Malawi President Peter Mutharika has urged Malawians to plant and take care of trees as the tree planting season continues across the country.
Mutharika stated this in Karambu in Lilongwe as he was launching the 2016-2017 National Forestry Season and Policy.
He said it is every one’s responsibility to plant and take good care of the trees so as to prevent deforestation.
Mutharika added that trees are important in many things as such they are supposed to be planted.
However the Malawi leader warned charcoal burners to stop cutting down trees saying they should join other Malawians in planting the trees.
“Let us avoid deforestation avoid wanton cutting down of trees, say no to deforestation and say yes to green Malawi,” he said
The Malawi leader claimed that charcoal burning is one of the factors leading to power shortages.
Mutharika therefore explained that if people avoided charcoal burning, 2017 will be the last year for Malawi to experience massive blackouts.
Yes yes very true
Ine ndili bussy kulimila shimanga its what i eat not mitengo
We Have Treesgate In Malawi Next Year Whts Wrong Wth U Malawian Leaders
How many has he planted so far?
bwana ngati inu mnagwa kozara mutengo umozi koma munari mtakhuta mtayezedwa pa sikero kuti mwakhuta koma mnakagwa nde munthu woti sanadye akakagwa akazuka ? takatengeni anthu amene mkudya nawo ndarama zanuzo.mkamati amalawi akazare mitengo amalawi ake ati? mwasowa chonena eti chirima ananenadi zowona kuti tisamango wombera manja zirizose si izi .mtengeni chaponda akazare mitengoyo basi
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Malawian politics. Now I do remember what the bible says. I now know that it is true that only God’s kingdom will be the best government ever.
Human beings have failed to rule their own people. So help us Jehovah.
Malawi just cull. He iz going to be amalemu next week, sundy
aaaaaaa yachani?takambani za uyu,iyo,iyi yachimanga,kodi analowamo ndi angati kuzambiyaku,awemba avutatu ndalama ipite,ndakhala ndikumva othandiza akunja atapereka ndalama yothana ndinjala,chagudwa mwangongole bwanji cash ilipo?iiiiiiiii komatu koma zimenezi
zomadzara mtengo ndinjala mmmmmm ndizija umangogwa mumalo modzala kkkkk
Choka iwe Evason Adamson kape iweti chair man ukuvulalisa tisakumane ndikudula tchende
Fuck you we dont eat trees malete a president
May if you can say each & every civil servant should plant two trees, how many trees could be there! Kkkkk
Pita ukadzale wekha ndi mkono wako wodwalawo ukasova komko ndipo umutengenxo dzako wokuba chimangayo muzikathandiza konko ndatopa nanu agalu inu,usawi chichi
Planting Is Easy!!! The Challenge Is Survival Of The Planted Trees- Largely Worsened By Government’s Unfavourable Policies: A) No Control To Population Growth. As A Result We Have Lots Of Malawians That The Economy Can’t Support (2 To 3 Children Per Woman Would Make A Difference. B) Power Supply Blackouts And Unaffordable Electricity Tariffs Force People To Over-rely On Fuelwood!!! C) Construction Policy That Allows Our Cities To Spread Over A Wide Area Instead Of Growing Upwards Is Taking Over Most Of Our Farmland That Is Already In Short Supply Particularly In South And Central Malawi!!! Trees Become A Luxury Crop In Competition With Food Security!!! D) Red/ Burnt Brick Business That Supplies The Fast Growing Cities Is A Cancer That Government Is Failing To Tame!!!
Iwenso walemba u must plant trees
U busted plant trees for your corruption move. That stupid government we never had before
Sure mr p
Kodi makolo alibe bambo ndimayi auze amenewo kupusa alomwe mitengo anthu akufuna chakudya
Black peaple will never do on his on becoz we defeat each other, what mr trump was saying im agree africa corruption too much example malawi u stealing maize now u begging, to u.N, help oba chimangawa kulizii lorani kumvera anthu popeza ndi omwe timavota, lero ndi inu mukunyong,olera supageti mwaiwala voti yanthu.
Mbeu yake tiziitenga kuti ngati ili yamango nde ndiyosayamba
Koma Petulosi
Sophisticated,koma muzichita de something pa thumba la ndalama,(pakalowa njoka nanga mbewa)
thats wat am gonna DO LOL
Am busy farming to feed my family, why not taking your family and cashgate convicted people to plant the trees
I can’t plant trees with empty stomach Mr. Tell your friends bcz u are stealing a lot of our taxes. Maize gate ikukanazizira imenei, zoona munthu ungafufuze in his/her on duty?. For example chfukwa chian President amafufuzidwa akachopa pa flecxa-foam?.
