malawian celebs,doesn’t even own a wheelbarrow tyre…Idyaat!!
…and I dnt even knw the guy…Malawian celebs,doesn’t even own a wheelbarrow tyre…Idyaat!!
zachamba basi nde kut chani iweyo kapena iwenso umachita nawo zopusazo et? Mbuzi ya munthu mxiew
The nation should allow that coz our donations comes together with this issue so if we deny this we are also killing the beneficiaries of these donations,we understand that we have nothing only poor malawi
Munthu akakhala kut alibe choti akupatse amayesetsa kukuwuza zot uchite,ngakhale akudziwa kut sungakwanitse kuchita.Mayiko akwazunguwa panopa akulephera kuvomereza kut ndalama alibe koma ali timupezerere Malawi pamaukwati awanthu ofanana ziwalo.Ndiye naye Malawi wazaka 51 akulephera kukana chifukwa chofuna kuthandizidwa ndimayiko oti pano kwawoko sizikuyena pankhani yazachuma.dzula Malawi opa Mulungu
Wapeza tindalama waiwala Yehova. Kusaka minyama nde kumeneku. Mwikho toto kuno ku Malawi
Repent repent and repent,the kingdom of GOD is at hand!Beware Chamasowa,beware and beware!judgement is around the corner
GOD created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!! be wise
Akakhuta asamatitikose mmaso ife iya!!!chikhala kuti his father was a gay akuona ngati padziko pano akanapondapo kapena akanabadwako iyeyo????? This is being inhuman ndithu azichotsera ulemu….. God is really angry witht this kawekawe beahaviour!!! u people need deliverance ziwanda zikuchokeni…….iweyo ngati uligay dziwa kuti u will not enter the kingdom of God…Talapani msanga msanga mungazanong’oneze bondo olalika aliko koma kusamva kwanu kukupatsani mavuto ndithu….ndangodutsatu ine osakwiya vuuuuuuu!!!! odi ukoo!!!
Muzafa Infa Yowawa
U stupid, y ur father ws nt Gay . Dt y u born .u idiot,
Chamasowa you’re a fool, idiot, wizard, coward and a wicked.
Asidine Imade&Amark Chione #mbolo zanu,sodom nd gomola Mulungu amaononga adadankha? Sadaonenge onse?nanunso amapwala,Yesu chomwe ananene ra #kuti,ngati alipo yemwe salalakwepo ayambe kumugenda bcoz amakamuyesa Yesu,bcoz panalibe umboni bcoz anamusiya munthu yemwe ankachita naye.so dn’t shut us our mounth 2brng words in bible try 2dfnd it.In bible is vry strct among ths devls thts why #Allah,dstry Sodom&Gomora. go 2 hell.
bravo chamasowa…let God be the judge.asiye makapewa
Iwe ngati zili zabwino osakapan ga matanyula ndi bambo wako? No more gay in our belvd country
Ndalamadi ikalankhula chilungamodi chimakhala chete,a Hudson ndi mkaona ngati ndi ochenjela koma mpaka kumabakila ma gay? Mwinanso amuna amzake amamupanga ra ra ra ra ra kumbuyo zamanyazi.
I hope Joice will fire u for bringing the radio on dispute I will nt listen ur channell stupid hadson with ur guy issue
pipo don’t buy his poet let his guy brothers support this assole with his western culture
Dis niggar is f..ckedup. Tidula mitu ma gay nonse sh………t
I realize kut osaukad sakalowa ufumu wa mulungu munthu osauka ndioipitsitsa kuvomeleza zoipa chifukwa chofuna kukhutitsa mimba basi God i’ll punish u this year u i’ll know him he is jehova God
U must b out of ur senses.U cnt even imagine urself vomiting such rubbish. Aaaah may God hav mercy.
If We Live God 2 Judge, Then Y Did God Choose Judges n Kings Among Us?
mathanyula sichikhalidwe chathu.
the guy is stupid, mwina naye ndi gay
Tsoka wobweretsa choipa
Ndevu mbwe kuvomera zopusa ngati zimenedzo kamba usogoleri ulimanja mwa chikhirisitu? Vomeran zopusadzo muona dzosatila dzake:D
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Ife timaadziwa a Ben MAlunga bax .
kodi luso lako la ndakatulolo lidachokela ku satanic? yense ovomereza gay ndi wa satanic .choncho tadziwa kuti ndiwe wa satanic
Iweyo uzakhala mboni wamva chamasowa?
Uzafa imfa yowawa,God heal him he iz sick
Ayambe kuthesa mabanja awowo ndikutenga amuna anzao kaya akazi atengane akazi wokhawokha apo bii tizingowapha basii finish
Iwed ndichamasowad unasowad maso ngat kazizi popeza mukasokoneza ku malawi mathawila pa joz nde timachana kokuno galu
I hope kuti #JB is I volved in gay sytem,& why a facken boy lyk u kumakamba zinthu zolakwika pamaso pa mulungu,JB akupasa anthu ndalama kuti azipanga influence zama gay shame on u JB
So many chics out there why wasting time on that man
Ayambe kaye iyeyo kukwatira mnzake
Kkkkkkkk poti ndimaanizo ake, but sometimes we fail to think escatological implications of our own statements, ndifunseko mathanyula ndi ntchimo kapena ayi? Nanga ngati lili ntchito when did a sin in every course became a right? U mean we hav also to legalise theft as a right also? Ndikudabwa most of the supporters are sayng its their right, kaya mwina poti ukakhala mbuli sudziwa zambiri ndiye ine ndi umbili wangawu ndikhale chonchi.
eeee mmmhhhh
Sakuziwa kathu ameneyu.
Nkhope ngati kuphazi kwa satana kapolo iwe opanda nyasi olo chitosi chabankha ungadye. Maso uli nao koma suona ulape nsanga.
Apa ndiye wa zimbidwa wauve iwe akazi osewa mpaka kumbuyo kwa mamuna nzako kkkkkkkkk nyasi mmmmmmm!
Ndi opoila
since i was born up to this very day i have never seen a he goat mating with another he goat or maybe a male dog mating with amale dog. This proves that these animals are more wiser than gays. Shame on you friend, are you a gay? Hahahahahahahahaha educated fool. Sory for you bro. Osamawelenga kunja kwa bible koma mkati, khosooooooooooooooo khosoooooooooooooooo khosoooooooooooooooo, ethyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, ethyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ethyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ayayayayayayayahahahahah chisoni chandiseketsa kikikikikikikikikikikikik
Wait for intense fire from above called SULFURE because you are amongst those with evil teaching.
Ngati ukunena choncho ndiye akubaso asiye kuwaweluza.iweyo ulibe mphavu pakati pamalamulo adziko .
Kodi alipo yemwe sadachimwepo apa, atone mwala nkuyamba kugenda ma gays…… Ngati mukudziwa kuti nanunso mudachimwapo then leave judgement to God. Only Muslims fight for their god maybe because he is powerless….. In the old testament it says everyone caught in adultery, homosexuality, having sex with animals must be stoned to death….. But in new testament when the woman caught in adultery was brought to Jesus, Jesus replied ”if there is one among you who has never sinned let them stone this woman to death”. All this dates back to the point when freedom of worship was embraced. Not all malawians are Muslims or Christians, some are satanists and they want us to respect their religious beliefs……
God is powerless???? lord hv mercy coz u r useless lik him
Muslims kill people on behalf of their god, ….. For example anyone who says bad things against Muhammad in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries is killed
Kodi nonse amene mukunena kuti ma gay or Lesbian ndi ntchimo, Tchimo mwaliona lalikulu zed ndi kukhara choncho eti ine im not Lesbian bt idont mind abt them if they are happy wat there are doing they must go ahead. Chisakho ndi wekha so or mutakhura bwanji sasitha ngati mtima wawo sukufuna mukungotayaa nthawi yanu pachabee.
Palibe za ufulutu apa malamulo akunenelatu kt ayi mathanyula ndiye wina asati eya
Ahaaaa me I dont mind abt them
A Chamasowa ngati uli umphawi bwanj osangopita kumuzi kumakalima. Komanso wakunamizani ndani wanzeru zopusazo. SHAME!
Thus stupid point how special is the poet man to encourage us about the gay?
mmene azunila atsikanawa mkumati mzibambo mzanga idza kuno,,,zamkutu!!
Mukamuona Hudson Chamasowa mumuwuze ndikumufuna chibwenzi.
chitsiru cha munthu.. zachamba bas… msakumvexo ukundxokoxera.. av u eva biin hd a girl3rend kape iwe? watsala ndmatsiku ochepa kt uxowe… de mark of de beast z upoon u go 2 hell..
Ine ndimaganiza ngati ndiwe wa nzerutu
Alibe nzeru ndi chitsiru galu wachabechabe kapolo wa Joice Banda
achamasowa mudzafa ifa yopweteka kwambili. dikilani ndipo muone!!!
aaaaaaaah, Ndaombera mfiti mmanja ine. Man wa ndifoyila chonchi? Ndimayesatu kut alakatuli amakhala anzeru ine
His fucken ass
A Chamasowa ka Degree muli nakoko ifenso tilinako mwanva.? Ndipn College munaliyo ndiimenenso nafe tinapita..ngat ili sukulu ikukupangisani panya panu..we r nt judging these damn ass gays bt we r comndemin them otherwise we cud av stoned them to death..
Aaaaa koma ndithu mnyamata wabwinobwino kumbwamwana chonchi??? Akupatsa chani kweni kweni?? Mxiiii
He is right,zititayitsa nthawi amene akufuna azipanga
Hudson Chamasowa am no longer ur fan anymore………
if you ur self u have a gel frend why ukulimbikisa azako kuti azikwatilana amuna kapena akazi okha okha i can get ua point that is if u come on air again n tell us that ua gay kufuna kutchuka or chani
Kkkkkk akumamukana akazi ameneyu takaonani kuda ngati usiku utatu
A Chamasowa ndinu a Chitsirunso bwanji!? Inu munayamba mwagonanapo ndi mwamuna mnzanu? Why backing zinthu zimene inu simungachite? Poetry yanu mwayilakwira azikugulani ndi ma gay anzanuwo a Malawi si anthu opusa. Ufulu Fm mwayiwononganso ndi khalidwe lanu lopusalo. Musandiyankhenso!!!!
iwe ndi galu,fisi,mbuzi, kuletsa magay its not judgement kodi mose samawaletsa ma Israel kupanga zoipa?NDE ife tilekelele za illuminat zanozo,zopepera eti,zausatanic bax,God should forgive you
chamasowa ndiwe osiyanadi ndi chiwamba…udzafa imfa yowawa
pathaku paku chamasowa ine ndikwatira iweyo… zikupha ndalama zamzungu mwanawe mapeto ake wakumoto
Mayee! Mulungu Wanga Hudson Wandkhumudwsa,
I can see a lot of Godfearing comments here
Hell is Waiting for you,You are a person whose soul is already corrupted by the devil.If u happened to have known who created you,u could not voice out such nonsense.I really hate you and am gonna hate you forever for what u said is against God but devils interest.Ua a devil on your own.Go to Hell.
