…DPP says he is a failed politician
Member of Parliament for Mzimba West Harry Mkandawire has said he will soon join opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP).
Mkandawire is a People’s Party (PP) legislator but he has he revealed that he is eyeing MCP.

MCP has been roping in politicians from various parts of the country recently In its quest to shed its reputation as a central region party.
Last week the party won three Parliamentary seats in the October 17 by-elections.
Mkandawire said MCP’s stand against nepotism which is rampant under Democratic Progressive Partty (DPP) is the reason he will join the opposition party.
MCP Deputy Secretary General Eisenhower Mkaka said the move shows that the party’s rebranding efforts are bearing fruits and its leader Lazarus Chakwera represents hope for many Malawians.
“The rebranding process has made the party be national due to the support it is getting from all the regions. Therefore, we are glad with the joining of magnitude of people including influential politicians who are heading to the party,” Mkaka said.
But the DPP is not impressed by MCP’s new catch describing Mkandawire as a failed politician.
athu opanda uzimu adpp ovetsa chosoni kadziko kakangonoka kwalanika NDE aziti chani
What good will these chaps bring to MCP? …But then again since politics is a game of numbers that’s why even If George Chaponda himself decides to join MCP..that will be considered as a big catch.
kkkkkkkkkkkkkk what has come over you? dont be decieved by elections and presidential elections are quiet different. WE SHALL SEE.
Kkk kumapheto Asirikali azalamurira Boma zikathero ngati DRC
ine wa MCP…..Nonse a Dpp mupse mtima
akulila amenewa
So it shall be like this everytime, recycling?
Because MCP has won the recent parliamentary seats, now u hav decided to join it? U think MCP will take 2019 presidential election?,for people to suffer,tortured,thrown into crocodile dams again? Shame on u and if you and your MCP win 2019,heaven wil falldown sua
Palibe chifukwa chotukwanila chipani ngat munthu wasankha kulowa chipani china sizachilendo ndikhalidwe yapa malawi amadyela kuwiri
Koma UDF ilipo?
Tambala wakudabasi ur welcome sir tikodze Malawi
Kkkkkk nice
Kkkkkk nice
Koma yaa
tiyeni tigwilane manja.anthu adyelawa ,nkhalambazi ,akubawa,tichotse 2019.
Chipani chimene chidzibwera ndifundo zoti sakupatsidwa mpata pama contract kapena mwayi winaulionse a Malawi asatipusitse akufuna pomadzatibera alephera njira zina Zokhetsa thukuta lawo akufuna zachidule
MCP taking everything: tirigu, nansongole, etc.
M C P yagwila munseu
Honourable H Mkandawire i personally thank you because you want to work for Malawians not politicians.
Well done
guyz ndkuona ngat sbwno kut anthu omwe ali ku dpp panopa abwerereso ku mcp iz ndzmene zmaononga ndale ndmaona ngat ndbwino kugwrtsa ntchito section 65 no mp to cross the part without proper reasons ndie izz za amkandawrez ndchyamb chabe mawa tmva kut chaponda nayeso kufuna kukaonongaso mcp malaw when will we change chonde pamenepa achpanwa muzunka bwno musamalola kale anal kut popeza ngakhale ku dpp akuononga s peter koma anthu omwe adayamba ndale since indpendence amangosnthasntha zpan mpano ndie mcp ichenjere pamenepa pa lenduwa
amkandawire anali mu nyumba yodzadza ndi ,kupopa magazi,kuba,kupha,blackout,waterless ,aimless trips,to mention few,nde angoona kuti kwachaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaa kusonyeza kut tambala walira after kudya chimanga kkkkkkk
Good decision tatopa ife
Kodi ndale zakuno kwathu zimayenda bwanji? Mukungosintha zipani ngati dziko lathu lino mulibe ophunzira achinyamata? 2019 muzangodzadza inu nomwe mwayiwala kuti Ku parliament mwakhalako more than 10 years, ,,anzanu kumayiko ena amati 10 yikakwana amakapanga zawo, , kusiya ndale, ,,,
Political whore
OK, munthu akatuluka the messed up DPP tiziti ndi failed politician? Waiting for more failed politicians to pop up.