Plant more maize The Head of state tells Malawi
plant more securty for our tax money first rubbish
We can not plant tress when our stomack is empty ! Chaponda should plant dat trees
Kabyale wekha maganiziza zala ulinazo
Tawonga pakupanda makuni kweni ka Fetereza walimpha? Nanga Vingoma vilimpha?Chifukwa pala tawera kukupanda makuni tikupulika njala ,ka tiryenga makuni bwana?
Chambaa! Mitengo itithandiza chani? Osauza amalawi kuti azilima kwambiri chimanga bwanji..
Peter what historic thing have u done for the country more especially the leaders of tomorrow, APM my foot,,,u ar damn shit ,think for the poor in villages where u came from, Malawi has no President, u only invest money in yr pocket leaving pipo jobless, low salaries koma sangalankhule kuopa uwachotsa ntchito…. if u ar the President for the think for the poor ,while u ar being securiterized by different bodyguards, u aren’t permanent. U ar abig idiot fooling the intelligent pipo of Malawi,
We also in courage him to step down be cause he has failed
please tell forest to help us with nurseries
Mutharika has proved having no good leadership ,yr brother bingu failed the country, and u ar worse of them all ,who can plant trees with an empty stomach. The same pipo u tease Peter uzawafuna nthawi ya voti ….hw will u convince them, at least if I were u I should have quit the presidency sit for at least the pipo below yr age ( highest 60) to run the country. Corruption is very high in a poor country like Malawi but u insist forestry,ar u sick,, Peter…u can’t call yr kids to do farming yet for a week all so have slept with no food, u ar an idot,self-centered, Bakili was better than u and yr brother the ,,dead,, above all Kamuzu Banda,, the best. Go to hell Peter
Mabuzi Ake Ameneyo Akadzale Kwawo Kundata Munthu Wanj Wogulilatu Manda Akadali Ndimoyo
Anagulitsa manda amako?
Kugula manda ukali moyo amalesa?? Ngat ulindi dollar nawe gula
Ine ndipatseni mitengo 50000000 ndikabzala kwathu.
Mesa minda mnatilanda mnati tiziipira Malo anatisiila agogo athu, ndiye mkuti tikazalaso kutiko ?????
Yes! U R Tru Brozr Ichabod Wat We Need Z Food And Not Treez, R U Out Of Ur Mind Mr Idiot? No Sense Stupid Boy!
It’s a nice development!!! keep it up!!!! let’s meet 2019
Aaaaaa fuck it !!!! You want people to plant for you ? I don’t buy that .
hahahahaha. Hahahahaha hahahahaha koma guyz aliye angonyoza kkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkk atamwalila kukhala maphwando
Ndipotu chomphwando mpaka ena atha kupezeka mmitsuko yamowa kkkkkk
Ine ndasala pang’ono kukomoka ndi macomment anthu
Zaonjeza koma ndiye kuti sakufunikatu
Peter Munthalika 2019 Bomaaaaaa
Good move Mr president do the same to endup corruption,attract investers,create more jobs for our youths.dont leave behind civil servant they need a better offer they are working very hard for their country
But charcoal people are very distructive teach them a lesson to plant more trees
Mtharika machende ake pamoz ndi dpp yonse ukauze agogo ako akazale mitengo wamva pamtumbo pako
Mmutu mwako madzaza mamina okha okha iwe
Kape iwe mbuzi ya munthu
Akazale mitengo ndi ana ako chinkhalamba chopanda zelu ,anthu akuvutika ndinjala nde uziti mitengo yachani panthako pakoo
That’s a dream
Uzit wat us
Als mina ask you mr professor to to arrest Chimanga chabedwa Chapondà
Akamuuze mkulu wake Chaponda azikazala naye zautsiru eti msawatenge anthu ngati agalu anu mwamva ma Donkeys
pita ukazale wekha sitifuna za uve apa chitsilu iwe pamoz ndi family yako mbuzi galu yoleledwa iweusandi nyanye apa
Atolankhani mitu ngati maizegate
Akadzale ndi chaponda asaiwalenso kudzala chimanga
Za chamba wamva bwampin iwe
Inde bora lero mwagwira ntchito ya dziko.
Tidzala bola ikule
Sibwino kumakamuputa vumbwe ulibe nkhuku usatiyese galu iwe!!
Tidzale chimanga osati mitengo chadula ku admarc.