Mulungu amukhululukile HUDSON CHAMASOWA chifukwa sadziwa chomwe akulakhula.
Munyeru wanyoko
Chitsiru ichi. Achpatsa ndalama kuti Chiime poyera
Koma iweyo ukufuna akumvele ndani? Iweyo Ami ako NDA bambo ako akanakwatilana ndanzawo ofanana nawo ziwalo ukanabadwa kadzidzi iwe? Muli chani achitsilu inu muti mufele zaeni ake? usanyozese chilengedwe cha Mulungu pomachita zinthu zoti ena tilakwe nazo kulankhula wamva vumbwe iwe, koditu Mulungu siosewelesa muululuka nonse amene mumasatila satana tikuziwani ena ndianja adasanduka njoka aja, mukamati ufulu mumatanthauza chani? munthu ungate mwamuna nzako nkumati ufulu tachioneleni mmutumo abambo chamba sichabwino kuteloko mmaona ngati walankhula za nzeru? ukamati kuweluza ndikwa Mulungu nde ndinyasi zomwezo kumachita kukulekelelani dala Sodom ndi Gomola kuti mulungu amuononge mesa nkhani zake linali zomwe upanga Chule iwe ndanzakowo? nkhani yokhayi imeneyi nde mukati ufulu nde mudzinamizatu, Mukuchita nyasi kwambiri Mulungu asalange Malawi chifukwa cha Afinye ngati inu musamale
naye ndeqt ndi gay simukumuona ka thupi kakeko
Lord hav mercy. I can’t believe w@ is happening. am I dreaming?
Agent of the devil
Wakutuma ndi joyce banda kuti ulakhule zimenezi.hudson ndiwe kape kwambiri
uchoke ku malawi kuno iwe chamasowa pamodzi ndi akumidima anzakowo muzikapangira ku ameleka ndi kumangalande za usatanic zanuzo
we suspect him as one of the homosexuals.if don’t lk homosexuality then why supporting the practice
Foolish.If i had a gun i would pull trigger on you dogs called gays, mache….,…. anu mwamva?.Mathanyula? Ndakwiya nanu kwambiri!!
achamasowa mudzafa imfa yowawa…..kani ndinu achitsilu chonchi?????may God hav mercy on yu……fool!!!
musaone ngat film iyi dis z real life tidziotcha ma guy..mukaloleza u bathe lolezan chamba fodya ufit satanic .tnk straght zithu musamangopanga mwaumbuli.
including you Chamasowa???????aaah timakuona ngati wanzeru koma haaaa Am not your fan frm today
Ya Nzoonadi Dziko La Malawi Linachuluka Mbuli Zophuzila Ngati Izi, Koma Man Chamasowa Mwaganiza Bwanji Kulakhula Mawu Onyasa Ngati Amenewa. Ndikufuseni Achamasowa Moti Mungakondwele Chemwali Wanu Kumanyengana Ndi Mkazi Mzake.? Musawononge Mbiri Yanu Yabwinoyo Ndi Zinthu Zovunda Ngati Zimenezo Mutukwanitsa Munthu Waphee Ngati Akukutumani Koma Ali Maganizo Inu Ovundawo. Mulakhula Ngati Munthu Wosaphuzila Bwanji.
Rip chamasowa,i thnk u r dead alive.
Rin chamasowa,i thnk u r dead alive.
i gess he wants enternatn NGOz to finance her
Hadson Speak Truth Abt Sin, Let God Punish Gay Dont U Know That God Works Through His True Servants Who Condem The Act
Let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone! From the comments here, it is definate that a big number of us are armed with the bible to counter sin and congs for that but even the best medicine taken with no prescription can become poisonous. The bible preaches the doing of rightiousness amidst love and torrerance! People of soddom were so violent and not only just intended to comit sodomy with the holy visitors, but also wanted it forcibly and no sane human being in the mind of the poet is commending forcful sexual intercourse among people of the same sex but rather he rightly thinks if 2 men or women as case may be, of a mature age consent to have voluntary affection towards each other and according to me decide to get aeay from kids and public to their bedroom and have safe sexual pleasure, then lets leave it to God to decide other than opening our mouths too wide with tatterrd dental formulaes to be recorgnised as expressing opinions of cowardise, dis-unity, irrationalality and backwardness. I can imagin stonning Chemuswa to death in town and returning to the village in the evening only to find your older son breeding to death because the village enthusiasts have just awarded him tge same punishment because they saw him kissing passionately and fondoling the groins of his work-mate in his bedroom
Chamasowa, chasowa mzeru!
had it been Gadaffi is still alive,the malawi government would hire him to kill all okwatana kumatakowa, ma university akusula ma gay pano stupid idiotic baboons
Wakuba mumamuwontcha ndi Moto WA ma tyre…wogwiririla kundende……wa mathanyanyulu mukuti leave judgement for God…we are suppose to help one another in this world….we say no to homosexuality in order to help our fellow Malawians…we know every one can make a mistake. But we don’t have to make sins to be human rights.lets assist one another by saying no to stupidity…no gay rights in Malawi.
Anthu wopanda nzelu samasowa pa maso
it just shows that 100% you don’t fear God, take care you will be punished!
koma2 achinyamata a kumalawi maluzi muyachite kuyaluka nao chonchi u r just joining everywhere bola ndilama eti?? ok? mumayamba ndi mkutu kufa imfa ikayandikira
Kuno sikusimongolira your mother p*s,
No sense chamasowa
achitsiru inu osangthokooza kuti anakutolani nkukuyikani pa air kuti mwina mwake nkuoneka munthu komabe uli mbu kutuwa shupit zako ndithu
Kape munthu wachimidzimidzi what do u know mbuzi kodi ngati ukutero bwanji ife tibwere tidzakukhape apolisi asatinange poti ndi ufulu wathu komanso atisiye Mulungu adziwetiweruza ngati malamuro angakhalepo mkamwa mwako mosachapamo tikupha ife
Chamasowa???shame akugula eti??
am no longer ua fan u so called chamasowa son of the devil,,, I quit listening to ua ufulu radio
zinazi ngat mukusowapo zokamba ndibwino kumangosiya osamaperekapo maganizo.
Udzafa imfa yowawa
Kkkk jadjiment day
Sin is sin…what about sin of adultery? Machimo onse ndi ofanana…a lot of sins happening in this country…enanu kuweluza azsnu chigololo chili thooo pa inu
Guyz Faz Imeney Ctangakwantse Kuchta Nayo Mwachcc Lyk Anja Amakissana Pa Show Lucius Anangofunka Kugwir Ndkuzmenya Kumanga Zonse Kuztaya Mu Lak Mw Bwa? I Hop Kut Ena Sangachteso
Chamasowa Ambuye akusunge iweyo ndi moyo azikudalitsa koposa komanso akukhulukile wamva chitsilu chazitsilu iwe pamtu pa mako Galu
Kkkk hey pipo r talking kaya nnangobwela kudzawelenga nawo makomenti, am a happily married man with a lovely wife en kids…..
Wandikwiyitsa kwambili
Pakanakha bambo ako ndi mayi ako sanakwatilane bwenzi ulipo iweyo jst think lik a man
that’s not fear achamasowa munaziyamba bwino mwasiliza ndikuyipa
Anthu matsiku ano akukonda mbuz Chamasowanso mbuz by CHIWAMBA
Robert Chiwamba is hero
or aloreze kapena ai zilibe ntchito, chifukwa inu ngati simungapange u gay palibe angakuumilizeni kut mutero
mbolaso iyi yachokera kuti ndikukamwa kwakhe konunkhako
Udzamfa imfa ¥owawa
Well , Will Prepare A Legal Opinion On That Soon . Remember Malawi Is Signatory Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Right .
Akufuna potchukila kikkkkkk
Chamasowa umve izi, kaya President ndi nyumba ya malamulo ivomereza pankhani imeneyi,ziwani nonse ndiwakumoto ngati simusitha chitidwe umenewu ndikulapa, kma ine ndi akunyumba yanga ndidzatumikira Mulungu mpaka imfa. Lets say no Gays marriage, Mzimu oyera atsike Malawi apulumuke,MALAWI apulumukeee! In Jesus name Holy Ghost fireeee!
kape iwe mbudzi ya munthu mbuli
Uzafa imfa yowawa ndithu
#CHAMASOWA dziwa kut kuyambira lero ndaku2luka…..#ROBERT_CHIWAMBA ndilandire
patumbo pamako 1 ndimaona ngat ndiwe munthu ozindikila kodi ndiwenso chisulu chonchi uwafuse mai ako akuza bwino lomwe.
He is one of the satanic members
Mukangokhala Mugulu Lovomeleza Muzafa Imfa Yowawa ( Copied)
100% fuck
nzimu wa mulungu suzakangana ndi munthu mpaka kalekale
Zopanda nzeru just wait to saw what God going to do with malawi
Not only homosexual is a sin.there are alot of sins in the world before u start pointing fingers at others make sure dat your hands are clean.mukhoza oxapanga homo kma ndinu olungama?
wekha iwe ndiwe gay
Ngati ukuyang’ana potchukira wagwa nayo,kungotukwanidwapo zaziii
For those who are saying leave judgement for God,they are just fools mmmh.Is it that God was just insane by creating awoman? Why din`t he just created orther men to help one another? For your own knowledge God will not forgive those who do sins while they were aware of it.To hell with your Stupidt Idear of Gays.May God forgive me for my sins (may God forgive us all and be with us all the time so that we do things according to his will not our’s)
Izi ndie timati zopusa.Ameneyu wapatsidwa dola kapena wayamba satanic.
Ndasiyanso kumvera tsokwe lapakamwa uziivera wekha chfukwa siiwe mmalawi weni weni ayi ndiwe mmodzi mwaiwo
Chamasowa ndendani????