For him not be to failed politician, he has changed his mind and he is joining diphiphi.
I just came here to read the comments n zoooooom!!!! Go away….
Ndiwe wakutha
Nzosadabwitsa munthu kupsya ndi dzuwa pa nzele, nkuvotela yoluza zimawawa, funsanani nonse omwe mwakwela Mcp ndi nomwenu munavotela nkulephela aja, dziwani kuti voti ndi mu ntima si pa Fb. Ineyo Ngakhale Atandichinyila Matewela Oipitsila Nkamwa, Ndingakwanitse Kuchongela Chipani China Osati Tambala Wakuda Mwanva? Chipani Cha Tembelero Ngati Mcp Sichizalamulira Malawi, Ncha Magazi!! Mwina Ndinu Ana Ovota Ambili Saulula Za Mu Ntima Pa Fb, Ndikuona Kuchedwa 2019 Kwambili!
achibwana mutu wanu umayendela mamina kodi chipani chikupopa magazi ndi ulamuliro wa mcp kapena dpp kodi chasowa adaphedwa ulamuliro wa chipani chiti
Now I really knw z meaning of politics. Harry wen MCP loses, where are u gonna go? Keep on changing?
One such politician from my northern region whom i dont admire is Harry Mkandawire plus Goodall Gondwe. No wonder people in his constituency have all along been denying him. He has been rolling a lot. How I wish these type of politicians be embarrassed and humiliated in the 2019 elections. Not because he is joining MCP, no. It is his conscience. I don’t care about that but because he thinks MCP will win and that he will be considered for a cabinet minister position.
Don’t judge. Can you walk in their shoes
Amenewo chilipo chomwe akusatako
muli phee blind following. mumatidziwa anthu anyau ife.mudzalira.dpp is a necessary evil than the disgruntled lilongwe party
Very good. Welcome mr mkandawire
Mcp back? totally wrong pliz kent we hav another Choice if we really want change
Anthu amatanganidwa chisankho chikamayandikira.Sikuti cholinga chawo ndikutumikira anthu ai,koma kudzipezela zabwino.Ngakhale pakhomo pamene pakumveka kafungo agalu sachoka phazi.Akalandila buma nthawi zina mpomwe amadziwa kuti pano sipokhala.
Same old story#my Malawi
The simple and straightforward notable mistakes MCP Will make before 2019 polls! !!
Sidik Mia to be the VP for chakwera!
A huge brow to the north and there hopefull Msowoya! !
Taking harry mkandawire as Mcp regional governor for north, total mess.(recycled used sçrap that has nothing to offer to the party than seeking political sympathy and millage!) Shame.
Lastly mcp shouldn’t be swept away with bie – election results the next is the amagedon! Get watch and note my word’s!
Even in DPP there are recycled politicians
Typical but they can’t be compared to harry!
Just note me sister dorie! !
mayi edgar musatinamize kumpoto olo msowoya atapanda kukhala runingmate chakwera alindi suport yamphavu dpp zero kumene
mayi edgar musatinamize kumpoto olo msowoya atapanda kukhala runingmate chakwera alindi suport yamphavu dpp zero kumene
Am I for Dpp? ?
MCP is likely to win with a landslide victory in the north. DPP lost its glory in the north during Bingu era. They can’t reclaim it.
Alibe ntchito mutu wake simagwila adagwqpo mumtengo Ali mwana ameneyo
DPP yakwana kuno ku Salima magetsi angoyaka 2 hrs basi. chocho ndikumapepha anthu amayiko ena kuti adzayambitse ma kampani
aaa tidatopa nawo akubawa
Like any other politician…all we have are RECYCLED politicians…
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olowa zipani zingati?
the man is a green dog,jst want to spoil the party and make it stink like hell,u beta think twice,..there’s a hole in the pumpkin !!!!
