As one way of promoting the girl child education, Oxfam Malawi is distributing menstrual hygiene management kits to girls in the districts of Nsanje and Phalombe.
According to reports, 40% of school girls in Malawi miss school due to issues to do with menstruation thereby affecting their education opportunities.

Country director for Oxfam Malawi, Lingalireni Mihowa, said her organization selected the girls from these said two districts since they were badly hit by the cyclone idai which occurred early this year.
Management of menstrual hygiene among school girls remains a big challenge in the areas that were affected with cyclone idai particularly to girls who come from poor families.
“We identified girls that have reached puberty stage and we have been able to support them with menstrual hygiene management kits. We have interacted with the girls and encouraged them to remain in school and work hard,” she said soon after distributing the kits at Malambwe Primary School in Phalombe.
The kits consist of a bucket used in carrying water, pants, soap and reusable sanitary pads that may last up to 18 months while in use.
Oxfam Malawi has assisted over 20,000 households that were affected by cyclone Idai in Phalombe district which left hundreds homeless and in dire need of the food after their crops were destroyed.