Dzautsiru basi…gay kuti chani??We are not a rainbow nation whr u do as u please..we r a christian country…mind u…if pipo of the same sex were sleeping together wud u hv born,iweyo ati Chamasowa iwe??Think b4 u comment
Kani mumaganizaso mopepera chomchi?? Kuganiza ngat ntchentche yofuna kutulukira pawindo kma pali garass mbuzi meee
Amunyambititsa Ma Dollars Aja Ameneyu!
tazipangani zaugaru zanuzo zausatanazo i wish i waz born in a islamic state they cant allow this bushit
Aponzonad bg this is fucken war
Masiku otsiriza uchimo kuupolisha phuliphuli ngat nsapato, sindidavepo kapena kuwerengako m’baibulo mutalembedwa mwana adzasiya makolo ake kukaphatikana ndi mwamuna mzake kapena mkazi kukaphatikana ndi mkazi mzake. Tikusowekera maso auzimu satana waphimba Malawi, mpake tikukumana ndizowawa mdziko lathu lino. Mulungu atikhululukire. Tonse ndife ochimwa inde koma uchimo tisamachite kuuchemelera ngat mpira!
aHisofeli anatero naye atalowedwa ndi nzimu woyipa nchimodzimodzi uyu nzeru zake zija zaonongeka,mwina amunyemera zapansi panyanja nayenso azafa imfa yowawa
Ndiwe munthu omvetsa chisoni ukugwila ntchito ndi radio station yolephela
Maybe they were looking for same things else
udzafa imfa yowawa mmbale
kkkkkk ndichisilu no homosexeal agalu ndiopusa pamene amapangana wankaz ndwa mwamuna ,amasiyilanj kt azpangana amuna okhkha / akaz okhkha ,win kkkkk
musiye ameneyu adzafa imfa yowawitsa
Eeeeeee jesus he z jst arround da corner 4sure guyz
iwe chamasowa Hudson ndiwe chindere chakufikapo.
aaaaaaaa koma naye waganiza bwanji???
son of motherless quit,u and ur point direct to HELL
chigay chachabechabe ichi
Umaoneka ngati ozindikila koma ndiwe mbuli amai ako ukawafuse zindikila kuti anus is for outing nyasi za mthupi osati for sex. Chasowa anasowa atasemphana mawu mfumu ina nthawiyo mwina iwe ngati chamasowa ukuopaso kusowa ukaima pa chilungamo ai uzingolemba poem basi unless u want money kwa zitsilu za magays !!
Ahudson chamasowa ndimakusapotani kma u ar afool hw can u say that nyapala udzafa ifa yowawa kape
Sindidzaveraso radio ya ufulu pamodzi ndi azizanga 100,sindidzaveraso ndakatulo zako mwana otembereredwa iwe
apa waonetselatu kuti chamasowa alibe nzeru zenizeni za umunthu! ndi zoona tonsefe timachimwa koma palibe tanthauzo kuti munthu ozindikila angamapange support nchitidwe umeneu! ngati iyeyo ali gulu lomweli kulibwino azingopanga iyeyo koma osati kumalimbikitsa anthu kupanga zopusa ngati zimenezi. chamasowa ndimunthu opusa kwambili
udzafa imfa yowawa chinkhopecho chitatupikana nga phulamchenga
my bible is my constitution and it says in leviticus 20:13 that when a man lays with another man as he would with a woman he has committed an abomination and surely must be put to death-and thus his blood is in his own hands!
Constitution Is From Bible & Qouran Lets Respect These Two Books.
He Z The Who Tod Us Kuti Kuli Ndende Yamizimu,am Not judging bt even the bible says with the word of ur mouth u r comended and even condemned,,poetry against it self,MZAFA IMFA YOWAWA!!!Help me guys with dis funso,who can be supporting DPP but claing to be TAMBALIAN(MCP)
Ali ngati chiwala chimanyela pakhosi fuck u….
When you say tisiye Mulungu ndiye woweluza you mean up to now the whole of you don’t know God’s stand/judgement on gays?? Shame on you my poet
When you say tisiye Mulungu ndiye woweluza you mean up to now the whole of you don’t know God’s stand/judgement on gays?? Shame on you my poet
mboli yamako wamva?ufa nawo limodzi amathanyulawo kape Chamasowa
kape walero uja ndamuona ukakwate abambo ako.
Ngati ma gay ali ndi ufulu rasta got a soul muloleni asute chamba mwaufulu
Ndiwe chitsilunxo kani mbuzi……
Ife tizakuphani dni manja ,yambani ndipo musamabisale muzionekela ku gulu,we wil finish u o ,to hell wth gays law
“Udzafa infa yowawa”
defending gays shows that you read the bible up side down.
Hudson Chamasowa Ndiwe Chitsilu Cha Mulakatuli. STUPID.
I agree 100 % with chamasowa. Let us leave judgement and punishment of gays in the hands of God. Who are we to judge them. We are all sinners in one way or another.
A Chamasowa mwayesera tindakatulo kuti mwina mkutchuka koma mwati mudziwikenso pa nkhani zautsiruzi, ayi ndithu tingokutukwanani apa. Khalani chete.
Chamasowa , wasankha kuti naweso usalidwe kukugula ndakatulo zakozo? Basi tasiya kukutsatira , timaona ngati ndiwe munthu wabwino bwino kani ndiweso mathanyula? shame on you.
Iwe Chamasowa Umfunse Robert Chiwamba Kuti Ngati Nawenso Uli Mugulu Lovomeleza Maukwati Amuna Kapena Akazi Okhaokha Kuti Uzafa Imfa Yotani? I hope D Answer He Will Give U Is ” IMFA YOWAWA”
Anyone backing gays and lesbians is one of them. This is really a mockery to what the Almighty God envisaged when he created man and woman.
zafodya basi
Good movie to get a job with the civil society
Ngati kutumikila mulungu kukuipilani mudzisankhile nokha yemwe mudzamtumikile ndikayang’anitsitsa kumalawi kuno diso langa silikuonaso chokoma
kod iyeyo ndekut ali single? and iyey adachoka kuti? izizi ngakhal chu limbikil ku amereca kulibe zachamba!!!
Amupasa ndalama ameneyu
Achamasowa zimenezo nde zopwiza, mwina zayambikaso kusimongoliya kapena paja ndinu anyamata amaganizo apatali
u bastard stop talking ur fucken cht,am amuslim l will nver scared to against ndi zopusa ngati zimenezo l will use chaliyah low.if u hve something to talk with me plz just contact me on thiz fucken nmbers#0995394454 or 0027793063004 sindimawopa munthu kapena malamulo aboma ndimaopa mulungu ndi chiphunzitso
Wangochoka Ku xool, akufuna ndalama
leviticus 18 v 29… tis pipo sud b cut off 4m de society…akapezeka azigendedwa miyala…Hadson…u will die a vry painful death 2gether with those gays and everyone who z fighting 4 thoz rights
Ali ngati mphevu zodya manyi mchimbudzi chokumba, kumatako kwa mzao kumawasangalatsa ndi chan pot zose zimanunkha mchimbudzi zija zimachoka komweko, damn blinded cockroaches… Shupitiiiiiiii
A chitsiru awa inu. I believe he takes some in the back side like all of them. Useless kid
He must repent! God is angry with him
He must repent! God is angry with him
Pano zinthu zafika povuta. Nditakufunsako funso iwe chamasowa zikadachita kuti mayi wako adakwatira MKADZI nzawo Kapena bambo wako adakwatira mwamuna nzawo bwenzi ife titaziwa kuti kuli mlakatuli hardson? Kumakhala nanzeru wamva!!!!!
achitsiru awa alibe umunthu ngati akutuma ife tikupweteka
he is so stupid,
Chris zain mbuzi yamunthu bwezi mulipoooo inu shitiiiii pamnyini pamako ndi iweyo
Chris zain mbuzi yamunthu bwezi mulipoooo inu shitiiiii pamnyini pamako ndi iweyo
Koma iwe Chamasowa u r indeed a stupid n useless guy……koma iwe Nyini momwe ikomera ungamayankhule zamanyi zakozo apa….moti iwe sunachindepo mkazi….mhata yako
Mh ziko lapitadi ndi a chamasowa omwe mh onse ovomereza gay azafa imfa yowawa ukufuna mulungu alange zikoli ngati sodom ndi gomorag?
Son of devil! N’sadzakuonenxo ku Robin’s Park ukuyerekezera uzimu! Nonse ndi mkulu wanu yemwey anavomerezayo mukuyenera kufa & sndkuchotsera Mulungu Wanga Yehova Wamakamu akukanthani! Ndimadabwa ine kuti wabona iwe…. Ndakatulo zauzimu amalakatula chonchija……ndende yamizimu…udzafa mphawi ndi wochepa komanso woonda choncho ngati sulapa
In the last days…
God punished Sodom and Gomorah with the same activities.Theres a way which seems right to a man but there’s destruction at the end.
Adzafa imfa yowawa uyu…!
Why are you demoralise your good fame?Some issues are sensitive if you are not careful enough you can demoralise yourself.Sometimes neither be first nor be the last to come openly with issues which are sensitive in nature.Many pipo were not expecting such type of views from you.
mbole yako!
Mwakwiya partner
kikikiki partiner andikwiyitsa. But how r u?
Am good and U?
great. Pano ulikuti partiner?
great. Pano ulikuti partiner?
Afuse kut azake adawona zotan kusodomo pamene adakakamila mulendo wa Loti
ndinadziwa kuti ndiwe mbuzi…ndende yamizimu anachita kukuwuzira,ndiponso udzafa imfa yowawa mbuzi iwe…..18 and above?! ndimowa?!
nanunso a peter m’malo moloreza chamba mukuloreza nyasizi?!
shame on u and God may forgive u ngati uli umphawi wasata wrong strategy
Chamasowa u shud b evil.2stupid indeed u are.may u die b4 malawi gets worse with u gay issues
Kkkkkkkkkkkk its just an act to get popularity…. Or may be hes been used u knw love of money… God burned sodom coz of its sodomic system.. And if you r a son of God can u allow such an act in your community…. Your such a disgrace to this nation…. U need to be gratefull to be born of a woman…. Panyapakoso ndipo
Chamasowa zimvere chisoni sikuti wafikapo ayi,ndiwe ndani iwe suwopa mulungu watumidwa eti? Inunso mwafika polankhula kugulu kwa anthu ngati zimenezi usatipalire moto wina kwa mulungu wapalidwa kale ndi agalu ena ngati iwe.akupweteketsa mayi akowo kuputsa ndimaganiza ndiwe wanzerutu koma suwopa mulungu wanzeru amawopa mulungu .
Ana anjoka ndiziwanda…to hell matherfurker…mas poos laan
Nonse Mulbe Umunthu Y Obscen,musagwilise Nthto Coipa Kt Mucose Coipa, Camasowa Sioyamba Kunena,olo Tpange Makan Maka Sasntha Pemphelan Kolimba Kt B4 Dey Die Alape
Zinayambanso chonchi mthawi ya sodomu, Mulungu pamene analenga zilengwe zake anaona kuti zilibeino
I think wapasidwa ndalama kt avokere nyasizi mesa mdiwe mlakatuli yemwe umalimbikisa chikhalidwe chathu? go to hell with ur poet.
I think wapasidwa ndalama kt avokere nyasizi mesa mdiwe mlakatuli yemwe umalimbikisa chikhalidwe chathu? go to hell with ur poet.
Kodi munthu akamapanga ugay/lesbian amakhala akumulakwila ndani??…kapena amakhala akuphwanya ufulu wa ndani??…y do pple care alot abt ada pple’s businesses instead of mindin their own
zachamba zimenezi magay tikawapeza tikupha bas
Maturity. One fearless and honest person in the face of adversity is majority. Big up.
