About 30 girls who were rescued from early marriages by organizations in Mzimba district have threatened to go back to their husbands, saying they are now suffering since the organizations did not give them money to look after themselves.
The organizations which promised to give the children all necessities to support their education, are said to have abandoned the girls in suspense without giving them anything.
One of the girls who was forced to divorce her husband told this reporter that she was enjoying in marriage but now she does not even have a source of happiness.

want to make a return.
(Image credit: www.peacetimes.news)
“Our parents cannot support us because we irked them with the haste decisions we made to divorce our husbands. We are suffering now and organizations which influenced us are nowhere to be seen,” she said.
Another 16 year old girl, who lost the opportunity to go to South Africa where her husband is based, said she regrets the mistake she made to divorce him and go back to school because nothing is happening so far.
She said her parents already supported her marriage because they had nothing to offer for her to go further with education.
“So I thought these organizations were serious about educating me. I wanted to be educated and become a doctor that’s why I divorced my husband,” she said. These are only some of the girls who are regretting to have divorced their husbands because of promises that organizations made to support them in their education.
Commenting on the development, director of youth activists on education Benjamin Franklin described the status quo as worrisome.
He urged stakeholders to intervene urgently on the issue because these girls have the potential to go further with education but owing to the raised setbacks, their dreams might be ruined.
Eish kaya ikalawa zamchele …
Mwabatolerangachi uzeleza pera?
Mungothetsa mabanja n’kumakanikanso kuwasamalira akazi omwe mwawathetsera mabanjawo? Tiziti ku ntundu kwanu nonse munaphunzira?
Kkkkkkk BACK TO MARRIAGE!! Kkkkkkkkkkkk
ndudabwatu ine. everything is about girl child. abwezeren chimwemwe chao atsikanawo
Kwalikukouko musovenge
Anawatu imagona komweku uko,nde muwaletse munganvane?akumangisanitu.
Bungwe limeneli ndilakuba ndalama zambili zikulowa mmatuma awo ndi chikwa chake likugwa, ngankhale mmaseckodale mli ana ovutika koma chiyambileni this term, sanapange china chichose, problem stealing monay.
Bwelerani.Mwangoyisowa mbonga.
I thot marriage iz a choice.
KKKKKK kufuna kuwabweresera amphunzitsi mavuto basi
Guyz dont confused that analawa ngini ija mumat ya abambo munthu amakhala ndi second viginity. Ndizotheka kugeta success anzanuwo
iiiiiii m’mene chimakomela cha abambo zisiyen izi zimakoma ngati sugar kkkk
Enawo abwere kuno ndiwakwatire ine kkkkk
Mwana akalowa banja mumati waphwanyilidwa ufulu. kom akayamba uhule mumati ali ndi ufulu. Mmmmh, satanic at its best
anawa sakumva ayi,akangolawa cha bambo basitu kkkkk samagwirika.
Threatening? I think its a wrong word to use
true that if thy are threatening then thy destroying their own future
Kkkkkkkkkkkk bwelelani pitani mukapange ana iya
Any serious person here with the details of these girls or where exactly to locate them??
This is a mess. Why break up marriages when you can’t support the young girls after the breakage. Make a better plan that can work first then come back to separate couples
They need solutions now their matters are Being made worse ..window dressing
Every man for himself a boma kazipangani zanu izi zokwatilana tili ana kwa ife sizachilendo. Enaso lero ali mboma momo anabelekedwa amayi ao ali ndi nzaka 14
kkkkkkkkkkk Kuthetsa mabanja 30 muli ndizibwana eti Nanga zilakolako zawo mzithetsa inu ? Ingodyani ndalama zazunguzo, Galu ndi Galu basi amachotsa nsima mgale mkuyika Pansi
Alawa kale choclate chosungunuka ameneo angowasia. naonso mabungwe aonjeza.
Threatening who? Bullshit girls don’t get the point
Bonjisi ndi banana kupanga ubale wa nkamwa
These organizations just wanted to seek attention. ..they had no plans on what will happen afterwards!
Kumadya ma allowance wo akabooka
zosatheka zimenezo waonako kale kuchipinda kuti kumakhala bwanji nde mukati xool never sizingatheke alawa kale zaakuluakulu
Mwana ukamulanda mpeni umupatse kachidole. The question is why they left school 4rm the begining? And now what new are u going to convience them to have passion at school. The problem is our goverment that failed to give these kid a basic decent education. These oganisations are just seeking attention and funds. I now blame these organisation for not sueing the state for failing to provide education to these kids. Boys are running to SA. Girls are running to marriages. Std 1 to std 8 at goverment school they have 3 teachers. What do u call that? Find the factors affecting these issues then u wil have solution.
Vuto la mabungwe am’briefcase ndilimenelo, they just claim that they are fighting for a certain group of society’s rights but with no real directions. Angopita azikakhala kunyumba za akuluakulu oyendetsa mabungwewo basi.
Rescue or rendering them vulnerable?
these organisations did good but the lack plan b . surely you can’t deny someone to drink contaminated water and you don’t show him or her where to find a stream of pure water.these girls were suppose to be taken back to school by the help of these organisations not parents coz they failed in the first place
Very..very..true…the organisation must deal with the root cause of the problem..
That’s true
Ikalawa khulo kikkkk. Ngati wina atamuombotsa ku BOKO HARAMU masiku ochepa anayamba kudandaula iwe Chigawenga ichi!
ok kkkk ndiye kumalawi meko
Ndiye adamva Kale Kukoma Kwa Chikwati Nkutheka Bwanji kuti Aphunzire?