Former Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Treza Namathanga Senzani who was supposed to compelete her three year jail term next year is set to be let free for showing a ‘good character’ at Maula Prison, Malawi24 has learnt.
Senzani was in 2014 sentenced to three years and nine months imprisonment on offences of money laundering and theft respectively.

She had pleaded guilty to stealing around $150,000 (63 million kwacha) from state coffers, part of a broader swindle worth at least $30 million and was convicted on her own guilty plea.
But latest reports we are following indicate that the Malawi Prion Service has placed her as one of the inmate who will be released for being exemplary behind the bars.
According to Commissioner for prisons responsible for operations Masauko Wisikoti, there were no any reports of bad behaviours from Senzani.
”She was well behaved in jail. Officer in charge of Maula Prison said she had showed exemplary behaviour while in prison, we did not receive any complaints from the OC of Maula prison concerning her” Wisikoti is quoted as saying by local media.
Her jail term was meant to end October 6, 2017.
She became the first convict sentenced out of the more than 50 people arrested in connection with the fracas.
Senzani was apprehended in 2013 having issued two Cheques to her own company, which according to police never had the provision of goods or services to the government.
Other convicts, former Assistant Accountant in the government Victor Sithole later joined her on the list. Sithole was jailed for nine years having being found guilty of of being found in possession of unexplained cash suspected to have been stolen amounting to K112 million , $31 800 (about K13.6 million) and R122 400 (about K4.5 million) in hard cash which was found at his house in Area 47 in September 2013.
Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Deputy Director of Youth Wyson Zinyemba Soko was then sent to prison for seven years. Soko was found in possession of MK40.9 million ($90 000), attained in corrupt ways.
The scandal saw donors withdrawing their support to Malawi amid similar revelations – this time led by civil servants where billions of kwachas went uncounted for in a scandal better known as Cashgate.
Atulutsidwe Coz Alipo Ambiri Akubisidwa
Forgv her.
Kodi Mkayid Mumafuna Kuti Akagwire Ukaidi Kapena Akaonese Khalidwe Labwino?Nanga Khalidwe Labwinolo Wamuchitira Ndani?Khalidwelo Amatani?Being The Woman Exactly The G/nuts Has Been Eaten.No Wonder.
Izi NDE zopusa izi
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is that so , let evry malawian who r at peace be released……… why ha., there pple more than ha who hav the same
inde akadye misonkho yathu
atuluke akadye ndalama zizayamba kudibwa ndi chiswe pamene anakumbilapo,,,Ragerover ijaso imaonogeka ma tyre ,,,,,inangoyima kamba koti ayini ake anali kaye ku holiday yakuba mbuzi za anthu ife tizigwila nchito mkumadulidwa misokho inu mkumaba
Umeneo nde utsiru. Mwaikwela kwela sisters basi mukuti ituluke coz zanu zayenda,koma ifetikudandaula kuti anatiika mmavuto, zautsiru.
What a fuck!!!! That is how they planned it,to go to prison and stay quite and they will get out! This is bull shit!
But this lady looks innocent I think she has been used by other cruel people
Ife tuvutika coz of these, nde mueatulutsa? Thats foolishness at its best
Watulukilanji? Adagawana ndalama zo.
Zomvetsa chisoni komaso zonsamveka ku mtundu wa a Malawi,how many prisoners have shown good behaviour koma anamba nkhuku. Boma ili utsogoleri ndiye palibepo apa wonse ndi mbamva.
Not suprised
abwenzilanga mwachita bwino ndimakudikirani tidye ndalama sopano.
A Malawi wake up the bitch eat money from the government she needs to rot in prison not bringing her out just becoz she says she is a born again
Idzi nde timati dzibwanano, phada uyu serious
tachionen chkhopee! Chaumbavambava
Akanakhala okuba nkhuku mukanamutulusa?
You Malawians listen to mlaka marilo’s album. Zanja lalemba and the all album
Apresident chonde lowelelanipo ndi boma lanu lomwe lizinyozedwa pali cinyengo apa
Km oba nkhuku ten yrz in prison….
What about those who were charged to serve 10 years with hard labour and they also shown good behaviour but were poor people
palowa chinyengo, God himself will punish her
palowa chinyengo, God himself will punish her
zakuma…….am tired of this stupid govt kaya winawe ukwiya
Consider Lutepo as well.no wonder his behaviour has changed.
This is very unfair!!!!someone only store a chicken,,,he is there saving his five years,,but why my mother Malawi?prison for the poor indeed!!!!!
Ndikanakhala Ine Oba Khuku Simukanapanga Zimenezo Even Ndikati Ndizikusambitsani, Kukuchapilani Ma Npati, Kukakugulilani Ma Units, Taaa Olo Kundiyamikila. Nzoonadi Dziko Linayanja Achuma Ili.
mulungu azathetsa Katangale Yense amene MukupangayO!