Some people here just duff
Udzafa imfa yowawa
This man is great
udzafa imfa yowawa #hudsonchamasowa
Kanundu eti
He Must B A Gay Hmsef
Akupatsa zingati kuti ukafike pomutaya Mulungu? Akukanthe ndi iwe wemwe
Hudson is also a mother fucken ass whore gay why is defending gays all birds having same feather they floak togather anyamata amathanyula awa same like president #APM
leavin every sinful practices to God’s Judgement z nt true…… otherwise no reason to have courts & prisons…. i thot this guy z wise but eeeeiiisssshhhh sily man …. without brain full of mucus….mxeiwwwww
Kodi anthu amisala akuvumbuluka mmodzimmodzi eeeti kkkkk, shame on you
Religion is one of the worst things that has happened in my opinion
Kodi ma gay ndima lesbian akugwira ntchito ku ufulu radio station eti?
Alipo wakufumbatitsa eti,Udzafa imfa yowawa ngati uli nawo mgulu lomalimbikitsa kuti amuna kapena akazi azikwatilana okhaokha.Ndiwe satana osamala zamunthu susamalira za ambuye
ndichifukwa chake maiko Ambiri achisilamu sikumadukiza nkhomdo chifukwa samafuna zopusazi nde akabwera ma british ndi Mamericawo mkumajoina basi nkhondo osamatha usilu wake ngati uwu
Wht Z Chamasowa? Yo Silly Poems Mek U Feel Complete? Stupid Gay! Y Cnt U Jst Com Open 2 Tel Malawians That U Practice Gaysm? I Shal Neva Listen 2 Yo Poems Any More! U R Such A Nasty Little Guy, Munthu Waumve Iwe, Akuku2mao Akpwetekex Wamva Zopusa! Dzikol Ndlathu Stingalole Manyio. Mupite Pans Panyanja Pompo Mzikapanga Nsete Zanuzo Mxiiew!
A small fool
Kodi ambuye zija munkachita mnthawi ya Mose; monga munthu akakhala ndi mafunso ambiri okhudza inu monga; kodi mulungu adamulenga ndi ndani? Ndipo makolo ake ndi ndani? Inu munkalamula thanthwe nkung’amba ndipo munthawi yomweyo munthu oteroyo ankazimira pathanthwepo. …atate tikukupemphani kuti mutichitile chimodzimodzi kwa anthu amenewa amene akuziona kuti Iwo ndi anzeru kuposa inu pachimene mudalenga.
I agree….leave gay people alone ….how does someone sex life affect you ???…What y’all forget is that these things are in the Bible and shall come to pass to fulfill the scriptures…..just stay in your lane.
OOO? So just because it is written in the Bible ? The Bible didn’t favor such kind of wickedness and read Romans 1:18-27 you ‘ll see .
We are against the word “legalisation”
Not just because it is end time then we should bear with or tolerate sins!…
Kufuna potchukira hahaha mzeru ulibe ndakuona
Ahhhh kape iwe Chamasowa…sumathaso ndikomwe
..and the government is still quiet on the matter. What a deluded and muppetic fools we let handle the issues of this nation. Its high time we shook the corridors of power with a strong message as malawians. Its just unfortunate that its kinda hard to access ngini inayake pa town pano. Oops! Chamasowa ndiye kuti chani!
Ndinkaganiza Ngati Munthu Amene Analowa Mkalasi Ndiwa Nzeru Koma mmmh,bolanso Wosaphunzira.
Iwe Hud,wakutuma Akupweteketsa.
Ambue bwanji mungotiputha
Shame on u the lost child, try to bring the another topic to discuss, coz w r tired of those nosense. Do u understand?
Am not saying that chamosowa you are stupid,,,maybe you just had a bad lucky in thinking,,,but mind you,a nonsense remains a nonsense even if it is spoken by a president
Ambuye chamasowa angofuna ndalama nkonzeni ndnu
Akupatsa zingati kuti uzilimbana ndiMulungu wako??????? Go to Hell with your Mathanyula President,,,,,,ukuyenera kulapa mwachangu,ngati sulapa Uzafa Imfa yowawa + Ukalowa kuGahenna,,appo ndiye sindikukayika ndithu,,ngakhale amati Oweluza ndiMulungu,koma naIweyo ngati sulupa then we are judging u to go to Hell,,,,,,kapena ukufuna potchukira eti????? Ndiye ndikuuzeni akulu,sunapeze malo abwino otchukira,,usatchuke pophwanya Malamuro aMulungu,,,,,, Shame on You,,,,F**k you,,,,,,,,,
Chikundidabwitsa ine mogwilizana ndi Bambo Msonda m’chakuti kuti anthu akuyikilidwa kumbuyowa..iiih mwina simunanve I mean these people who are being defended alibe pakamwa kuti aziyankhulile okha?
Let them come in the open and defend their acts tatopa ndikumangomva zoti eeeh ndi ufulu wawo ndizomwe zikupangitsa enafe kudabwa kuti kodi mwina nanunso mumachita nawo zoyikilana kumbuyozi??..
Ngati mukufuna kuti akumvereni a BBC nde akulembeni ntchito mmmm mwakhaula,nzanu ku UK konko akunkaniza asylum,mukasauka mukumatokota kwambiri zobakira ma gay kuti muziti nduthawira kunja,Ku USA nde mwamva wanena Trump “all blacks back to Africa” ku UK no more asylum for gays unya,Show yako sinzabweranso.mxiweeee!!!!
Ine ndilebe probleme ndilibe probleme, kkkk koma uphawi utiwonetsa zinthu kaya!
Ine ndilebe probleme ndilibe probleme, kkkk koma uphawi utiwonetsa zinthu kaya!
he has gone out of his senses
Msonda kokaaaaàaaaaaa
Chitsiru chimenecho!!!!!!! What influence can this unknown goat hv on mankind? Let him be de first to marry his fellow sex. Mumafuna kutchuka kapena chani? Kapena kuti money frm those foolish whites zizifikira mmanja mwanu??? Munthuyo ndi mmphawi akukachimwanso daladala ndi tchimo loopsya ngati limenero. Kufuna kuvutika pawiri?? (Now and hereafter)??? Mulungu akukhululukiren ndikukupatsan kuwala kwake otherwise akulangani.
No wonder the surname chamasowa he is really a lost boy.
Achamasowa uphawi wakwana akuona ngati atora chikwama.
It’s a shame for any true child of God, to be an advorcate of such evil acts.
It’s a shame for any true child of God, to be an advorcate of such evil acts.
The more u comment the more u make him famous, he is just playing wth our minds,mmene asinthira akazi galu ameneyu
Uzafa imfa yowawa
Afuse kaye amako kuti, amayi! amayi! munatani kuti mubeleke ine? Akuuza bwino ndiye kenako ukhoza kumavomeleza za ma gays zakozo. If your r tired with poetry! mr man , kakameni ng’ombe. Akugenda nazo anthu okwiya achilungamo. Malawi timaopa Mulungu ife.
He just full of shit en he doesn’t know what he’s doing
a mwati chamasowa
if a male Dog know the Female Dog what more a man full wisdom and knowledge, YAK!
Akanakhala Yesu bolani mwati Hudson Chamasowa?Ndiosatchuka eti,akufuna atchukile pa zimenezi,satana anagwa pansi pano ndi ti angelo tina ,tina mwaito ndi iyeyo.
I pray for the Destruction of gay rights promoters on earth and here after. AFE NDITHU!
He is too young He doesnot know Culture and traditions.
robert chasowa tamunenere ndakatulo ya uzafa imfa yowawa kapeyu
ngat uli ndi galimoto ase akamuwuze fuel attendant uja kut asakakuthirire mafuta pothirira paja, akathire ku xhause ase ukawone kut chikachitike ndichan wamva
Kodi guyz ameneyu chamasowayi alindi makolo ake?
If so Chamasowa is stupid.
is he our future determiner? nayenso amabi…. ngat ine. maganizo ake amenewo
mphaka iwenso eti? iweyo unabadwa kuchokela kumathanyula eti ,waoneka nzeru ulibe.
Iwe wechizereza ungubalika ndiwanthu akuyanana viwalu iwe walekiyanji kutolana ndi , munthulumi munyaku
Msonda wamumva mwanayu
God never made a mistake to make a wife of Adam in the garden Eden. Well in these last day, satan is busy campaining for his kingdom so as in the end many will be lost. I even wonder to an extent of asking myself, why did your father proposed your mother and bear a son you? Change your mindset, God is not happy with same sex marriages. Read your bible, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
That fucker than every fucker u foolish lyk wat mukufuna kunzuzinsa malawi kamba kazopusazo
Let’s shun his shows and buying albums azigula ma gay akewo …… Khakhakha ngati ameneyu sindinamuonepo! Bravo Soldier.
Dont Mention Constitution When You Are Debating About Gays It Seems Most Malawians Are Ignorant About Their Own Laws, It Is The PENAL CODE that criminalises seldomy
d@s stupid Chasowa i hope u gay 2 go 2 hell..U hv damaged ur cv ..Devil z around u consult ur bible if u even have 1
Nanutso achamasowa akupasani bread eti! Ndimaona ngati is exprence man but ndinu opanda sense chochi! plz change mind pasanafike poipa komatso potinyasa ukamayankhula pa redio.
Ur very useless in society & probably ur a committed stanic
Y??hudson,,,,,,is it money??is it fame??i would rather advise u to go home kubinoni n ask parents n elders on matters beyond ur reasoning,,,,,kuphuzira sikutha,,,u ll ruin urself if u dont care,,,u r too young fot this n as a homemate plz withdraw ur senseless argument with sincererity,,,,,,,i wish u could see writings on the wall.
He gay. Nigga you gay
“Ati allow those who are aged 18” and i quote? What the hell are you thinking, vuto lake losowa sukulu mmitu yanu, one of the citizen who does not think of Malawi future generation are people like u bra. Think what malawi will turn to in 5 yrs coming! Zina osamazindikira mwalankhula be rational
End of Times
You are very stupid ,,,mwana wanjoka iwee mumangophunzira nzeru mulibee osangokhala osanena maganizowo bwanji??mxiiiiiiiiiew
I can’t believe it even after reading your post that you as a media can twist things as you have just done here. It can be seen from the way the article has been written that the one behind this article is simply aiming at discrediting Chamasowa who could possibly be the reporters most feard man. Read Chamasowa’s post and get the sense in it.Munakhala Bwanji anthu openga inu.
