Despite asking for a lenient sentence because he is on ARV treatment, 41 year-old Paul Rita will spend five years in prison after a Malawian court found him guilty of theft and burglary.
According to Assistant Public Relations Officer for Limbe police station, Widson Nhlane, the convict and his co-accused Madalitso Mulosowa, 28, broke into a house at Maone park in Blantyre.
However, Mulosowa ran away after he was granted bail and police are still looking for him.
“The convicted person and his co-accused broke into a house at Maone in Blantyre and went away with items such as bicycles, assorted screens, two laptops, assorted food stuffs, and a computer set,” said Nhlane.
In mitigation, Rita pleaded with the court to be lenient when passing judgment because he is on ARV treatment and that he is living with HIV.
Rita hails from Mponda village,T/A Chikowi in Zomba while Mulosowa hails from Zumbe village T/A Nthema in Chiradzulu district.
Akulu akale amati:- UKAYIPA DZIWA NYIMBO. Amaberanji akudziwa kuti ali ndi H.V.I ndipo amamwa?
Ametedwe chimpala ameneyo ifeso tili ndmavuto bwanj sitikumaba?
Ametedwe mpala ameneyo
Alowe basi kkkkkkk
Azikamwela konko ma arv wo .
Kodi inu a malawi 24 simungamalembe Nkhani zanu popanda kupepetsa link ? Ineyo zimandikhwana kwambiri chifukwa nthawi zambiri imavuta kutsekula link yanu
amaberanj ymeneyo cngakhale excuse yokwanira
kodi Martha Chikoti ndi source wankhaniyi?nanga kuti ukhale tip off source ungapange bwanji ?peza enafe tilibe ma email
Kaya ndi kuchichiri,Zomba,Maula ukawapezanso ma ARV kumeneko bwanawe,kikkkj
Amangidwe coz anthu amenewanso amati akabwera kudzaba amathanso kugwilirila mwana ngakhale mzimayi chonsecho akudziwa kuti Ali Positive koma saganizira anzawo panopa poti wagwida NDE azikati amukhulukilire? Ayi aseve basi ndioipa ameneyo …
Amangidwe coz anthu amenewanso amati akabwera kudzaba amathanso kugwilirila mwana ngakhale mzimayi chonsecho akudziwa kuti Ali Positive koma saganizira anzawo panopa poti wagwida NDE azikati amukhulukilire? Ayi aseve basi ndioipa ameneyo …
Umbava unatheka akadabweza poganiza za status yake?
Umbava unatheka akadabweza poganiza za status yake?
Poyamba anayenera kuligalira mavuto omwe angakumane nawo ngati atagwidwa podziwa kuti ali pa ARV. Choncho dandauloli ndi losamveka.
Poyamba anayenera kuligalira mavuto omwe angakumane nawo ngati atagwidwa podziwa kuti ali pa ARV. Choncho dandauloli ndi losamveka.
Mmene umaba nkuti HIV irikuti? chifukwa wagwidwa ndiye tikambe xa izi? ull face the music baba
Mmene umaba nkuti HIV irikuti? chifukwa wagwidwa ndiye tikambe xa izi? ull face the music baba
Ngati pali munthu yemwe alibe chifundo ndiye ndi wakuba
udzadya thukuta lako ayenera kulandila chilango kuba ndi mlandu kodi iye samadziwa? hlv with Arvs its none our business he must rotten in jail
They say we should end the AIDS stigma, which means no human should be treated differently, this clearly means anybody whose positive or negative should be treated the same regardless of their HIV status and the crime committed is no different to a crime committed by a person with a negative HIV status hence the punishment for his crime should be as though he is any other person.
Tisampange blm amafuna kudzthandiza. anthu ena akutibera ndram mboma kma chuma chawo chkuwabitsa
afele konko anabelanji
Chilango chachepa, othyola nyumba ayenera kulangidwa kwambiri.
All comments are opinions,
Kodi a ndende samalandila ma arv?
Pamene amaba amaziwa kuti ndi wama ARV,amabelanji,Alangidwe basi,stupid zake.
The court says one must think of his/her status b4 commiting an offence. Therefore the accused person cud have avoided breaking the law
like i said i dont back him about stealing but think about his health or atakhala abale athu tingamve bwa?
kuba ndikoyipa koma adakamuganizira. ena akuba ndi aja amapatsidwa mpata oyankhula ndi atolankhani aja
He can still use it in jail.
Wausilu ameneyo iye amaberanji agwre bas
Kumwa ma ARV si defence ku khothi amaba ndi kuthyola bwanji
Palibe dziko lopanda umbamva .Asagwire kalamvula gaga ayi mutulutseni munthuyo ndi osalakwa
Kape ameneyu mwinanso nkutheka kuti HIV yo anaitenga kamba kogwililila atsikana.
he has to be given had punishment,because thats the outcome of his bad deeds
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! umabelanji? USOVENGE!!!!!
nkutheka analibe kathu koti adye chonde abale tisaweluze mavuto ndiosiyana m’makomomu.ine ngati ndi kudya wina sakudya polakwitsa iyeyo sanachite bwino kubako. remember m’malawi nzanga love one another no matter he or she is sick just show ur love please.
Nde amati ukavutika ube? Iyeyo munthu anamuthyolera nyumbayo anamukonda pamenepo?
Inunso akumba eti? If u were u mukanamva bwanji,let akuba akubereni mudzamva bho
Ahem ndi brother wako eti uzimupititsira ma A R V wo komweko
nditha kutero chifukwa kuweluza nkwamulungu sikwa inu ndiine ai ndiye vuto palibe ntapeza mankhwala akewo nditha kukamupasira kudendeko.
R I p
A Court amuvela chisoni bwanji ngati iye wazilimbila mtima kuchita ghinthu choti mapeto ake ndi kundende
Ndani anakuwuza kuti ukamatafuna ma ARV nde uziba?
pamenepo mu comment yangayo ndakamba kuti mpomwe analakwitsa bola kupempha chomwe amafuna cho osati kuba ai ok.koma kunena monga zoti samadziwa kuti akubwira ma ARV sibwinoyi tiganize atakhala m’bale wathu tingamve bwanji pamenepo.
khothi linapereka zaka zitatu kwa wanthu omwe anabweretsa mavuto amene tikuwawonawa. anayenera kupereka dandaulo. dandaulo anaperekalo ndilomveka ndipo mawa odzamwa ma ARV sakudziwika.
anthu akubera anzawo njira zosiyanasiyana ena zaka 12 akubera mpingo kapena kuntchito koma sanagwidwe
kodi ndi m’bale wanu?
Zofuna sumaziwa?
Pamene umathyola nyumbamo sumaganizira kuti ukubwira ma ARV?
inu mwasintha view ya website yanu,sizikuoneka bwino
Thanks for the feedback Khumbo Wa Arsenal . We are working on that soon.
you are welcome,the fact is i lyk ur website alot
http://www.malawi24.com Always read news
Thanks for ur good job,u inform,entaitane n educate,i’m appreciate for that
malawi24 is my first source of news in malawi,ngat ndamva nkhan pa #malawi24 palibe nde ndiyaboza