As the countdown to Miss Blantyre 2016 continues, the facilitating team has challenged beauties from the city to prove their photogenic status in a photo shoot party today at Malawi Sun Hotels.
The photo shooting spree conquers the hotel by the poolside from 8:30AM to 4:00PM. Ladies from Blantyre are therefore being invited to be part of the photography session.
This makes part of preparations for the Miss Blantyre beauty contest slated for 4th September at Comesa Hall. As such, it will be used as a platform for interested parties to realise their potential in modeling.
“Through this photo shoot, most ladies will discover their potential in modeling and those willing to contest for Miss Blantyre will be registered,” said Vanessa Mdhuli who is the Fashion Officer for the pageant.

Information provided to this publication by the organisers indicate that the photo shoot is limited to ladies so that it tallies with its area of focus for this year, the girl child in school. In this respect, the female models are expected to inspire girls to go to school.
According to Miss Blantyre Chairperson Daniel Ngwira, the Saturday shoot will benefit aspiring models as they will conduct short modeling clinics which will help them understand what modeling is about and the core values of the Miss Blantyre Pageant.
“By the time we will audition Miss Blantyre Contestants in September, we will have given them all thorough training and allow everyone an opportunity to discover something special about them. This way, our auditions will be so fair and merited,” said Ngwira
This year the contest returns hotter and better. Last year’s winner Chisomo Machero has two months left before surrendering her crown to another beauty but it is a question of who is it going to be? Follow updates on Malawi24, the official information disseminating media body on the pageant.
Awa ndiyet undi ma bwana aku kiwi kopanga polishitu
mmmh abale mziko muno alimo asikana okongola awa sangayimire bt shame!!
kkkkkkkk nde yaa miss BT nkharambazo
Malawi at 52 kumaonetsabe maloza… Chibimuuu
Koma ndiye wakhuta zitete ndi mbewa kkkk koma BT ?? KWAO kwa Nachipanti ndi Yesu Matiki kkkk
Kkkkkkk dead
Kkkkkk….wat qualities do u see in these pipo?
Kkkkkk nkhwanga zokhazokha
Za pamusundo basi. Pali wokongola pamenepo? Mukutichitisa manyaz
Hmmmmmm posankhapo mumatsata chani pls!!! Mwina sindikuona bwino
Hello my name is john I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 4years I have being a HIV AID patient. I never think I will live long again and am so grateful to Dr sule who help me cured my HIV AIDS last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends; he told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my VIRUS. I asked him if he had his contact, he gave me his contactl, I contacted him he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and sent it to me through corrier delivery company and deliverd to me at my place and he told me that after two weeks I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so I emailed him and thanked him. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him/contact him via whatsapp +2348162447651
Kkkkkkk,angoyendera majority sadayendere quality apa nkhwangwa zokha-zokha kk
Mmmmm kkkkkkk
Apa astereo chani?
kkkkkkkkkkkkkk usatanic wakupindulirani.nanga ndindani akanakusankhani inu kukhala miss bt?
Anthu nonse mwapeleka ma coment anu ndakuwonani kuti muli ndi #VUTO.vuto lake nali,kukongola simumakudziwa anthunu.kodi tikamati mkazi uyu ndi #OKONGOLA mumafuna kuti awoneke bwanji?aliyense amene wapeleka coment yake koyambilira mundiyankhe.komanso abale ndi alongo,sitonse amene tingamaone kuti mkazi uyu ndiokongola..ine mwa inu amene mwapeleka ma coment anu muli pabanja.kodi akazi anuwo mene munawakonda inu,kodi mamuna aliyense angamukonde?kwa inu ndichiphadzuwa,koma ena amakunenani kut,kodi awa chomwe anafela kukwatira #nkhwangwayi ndi chani?sitonse guys tingamaone kukongola kwa mkazi mofanana.funso ndi loti,KODI TIKAMATI MKAZI UYU NDI OKONGOLA,MUMAFUNA AONEKE MOTANI?
Kodi ndiye mwati amasankha mumdima?
Olo pa handsome sakufikatu kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Nyan anachokeladi kwa muthu…ndackimiza bcoz of this pic
Za Zii :without Salt
kkkkkk ine phuuuu gadaaa palibe quality ya miss Blantyre
Nkhwanga Zija Zathawira Ku B T Eti bolanso kusalima
Inu ndi okongola?