#kelvin Nyirenda You Are Getting It Wrong here on gay issue , It Is Not The Constitution That Criminalises Homosexuality But It Is The PENAL CODE{act of parliament} which criminalises seldomy, our laws are very clear on this issue but our laws have been temporarily suspended because of western pressure, the western countries are forcing us to legalise homosexuality bcause of our poverty
he z a gay,.kma ndichitsiru ameneyu.am nt his fan anymore
Udzafa imfa yowawa
kod mchitidwe umenewu unakakhala pachiyambi bwezi mulipo inu,bambo anu anakat azichindana kuthako ndi mnzawo bwezi mutabadwa.Ngati mwatumidwa mwasocheretsedwa koopsa.KUSAUKA KUPHESADI mwatan a malawi.Tsangalatsani cholengedwa kuchokera kudothi ngat inu nomwe,muzaziona.#foolish#
Chamasowa ndiwe opusa kwambili akanakhala Bambo ako anali ndi maganizo apepelawa ukanabadwa iwe?kapena ukungoyankhulira kuti utchuke,bwino nazo mutha kuzafa ngati achitsilu muli achitsilu amene
Mbuzi yamunthu!
He is acting a hero because he is on radio. I have been there too. You can talk the way you want..
Chamasowa Uzamfa Yimfa Yowawa! Chimsomali Chachikulu Chizakuboola Pamimba Ndi Kutulukila Ku Msana, Pa Nyini Pa Amako Hudson Chamasowa
udzafa infa yowawa
Those who haven’t sinned should be the first to cast a stone against gays
panyapake ameneyo…..
Hello, i am Rohana Othman from Chicago, I am here to testify to the whole world for what God has used Dr Oyubo a powerful love spell caster to do in my life. I had a serious misunderstanding with my husband in the past that leads us breaking up for 2 years, so one day i was browsing on the internet when i saw a comment of one Mrs Rebecca who posted on the internet that Dr Uyobo a love spell caster helped her with a spell that brought back her Husband, so i decided to contact Dr Uyobo to help me bring back my husband, and he assured me that my Husband will come back to me in 3 days time once i do what he will ask me to do and i did everything. To my greatest surprise after 3 days Othman my husband came back home kneeling down and started crying and asking me to forgive him. Right now i and my husband are living happily together and my life is back again,I am so happy to share my testimony to the whole world. If anyone has similar problem, i advise you to contact Dr Uyobo for solution and he will not fail you, He also cast different kinds of spell such as, Business spell, marriage spell, if you need your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back, if you need a child, if you have spiritual or physical problem, Success, Good luck and favour spell, he also cure sickness and diseases like HIV AIDS, CANCER, DIABETES, STROKE etc. I advise you contact him for solution on email:([email protected]) or call or what’sapp him +2348153101369…
lets be serious guys in your right senses backing those whose thinking capacity has gone so low than that of an animal which knowns its mate kkkk
iwe kelven sindiwe nkrisitu otumikila mulungu ai ndakuona choncho ndithu
Chamasowa, are you one of them, may the good Lord ,Yahweh punish you!!!
Kodi paja ndi dziko liti limene m’tsogoleri wake ananena poyera kuti “To Hell with your Donations, we don’t want gays here?” Tandiwuzeni please ndisamukireko, kuno kwathu atsogoleri agulitsa dzikoli m’manja mwa Satana.
Herod anafunsa, “Pakati pa Yesu ndi Barabas mufuna ndani?” Lero anthu asankha mathanyula m’malo mosankha Yesu.
Sodom ndi Gomorah wa lero uyu…… Chonyansa ichi chikuchitikachi….
Mulungu samasintha, mutha psyiti nonse amene mukukolezera m’chitidwewu, Mukungu sacheza ndi munthu, mwwatsala madzi amodzi, tiye nazoni.
umphawi sizinthu mpaka kulankhulapo ayi mwafikapo
Mmmmm shame on him
Mmmmm shame on him
Its better kulapa nw coz wat i cn c iz dat ths wrld iz cum 2 an end,whr ths rubbish iz comng frm? jst be a ware of dat.
Chamasowa nd mbuz yolumala mwna iyeyu satha kfunsira, akaz amawaopa nde amangomenya mathanyula yakeyo. Foolish man..!!
Mulungu sanali chisilu polenga mkaz ndi mwamuna zanuzo komweko
amwene kukhala celeb sikukuyanjani mwmva,zamkutu!!!z he a gay????thoz supporting homosexuality azitiuza kaye kuti they r am example en show their same sex lovers in public…..For humanity sake plz,every1 knows dat God wl judge bt plz dis z inhuman iyaa
Mulungu anaika kale chiweluzo anasiira anthu kuti ameneyo aphedwe
takaoneni ka kamwa yasa ngati kangosopa shaft kumene
ndiwasatanic ameneyo
Who is this guy your telling us ? We don’t know him and we have nothing to do with him as well , he can go to hell.
Mbuzi iyi ayituma ena.
Munthu omvetsa chisoni iwe.
Anyway l dont blame you chifukwa ukangotsutsana ndi boma ñdiye kuti tsogolo lako latha sinanga umadalira kupempha.
let us nt bring christianity here,am astrong believer of the principles of the bible,my duty z to preach the good news to the people nt forcing them, Zili kwaiwo kuvera kapena ayi.mlandu akayankha okha kwamulungu.our laws r based in the constitution,so let us use dat constitution wen debating on gay issues.ngat malamulo akuletsa za mathanyula anthu opezeka akuchita zimenezi ayenera kulangidwa mogwirizana ndi lamulolo.ngat malamulo sakuletsa za mathanyula asiyeni azipanga ndi ufulu wao.constitution z the supreme book in malawi so let us respect it regdles of ones religion.ngat mukuona kut akuchimwa kwa inu akhristu amnzanga tingowapempherera kut asithe nchitidwe woipawo. amene akuziwa kut sanachimweko atole mwala amugende uyoyo!!!
whether the malawi constitution says yes to gays or not but God says No then its No the word of God is our constitution!
Aaah broz?whats your point?mukubisalira kuti mmawerenga bible?kuerenga bible sikuti ndi kudziwa mayazi….inu mukufanizira mau a Bigman ndi constitution yopanga anthu ochimwa?musamale ndi pakamwa panu man,tizichimwa dala kaamba koti bible linati tisaweruzane?aah????
I think mr Nyelenda should re-read the Bible(the book of 1Samuel)If one person conducts a sin among the Israelites God had to punish them all.
hehehe koma taste adah
okupha ali ndiufulu wawo tiasiye azipha eeeeh?!gay issues is useles apo ayi mvua siibwera ndithu
Fidas thts why we r suffering in ths nation.. Its not like we dnt sin but homesexual is an abomination against the Lord.. The constitution of ths nation does nt allow gaysm.. Ths government has failed us by not being open on matter.. We as malawians we are the onwers of tht constitution we respect it why is it difficult for thm th so gays to do th same.. U need to understand tht the gays are against th laws of ths nation. Several times the goverment failed to progress wth proper judgement on th gays.. We as a nation regardless of religion and culture condenm such a worst behavior and we will help th government to do wat is just with our own hands
A strong believer neva surrender b lke Jesus anafela chlungamo we can tolerate sin.Remember constitution z med by a man wth envil mnd mi nuh fear dat..people are lost due 2 fear ov man nt God,why respectin sin ov man nt God zoseketsa ndthu hahahahah
mr…the Bible is the universal costitution…..why shud we follow National consitituon and not universal?
Nyirenda sikuti tikuweruza koma tikuziwitsana do u knw the consequences mmene alolera gay mu mulungu atha kvitilanga ndipo wayamba kale mvulayi ukuziwa kuti mulungu analanga sodom ndi gomorah chifukwa chiani ine sindizavomera mchitidwe onyansawu wa u satanismwu ai .
I thot i cld get sm sense n u,,ur jst a wolf n sheep’s clothing,,ur jst one of them..A christian nation lyk Malawi z supozd to 4lo w@ Jesus tld us regardless of da country laws….Strt undrstandng da bible spiritualy othrwise u wl mislead pple,,,may God 4gv u
my bible is my constitution and it says in leviticus 20:13 that when a man lays with another man as he would with a woman he has committed an abomination and surely must be put to death-and thus his blood is in his own hands!
Mr Nyilenda am not here to acuse u fully their are some little sense in ur statement,U know the truth but uve just missed it daliberately,but one thing I want to let u knw is that this isue ikuoneka ya simple kuyankhula koma ndiya ife tonse,Muganize kuti tchimo limeneli akalivomela ndiye kundendezanthu kukhala bwanji?nanga ana Amene akubadwawa akula ndi mzeru zanji?
Or kutakhala kuweruzako pali vuto!? Bwanji abale athu ena akugwira ukayidi chifukwa amacourt anaweluza…
kkkk brethren all comments are alright but remember without signs,come of Christ Jesus kucedwa,tsoka okwanilisa in these signs,and one thing Bible states,in later times many will move away from the true faith coz of their itching ears,will be sealed with mark of the beast(democracy )….but you then choose tree of life and be sealed with the mark of the Lamb,,dont forget Dpp manifesto promised they shall fulfill new world order,,what next…key is given to the beast…,God help us..Dan 12:4
kwa munthu wokhala ndi umunthuu amayenera kupanga za umunthu monga iye munthu,siyan malemba a bible akwanilitsidwe koma tsoka kwa amene azathandizira ku kwanilitsira zizindkilozo…….
Kelvin MT sikut homosexuality ili mu constitution yanthu ai mulibe ndat mulibe jst knw kut some people are jst implementing it into various countries + malawi so ndi ufulu wathu kukana like the way mugabe amakanila
inetu sindikukana ayi kut constitution yathu imaletsa za u gay koma wat am against wth z to bring christianity pa za ufulu wa ma gay as if everybody in malawi z achristian.we hv non believers,muslims ,buda etc chifukwa chake ndikut not use bible as abasis of our arguments bt use constitution wch guide hw acountry shud b runned.
tikagwiritsa ntchito bible ndiye kut aliyense in malawi ayenera kumangidwa kapena kuphedwa.chigololo,kuba,boza,kupha,kusuta ,umathanyula onse ndimachimo basi,palibe tchimo loyera kuposa inzake
Ngati Prezident akulola za ugay basi aloleso umbava ndi kuphana ndi machimo onse.I think some of us we went to xool koma xool ndi fruitless how come some1 kumakamba kut ngat Boma lalola basi magay aliso ndi ufulu.Which right are talking about?Which constitution are u talking about.Akamati boma akuthandauza iweyo ndi ine nde ngat majority akudziwa chilungamo chake amatha kumamsusa prezident ndi kabnet yake.You know kut kuba ndikulakwa basi uziba bcoz malamulo akulo a Big NO.Guys tikudziwa chilungamo chake kut gaysm is a sin koma mkut asiyeni azipanga what a hell you are? Kaya aslam akhristu ndi zipembezo zina tonse timapembeza Mulungu wakumwamba.
hu said ngat boma lalola? werenga bwinobwino Linda, ndimati ngat constitution ya lola whch u and i follow. komaso uziwe kut kuba ndi ugay ndi zinthu ziwiri zosiyana tikatengera za ufulu wa munthu coz kuba umakhala kut wamuphwanyira ufulu mnzako, nanga ma gay akukuphwanyirani ufulu wanji? Kugwirizana kwa azibambo awiri kupanga zopusa inu chikukukhuzani ndi chan? sikut ndikuvomereza za ugay ayi koma ndimat we shud follow our constitution and i know kut our constitution criminalise same sex marriages. i was against the use of bible as the basis for urguments coz tikagwiritsa bible iweso ukuenera kumangidwa coz umanama, mwinaso chigololo ,kulezera,kusuta, poti bible limaletsa nyatsi zonsenzo.according to bible palibe tchimo loyera kuposa imnzake. i dont know y zikukuvutani kumvetsa ?