He is an opportunist
Kunyamula mpanda woola nkuchulukana manja, welcome hon. Mkandawire
Akhale konko ameneyo ndimagulu owononga mbili ya zipani menewoakufuna aktaniko ku mcp pot walepherakupanga chilichonse kuconstiuency yake ali mu dpp.mbuzi imeneyo galu.
kkkkkkk kmeneko nde kuganiza….
Madzi achita katondo.
Dpp woyeee wina azalilaso kuti amubera
Mkandawire is one of the cowards people from the northern region. He forgets that Mcp always wins the By-Elections only, National Elections always fail. Now he thinks what has just happened in the last By-Elections reflect the real solution in 2019. Noooooooo
It’s only God who knows. Why so judgemental
they will not win though he wish to join mcp
Badada Mkandawire,mwawoneska mahala na chikanga,mukuchedwa,zaninge ku MCP mupsya
Ife a DPP tidzapanga chotheka chonse kaya ndi kubela mpaka tidzawina ngona mwasungitsa ku moxico zija zifako ndi njala, zoluza Dpp iwalani inu muzingokhala otsutsa mpaka yesu adzabwela ipsani mtima
Tidzabela ngati amakudziwani mkomwe mugwela limodzi nkhumba zaanthu inu Chakwela ndimtunda wina ngakhale abwana anu tulo sakutilawa akava dzina laChakwela.
Olila samuseka pakamwa
Mbuli yadpp malo molimbana ndi mr wandale mulimbana ndi mcp kupepera kumeneko
Asamakhale failed politician coz he is going to mcp had it been he coming to ur side frm mcp mukadat chian? he is practicing his freedom of asociation
Welcome home
A move which is making sense to the senseless
kkkk recycled politians busy seeking green pasture
Munthuyuso eeee kkkk
Mcp inathako kale uko
Inu zikamatele ndiye ndindani angachikhulupilire chipani cha MCP??.Ifetu tikufuna chipani chatsopano,osati kupita uku kupita uko.Ndichifukwa ndale zathu zikukhala zovutilapo.Mwina akuona kuti DPP izaluza,iye apitile chile.Mwanyera Uzaziona.
Iweyo ukufuna chipani chatsopano koma ine ndidzavotera MCP.
Hahaha u are right ndichipan chakale kma mind you.ma readerz ndi a new
Failed politician because he will join MCP? Kkkkkkkk Stupid DPP! Mia you said the same thing! Shame on u DPP kkkkkk mwauponda!!!! Stupidiest DPP!
write positively
Big sho neba apsye mtima kuti ndiii
Kkkkkkkkkkk zandale izoooooo
Kwavuta yanyamuka mcp moto
bola failed politician than thieves like you evil dpp
Ineyo I am watching…..something z happening
It’s Peter Mutharika who’s a failed politician not Harry Mkandawire No.
Recycled politicians will do us no good
DPP yalephera
cikawola cithawen chipan chautsogoleri wabwino amacikonda
Well done anthu odzindikila sakhala ku chipani chokufu
i think khalidwe ili lithesedwe people like these are the ones rensposible for the downfall of DPP now the will take the same senseless ideas to MCP it will only be defferent parties same leaders
These are individuals who show patriotism, so you wanted him to stay in the camp everyone is blaming? Misala kapena chani, dpp is a sinking ship, u stay you gone, welcome sibweni..
100% LIKE
Munthu wazelu ameneyi thawi yabwino
Those joining MCP are failed politicians but those joining DPP eg mzomera, msonda are mighty ones. Kkkkk zinazi
They can say whatever they wanna say but this shows the rulling party is losing it’s grip!