Is this true somebody somewhere stole sugarcane and a chicken but is still at chikwatula or machaya selective justice the poor will never see light
Jail iz for poor people not the one who iz rich
next is lutepo ….. kkkkkkkkkk Malawi and DPP
Money and power ”””” umangoziwilatu
Zachamba zimenezo
Akuopa Sixty Three Billion Ingaonongeke.Your Most Welcome To The World Triza.Kkkk!
zofoila khalidwe lake lit?
zofoila khalidwe lake lit?
Kuba ndi kwabwino ndaona kt kulakwa ndikupha munthu pakubapo
Uku ndie kutibwitika ife amphawi tiziti anali ku ndende zaka ziwirizo kodi okuba mbuziwa alibe khalidwe la boo? Apa mwabisa chilungamo
Anthu oipa inu, olemera nde amakhala ndi good conduct, osauka nde ai?boma lankhanza ndilopondereza mphawi, nchifukwa Malawi sakutukuka, Wait ng’ombe yowoonda ikazalema, kuthodwa kwenikweni izayang’ana ku ngolo, kuzakhala kugwa kwako ngati Babylon
Ndezachambazo zimenezo akakhala mphawi nde kakaka kumukakamira mbuzi zaanthu inu
Donors plz help poor Malawians, patokha sitingathe ndife amantha. This is rubbish.
mesa anthu amakhululukidwa kumapeto kwa chaka
Malawi siuzatheka i fill sorry for the voters shem for my corrupt country
That is corruption don’t lie to people of malawi if it’s like that release more prisoners who are behaving well it want be only one person
Kumusiya chifukwa amaonesa khalidwe labwoino kkkkk
Stupid! Wakuba mkamtuluse coz wawonesa good behaviour.sorry my malawians mavuto azigogowa akalipo kutizunguza mitu! Analekeranji kukhara ndi good behaviour posaba chuma cha boma? Anthu ena analuza moyo chifukwa chosowa makhwala mzipatara , iwo ataba ndalama kukadwera thubwana ku chezetemba, mfiti zachabechabe anthu wozikonda, please god help us, this government of misilili lisilo we tired of it.
Super punch just mob justice is better than this shiiit
Good girl good girl
Illuminat ppo ruling our nation,ena anamwalira because of the money she store was supposed to be used in buying medicine and fuel for the ambulances,,,and now mukuti atuluke?hell is waiting 4 you old folks
Compele ndiye Chani?
Alaaaaa!!!!good behaviour???? Mbava ikhale ku jail komweko,a lot v Malawians r suffering now coz v ha ,bac mukut a2luke????hahaaaa!!!!u must b kidding
Ndiye apa mukuti: Ndende yonse ya Maula yemwe wawonetsa khalidwe labwino ndi Mayi Wakuba yekhayu..? Ena onse omwe alikumeneko akuwonetsabe khalidwe la lakuba ndi umbanda..?
Hahahahaha Malawi wa lero ndiye ameneyo,,, Mayi ameneyo andiuzeko kuti anawonetsa khalidwe lotani kuti ndiuzeko enanso mwina nawonso nkutuluka.
How many are inside for petty issues and behaving impeccably but havent got the pardon? Life is so unfair
I knew this would happen
kukhala okuba nkhuku 10 years in prisonment with hard Labour,or akhale wakhalidwe satuluka,ngati munthu walakwila lamulo akuyenela akhale komko basi
atleast half of the people who go to prison show good behaviour or conduct after being in prison for a while. How she is the only one? Ngati mumafuna kuti tchinga kumaso akanatulutsa angapo.
paja kwao nku Phalombe sizachilendo, Alomwe network, ena ndi awa 7 akunvekawa
Kkkkkk khalidwe labwino lotani munthu ndende ungamachiphulupulu our country apa ndye mwaonekera poyera kut mwadya nawo za cash get mwemo
Khalidwe labwino pot akusowa chakuba ka.nanga angabe jombo ya prison ?
Basi tangovomereza kuti ku prison ndikwaife amphawi,tilibe kothawila
Yaaah ena sakumangidwaaa bwaaa achita bwino
Jail is for the poor!!Imagine somebody who store a chicken, he has served more year than this selfish woman who plundered public money without thinking of the poor.Thats very stupid!
Ndalama Zachibanja Izo Kungoti Pogawana Sanapange Mofanana Komanso Mogwirizana Mpake Wina Anamulawitsako Ndende Pang’ono Kutiwonongeranso Kamsonkho Kochepa Kaleko!
Hop Aliyense Waona That Middle Name: “namathanga”,and Mwadziwa Mtundu Wake.Mpake Ndati Ndiza Akubanja.Akambirana Zatha Basi
Mulungu Ife Ana Anu Tiribe Kothawira, Tikupempha Muwakanthe Ankhwidzi Wa!!
ine chidule kumalawi kuno ndingochokako basi..too much kuombera mfiti mmanja
Kkkkkkkkkk koma malawi!,
Mmmmm something is going on here. Alongosole bwino, wakhalidwe labwino maula yonse mdiiyeyo yekha_?
Ichi nde chibwana chen chen mukutuluxa mbavayi,
Cheteyu ndi Mantha mumtima muli zinkhani
Cheteyu ndi Mantha mumtima muli zinkhani
when one considers her maiden name,you would not be surprised.
when one considers her maiden name,you would not be surprised.
