A group of vigilantes yesterday evening burnt to death a suspected motorbike thief aged 19 at Kankhomba village in the area of Traditional Authority Kasumbu in the district.
The deceased is identified as Chitanda Lusiyeli of Mbozi village T/A Kasumbu in the district.
According to Dedza police deputy publicist Sergeant Cassim Manda, on 1 January 2021, unknown criminals broke into the house of Tonex Singano who works as veterinary assistant at Kankhomba and went away with his motorbike while he was fast asleep.
Singano, who did not report the issue to police, instituted his own enquiry into the alleged theft and on January 2, his motorbike was allegedly found in the house of Lusiyeli’s grandmother.
Lusiyeli, who was not present at the time, was implicated in the matter.
The same motorcycle also allegedly went missing on Monday, 5 January, 2021 after unknown criminals again broke into the house and stole it.
Based on the previous case, Singano did not report the issue to police and he instead launched his own inquiry again.
Later, the victim who changed his residence to Mphonde was captured by the vigilantes.
The vigilantes dragged him to Singano’s house where they stoned him to death and burnt him.
Meanwhile Dedza Police Station has described the local inquiry instituted by vigilantes as serious violation of criminal justice.
Police have since reminded the general public that suspects are supposed to be handed over to the police for questioning and prosecution.
Police further said those who will be implicated in this vigilantism will be arrested and charged with murder.