Akuphatu iwe oho. …anthu andale amakhala afiti
MCP moootooo
muyende bwino osadzabwelaso ku dpp
Hahaha kya bola osadzalira 2019
Pepani adpp ndiolira choncho musawathole mau. Anthu inu mulibe mwambo eti. Palibe chanzeru chimene namalira angayankhule chanzeru. Nzeru zimabalalika. DPP is licking its wounds. Kwa io aliyense wolowa MCP ndi failed politician koma wolowa DPP ngati Ken msonda,mzomera ngwira .name them are successful policians Shame on u.
Zilibwino kwabasi tithandizane kuchotsa nyapapi pomwe alipa
Hahahahahaha political prostitution in Malawi… thats y recycled politicians keeps on switching parties… kumangofuna chipani chimene chizawapase mpata when i gvt. All politicians are selfish induvidual … aliyense akufuna azatape the hard money for Malawians…..show me a politician who has the will of the people? Principled people… those with solid foundamental ideas who are ready to transform Malawi?… Hash aliyense angofuna zake zitheke basi…. gud luck Hon. Mkandawire. In Malawi the only way to secure busness is to be part of a political party.
Man u are ryt i giv u 99% and soon i will join politics ndi dilu heavy kkkkkkkkkkkk
walakwa chiyani kodi koma akanalowa dpp? potiwalowa mcp ndiye walakwa,
Inu makape harry sanali wa dpp,koma mudzaliranso kt atibela 2019 mudzanditsimikiza
Freedom of association is his birth right
Anatha uyu ngat zake tembo
#MCP 2019
He Has Smelt A Rat,,,The DPP Led Government Is Under Intense Pressure,,,Their Day Are Now Numbered….
And Also Mzomera Ngwira Is On His Way To M C P and DPP is doomed
Dpp kwawo kwatha nthawi ya Mcp ikubwela pang’ono pang’ono awa zawakanika basi chomwe akwanitsako mkudzikundikila chuma chomwe waba m’boma basi
He has done this simply because he feels MCP will win the 2019 elections.I wonder what he will do once the party loses…and it will lose.
People will vote
Sanapuse ameneyi waionela patali waitha
Cliff Richard once said, “Somebody loses somebody wins”. I wonder whether you were around by then.
Yes they will…and results will be announced,lol
@Samuel,is that one for me boss?
Rigging is the only way to save this party. U know, I mean this party which beats pple physically instead of beating on a ballot.
Something is wrong in someone’s head who thinks majority of malawians are enjoying this regime. Only if you don’t love ordinary pple
He can see the tides of Times coming ..^& You will be swept where you belong. ..
Come 2019 some people will be singing the same old song,atibera.DPP might have some short falls but still MCP can’t be the solution to the problems we are facing, never.For now,DPP is our only hope unless may be kubwere chipani China apart from the ones we have.For now its,DPP woyee,lol.
how is t possible munthu kupita kuvota kumaudziwa mwavota kale ndipo mwavotera dpp?de person didnt knw wat happed.when dis person wz telling me dzulo,i belived kuti anthu amabera
zokambakamba kuchluka inu paja iyi yapitayi amati by election eti nanga ikubwerayi mu 2019 ndiija amati tripartite election eti eeesh zizadziwika tikadzamva wina akuti atibera
Kkkkk,anali atavota kale munthuyo @Charity
Inu [email protected] nzofanana zithuzi.Paja iwo amawina pa fb pano.
Kulibwino kulowa mchipani chisanaliwe mboma ndiye zimakhala bwino wonsewa akunena kuti adzalila atakaluza iwo ndamene akulira. Chifukwa adakalowa Dpp tidamati akufuna ndalama koma ku MCP kulibe ndalama. Koma wolemekezekawa akhoza kuti kychulukitsa mphavu.