And what behavior is that? Ur all cuckoos, morons!!!!!!!!!! So in other words u want to tell as she is on her way to start enjoying all the money anaba zija freely?
Am running out of words for some of Malawian officials. This is bad to Malawian future. Meaning all these prisoners finishing ther charges do not show what so ever u call good behavior? Foolish
Sometimes I wonder if God exist. Ask me why!!!!!!!????????? I feel like crying right now.
Koma oba nkhuku ali komweko awasiya ,
Doesn’t give sense
I agree with kenneth maulidi all old pple starting with the president who got the country by stealing Gondwe minister of finance and other old ministers the next coming general election as they got into the government through mp voting, should not be voted for.we want new blood.
come and face mob justice
Being connected is indeed the best! Akuyimba lokoma a Malawi tili pa dzuwa.
Welcome to Malawi, warm heart of corruption!!!!!
Kani pamalawi pano kut akumvere chisoni kumaba pakulu etiii
Tuluka mayi uzikadya zimene unaba azako adya asala ndi machenji
Worry not ,i will be campaigning for presidency in 2019……plz all the youth must vote 4 me
If I may ask, was ur surveillance camera fixed on her alone?
Pathetic! Soon Malawi will be a failed state. Best thing to do is leave, abandon ship before you go down with it. It doesnt matter who we put in power it will just be the same chapter over and over and over again.
Anyamata takatani muma ofesimo ndipo muzigwira papakulu. Ku prison kwa booka.
Wow, Corrupt country
Khalidwe lake la mtundu wanji?Inde atulutseni akadye ndalamazo
Next month mumva Kasambala nayenso watuluka.
Aaaaa! Basi Ndalama zija zapita ndithu.
Y ?
Koma mwati khalidwe labwino kundende kuli ubwino smagonanandi akadi achimuna ndiye ubwino malawi tsegulanimaso
Let people talk
Basi just free evryone ku prison Ko otherwise it’s nt fair .aliyense asangalare basi
Is she the only prisoner who showed good behavior?…next time it will be lutepo…then raphael…then…other cashgaters…the way to go is to freeze their accounts..confisticate their mansions..cars ..other properties..
ndi waku thyolo ameneyu.
nkhalidwe labwino likukaoneka ku ndende? kunja kuno samalionetsa bwa? LAMULOD limatsata mphaq
nkhalidwe labwino likukaoneka ku ndende? kunja kuno samalionetsa bwa? LAMULOD limatsata mphaq
there is a need of prayers and verses for her bad action couse she behaived like a mad snake
next ndi kasambala
Parowap cashgate apa
This gud move ,all Malawi politicians r thieves ,don’t expect that Malawi will be a better nation ,just work own your own
Go and eat ur money in peace madam namathanga,,,,,however remember those who wanted to use the very same money u cashgated whether for medicine or food,,and now they say u hv changed,,,,will those people as well change??if they r dead will they come back and rejoice ur new behaviour??the world is for the riches,,,,our poor mouth is sealed,,,let thy madam go and leave happily and innocently forever and ever.
the world is never fair
Wina kuba nkhuku akut 20years,wina kuba 1620million kwacha ya amalawi osauka akumangidwa 6years kma mkudza saver 9months akumutulusa akut ali ndi good behaviour is that on? Anthu amenewa akatuluka ofunika aziphedwa sure
Sing a song of my own,sing a song of Justice.Those whole stole a goat are languishing in prison, tsoka waumphawi.
Hope this is the beggining it should not stop there more prisoners will also be assessed and realesed on the same grounds as Namathanga.
I once board kabaza(njinga transport)and he crossed on traffic red lights not knowing that the traffic police are seing him.he was stopped and anamulanda njinga ndikuphwetsa matyala.we were delayed for about half an hr…you know what this man said ….lamulo limatsata mphawi…pamenepa akanakhala agalimoto sakanaphwetseredwa.ma tyre…so in short osauka ndiamene akuvutika and no wonder thus why mai ameneyu atulutsidwe.
Macholowe anaborner komasanatulusidwe
Amakadye $
Amadeus chikwama
Tili ndinjala I’ve ndalama anaba ameneyu ndiye mwamutulusaso khalidwe lake lotani wapha myandamyanda ya anthu ndinjala ameneyu abwelele basi sitilola zimenezo
ngati mulungu amakonda ndikukhulukira machimo aife anthu oyipa komanso anthu osamvera chizuzulo chayehova..nanga nkwapafupi kotani ife ife kukhululukira wena nkusangalala nawo pamodzi!!!..
Zikundivuta kuti ndiyambile pati kucommenta. …………
Cashgator! Koma boma limeneli ndi la mbavadi eti!! Kapena amagonana ndi boss ku Maulako ameneyu.
power malawi indeed.
dats bullshit anthu osewa ali ku ndende ndi milandu yaing’oni samawatulutsa even thou amapanga behave bhobho… damn diss corrupt & dead system..