Did your father sleep with another man for you to be born? Or did your mother sleep with another woman for you to born? So how can you say such nonsense while you have sense?
Liv chamasowa alon ife za pa mtumbo ai iye wayakhula mbali yake and y u malawians simutha kulemekeza ma views azanu ?zomwe muganiza enaso amaganiza mosoiyana ndi anzerunu nde be c viliazd ngati u really rizon enough
machende ako ulibe mzeru chiphwara chako wamva fuckin poet
fuck him
Mulungu akulanga.
‘Uzafa imfa yowawa nanji mukangobvomereza ukwati wa amuna okhaokha’ we heard it from him !
He is a pig..
Usatanic ukupasani chani, za ziiii! Ukam wa magazi, makani 2 much.
Mungovutika naye mnzangai wango joina kumene mpingo uja odana ndi dzina la Yesu uja ndiye akufuna ayese mphamvu zomwe amupatsa…
That’s your opinion Chamasowa, mine and that of Msonda is no!!. Inu ofunika musowe mwa dzina lanu ‘Chamasowa’.
Fool. Ndekuti onse akuba,corruption awasiye adzagamura Mulungu? I tink he iz gay 2. We wil behead u!
Coz of these foolish people thts y mulungu akutilanga mvula sikubwela,mlili wa Edzi nde ukupha anthu,,even God destroy the city of Sodom n Gomora coz of makhalidwe opusawe nde chitsiru iwe mkumaima pachulu kut boma liloleze mathanyula aaaaa yes kuweruza ndi kwa mulungu bt we malawians we dnt wnt nyasi in our country anthu ngati inu mukuzunzitsa dziko lathu mulungu tichitileni chifundo langani aliyense wochita nyasizi ndi ovomeleza onse
Hahaha. You really can’t be serious. The fact that wood charcoal is a normal thing in Malawi is why we dont have rains. They allow people to be gay in the us, europe and these places are successful rich and have rains.
kaya ukuti lonjezo ukudziva zonwe ujunenazo? anthu ngati inu mukufunika kukupezelani thawi ndikukuyendelani
@Thom sakudziwa chomwe akunena uyu
iwe lonjezo…..kod bambo ako akanakhala kut anakwatira mwamuna mzao iweyo ukanachokera kut…? Kumbukira kut Yesu atachosa ziwanda mwa munthu anazilowesa mwa nkhumba….komano ngakhale nkhumba ili ya ziwanda imazindikila kut kugonana kumachitika pakati pa yaimuna nd yaikaz…nde iwe usamale nzoturuka pakamwa pako…
Ndawona comment ina nkatimu akut sikut malawi aliyese n wachikhilisitu.ndiye unanva kut mayiko achisilamu kuli gay.usamaletu ndimayankhulidwe akowo iwe
akanati mulungu adzitilola kumenyanso yamanja, aaa ine wina ndikanamutibula, anthu asamavutike cha kuipa kwa azitsogoleri.
Ubwele uyike kwangaku galu iwe,nyamako
This guy is brave enough to go against the tide unlike the rest of us who are just bleating what we heard from some half-literate pastor about Leviticus this and Leviticus that from a book written by some medieval desert tribesmen far away from here. Malawi needs courageous young people like Hudson who are prepared to challenge the prejudiced attitudes of the majority.
Mboli yako plus chamasowa wakoyo,tikusowesani nonse muona
thats is why it is said for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believeth in him, should not perish but hav everlasting life now God is not forcing anyone to attain this everlasting life but only those who believe and act according to his word.now GOD’s word is the bible.
Naweso ndi chitsiru tamuonereni
Uli shit heavy wava?? Paja nawexo uma mbozetsaso dats y,,fuck it
Which God is this Chamasowa refering to when he’s saying we should leave the judgement of gays to Him? I think this guy doesn’t read the Bible and Quran. God already condemned this practice of homosexual and He strongly commanded that these people should be stoned to death. So what judgement are you talking about? God is angry with Malawi thats why He is punishing this country because of these idiots who’re called gays and lesbians!
Adaniel true chisiyeni chitsiruchi
Iye ngati amaziwa malemba kuti amatinji pa maukwati achilendo,mlekeni ali munthawi yakusaziwa ndipo ayenera kutero Chimenechi nchibengo x20 nchifukwadi mutuwo sumagwira ndinasata olakwika hahahaha ndaweta ndaweta kambuku pamaso pa nkhosa Ndakwiya.com
He can find a better thing for Malawi… Mr president is organising a pray on 9th …so that all of us in Malawi will go on our knees thanking God for 2015 and praying for a good rain in this farming season. Please Malawians lets trust in God and obey His Word… And very soon He will remember us.
Who is Hudson Chamasowa? Honestly speaking, I don’t know this guy. Write about people who matter please.
Mwati ndi poet? Kkkkkkkkk. Ma poet ndikuwadziwa akumalawi ine ndi achina Late Prof. Steve Chimombo, Prof. David Lubadiri, Q. Malewezi, Chigo Gondwe and Ben Malunga just to mention a few. Ma poet enawa ndi ma comedians.
Not in favour
Mukumukwiyitsa mulungu ndinu, chotchi ndiye mvula ibwera mokhulupirika,? repent malawi repent
We gna talk & talk 4many times bt nothing wil hapens this war the Devil is doin in the spirit and this r the fluts of it, we cant win that way, where is the church elders? Lets fight also in the Spirit then we wil sing a song of victory.
chamasowa ndiphwanya ma CD andakatulo zako mnyumba mwanga,am no longr yur fan.
Are you gay?
U’re de son ov Satana fuckd up
Hudsom Mwatipangitsa Manyaz Mwamva
Inuso opepela kwambrriiiiii!!!! ndekuti inunso mumakwapulitsa kokhalira zanyatsi basi.go to hell together with those stupit guy
Chamasowa Ndiwe Wovesa Chisoni.Sindizaveranso Ndakatulo Zako,ndiwe Mfiti.
Ungamve bwanji uli ndi mwana akutchedwa Mrs John Chamasowa? Ndipo Kodi iwe uli ndi ana? Kodi wako mwana wamathanyula ungamusunge? Mnyumba ana akamapanga zopusa amatukwanika ndi makolo. Even Chauta anamuthangitsa satana atapanga zopusa. Let USA and England take these freaks to their countries and give them their citizenships,that is if there are any.
nothing wrong with him expression..and to use verses in th bible to express views against gays is total rubbish..who said evry malawian is a christian?..and to say one is gay because he has expressd his opinion nde umbuliwo..lets use the constitution as th basis of our arguements. Ngati malamulo akulesa so be it
Nenan Mbali Yanu,osatisokoneza
I follow th supreme law of th land..simple
if 1 support gay then he/she is gay…
He is not a Christian/muslim but just an annul fucked gay!!!
Shallow thinking…a bunch of retards..intellectually challenged
headless reptiles indeed.no better than dogs.if a mere dog can think better than a gay where is the rationale of these hedgehogs supporting gayism emanating from?
then Malawi constitution does not allow that thing….so which land r u talking about?
then Malawi constitution does not allow that thing….so which land r u talking about?
Koma mukuimva arguement’yo? Benson kaya mukut…th@s y am saying sm of you are intellectually challenged
I agree Wika… if we want to use the Bible then even adulturers azimangidwa….even liars…..even fornicators….anyone who sins azimangidwa.
U r crazy enough to say dat pussass niggar,,f..ck em all
A little leaven leavened the whole lumps so bible said. Then I said how can bad eggs be allowed to spoil fresh ones. If God has already said NO to such habit then they shouldn’t be given a breeding space in the society. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah! !
kodi iwe chamasowa waiwala muja timaphunzira pa Luchenza community Day Secondary Xool tinali kupanga zibwenzi atsikana ozungulila around luchenza monga Mwalolo,Nanseta,Chilomo,mwachonde,mangunda iweyo mpaka unampatsa mtsikana mimba umakumbuka kodi nthawi imene ija umaFucking’a anyata anzako ndimaesa timapanga ndiatsikana kodi komanso unali munthu mmodzi okonda atsikana kwambiri moti kukakhala Disco ngati akazi kulibeko umati Disco sinaali bhoo waiwala ndie izi zoza ndiazunguzi waziziwa liti iwe bwanji nthawi ija sumatero bwanji ku Xool kuja umakumbuka Muluchenza secondary Xool kunazabwera Band ya Young Genaretion tinatenga atsikana ndukupita kuphedi kwa mpanda wa Xool kumitengo ya milaina dzuwa lonse kuchatisa komweko ndiye lelo wayamba zako zosalongosoka akupatsa kanthu iwe eti usamale ndingakulule zambiri
Chamasowa was at Mtendere secondary school bro. He only spoke out his views on the current hot issue.
kodi iwe sudziwa munthu amasintha ma xool nanga yemwe ndukukambayu ndi Alex chamasowa nanga iwe wakoyo ndindani
Hudson Chamasowa
Chamasowa, You Are A Walking Devil And Indeed A Son Of Satan. You Are A Stupid Dog. Unless U Repent, God Is Going To Punish U With A Curse. You Deserve To Die
Futseki mbudzi yamunthu
chamasowa uzafa imfa yowawa.Chispeaker chizakuboola mmakutu mwakomo koma osachila .Mzako ampasa suspicion ku UK uja,mesa ndekut zikutha fashio kwawo kwaazunguko.Nde ukut mphuno !!
Guys Bwanji Mukuipidwa Nazo? Its Scope Of Choice,i Don’t Think Ngati Zingakhale Zokakamiza.Kwa Amene Ali Ndi Umunthu Sangapange Zopepera Nga Zimenezi,ofuna Azipanga Koma Ine AKAZI ANGA NDI DEAL.nonse opanga izi wa ku gahena!
kusogoloku azungu azayamba kukakamiz
Aaaa Ngati Ndichoncho Pachabe
Za nsete Kuno ai takana
A chamasowa ndimayesa ndinu ochenjera, but now I hv realised that you are a stupid fool.
Iiiiiiih Taonani!!!! Akuti Ndi Chani Iyeyu???? Koma Zotengerazi Zitipweteketsa Kwabasi!! Mpaka Chamasowa Kuvomeraza? Stupid Man, Am Completely Bored
musiyileni munuwake aweluze yekha sachedwa safulumila
Chamasowa ndiwe kachaniso? ndi gay kale iwe ubwno wake panyumba pako tupadziwaa tichita chobaya iwe khala chete masiku ako.athaaa
Ambuye Yesu timenyereni nkhondo
Chamasowa,who is judging here?dont dirtning ursef with such eluded comment,ulakatuli ndi kwacha waku ufulu akukwanire than buying stupid prestige from demon to be his mouthbrower.uipitsa mbiri chabe zomwe ziononge tsogolo la wailes ndi ulakatuli wako becareful.
