Psalm 119:130 ” The entrance of your words gives light. It gives understanding to the simple.”
You manifest what is in your heart. When you have the Word, you manifest light.The Word of God is light(Psalm 119:105).However the Word will not give you any light until it is in you.
Unless the Word has entered in you, you can not see the light. It is therefore important to study the Word every day and meditate on the Word to have the light.
The light of the Word helps to know the direction in life. Light helps to differentiate between true and fake. Light helps us move with speed and avoiding all mistakes and obstacles in things we do.
Light helps you to know how you look. It helps know the value. You can’t appreciate what is around you unless there is light. The light of the Word helps us know what has been freely given to us by God(1 Cor 2:12).
Word enters by reading, watching and listening. When we input the right stuff of the Word you get light. When there is an entrance of wrong stuff, you get darkness. Darkness is the knowledge that is opposed to the Word.Luke 11:35-36 ” Therefore see to it that the light in you is not darkness.”
Things such as theories that oppose the Word, philosophy that doesn’t conform to the Word and other non Biblical knowledge can bring darkness to the extent that the Word of God becomes irrelevant.
This is why it is important to be careful with what is entering into your heart. Guard your heart diligently against all ungodly knowledge. They can destroy you.Prov 4:23 “Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the sources of life.”
When ungodly knowledge has been established, it gives birth to strongholds.Strongholds are patterns of thinking that act against knowledge of the Word of God.
They are the opposition thoughts to the light of the Word. They work as barriers to entry of the Word and subsequent Faith. They are arguments against the Word. They look logical and hence appeal to the senses.
2 Cor 10:4-5 ” for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by God for tearing down strongholds. We tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ.”
“Certain diseases have no cure” is a stronghold. It opposes the Word that says Nothing is impossible with God. It opposes also 1Peter2:24 which says by His stripes, we were healed. Unless you believe the Word, you operate in the strongholds and will destroy your life.
Remember its not just the Word but the entrance of the Word into your heart that gives light. Light drives out the strongholds. Allow as much Word to enter in you everyday. Meditate on the Word day and night(Joshua 1:8).
I am lightened by the Word of God that enters in me everyday. The Word shows me direction and the Word doesn’t fail. I am moving from glory of glory because of the Word that lives forever. In Jesus Name. Amen
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Psalms 137:9
“Happy shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock.”
What could be more inspirational?