Likangala Secondary School emerges winner in essay writing WESM competition 

Environmental Society in Malawi (WESM)

Likangala Secondary School in Zomba has emerged as a winner in the Wild Life Environmental Society in Malawi (WESM) essay writing competition.

Likangala Secondary School wrote a winning essay on the protection of soil degradation hills and river banks, which was completed by schools from Zomba and Machinga.

Speaking during the presentation prize at Likangala Secondary School, WESM Zomba District Coordinator, San Daniel Nkunga said his organisation organised the competition as one way of encouraging students to conserve the environment around their respective schools.

Nkunga who coordinated the competition, explained that primary and secondary schools with WESM clubs in the two districts participated in the competition.

He said primary schools were assigned to draw pictures that depicted the protection of soil erosion and the effects of soil erosion, and the competition was held under the theme: “Our Soil, Our Wealth.”

Namikhate Primary School from Namiwawa Education Zone in Zomba Rural won the drawing competition.

“WESM is meant to protect the environment. We therefore organised the competitions to encourage learners to conserve the environment, especially in hills and river banks,” Nkunga said.

A student who won the essay writing competition, Emmanuel Kapingiza thanked WESM for organizing the competition and said he won the competition because of his keen interest in environmental programmes on TV and radio apart from reading issues of environment in books.

An English teacher at Likangala Secondary School, Lonjezo Fostino, reminded students that the environment is a treasure and called upon the students to protect the environment jealously.

Teacher Fostino disclosed that the Likangala Secondary School Wildlife Club travels to another school on learning visits where students share knowledge on issues of the environment and how to write winning essays.

The emerging winner in the essay writing competition, Likangala Secondary School, therefore won a wall clock, while Emmanuel Kapingiza received a school bag, notebooks, writing pens, mathematical instruments, plus books that explain wildlife issues.