He deserve to be killed!!
Anthu amene akupanga support zau gay akundimvetsa chisoni kwambiri. Tiziti iwowa sakudziwa kuti akalekelera khalidwe lopusali kukubwerako adzakhala Ana awo kapena zidzukulu zawo zomwe zizikhale ma gay? Let’s start a campaign against this stupidity.
u r ryt dis z nonsense sakuganiz kt generation ikubweray kukhala zotani akungoganiz zawo zokha bax zosathandza dziko
Oh No Matter Wt This Is A Sign Of Tym,we Can’t Stop It But Owelenga Khala Maso.
Anthuwa samaganiza ali ngati agalu
some people are still alive because guns are not allowed here in Malawi….
Kulili mukangokha mmodzi ovomeleza kuti amuna ndi amuna azigonana okhaokha
Mudzafa ifa yowawa mukangokhala nao mgulu lovomeleza kuti amuna or akazi azikwatilana okha okha.. Poem by ur colleague Robert Chiwamba..
Who is Hudson Chamasowa? I asked all my family members bt nobody seem 2 know him. Then I called my friend Ibrahim in L.city. IBU, do u know a poet Hudson Chamasowa? He was lyk, What? Hudson Chamasowa? I never head of him, who the fuck is He? I was lyk mmmmm I thought that much.
Hadson chamasowa
Ndiye mwaayi ndi intellectual ameneyu?
Fuck the world the government too
Akanakhala kuti abombo ako anakeatilana ndi mamuna zako bwezi ulipo patumbo iwe
Ine ndimadabwatu chifukwa olo zomwe umati ndakatulo. sizimveka ngati ndakatulozo. Intact kwa ine ndi nthano not ndakatulozo. Mkani ndiwe chitsiru eeeeti. Udzafa imfa yowawa
Yes too much stupit people in malawi
what kind of a person is dis one? enanu mumakhala ngat munabadwa kwa azibambo okha,,, Leviticus 18:22
Nkhani zama Gay ndizoda mutu,koma momwe achulukira akazi mu Dziko lathu la Malawi,okongolatu.Ambiri enanso ndia khalidwe akusowa amuna,inu ndikumapanga zama Gay…?Munthu wanzeru zake,kuti chani kumeneko.Inu ma Gay akufuna amuna anzawo basi,chomuopera mkazi ndichani?Mfundotu ndiyoti President ndi yemwe analakwisa.Akanati mu Dziko lake zama Gay ai,opezekayo aphedwe,mukanaona kuti Makapewa sakanati azipanga moonesera akanaopa.Malawi wasanduka Sodom ndi Gomora,dikirani Chiweruzo cha Mulungu tsopano..
#Nosense!!_umakhala ngat umaganizo zanzeru komaxo zothandiza kani ndi umwana okhaokha!! Kufuna kutchuka kuma bungwe et!
This guy he deserve to be killed .
Chamasowa akutuma etiiii??? Anthu opanda nzeru,, ndkamavera ndakatulo zako ndinkat iwe nd munthu woganizad,, basi zakwana ndakatulo zomwe unatulutsa mmbuyo zija,, zinazo uzivera ndambuyako omwewo
Pathako pako Adha!
Prally ‘Someone’ is sponsorin this #asshole #fireBORNE!
Chamasowa{hudson} You Are Very Stupid, Unatulikila Ku Nyini Kwa Mako Kapena Kuntumbo Kwa Bambo Ako? Chitsilu Cha Munthu Iwe, I Will Never Be Your Fun Again
uzafa imfa yowawa ukuonangat kutchuka kwakoko anthu azingomvela.Come to clear your mess here.Foolish!!
please mpezereni kokakhala uyu sindikumufuna m’Malawi muno. angandibweretsere matsoka..angandiipitsire nthaka ya Malawi kuuchimo. chonde tanchotsani uyu afune kokakhala please.
Iwe wopusa kwambiri ndizomwe anakutuma a Mayiwo kuti uwauze anthu??? Akupweteketsa…
Kodi amene tikumatukwana apapa, ndekuti moto omwe atakapsye ma gay ndi inuyo ndiwosiyana?
So u think to be a poet it means pple can hear all ur stupidity???Onedy come with dat stupid poem on stage,,,we shall see w@ wl happen right dere!!Idiot u gay!!
Achamasowa program ya kanyenya yakupwetekani?ndasiya kukufila munthu ofila kobibila iwe ulibe nyasi.kumenekuja ndikwa bi bi2
But this guy also he is a gay so u cant say he is defending the gay movement while he is a gay him being a role model to the youth he is leading the youngsters to wrong way
he s stupid
Zingayambe kuiwalika,Jose Mourinho was sacked @ Chelsea FC
Kodi ma gay amapangira kumbuyo ma period?
kutchuka pa nkhani yausilu sibwino
nde chamasowaso ndi ndani, ndalama yake ku account sidakwane ndi k2 million yomwe azitizunguza?
It seems God is busy caring people in syria. God!!! May you turn your eyes to Malawians and punish this Chamasowa & the one who raped the constitution by legalising homosexuality.
Heaven is real….Hell is real as well.
Bola Khoswe Kusiyana Ndi Mbuzi Ameneyu
Its good for you Chamasowa not for us and you,r free to join them. R u married or not yet bro ? Don’t come again with that point to us go and spend a shit night with your friends.
Ndiwe galu eti no more gay in our mother land
Mukangokhala m’gulu lovomeleza kuti amuna azigonana amuna okhaokha kapena akazi okhaokha Mudzafa imfa yowawa
Kodi kulakatula konse kuja inunso kumapanga support nkhani yonyasa ngati imeneyi? You are a great hypocrite bro…. I pray that no one should ever buy your cds, or attend your concerts, even where you have been invited as a supporting artists.. And ukamalakatula, don’t ever mention Jesus, but rather mention your father’s name (devil) with your gay deamons.
Ali mchiwanda ameneyo mulungu achte naye
He is evil do not listern to him, he talks about discrimination its not us it’s Jehovah who doesn’t like it,that’s why in our society we don’t have that.We are the true God’s children he Chamasowa is a satanist he must be chucked away from us
vutondilakuti anthu tikudana ndichulungamo chasowa big up. mullungu ssangakutsiye wekhayi•
Zausiru basi.
yape!! gays and lesbians are people too.
no wonder u have a very ugly face
am more beatiful than your mother!!! i guess #getusoh
anyone hu z fightng 4 gay rights z a homosexual coz u cn’t fight 4 wat u kno t z non of yo beneft. mukazolowera kuchta za matanyula zanuzo mul kundende bas mutivute nd maufulu? to hell wth yo stinking gay rights. mxiiiiiiw
Who are u by the way..how dare are u coming with nonsense idea what u call it poet ur stupit and ndiwe mbuzi
Chamasowa wake uti? Nyani wa munthuyu.mumuuze andisamale apo bi abwere adzandikwatire ine
pa mkholo pa MAKO! galu iwe panyelo pako chisilU!
Uchitsuru uwuuu
*** LETTER TO WHITE MEN *** (AMERICA & EUROPE) Dear white men, →U asked us to wear coats under hot sun, we did; →U said we should speak your language, we have obediently ignored ours. →U asked us to always tie a rope around our necks like goats, we have obeyed without questioning. →U asked our ladies to wear dead people’s hair instead of the natural hair God gave to them, they have obeyed. →U said we should marry just one woman in the midst of plenty black angels, we reluctantly agreed. You said our decent girls should wear catapults instead of the conventional pants, they have obeyed. →You asked us to use rubber in order to control our birth rate, we agreed….. Now U want our MEN to sleep with fellow MEN & WOMEN with fellow WOMEN so that God would punish us like Sodomand Gomora? White folk, we say Nonsense!! We don’t agree with U this time! Proudly MALAWIAN, we say a huge NO to GAYrelationships and LESBIAN. If U say NO to HOMOSEXUALS& LESBIANS
Amutuma ndani? Adzafa ifa yowawa amuva chiwamba ameneyu
wawusilu iwe,atakhala mwana wako iwe galu ungatan.chalo chikusunga bweka kkkkkk na iwe wuwo.choka satana
Ngakhale Munthu Atakha Wotchuka Koma Ngat Zomwe Akuyankhula Ndizopusa Osamuwopa Mutsutsen Iwe Chamasowa Nthawi Yomwe Umapanga Post Yako Ukadakhala Utalemba Poem Yazelu Osat Zopusazo . Kapena Ukufuna Macomment Athu Upange Ndaka2lo? Chitsiru.
Chamasowa that is nonsense and people won’t trust u no more, u people are animals or what and I can tell u now that the animals is (are) better that u who proclaim to be Human being, Don’t think what happened to SODOM and GOMORAH won’t happen to us only that God is giving time us time to come to our senses, to ponder what , what happened to those who were before us.
Let me remind you of people of Sodom they attempt to have sexual intercourse with angles, the stupid people were made blind, plz let not Malawi cursed for this is every knows that it’s a sin so if you say leave them then satan is leading you.
He iz sich as gay are. If allowed to speak ma mind, Gay started in Sodom that old city which was buried down. If you are gay you are ant God.
True chawinga like like de chamasowa,pano nde wayamba kundibowa ndi zomwe wapanga,dog weniweni,amene ayandikana naye siwasatanic ameneyi.ali ndi chani pamoyo wake,chuma?
1.Mwazichepesera moralo odala
2.I think you are in the same group
3.Its a question. Wakupasa ndalama ndani to say that foolish statement to the nation?
4.kutchuka kwanu komaliza ndipakhani imenei and am deleting all your poems.
5.u can explain more I think you have to appear before the court uli ndi umboni wina wanyasizi
him bcoz people act like they are saints while their hearts are filthy.They can’t help the poor,the children of their relatives are dropping out from xool bcoz of lack of xool fees while they have money but can’t share some part of it to the needy.The only thing that they know is to stand on the mountain and shout that gays are sinners,!,so who are u?
R u a gay
certainly no!but I hate when people hate gays,its their choice and we can’t do anything about that
Adzafa infa yowawa
6 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.Romans1:26-27.Shalom.,.
Koma umunthu wavutapo sure,mulowelelepo Ambuye
so you think we can listen to u because you are apoet?you better just compose your so called ndakatulo and entertain people but you have nothing to turn us to believe in you,how can we leave this in the hands of god when the bible teach us against these evil things?
