Lawyer Kamangila embarks on name and shame corrupt judges


For years, the Malawi Judiciary has been labelled rotten, corrupt and compromised; many thought that the whole judicial system was behind the syndicate; Lawyer Alexious Kamangila has proved beyond doubt that some judges and Magistrates are corrupt.

In his name and shame corrupt judges broadcasted live on his Facebook page Friday, Kamangira has courageously named and shamed the country’s Chief Justice, His Lordship Rezine Mzikamanda, as passively corrupt because he only sees corruption taking place without taking action against individuals behind the scheme.

Lawyer Kamangira’s whistleblowing activities have made eleven women name and shame their fellow woman judge for being corrupt, saying her decisions passed are favouring men who give her some kickbacks at the Child Justice Court in Lilongwe.

The Concerned venerable citizens with cases pending judgements from the Industrial Relations Court (IRC) in the letter to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament requested the committee to summon the Chief Justice to testify on the IRC Chairman’s failure to deliver judgements despite previous attempts to engage the Chief Justice and Justice Minister, Titus Mvalo SC.

Kamangila courageously mentioned all corrupt individuals in the Judiciary, saying he has evidence and will prove them beyond doubt in “ready to be sued”, saying he has seen no problem with Justice Ivy Kamanga, Justice Dorothy Kamanga, Justice Dr Chifundo Kachale and Justice Professor Redson Kapindu.

He has described the former Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Miss Martha Chizuma as a great leader who was fighting the corruption system which has blanketed everyone in Malawi, from the President, Ministers, MPs, and chiefs down to the common man in the village.

“Martha Chizuma was the pangolin, but Malawians let her down; I do not care who the president is, but the people in Malawi,” said Kamangila.

He said the Executive arm of Government had played its part right from Madam Dr Joyce Banda, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and Dr Lazarus Chakwera to make the judiciary in Malawi rotten and corrupt.

The Lawyer has called for a lifestyle audit starting with the listed corrupt judges. He has mentioned to the whole judiciary, urging Malawians to rise against corruption, not through violence because violence has never brought anything good.

Kamangila said he doesn’t trust the Malawi Police Service (MPS) claiming that many officers are bad as he is receiving threats over his life assuring Malawians that he is not dying, he will die after reaching old age praying to God to hear the cries of the people in various sectors because of corruption in the Judiciary, ”God of justice act on our cry” Amen.


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