Kkkk boladi ku salima asaa
Kkkkkk nanu mwayamba kampeni kkk
Kkkkk kampen yachan sizokhazokhaz izi
Kuti mwina mungolowe opanda voti kkk
Kkkkkk miss BT my foot lol
Kkkkkk koma yah
Chikheba i beliv anabadwa chipatala chikupsa
koma na zokhaz ine zandiwaza ndipo ndaseka nsaname anthu mumayankhula
kusankhira makhwala chiani?
Ayi,ayi, Mwati Ndindani? Hhhhhhhhh!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee zanyanya udyoo
Komaso azijudula timafuna kuoneka kwachbadwdwe osat zozola thoooo
Aaaaaa ndnu aboza bt yake iti kkkkk pita nawon uko kuli misweswe kuno mwawatenga kut kukalambaku
Amayang’anatu ma phunziro izi samangosakha
Iiiiiiiiiiii kkkkkkkk kapena sindkuona bwino nd ineyo?? Yoyoyo lo! ok
Mwinna kapena vuti ndi foni yangai sikuwonetsa bwino ma photos woo, ???
Amenewo or atandifunsira chibwenzi sindingalole black wake ameneyo? kuseli kwa mpoto kweni kweni,akazi anakusowani osankha?
facepoweder kukanika kugwira ntchito kuli kuda
Eeeee ziliko!!!!!
Blantyre manyazi kkkkkkkkkkkkk mwayitha
koma abale ndingofunsako atakha ndiwo angakhale ntundu wanji awa poti olo pa #thelere-lozula sakufika mkhalambazi kkkkkkkkkkk
Mwat awa ndi ma miss BT kapena nkhotakota bcoz I cn c kuyeraku komad ndizowona black z beautiful
Bola mukadamusankha winiko
Mmm.,,abale Osatinyozetsela Dziko,kuda Kumeneko Ngati Tambala Wa Mcp.Ndie Bolaso Akanatena Jessie Kabwila
Blantyre wake akunena yemweyi? i don’t blv this
Kaye kunyasa nkhope..ngati mbaura
Kkkkklkkkkkkkk ndakomoka ndikuseka
koma anthu muma komenta….kkkkkkkk ndafa ndi pwete
mmmmmmmm kkkkkkk paja amati black is beautiful,zaboza kungofuna kulimba mtima ngati jombo yopolishibwa ndikiwi wamphavu…gf wanga sangamufike osewo.
kakakakaka am here to read and laugh comments,ndikakomentapo ndilakwitsa
Malawi ndiye basis watha kommmmma
Iiiiii APA ndiye zanyanya mukutenga nkhwangwazi ssss
Koma kukongola chonchi mulibho
Kumafunsa manga amenewo Ali gulu la akaz okongola ? Ali komkuno anthu owoneka chonchiwa mwawatenga kut poti Malawi okongolanso Alipo akuoneka N ga ti aku Kenya . Mu gulu la amadzi owoneka bwino awa akhoza kukhala pa namba 3452/4
Koma anthu apikiisana angat? Anthu okongongola nga mbiri ndikukhulupilira kuti uyu oro number ten sakanakhala
mmmmm mwaso anu angokhala amwano kkkkk
Mayz …Ceycy simwano kom idzidzi ndezaonjedza nanga atitengelela manyaka enieni…Haaah!!!! akutionjedza ka.
Chilungamo chimapweteka
Kudako nde kiwi kiwi to
kkkkk, koma atsikana onse ali kumalawi nkumatenga zimenezi ndie tidakali ma60’s
Iz ndi za sizoni ino
Inu tanatengani ana osatli khalambazi zitichitisa manyazi pamaso pa azungu inu.
Kkkkk koma akaz ake ndengakuda ngat usiku utatu ndimatumba 4 amakala pulasi linya eeeeee…
kkkkk koma abale?
kkkkkk koma!!!
Tili ndi ma star ku mwerako koma amatenga zima # kaya fukwachan ka?……Haaa!!!!
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ine kukomoka ndikuseka
koma iwe wekha farook juma wandiwaza kkkkkkkkkkk ine gadaaaaa ndipwete
iiiih kkkkk iyi ndiye misele yokhayokha ya akazi apa
Kkkkkk koma yah kkkkj
Kkkkkkkkkk komatu
kkkkkkk koomaa yaaah
Kikiki koma anzathu kumwerako,akaziwa! Shaaa kaya
Akut miss Blantyre,kkkkk my foot
Kkkkkkkkkkkktasiyani zompusa inu taona akazi imfeeeeeeee
Kkkkkk ma comment alipano mmmmm
kkkkkkk Malawi wa lero Zonse zokanika basi….
Kkkkkkkkkk nde mwati pali ndani apa?
Kkkkkkkkkkkk itakhala rigi taluza basi