Man in custody for failing to take his pregnant wife to hospital for delivery


Police in Chileka, Blantyre, are keeping in custody a 24-year-old McLean Luka, for volunteering to help his pregnant wife deliver at home on the grounds that their religion does not allow them to go to the hospital or take any medication.

According to Chileka police public relations officer, Jonathan Phillipo, Luka and his wife belong to one of the local churches that do not believe in taking any medical drugs.

Sergeant Phillipo told this publication that in June 2023, Luka’s wife conceived and since then she never sought or visited any medical facility for treatment or checkups due to their religious beliefs.

It is further reported that on Thursday last week, the suspect’s wife started feeling labor pains and due to their beliefs, the husband volunteered himself to assist his wife in giving birth while at home.

The community members were upset upon getting the information and reported the matter to Senior Chief Kunthembwe who followed the matter and reported it to the Chileka police station.

Following police intervention on the matter, the mother and the newborn baby were taken to Chikowa Health facility and later referred to Queens Elizabeth Central Hospital where they are receiving treatment.

Meanwhile, the suspect is in police custody pending to appear before court to answer charges of failing to provide necessity to life contrary to section 242 of the Penal Code.

Luka hails from Chikoka Village, in the area of Traditional Authority Kunthembwe in Blantyre district