Zachamba basi mitengo ya chani uzikazala Ku ndata kwanuko
Kazale ndi Majoti wako wakuba muzako iya
Akanandilamula munthu wina osati ameneyu
What a foolish dog
Ayi ayi pavta pa mdubs ndima foolish governance
APM sadya msima koma mpunga, nde zoti anaba chimanga iyo ndi bodza. Ayimanso #moya_peter mpaka third term nganganga…. Afana ofewa achina #Muthalika
big man
we don’t need trees. All we want is food. People are going to bed with empty stomachs but u tell them to plant trees. wat the hell is wrong with u Mr Idiot
Bro food comes after good rain,
Rain is mostry formed by trees so if there are more trees next time you will have lots of rain and you will have lots of food.thats the chain.
Where is pipo sleeping empty stomach?
Ukudya iweyo n’chifukwa chake ukufunsa go around and ask pipo
Ukudya iweyo n’chifukwa chake ukufunsa go around and ask pipo
Ukudya iweyo n’chifukwa chake ukufunsa go around and ask pipo
Ukudya iweyo n’chifukwa chake ukufunsa go around and ask pipo
That is good idear work together and do more im agree with mr president,trees creating rain no trees no rainfall those who went xool knows that
Dawg which part of malawi do u live? Are trying o tell me that we don’t hav tress in this country. Its jst that ur presdent has run out of ideas. @ dumac cheeza
I agree with you
Malawi24 mukuchita kuwayamba dala anthu nokha bwanji? cholinga anthu ziabowe azikomenta zosakhala bwino. sibwinotu kupanga manipulate munthu into doing something wrong kumeneko nkuyesana. anthuwa akuvutika kwambiri so do u think angakomente zanzeru?
Amafuna anthu adzitukwaba amenewa we are bored now
Muwuze Chaponda wava stupt mbunz iwe eti??
Go To Hello With Your Presdent Wat I Know Malawi Dont Have Presdent Go N Tell Your APM
Tiyeni tidzale koma mitengo yake ikhale ya chamba
we don’t want that,what we need is to eradicate poverty in this country
Auzeni a ESCOM agwire ntchito imeneyo coz ndiomwe akuononga mitengo kumangodula kunamizira mawaya
wabwelelaso pa mpando mesa mmati tisamatiso president? kkkkkk koma ma baizan apa nyasa aindithu
Big munthu mnyama simungamuvetse alibe pabwino! Ndipo palibe amene angadzakozeso dzikoli tivomereze kt tili mmasiku otsiriza big
okudya monay ali pheee,basi ife tizingokumba nthaka mwaona ngati ndife akapolo anu eti?kapena mukuona ngati ndife osowa zocita?muuzane nonse amene mumadya nao ndalama zakubazo muzikazala nao mitengoyo ife zotisewelesazo ayi tisiyeni tizivutika chonchv ntendele wathu suli m’manja mwanx ai koma mwa mulngu amene amatidyesa osati IWE!!!!!!!
Akuuza ena kuti adzale kuopa kuti akagwanso chaka chino.
why have u introduced the topic as if its a bad thing???
Mbuzi za atolankhani izi, Manyumba akungofwamuka ndi mphepo kunjaku malo moti atolankhani azilimbikisa anthu kudzala mitengo ali busy kupanga post zinthu mowapanga anthu provoke. atolankhani aku Malawi ndi afiti ndithu akuyenera kuwasemera milandu ndikuwanyonga shupiti
A Malawi 24 mwayamba zachamba lembani nkhani mwaubwino this is unprofessional
i want no more blackouts
Malawian says chaponda must plant trees icluding his frnd peter
Dzala wekha! Ine toto, ntchito zikusowa ukundiwuzanso za chambazo, iwe wadya sausage m’mawa wuno ine ndagona ndi njala ndikadzala bwanji mitengo, pita kadzale wenkha from Nsanje to chitipa. Mapazi ako. Hahahaha
Tioncha makala imeneyo if bola tipulumuke ndinjalayi
pano nde wazala bwino bwino siunagwe?
Kuno anali Ku chileka airport kuteteza chaponda kuti asamangidwe
Tell him that what we need is to eradicate poverty in our country not to planting tree.
Tell Chaponda not us. Ndidzale mitengo Masangwi ndi amzake adzabe? Ndilime chimanga Chaponda abe, ahhh ndiyesa kulima bwemba tiwone ngati mudzabeso abakha inu.
kkkkkkk,ndizoona a yendayenda
kkkkkk people nowadays
Bola imere mitengoyo paja imaumatu
Nkhope ngat Nkasa lol
we want our maize
Utesi wake