Zipswinjo zomwe zinadza kamba ka anthu akuba amenewa zikanali ndiye anthu tidzimuona alikunja ngati mfulu panopa zopusa!
Very bad story WhY? Only poorlest people in prision Zausilu basi, mwagawanako musatinamize.
Sindinanvepo kkkk
Ndalama yimapulumutsa munthu
Amene wamutulutsa mayi oyipa ngati ameneyi walakwitsa, kundende kuli anthu ambiri omwe ndiosalakwa koma iyi mbava yayikazi yochita kuonekeratu, zisamakomere anthu achuma okhaokha kodi ndiye kuti osauka alibe ufulu?
no justice in malawi
no justice in malawi
Chibwana chake chimenech tithokoze kut kulibe mifuti wamba,mudakaononga dziko!!!
Kumusiya wakuba ngat ameneyu kut akapitilize kuba,inu mwalozedwa kapena mbava ngat imeneyi chiboma choipa asaaaaa!!!!
What did she do I hope she pay bck
wina wadyapo wa prison
Getout zauchitsilu etiiii
amene ali ndi bale wake mundende za dziko lino ayenera kukamuuza bale wakeyo kuti ukaonesa nkhalidwe labwino utuluka apa mwaulula mayeso kufika December mundende simukhala munthu
Kkkkkkk kundendenso kuli mayeso anthu akhalidwe,,zikanamatero bwenzi nzikoma ena anamangidwa osalakwa aja sipano atatuluka km mmmmmmmmmm za ma Rich people iziiiiiii azaweruza mwina wake Mulungu
I wish God to burn these carcuses with sulufule(sulphur) for still frm the poor n pondering heavy punishment to tha po’ niggaz,,,,, full ov shit,,,bunch ov dirty rats my grandparents fought for freedom ov that country not to be troubled coz of these young ass motherfuckaz n bitchez ,,, stealing is their job while all niggaz voted em. Are the same ppo who put em on these positions bt killn,stealn, their who soul #MyPresidentWasAkimKamnkhwalaMtunthamaNgwaziDrHastingsKamuzu Banda
Lunch box 4bosses,thats y!
gd behaviour? Stealing o that money and serve less than 3yrs? Can they do the same to me if i steal & behave? 3yrs 4 stealing $150,000.I dont understand. It sounds like a joke to me.If that was the case then there were supposed to be no one in jail to this day.God knows
Amumasule dzatiberenso
Kkkkkkkkkkk koma abale eish ok!!!
Coming back home as a shining star to continue enjoying from where she had stopped.This world is very unfair.Taonani mene anenepera.
Fuck Police
munadyera limodzi eti zopusa iwe wa ku thyolo
It’s the same here in South Africa. It depends on your connection
Basi mukatero mwathana Naye while amalawi oberedwa akuvutikabe. Guys amene akumane naye Mayi ameneyo timulangeso by setting Her #FIRE
Wabwino ndiyekhayo basi, the whole prison???? Ngat agwirisa ntchito ma vote, aaaah ameneyi wabera ndithu
malawi will never prosper until the youth are given chance to run the goverment!!!!! m`mipando mose muli nkhalamba zokhazokha with low thinking capacity## mtsa!!!!!!!!!
Malawi woyeeee!
Walemba nkhani iwe ndiwe mbuzi, nonse mwa commenta zopusa mbuzi, you dont know what prison act says about custodial imprisonment, a remission or (deduction of one third) of a sentence given to any prisoner as chikole kuti awonetse khalidwe labwino ali mundende failing to show good conduct the remission taken away. So what made cashgate prisoners so special not to undergo same formula/criteria
Iweyo wakomenta nawe ndiwe mbuzi
Iweso ndi chisiru cz wacomenta nawo
Walemba nkhani iwe ndiwe mbuzi, nonse mwa commenta zopusa mbuzi, you dont know what prison act says about custodial imprisonment, a remission or (deduction of one third) of a sentence given to any prisoner as chikole kuti awonetse khalidwe labwino ali mundende failing to show good conduct the remission taken away
Mbuzi no mbuzi explain what happens so that people may understand
mugonera zomwezo inu.Mugulenazo moyo wina ngati mkutheka.Olira samuimba mulandu!
What does it take for someone to behave well. …..there are some old poor people in prisons they ddnt even committed the crimes but just because they failed to talk and defend themselve in court and they couldn’t manage to hire a lawyer..they are there suffering and they are also behaving well more than the said lady….but I know for sure they are not on the pardoning list….THIS IS UNFAIR. ..THIS LADY HAS NOT EVEN SERVED HALF OF HER YEARS ….yet she is about to walk free…PENA PAKETU UHMMMMM
Her jail sentence was too short
Mukamat This Lady Has Shown Good Behaviour In Prison Nde Mumaona Ngat Azbako Chani? Oh My God Think 4 Hw Many Poor Are Strugling To Fnd Money Ndkumawabera Popeleka Misonkho! May The Shine 4rm Heven Shne Upon Ur Hrts Kt Mumudzwe Mulungu
How time flys! sibasi akukadya ndalama panasunga iye paja??
