‘Satanists’ storm Primary Schools in Nkhatabay

Primary School block

A nerve-racking mood has swallowed up Mzenga Primary School in Malawi’s Nkhatabay district where satanists are reportedly tormenting pupils and teachers with various breath-taking occurrences.

This has also been taking place at other primary schools like  Kanthete.

A standard seven pupil at the school, Gilbert Manda, told Malawi24 on Friday that learning is becoming difficult at the school because what they see most of the times is beyond their mind’s eye.

Primary School block
Strange sounds are heard in classes.

He said on Monday’s and Thursday’s, they usually hear sounds of a baby crying on top of its voice but they have always been failing to locate the baby’s whereabouts.

“Everybody hears it but we fail to see it. This is disturbing our lessons a lot.  We are passing through very difficult times here that even our teachers are scared with what is happening,” he said.

A teacher known as Dibwe confirmed the experience to this publication saying that four days ago the suspected satanists defecated in corners of all classes.

He said everybody is astonished with what is happening at the institution such that some have begun suggesting that they call for a witchdoctor to help them out of the terrible situation.

“We found an egg talking in standard seven classrooms last week and four days ago we were scared to find faeces in all classes here. We are now suspecting that this experience is influenced by evil spirits thus we are reasoning of inviting a witchdoctor to help us,” he said.

Some suspect that the bizarre things are a creation of some former staff members of the schools.



  1. Satanists are always making eggs talk to me too. Usually about how swollen their ankles are.

  2. zonyera mmakalasi zinayamba kale nthawai ya john chilembwe…nthawi imeneyo sitinkati za sataniki…chomwe timachita timagwila achinyamata onse omwe akweza makolala kapena omwe maso awo ali ofiila kuti ndi iwo achita zimenezi…ndipo timawawolesa ndi manja…kuti ena atengelepo chitsanzo sipamatha 1 wk anthu amawululana kamba komva pheni ndizilango zomwe zimapelekedwa

  3. I pray that God through the blood of His son Lord Jesus Christ, intervenes in ur life with the Holy Ghost fire that u b delivered.

  4. nkhaniyi ndi satanic sikugwirizana ayi olembanu muzayamba mwafika ku ntchito kachasu muzimwa mukamaweruka chonde

  5. Calling for a witchedoctor is just wastage of time and resources since that one is an agent of Satan.So that as u call him/her u r calling Satana.therefore ask men of GOD to pray there nothing is impossible with Jesus

  6. its too bad for the situation… may the almighty Lord have mercy on u..may u call upon the name jesus every evil wil scatter away.perhaps God wants u to stay close to him,by the way iwil help in prayers… Amen

  7. in the area u need to ask God direction, perhaps God wants u to stay close to him,accept jesus as u personal saviour as u kno that we are in the last dayz,such thingz wil be happng,just call upon the Lord.by the way i wil be helpng u in prayers,, please please jesus already fight for us and he needs us alot movan u thinkng,as the bible sayz we are mothan the conquers..may the mighty Lord have Mercy and favour on u…these last dayz,dont delay …Amen

  8. So where is the master deliverer Christ Jesus and His Father who is also our Father. You don’t cast out evil using evil thats just replacement of a lesser evil spirit and setting up a more powerful one at the school, result making the situation more difficult than before.

    We need God their not the devil, pali need of prayers at the school and once delivered it will be free for ever.

  9. Nothing above the living GOD, Remember Luceffer he was one of the Engles, so when he stert to againist God, its when he sterted to be called satan. Whitch means the job we do or the actions we do againist God can makes us to be called satanist (satanic)

  10. Nothing above the living GOD, Remember Luceffer he was one of the Engles, so when he stert to againist God, its when he sterted to be called satan. Whitch means the job we do or the actions we do againist God can makes us to be called satanist (satanic)

  11. kma pamalawi,i thnk kumeku kuli mbuli zambiri cz iz zimactika jst cz umbuli.

  12. Only God’s power can defeat satanism. Prayers and God’s word by God’s people are the instruments.

    and be born again John 3:3

    JESUS GOTE ALL POWER galat 3:27.

    and be born again John 3:3

    JESUS GOTE ALL POWER galat 3:27.

  15. Afiti amenewo ngakhale ine sukulu yaprimary yomwe ndinaphunzira tsiku mamawa titafika pasukulu ndinadabwa kuona mwendo and mkono wamunthu zinali zowambawamba kale mafuta amachita kuendelera paliponse zinali mwendo nd phanzi mkono nd zanja lomwe zinali pa desk ya ahead mu office mwawo apa ndinadziwa zowonad ufiti ulikodi .