Wht about those who kill others,why r thy judged by our courts wthout leaving it in hands f GOD? U get lost &lot in HELL
continue restin n peace bingu wa muthalika bwezi chamasowayi atasamuka kale dziko muno pano
Enanu mukungoyankhula koma even constitution simunayigwireko. Lamulo limeneli ndiloyipa how can an adult person be guided on who to have sex with or not? Ngat munaliwerenga lamuloli it goes further to criminalise those who do sex pogwiritsa ntchito malo osayenera even in opposite sex relationship/marraige. That means kuchindana mkamwa kapena kumatako ndimulandu. Is that fair? Mpaka lamulo lidzikamuuza munthu style yogonana? Nde mbulinu mukungopanga comment nkhani zosazidziwa
Awanso alimu eti?
i see you are mentioning God there.But what did God speak in his command
“‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.Lev18:22
U r very stupid iwe kachamasowa,iwe mkaz wako ndimwamuna?!!SHUPITI!!!
haha #chiwamba ndiye dolo “udzafa imfa yowawa”
Very bad
kuli ndendetu yamizimu adha…mwina waiwala…lol
Wazionogera tsongolo la ndakatulo
ulamulowo mzikapangira kunyumba kwanu mwava.
A Chamasowa! Mwanyambititsidwa kuti mulembe ndakatulo??
The whole chamasowa?
ndindaninso ameneyu angofuna kutchukirapo?
Tha’ts nosense
Mwaluza Morale Bro.
Chamasowa ndi nyansi zako wayambazo,ine ndi anzanga tonse tasiya kukukonda.Ndiwe kape ase.
uzafa infa yowawa
If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.
Thot u are the one unkawachenjeza ndipo unkati adzafa ifa yowawa …so where do u get that i deal now?
No,,,that one is Robert Chiwamba,,uyu ndiuja amalakatula zakusimongolia
Oooh! i missed up oops. thanks bro pondikhoza.
Tisiya Kukukondani.
Uchitsilu ukukupweteka eti!!!! Goat
Uyambe uwe nd ndara yako,,,mbuz
Apatu mwazilakwila chamasowA
Our nation is perishing for lack of knowledge, Hosea4:6. Malawi has lost the vision because the wrong leadership, by then was a “warm Heart of Africa” now is a “worse heart of Africa” unless we turn back to God, this is the beginning of chaos.
Mbuli muzimu zisiyen
Nanu A Chamasowa Mpaka Mwafka Poyakhula Conco Ngat Akupasan Ndalama Musawasocerese A2 Mwamva Stupid Wandbowa Heavy
shoot demmmm
Guys action speaks louder than words so Malawian are tired with talking about gays n lebians.What we need now our action so u gays come on a street now. Mwina tikamati tizipha sizikukhupilira.Chamasowa mufera za eni.
Its Beta 2 B Aprotestant Ov Reality! Nt A Suppoter Ov Stupidity.This Chamasowa Is A Masta Ov O Stupid Pple N Mw, Let Him B Ahero In Malaw,bt In Heaven, U Man Neva Think Ov Heroness, God Will Deal Wth U!
may b they r in the same spot coz I dont think that wise person like him can buk those sodomy people. wayiwala poem ya m’bado ukubwerawo? zoonadi sukulu ndi umunthu ndi zinthu ziwiri zosiyana.that’s why Malawi is poor kumat tili ndi magraduate uli utakafumbi?
Kkkkkk adha chonena chikundisowa
Pray had so that GOD Can forgive u
Why reading the link when i can just search the post on his timeline???
Tsoka Ntunda ndi Nyanja, chifukwa Mdyelekezi atsikira komweko………
Hudson Chamasowayo, angokhala wobisaliramo pofuna ndalama. ALIPO; wampingo ujawo, and wongofuna kusokoneza ulamuliro wa Prof. P Mutharika. Mukudziwa inu, with this the President ‘ll have no time to rest and brain refreshment……
he deserve deaths with ur fellow gays and resibians….imfa yake yowawa ananena kale nzako robert.. uyimwerexo ya chiwamba u wl knw where u deserve
Timati ” he deserves”. He is singular and has to be followed by a singular verb
Grammar guards lol
Nigerian Defence Academy(NDA) 2015/2016 Admission Season We hereby inform all candidates that interested to join the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) or if you wrote the examination of (NDA) and your name is not out for the admission shortlisted candidate recruitment, or if you didn’t apply for the form, i major Ailen will do it and you we join the (NDA) candidate recruitment 2015. if you needs help in any of those information , do send your nda application number to our contact on mobile number on 07033337640 The Nigerian Defence Academy is informing the General Republic that applicant should contact Major General Ailen on for an agent appointment…… Contact on 07033337640.
Hahaha! Its a pitty that some morons like you still think you can dupe people through scams like this. Go to hell. Who told you that NDA recruits through Facebook? Just look at your profile….even a child can see that u just recently joined Facebook with fake details aiming at stealing from people? Foolish moron!!! I will smash your dumb head!!
Kkkk tel Boko_haram to release some girls that were kidnapped few month ago.
kungomva kuti aMalawi ndi ogunata shaaaaaa!
tamachitaniko manyazi zinazi…… kungoti anthuali pa ulova basi muwabere
may b they r in the same spot coz I dont think that wise person like him can buk those sodomy people. wayiwala poem ya m
Akupanga against ndi Chiwamba??musiyeni afa imfa yowawa.
Ndi wa Satanic nayenso ameneyu. Must be stonned to death like dogs.
Awaso nde ndaniso akutiwuza zamkutu zakezi ugalu basi
Kuli Ndende Yamizimu Tisaiwale
Uzafa imfa yowawa, kani ndiwenso mmodzi wa iwo eti!
Chamasowa u r’ a devil urself and God should punish u, U are an animal komanso chisilu
he is totally mad
Ndimayesa ndiwe ozindikira koma ndiwe kape kupanda mayi ndi bambo ako kukhala mchikondi ukanabadwa iwe? Mbuzi yamunthu!
Iwe makolo ako akanakhala ma gay ukanabadwa? Satana akutambala pa malawi, ndenkumati pakufunika mapemphero kuti nvula igwe
Maso ngati mphaka.Bwampini2 ndiolemera inu zanga ndiine mulibeso chilichose mwina bolaso ine kma t smz lyk u r ready kupita ku gehena.Mau otuluka pakamwa pako azakhala umboni.Am no longer ur fun.2 HELL!!!!!
Wel said, me also im no longer his fun.
H z full of shit, munthu wanzeru sangakambe zopusazi
Marriam I hv learnt that the so called celebrities r jx useless pipo.I think there a horned devil behind every fame.
ndchitsiru kwambir ameney kaya at nchn mwni wakey kutuwa ali mbuuu kumakamba zopusa apa wandbhowa ndpo
Ndipo sindidzapezekaso pamalo poti iwe ulipo!
kodi Radio yake iti amagwira imene amagwira tnchito mwanzi umenewu fuck u ndikomwe anakubalako shirt!
indd ndiwolakwa koma chenjera ndi mayankhulidwe ako akhodza kukupangitsa kukhalanso olakwa ngat iye pamaso paMLUNGU
Achitsilu awa kuteroku mkona athamangitsila akazawo? Gweyani!
I didn’t expect such a dirty topic 2 be debated like that.I guess everybody know already that its insane 2 legalise homosexuality. I wish all the martyrs of this country wud come back 2 life see what the country they loved most z debating at 51
End times
Ameneyutu amunyemera for sure!
Ati poti mwina ngodziwika naye mwina anthu nkumumvera ! Rubbish!
Udzafadi imfa yowawa m’bale ndipo pamaliro ako ndidzabwera, WANDIBOWA KWAMBIRI NDIPO ZANDINYANSA KWABASI Stella Gift Namagowa Nyuma B Wa Maseko Subiye Uwa Mediam Hawonga Chimwemwe Chiluba Muyaba Mor G Jnr Morgan Victoria Ken M Nkhata Belias Musukwa Angel Msowoya Musukwa Oviac Steve Golden Esther Nthengwapalije Singini
Za chamba eti!Moti ku simongoliya angalole zimenezi?mutu osalewa nkhonyawo
People dont know that the government on earth have been allowed by the creator to judge those who dont want to follow Jesus Christ.if the government dont realises that there is one &only God it goes against Jehovah &their people are exposed to the devil.
U r the true son of God
We dont even know that we have Hudson Chamasowa so just shut up your dirty mouth
udzamfa imfa yowawa
Pali nyini zambiri za atsikana kusowa mbolo kuvutikiranji kulowesa pouma pofewa palipo?
All Chichimen/Chichiwomen have to be burned to death, we cant let our beautiful warm heart turns into Sodom never
Wapenga akupempha ma dollar
Lord Jesus, Turn your Eyes upon us…….. Let us understand the knowledge of Truth to escape from this danger bound to a hell.
Kkkkkkk iyeyu ndi Wa Ku simongolia alowera bwanji za ku Malawi
Protect the culture of our well groomed Country , alot of countries admire. You must know what happened in Sodom.
watch yur dirty mouth ma frnd,,,ure tokin noses,& u even knw wat ure coughin to ds angry malawians,ngat wapasidwa ndalama zikuvutapo apa
achigule ambwiyache tindakatulo tache tonyansato
kkkkk mwana opusa amusika amalawi
tell him iyaaa he z sn idiot
Osamugula ndakatulo zake kkkk wayamba kundibowa dog ameneyi
Ma gay ndi ambiri m’malawi muno.
Ndasiya kumvera ndakatulo zako kuyambila dzulo.Ndiwe cholengedwa chanji iwe. There is much behind the KuSimongolia thing.Do you believe in God or you are a gold digger.Shame
Basi wazionongela tsogolo lako landakatulo hudson chamasowa ndipo ku phwando la ndakatulo akazangokhalako ndizayambisa nyimbo yokunyoza hudson
Ndakuuza mark my words
I hope chiwamba akukumva zimene ukuyankhulazi.
you silly what about God’s right becouse when God created a man he gave rules to obey
To hell
anakubereka ndi mageyi mwana wahule iwe!?
Are a gay
Pita kuma gay akaku chinde kaye pamnyelopo ndiye uzati uze
Ubongo wake wachita dzimbiri , kunena zoona mmutu mwake mwadzadza ziwala zokhazokha , oh wat a sin !
Muzafera za weni
Inu osango nena kuti inunso ndi a gay bwanji
Chamasowa ndi gay
all those defending gays are also gays. zawo nzimodzi.
Ndiwe mmodzi mwa iwo
sodom&gomorah,moto ulipaiwe,bible linati nthawi idzakwana koma tsoka kwaiye okwanilitsa
So hard 2 understand, y?:-}
mbuzi, naweso udzafa imfa yowawa
Azafa imfa yowawa
chamasowa wake uti? Moyamoya ovala maslippers pa stage uja? U mean hudson wake yemweyu wasamba kumeneyu? I cnt get it hudson chamasowa wake uyuyu amangovala chisukumba kutenthe kuzizileyu? Masweswe ake ndithu
God should forgive becoz udont know what ur talking about more over ur still young
Gold digger, son of darkness
Mmmmm ndangodutsa