Wat a nonsense iz thz?Prisons were built 4 poor pple .Shame malawi
God should punish those people who has that idea of realising this thief,if you say akuonetsa khalidwe labwino,alipomso angamaonetse khalidwe lonyasa ali mkati mwandende? Stupid people,ndiye mumammangiranji? Bwanji musakamusiya ngati mmene mwawasiyira enawa?
Don’t you know that thiefs who steals millions doesn’t stays longer in prison they release them early so that they must spend those millions other wise those steal chickens they deserve to rot in jail
Tchola iwe !
Thyola !
Ubwino wake tikudzionela zikuchitikazi, kusonyeza kuti chigamulo chija chidaali chopusa?
IChi Ndiye Chiyengo Osati Nkharidwe Wakuru Iwe Basi Wapanga Purani Yoti Seka Maso Amarawi Kuti Arindi Nkharidwe Mayi Yo Kodi Matiwona Ngati wopusa Kwambiri Woba Ma miriyon Kusiya Kapena Ndikazi Wako Eti Ewe Garu Bwanji Wakuru Wa Prison,
Chamba cha boma
no coment,only GOD@knows
Pitala akuziwa?
Zausilu basi ndiye amamumangila chani wakuba ndi wakuba basi
Bola pamenepo
Ee!koma guys mbulu naye angayikhaulise noma chonchija
next is kasambala to walk free stupid
That is why Jesus was born …And iwant to taling you that. because of this selfish you will never see kigdom of God !! why alwas poor people ndanene akukhala kundende zakazaka????…. God is watching!!!!!!!!
What about those that stole chickens in a village and pleaded guilty but were imprisoned. Money or no money justice is justice. If this one is set free then also set free all prosoners who are showing good behaviours in our prisons across the country. She cant be the only one behaving well others are better than her even their cases are lighter than hers. Malawi eesh ndalama zayankhula apa musatinyenge.
Good dehaviour is refunding all our money
Kapena ndi lamulo la sopano kuti munthu wakhalidwe azituluka prison? Amalawi sazatheka!!!!!!!
Rich people rules the whole world. While poor people always suffer in silence. REMEMBER: This world belongs to Satan.
Is she the only one showing a change of behaviour in prison? Check how many in prison have developed very good character? Then set them all free. Very difficult to trust our leaders.
Mulungu wayankha mayi Zabwino zonse
That’s why i like sharia law,…kupusa kumeneko!!!
Kmadi zaugalu
Zko Lapansi Limakomera Achuma. Mulungu Akuwona Zonse.
Wtf**k…….ur prison system is so sympathetic.
Nanga oba nkhuku osawatulutsa bwanji?
They know each other. Prisons are built poor people
Once released she will be in government again since she has shown to be agood citizen kkkkk what a fuck ? I don’t believe this stupidity of this president of this country. Mob Justice is on and good for these suckers
it might be that senzani has been doing sexual intercouse wth police in-charge there thus why they are in plan to sent her free but this plan should be returned bcz malawians are struggling to get vital resources like medication due to cashgate
Hahaha Police Incharge at Prison really?
anyway ahead police offecer
Baba ku prison sikukhala wapolice timat prison warders. Komaso pardon amapanga ndi president not anyone
Aziwa bwanji munthu sanapiteko kundende?….enanu ndimbava kaya inu
All are police officers wheather working at prison,communities,traffic or at the boarder we call them police dispite hvng differece place where they carry their duties
Nosense tiziti ku maula kunseko wakhalidwa ndi iyeyo? Apa zikuonetselatu kuti ndalama za cashgate zimutulutsa izi ndiye zausiru
My God! ndalama zanga zija basi? per into mble per nu a prison nonse
kkkkkk iweeeeee
indeed she had to fred she shows good out side thst woman she is not a siner enafe tilikunjafe tili ndi machimo ambiri kuposa iyeyo mulungu wake ndi othekela mulungu amakweza azichepetsa lets help her in preyers that she will not do it again
ndalama zilibe phwake. padziko lampasi zinabadwa zokha
Why let her free wakuba ndiwakuba bax chinyengo pa Malawi sichidzatha kkkk
Good behaviour?????
Only God knows our future akanakhala okuba nkhuku mchikwere ndie kt 13 years in jail kma oba mabillion wa 3 yrs yeniyeniyi kuiwona kuchuluka mkumafuna atawapasa 5month basi mcholinga choti zindalama adazo akagawane kuseli ndi apolice nd majudge omwe athyolele matumba mwawo kunena mkumati ndiwakhalidwe mkuwon watuluka
Tingoligawanapo dzikoli apa!! Gd bhvior kani ukamangidwa umakhalanso ndi choice!! How many prisoners is behaving badly?
So it means all prisoners in jells of Malawi,,the only person who shows good behavior is her????
Guyz paja wakuba timawotcha. Ameneyu timuwotcha siakanika kusunga .
Mmmm koma nkhani zinazi bola aziwauza Ana aku nursery…..