  16. Afiti amenewo ngakhale ine sukulu yaprimary yomwe ndinaphunzira tsiku mamawa titafika pasukulu ndinadabwa kuona mwendo and mkono wamunthu zinali zowambawamba kale mafuta amachita kuendelera paliponse zinali mwendo nd phanzi mkono nd zanja lomwe zinali pa desk ya ahead mu office mwawo apa ndinadziwa zowonad ufiti ulikodi .

  17. Malawi,SO you want your government to come & cast demon for you.chaii,there is God. go & invite a pastor,is free of charge,just get him table water.anyhow it is,it wil be resolved.witchdoctor wil complicate the issue,maybe by then the pupil wil start flyin in class,then as a result of lost of gravity.

  18. Is There Any Secuity Personnel At The Campus? Do Your School Blocks Have Perfect Doors & Windors? After Knocking Off Do You Lock The Classrooms? Are All These So Called Satanic Acts Happening During The Day Or Night? What Is The Relationship LIke Between The School Staff & The Community?

  19. Mulungu ndiye angathane nalo vutolo osati asing,anga chondi ikizani waka mapempheru a xool po mba fiti wo atikuyesani. Kuwawopa chaaa mdzina la yesu

  20. Ine tandiphuzitsani chonde,Kodi mkati Satanic chitandauza chani ? Chonde tandifotokozereni mwa tsatanetsatane,poti ine sindizikhulupirira za satanic,mwina mtandiuza mmene zimakhalira.Kalankhulidwe pa nkhani ya Satanic,mukumkweza kwambiri Satana,pena mukundionesa ngati Satana ndi wa mphamvu kuposa Mulungu.Tandiuzani kodi Satanic ndi chani ? Mukati uyu ndi wa Satanic amatani ?ndikuti chani ,tandifotokozerani,chonde.

    1. no satanic is nt power thn our God.thts why he try his technc to cheat pple in diferent way.the one who have power frm almighty he never misuse it. to recognise the power of devil is to know gud n evil coz dark power will always scare you.and u will kno.devil never saves he destroy

  21. These allegations can hardly be authenticated. Who saw the speaking egg? These are just allegations to prove satanism has taken centre stage. What made these people think the feases were for satanists? Are they any different with human beings? Who identified them as feaces for satanists? Musamakweze dzina la dyabulosi wa chabechabe ngati sinu anthu opemphera!

    1. For every force, there is an opposite force. Satanism is real. So you live in the same area? How has this story exalted Satan? We should not pretend as if Satan does not exist otherwise he will conquer us. In Jesus name I rebuke that evil spirit

    2. Sadly I don’t debate this with anyone in pseudo name. I would like to engage you in a lengthy sober debate based on facts but not in your present chigoba name.

    3. Can a normal person do that, ndekuti school yo ilibe zimbuzi,ngati ndichoncho palibe tchire pa school yo kuti anakapita kukanyerako? Khalidwe lililonse losalongosoka limasonyeza satana mwa wolichitayo.

  22. Kumphunzitsa zachabe kumatiakuwasiyira ana maziko lero anawo akusowa chochita ndi zinthumwa ndiizi akuyaluka nazo .Holy spirit fire .

  23. Nde linkat chan dziralo? zobiba mmakalas sizachlendo, mwina an2 alibe matoilet kumeneko. wat i kno z dat asatanic amavutitsa mun2 or anawo bwenz akudandaula osat zonyera mkalasi, ndi mbuli zammudz zmene zanyerazo

  24. the witch doctor won’t help mapempherero ndiye chida to defeat all that not ng’anga

  25. Mmmh!! now on air it has appeared itself to be true. Where is James Nyondo confirm him of this, as he announced that there no more witches and wizards.Nde akut oitana ng’anga will be fined and ng’anga jailed with a fine.

  26. Those who r around Mzenga plz tell us the truth wheather it hz gotten up 2 this,bt the romour of a crying baby surroundin the sch & houses near the sch borehole mmmmmh its true,I head many stories regarding those cries,I think its #ufwiti @ its best

  27. Ife kale tikupanga self boarding ku primary, usiku mkalasi mmalowa abakha oyera room yonse kudzadza, pena ma bus nkumadutsa pa ground, nsanene atsikana nde hiiiiii dairy amapangidwa phwando. Mukudandaula zimenezo? Ndatitu when studying u cld jst see a hand opening anothet page for u kkkkk kale lathu limenelo

    1. Tasha uzadziona, panopa xul imeneyoyo has vry few teachers, amangothawako cos of witchcraft happening there. Aziphunzitsi amaona nyenyezi ndi mitambo ali mdeni yamalata kkkkk snakes n rabbits racing in d house

  28. You want to call an agent of satan to get rid of evil spirits. wake up!

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