Dpp is a nice party with different people across the country. vote mcp yanuyo.mumatidziwa ife anthu anyau.mudzalira
chidude ndi cheka yako nzanga bola osazalira kuti atibera
Mcp singawine.mbudzi chakwera
Singawine never harry wapangaposo chani i can’t vote for nkhaza anandipanga a MCP if someone is talking about MCP ndikumakhala ngati akuyankhula za manyi Ku toilet
Who am i not to join MCP, evry body is joining, bye bye dpp
Kkkkkk chipongwe akhala yekha yekha pamodzi ndi chaponda bwampini Peter Muthalika, anzelu akuonapo kanthu patsogolopo makamaka 2019
Wordz wordz
kutha kwachipani cholamula uku…. i’ve never seen this before…! kuchoka kucholamula?????
baba Harry mkandawire ndi phungu wa pp not dpp
UKU nde kukang’anthatu DPP kkkkkk ndekelera zidalandisa nkhwangwa kamano kkkkkk a DPP nthawi munalinayo koma APA basi kwawo gule
Andale olephera kd mkandawire paja anali chipani citi.kaya nzanu izo ine ndikudziwa 2019 cipani cizawine si mcp ayi musatengere za zisankho za pa 17 muzalira
zako izo usova
Mau omaliza a cadet
Namalira wankulu 5-1
2014 DPP inawina ndi 36% yokha mwina mwaiwala
Zitsilu za ndale iZi. Anthu adyera
ni wamisala zoona akalowe chipani choti sichidzalowaso m’boma chidatembeleledwa kale komanso mizimu yachina gadama idaķwiila
wamisara ndi mai ako ndi Bambo ako wava
zowona I can’t join mcp Ngati ndi chipani chakanthu!
za gadama takamufuse daus ndi mtaba, amenewo ndi amene abweletsa minyama ku dpp, they r kilkers and mudderers. ndie tamutchula panopa amene ali ku mcp who is a mudder unlike ku dpp?
olo utapanda ku joina ukuona ngat tingakusowe? ungayankhule pagulu iwe?
Anthu azelu akulowa Mcp kuti timuchotse nyapapiyu tonse limodzi waba mokwanila his time is over now
this is a voice of dying horse, koma mukakamba zakupha ndi iiii DPP ili patsogolo tangoganiza njaunju, mbendera,20pple on 11 july the list is endless,
Kkkkkk Aburahamu? Hmm shame on u with ur ugly IBU !!
Galu Opopa Magazi Wa Dpp Iwe Simuwinabe2019
Mcp zinkhanira zokha zokha.
mukavoterana zinyau nokhanoķha, ngati chakwera amaba ndalama za mpingo nde za boma angalephele kuba
Cadet walira usanati 2018 ulira zenizeni
m’malo mosonķha ndalama zoti mulipile zigawenga zanu za PAYONIYA zija zimaba ziweto
Dpp 2019 ovota ali ku mudźi
amkandawire anali mdima nde azindikira kuti kwachaaaaaaaas
kudacha kale 1994
kudacha kale 1994
kulila kumeneko odala mcp yavuta
Abraham banda wakwiya ndinkhani ya harry mkandawire yomweyi kapena ya chasowa kapena njaunju,
Welcome mr mkandawire
Mtumbuka wa nzeru welcome in advance Dada Mkandawire.
In the line of duty well come one by one DPP goes down
Inu aa MCP mukamati mwakwana mukutanthauza chiyani mukhale kuti mwakwana bwanji simumawina masankho aja a 2014 ngati mukufuna kuwina 2019 muvomereze anthu ochokera zipani zina azilowa chipani chanucho I’m not politician but I want to help you
Mbuzi iyi ikuchedwa ndi chipani cha anthu akuba? Mwinaso iyoyi imaba nawo
Mbuzi yamano kunnsi kkkkkkk
Dpp ili out of fashion now kkkk
This is wining team mcp 2019 boma!! Inu a dpp mzilandila omwewo a china msonda opanga chilichose!!