Malawi has rily become a warm heart of corruption…wat kind of bhaviour r they talking? Huh???,
Mulili ndi chiyambi cha chiwelunza :”Inu mukuweluzidwa chifukwa cha zolakwa za inu eni Mukaziwa muzakhululukidwa .koma Inu mukulakwira mzimu ndikulephera kuzindikira kuti mwalakwira mzimu Eeeee! Olo muli ndi mtendere kuthupi Koma muli kundende Yoopya kwambiri
kugahena kulibe good character unless otherwise,,,
Nde dziko limenero,yu are poor yu at risk Kkkkk
nthawi yomweyi?
Fuck this shit,Are we serious as a country?really? This is playing with Malawians
Akuda ndalama zaziko 3yrs.agulisa chamba 7yrs .akuba chimanga munda 15yrs kkkkkkkkkkkl kunamizilidwa ufiti 10yrs kkkkkkk malawi ziko la mkaka ndi uchimo
Kodj zimenezi zili pa Sec yanji mumalamuro azikolino?kodi ngati ndiramulo ndiye kuti Mumasata khalidweranji kwamunthuyo?zimenezi muzipangira Anthu akuba Nkhuku ,cashgate siitha .
Chifukwa chain?
Izi nde zaunyani osauka nawonso amaonetsa ulemu kumeneko koma simuwatulutsayi zautsiru basi!! A Malawi mwapanga bwanji??
mlaka anayimba kale ndende za anthu osauka izi
Then she comes back to enjoy the money… Justice in malawi
No food in government hospitals
This is unfare why my malawi am sory for u
koma okuba nkhuku nde zaka five. koma malawi eeeeee
Amayo koto ineee mwati chani?
nde yakumalawi ndiya anthu osauka basi dziko lotembeleledwa ili
Ndalama zingawonongeke kkkkkkk
Can yu pls do us a favor by setting free all prisoners
Was the stolen money reimbursed/collected back from her??? If not, then the conviction and the pardon are a mockery to us taxpayers.
Ndiye kuti ku maula konse wakhalidwe la bwino ndi uyuyu??There are alot of people who are innocent but are rotting in prison,why releasing this woman?is it to mean that all the presoners there are stuborne?This is a proof that the same money she stole has released her from jail.
Wopusa ndi yemwe walemba nkhaniyi chifukwa walemba kuti imveke momwe iyeyo akufunira despite the truth that deduction of one third of the sentence is given to any prisoner sentencd by court, except life imprisonment and death sentenced prisoners, the deduct of one third is done during admission so if during your stay at prison u showd gud conduct u released on the date with remission e.g senzani sentenced 3yrs IHL but with one third deduction, she served 2yrs IHL.
Anthu inu muzifufuza kaye zinthu, esp ma reporters. If u report a lie that looks like infor u will be answerable before God.
Dziko lilim’manja mwagalu mulungu ingobwerani basi dzaweluzeni
ndie kuti anthu akuba mbuzi sakuonetsa khalibe labwino kundendeko?
Mukanva chamba cha nkhota kota ndiye chimenecho
Idont trust this page
tidatopa ndkudandaula ife palibe chimachitika. tizingoseka nao ndikusauka kwathuku. PITILIZANI KUTIBERA MAYI NDI AZINZANU ONSE KU MA-OFFICE-KO!
is it only senzani that has showed good character what about other poor souls?
Do u set a thief free becoz of good behavior?.Are u encouraging theft?.So it means that all thieves will be out if they behave, not so????
Tadziwa Kale Muthu Kungoonets Gud Behav Bas Mumtulutse Ndekt Triza Amachinditsa Kwa Apolis Nanga Bwaj Amphwaw Ena Komwek Sakuwatulutsa Malawi Esh
Zopusa basi,khalidwe labwino ndiye liti? Kuba ndalamako? Inu mumaganiza kuti azipanga Chiyani ku prisonko? Wangokupatsani mwendo basi kenako kumutulutsa osatinamiza za khalidwe labwino zaziiiii
This clearly shows that just imprisoning people who store tax payers money is not enough…i would sugget such money should be refunded we dont care how…even if it means taking their only house they have theycan go and stay with their relatives…..In this case the government or the Malawians havent benefited at all instead we have even lost more by feeding such kind of people in prison…we know the budget is coming from our pockets again to feed such thieves. Malawi walero…i feel sorry for my country…seeing other countries doing so good while we just going down the lane..
Quiet bulshit!!!!!!!!
Really !?
Jail is for the poor
Zopusa!zakuntundu wakuba basi.
Ndiye kuti Arsenal yafufuta history yonyasa poyikutumula Chelsea zigoli zitatu eti?
apa palibe chifukwa chomaonongela nda kupatsa ma loya kuti azikakamba nkhani za cashgate . Sindikufuna munthu wina awononge mafuta ongula ndimisonkho yamalawi kumakanga munthu ati wakhudzidwa ndi cashgate thats wastage of money .Your busy each every day making noise on your raly while on the ground you are doing stupite things.I now there is something you agreade on the storen tax by this lady
This sucks. MW24 find out what kind of good behavior is this MBAVA showing? fyah bon pon dem.
so she must go out and finish the 63 million kwacha she stole from the poor people,shame on you!
