Rape Malawi
A 34-year-old teacher at Kasangazi primary school in Nkhotakota district is in police custody for raping and impregnating his 16-year-old Standard 8 pupil. Nkhotakota Police deputy spokesperson Paul Malimwe said the teacher Lawrence Matewere began… ...
Lilongwe City Council (LCC) has expressed concern over the tendency of some residents who urinate and defecate on open spaces in the city. In an interview with Malawi24, the council’s Public Relations Officer Tamara Chafunya… ...
A 63-year-old man identified as Letala Chiwandu has been found dead in Nkhotakota district. According to Nkhotakota police deputy spokesperson Paul Malimwe, the deceased went missing on May 18, 2017 when he left home for… ...
Malawi Police
The director of Spirituals, Integrity and Counselling Services in Malawi Police Services (MPS), Rev. Charles Masambuka, has urged police officers in the country to uphold integrity and join the Malawi Police SACCO. Revered Masambuka was… ...
Small scale rice farmers in Nkhotakota district are optimistic that this year prices of rice will be good despite high production of the cash crop. The farmers are expected to harvest more rice this year… ...