Just tell them
Oshotashota. Nalikwengwele
He is not..!! Dpp is a true justified failed party. You misused him just like disgruntled other politicians from north. Ever since Harry wanted civilized type of politics under multiparty democracy and now it is. He campaigned smartly in the just ended by-elections against Dpp and successfully was done in favor of MCP. Talking is cheap. Our democracy has faced setbacks as a result of unforseen expectations from parties like Dpp, Udf more especially of its leadership. What type of politics is Atupele trying to practice? Just a waste of his expected brilliance in modern political future.. Harry has made it right at the moment. Has openly shown his courage in fighting for collective betterment of the nation as it stands today. Dpp is toothless and stagnant..that a mere rumour of bloodsuckers is hard to contain. Simply signifies its rotten roots.
Ndiwe munthu wanzeru I really salute you.
Harry is a strong leader
He is welcome, let’s work together to fight these DPP thieves.
so your wesh its to fight the ruling party when MCP take gorverment ??? what about poverty and development a good leader always start to end poverty and bring development in a country and send all corrupted in prison to face justice
Can you read my comment again?
Atsogoleri omangosithasitha zipani amakhala adyera.
Wachita makola awo mbakutondeka ndiwo wangasuska
welcome to the wining team sir! mabwela nthawi yabwino tichotse Nyapapi limodzi.
Harry Mkandawire go wherever you gonna get happiness not only you but all of your supporters.
Viwemi vyose Sibweni.
sibweni muthu wadyela kowophya komanso ndi m’tundu okhawo okonda katangale
musamulole mcp ndiyokwana atsogoleri I Wawo akubwerawo ndidyela akuthawa akufuna kuzasokeneza
Ife Tamulandira Atithandiza Kupeza Ma Vote Ku Mpoto.
ķodi mumalimbadi mtima ķuti nyau idzalowaso
iwe ukuti yazaza ,ganiza kawire .you don’t know how politics works
Anthu inu ngati simukudziwa muziwe lero MCP ikulowa m’boma zimenezo muziwe ndichifukwa chake akafuwefuwe amenewa akufuna kulowelathu mu MCP
Guys! If you don’t have a point to comment, pliz just read the comments and off you go
Yasala eastern region kuti timalize masewela onse
@samson ndale zimatero? Pamenepa anthu omukonda mkandawile kwaoko ndiye kuti onsewo akukavotera Mcp straght
Kulowelatu chile m’boma la Mcp kunenela pamawa kkkkkk zilibwino kwabasi tithandizane kuchotsa nyapapiyu pomwe alipa
Kkkkkkkkk shaaaa ndakumvetsani koma aaaaa akanganya amenewa amasokoneza kwambiri.Kkkkkkkkk azipanizinazi mcp sikuti si winatu imawina koma kubela ma vote chifukwa ma vote a mcp alimommuja nmwakale pomwe zipani Zoonadi
yeah,thats good,hurry up Mr Harry.
Mtumbuka angamdandaule ndani?
Mind Ur Speech! We Ar All Malawians!
Sounds of an empty bucket. Talk about real issues for a change
Nanga iwe sabwe
Koma nde Exodus size kukana.
Asalore angaononge mcp
Ngakhale tizavotere Mcp, onsewa azachoka Ku DPP, pp kuzatiberabe mafuwa asalawa poti mpoto wanyama atenga kale mxiee
Bola tithandizane kumuchotsa nyapapiyu pomwe alipa wadzikundikila chuma kwabasi pakuba m’boma
NDE tizapindula bwaj pot enawa azatiberaso, kodi sizingatheke kut atseke khomo kut okubawa asaloweso Ku MCP
Mwaiwala kuti dpp inachoka atangolowa a pp week yomweyo nyamulani ma billion m’boma. tingoti zam’thumba mwathu palibe angakubele umalondela wekha. koma zam’boma weniwake ndi wam’bomawo.
bava zilikale komweko ku MCP ko poti athu akumpoto ndiye madolo azakatangale kawoneni ku imigration ku MRA m’ma boder
Gud move
an ooprtunist just like Mia who does not know the lives of business people