Thats malawi i know jail is for poor people what do you expect someone in prison behave like?we the youth of today we have to do something guys we went to school dont you think that we can take over thi corrupt government?we are tired to hear this nonses and to be ruled by old people as for me am ready just need other youth who can help this poor malawi emagine since when we will hear ofGondwe finance minister this old man needs to retire lets try new blood including president
Ye they jail only the poor
achimwene muzivota chifukwa mnkhalambazo ena anazivotera wina presedent wina phungu inu munalikuti?
You,re stil alitle boy u dont know nothing.
achimwaza u sound very stupit
Ofcourse ur right bt chinakula amalawife ndi mantha, ndikusalikonda dziko lathu, tikanakhara anthu olimba mtima ngati aku south africa mwina zinazi bwenzi kulibe
Dalitso ndani on earth sakonda dziko lake? Everyting has its foundation,even urself wat hav u done to make things beter for urself.
koma atati Gondwe amuchosa pa finance tell me ndani angakhalepo?….mesa ndi zija Gondwe atamuchosa anazaikapo ken lipenga anangowononga ndalama yathu basi
A chinyamata muli ngati azimayi mumachitirana nsanje nokha nokha. Mmalawi muno muli zipani zambiri momwe muli achinyamata bwanji osawachita sapoti amenewa? eg Katsonga. Ndikaonetsetsa manifesto a zipani sasiyana kwenkweni zimangofunika kuchita zinthu mwa luntha.
try to dislodge them from their offices ull see yourself inside maula prison . this is Malawi. some tried it where r they?
i can see the party cadets
phiri zitayeni
hahahah kuziwa kulemba kachizungu sikulowa m’kalasi eti?? inu nde ndi mbuzi amwene, can’t yu think wat vote is?? and anthu ngati inu simumavota! kupusa, 2019 ukamuchosepo wamva? osakhala kumaganiza zokuba zakozo, mbuzi
God Will Hear Our Cry.Ndipo Atimenyera Nkhondo,kuliraku Posachedwapa Kukhalala Kuseka
Amene akuyikira kumbuyo dis fucken Government ndimunthu omvetsa chisoni kwambiri, hahaha munthu wanzeru zake akutha kuona mmene dzinkhalambadzi dzikulephelera, watch out cardiac arrest is arround the corner, Chilima get ready kutiwolotsa yolodani
vuto ndikuchedwa ndikunyozana apa mmalo mowona zomwe zingati thandize
Am with you!!!
Its common knowledge that she is well connected
Search Her
Very sad news,mukuti good behaviour coz anaba ndalama za athu osauka omwe amapeleka misokho chikhalilecho akuvutika ndi njala,azaweluze ndi yehova
Dziko ili manja mwa galu indeed
Kkkkkkkkkkkk malawi tsopano yanu ija
Watch out prison break season now happening in Malawi !!!!
Aah chamba chake ndichomwechi. This current regime must be very stupid. Kamuzu was better than ……
This must not be tolerated.
this is not justice are u telling me that allp this people who are in prison like lutepo they
dont have good behaviour and isee that this world only favours the rich people , like case are supposed to be treated alike .so talking of senzani she was supposed to finish her jell cell term next year not this year .
Dziko la Tanzania layamba kuitanitsa zida za nuclear Ku South Korea ukhozekera nkhondo,ife tili phee nyanjayi itiphetsa guyz.
inunso kodi simumva chizungu eti apa akukamba za nyanja kkjkjkkk chadza cdss Okay
kkkkkk,,amalawi simuzatheka
kkkk..nde mwati chadxa cdss?
Aliyese Ali ndi ufulu oika comment imene akufuna osatengera ndi mutu was nkhani.
mmmmmmm omwene o phillings kkkkkk
kkkjkj moti muthaso kumwera bus yopita ku nchinji pomwe inu mukupita ku btz?
dziko ndi anthu ake.koma ngat sumunalape mai mukadalibe mundende yawutcimo.ndi mulandu wakupha amalawi munapalamulawo.
Kusonyeza khalidwe labwino inu mmati adzimenya ena kunde ndikwa munthu wosawuka nthawi yomweyi!
No wonder 32% ya a police adziko muno ali ndi HIV khalidwe lake labwino mayiyu wapanga ndichan? osangonena kut ampelekera bwino ku thako bwanji?
Azaweruze ndi namalenga pazamisokho ya osauka munabayi
This issue has nothing to do with Police theres no any connection its all about Prison authorities
U are a disgrace to your family mr lawrence m levson!
Na disgrace here. Hv u ever read report written by Felix Kachama? U malawian always argue de truth & u will no longer find inner peace never
Lexten Kachama not ‘Felix’ never authored any report but he was sharing what other pple researched. It’s only the president who pardons convicts with recommendations from prison authorities, not the police.
ok jimmy but try to share some info with these guys on sexual imorality done by police/prison Authorities in this country
Izi ndiye zaugalu,ena okuba nkhuku akufera Ku ndende
I regard this as a story and a non fiction one. How can one believe? after all the money gvt spent on her case to be released just likke that? how can be that stupid? kubomako musatipangise kukhulupilira zoti mumadya nawo. komatu tsiku lina ….
