Ndione Chauluka fired at Teveta

Ndione Chauluka

The Technical Entrepreneurial and Vocational and Education Training Authority (Teveta) has axed its Chief Executive Officer Ndione Chauluka in the wake of the K2.4 billion scandal.

Ndione Chauluka
Ndione Chauluka : Fired.

He has been on forced leave along with Director of Training Programs Modesto Gomani as well as Director of Finance Elwin Sichiola.

Reports indicated that Chauluka with other Teveta officials were suspected to have funded a project called Tsogolo Langa with money amounting to K2.4 billion without the approval of the Teveta board.

Initially, the National Audit Office (NAO)  had indicated it would complete its probe into the matter by mid- April this year. At this time Chauluka with other others were already on forced leave.

Chauluka has since told the media he respects the decision made by the board of directors.




  1. That’s a new fashion in Malawi. U take your share and get fired then go to the next job. Ena ndiawo a Chaponda Chimanga. Suspended a eat his pie in peace. ACB, Police is for opposition and ordinary citizens. If they was an example from top official to be arrested and pay back money that was going to be better.

  2. Kuba koposa cashgate kma amalawi nkono simumatukuka nazo….muzilowa nazo manda ndalamazo nde mukuona ngati ife tizipindula bwanj ngati mukuba ndalama nde ifeso achinyamata tizingoba basi n make a free law ya zakuba basi coz kuba kunapweka pa Malawi tisamamangitsane coz aliyese wa mkulu pa ntchito yake akumatero……Or tinakufusani kut wachinyamata akaba mumamulanga zaka zambiri kma wamkulu akaba mumamulanga ma tsiku awiri or week nde zimasiyana bwanj kabedwe kake kamene mwawazenga anthu awiriwa i thought kuba ndi kuba tonse tizilandila chilango chofanana

  3. Chimene chimandidabwitsa nchakuti amene akumaba ndi anthu amene ali kale ndi ma benefits ambiri. Kumuneku ndikuba kongofuna kupha dziko basi

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