This is bushit story wat good behavier you talk about?stealing tax money is it khalidwe labwino
no sense
Amanyengana ndi ofesa mundete ndiye waona kuti akomutulutsa kuti katundu azikadyela kunyumba fuck all
Koma Malawi Adha haa
Akanakhala kuti waba tomato …..bwenzi asanakhululukilidwe uyu. …
Who cant pick up flying papers?
iiiiii osaukad ndi amene amakathera kundende nanga nthawi yomweyi bas atuluke,makape oyang’anira ndendeo.iyaaaaaaa mixiew.
Zausilu sinzavotanso
Mukutanthauzanji mukati khalidwe labwino?Ena okuba nkhuku akukalambira komweko,chilungamo palibe
Rewrite your post properly please, it’s meaningless
Ameneyo savutise apolice pobweza ndarama zonse ndikuvomelaso kukhoti mo savutaso monga suspended sentence ws fit to her
KKKKKK KOMA YAH DZIKO ILI …. ife abale anthu Ali kumeneko akubabe
this shows that theirs no need to make noise about cashgate coz mkawamanga mumawasunga kundende kwa miye yochepa ndikuwamasula eeee nzowonadi kuti kundende ndikwa anthu osauka
mob justice ili bho sikukhala zosintha khalidwe
mmm kuba njinga mukupasa 5 yrs komakagwila ukayidi .awa achisiluwa ndalma zambili lero atuluka mwawanyenga nyenga kumeneko pano mukunama kut amaonesa khalidwe labwino .osangoti samakana kupesula powanyenga .akukapitiliza kudya ndalma zathu .bas zisilu za anthu
Wachita bwino azadye money well done Maula Prison
Kodi mchiyani amalawi? Kundende kuli anthu ambili ena akudwala mwakayakaya. Mukukanika kuwatulusa kuti akafele kwawo pano mukutulusa mbavayi. Inu office in chager mumagonana kapena ,panyapanu mwava
Kkkkkkkk ayayayAyAya
becareful with #”judgement day”
These people r stupid
OF ALL CONVICTS, IS SHE THE ONLY ONE WITH GOOD BEHAVIOUR?DOES IT mean that pple are free to commit crime and show good behaviour in prison so that they are set free?KALIPO KALIPO
destruction of the poor is our poverty.
Mwati chani? Abale chilungamo chabisala kuti abale? Kanthawi komweka basi atuluke? Amphawi akungozifera mu ndende umu
the truth shal prevail
God z watching
Lazaro Harrisville Banda, Chimwemwe Nakhonyo, Jay Zips Imvani abale!
izi ndiye zaachamba kkkkkkk how can that be…..
Ndende anamangira ife Kkkkkkkki!
malawi wamoto ine nilibe problem koma azibare anga alikumeneko ndikuwamvera chisoni ndizopusa zomwe zikuchitikazo.
Hona mkulu sono!
Mwinaso mwapha kale kundendeko mungofuna akamalizikile kwawotu tisapupulume kuyakhula tidikile kaye
Komaditu kakakakakaka
Life is in favour of a rich person.
Osauka alibe mau! alibee! Ohoo alibe mau alibee! wakuba Nkhuku for life wakuba ma billion 5 months kkkkk!
Hahahaha kkkkkkkk Mwina akumufuna Chibwenzi kkkkkkkk Fuck off !
Mukutulusa mbavanso kkkkkkkkkk Malawi is Shit indeed !
Kodi ndiyekhayo amene amawonesa khalidwe labwino kundendeko? fuck jail officers!!!
pepani sindimatukana koma apa pokha pnyap…….nu ngakhle zaka ziwi zomwe zosatha?muziti atuluke
Malawi iz shit
God is good amen
Osamasewera ndimlengi pankhani zopusa ngat iziii
Ukuona ngati mlengi zikumkondweretsa izii??
Ena onse akukhala kumeneku akuonesa makhalidwe oipa?
Ndipo inu
Padziko sikwathu!!
Ena amalandu ing’onoing’ono akungokhalira kudwala mndendemu koma mmalo mowamasura kuti apite kwao nde mmangowasiya nkufa nkuwaika mulu mdzenje limodzi momvetsa chisoni ngati agaru!!
Lero awa mwawataya apitilize kukadya chithumba!!
Nde zikugwirizana bwanj? akanakhala anamangidwa chfukwa chovuta bwezi zili zoona, koma kuba ndalama za dziko? manyi nde amenewa
Tsoka kwa osauka
jail is for the poor indeed_ this doesn’t make sense to me
Malawi sazatheka ishiiii
izi nde zausilu tikukana zija
Ndalama ikayankhula cilungamo chimakhala chete
Zopusa basi wagembe good for what after stilling
dziko lapansi ndilokondera
Ameney nde timati fodya
Kkkkkkk kampopi weniwen
Uwu nde usilu uja uwu