Two arrested for encroaching Nkhotakota Game Reserve


Police in Ntchisi district have arrested two people for allegedly encroaching and killing animals in Nkhotakota Game Reserve.

PoliceThe incident happened when parks and wild life officers were
patrolling the area of Mkomba Rivers within Nkhotakota Game Reserve
when they came across a chamba field and later found the suspects
while one suspect ran away.

Police have identified the suspects as Mateyu Jefutala, 35, of Gaweni
Village and Mafukeni Chinthonje, 29, of Msendekele Village, all from
the area of Traditional Authority Nthondo in Ntchisi.

It is alleged that when the parks and wild life officers upon
searching where the two suspects were harvesting their indian hemp,
they also found them with two smoked carcus of bush pig meat worthy
2000 US DOLLARS and 35 wire snares and admitted to belong to them.

The suspects have been charged with entering into a protected area
without permit, conveying weapons, killing animals into a protected
area, cultivating  and found in possession of indian hemp.



  1. Akalulu mbewa nkhuludzu…………. Abwanoni even ngumbi, ukangopezeka utagwila ndimulandu you’ll pay fine

  2. mukulimbana ndi kumanga anthu opha nyama zaku nkhalango zoti zinalembedwa kuti tizadya kusiya kugwira anthu omwe akumachotsa moyo wazawo albino

  3. Anthu agwidwa ndi ma officer a parks ndipo imene achitayo nde ntchito yawo osati apolice as the reporter has said, so anthu mukupanga comment zopanda pakenu awuzeni apolice akagwile opha ma albino.
    Attimes have a chance to talk to anthu amene amagwira ku parks jst to appreciate what contributions our parks do to our country, dont just comment shit before u understand how things work.

  4. When will u people understand that national parks contribute alot to our economy throu tourist attraction!! They collect alot of money thru the gate entry for safari, and thru hospitality like ma lodge and the money goes to government account!!! Nde mukamafunsa kuti apha kukhola kwa munthu mukutanthauza chani? Chifukwa nyamazi ndi nkhalangozi akapitiliza kusandutsa minda ya chamba zitha phuu ndalama amatolela zija throu parks department government acc saziona! And all the benefits we get from having these forests will be lost!!

  5. Parks officerz in Nkhotakota well done, anthu akuononga kwambiri nyama ndi Nkhalango zotetezedwa!! And another well done to the magistrate ogamula mlanduu thou am interested in how many yearz in total on the offences mentioned.

  6. Akumawatuma ndi akulu akulu koma nau muzafa zowona kumanga wophanyama yoti inu mutha kudwa kusiya munthu ee ee vitsiru apolisi nose

  7. estimates are what they are, estimates. But they should at least be near enough to the real. How can two carcasses of wild pig be worth US$2000? About 1.4million kwaca. Zikanatha nyamazoka.

  8. estimates are what they are, estimates. But they at least near enough to the real. How can two carcasses of wild pig be worth US$2000? About 1.4million kwaca. Zikanatha nyamazoka.

  9. kwa amalawi azanga,this z aserious crime too.ndikudziwa kt zimakumvutani kumvetsa tikamati tagwra anthu opha nyama kmaso kuononga nkhalamgo zanthu mmalawi muno kmano dziwani ndimulandu mudzamangidwa mpaka mndemde.tikuyenera kulemekeza malamulo adziko lino posatengera kt kwacitika cani.kwainu apolice muyambe kunena zoona kuyambra lero mwamanga anthu inuo kapena tadzakusiiran anthu kt court likagamule ngat ali olakwa kulinga ndi malamulo adziko lino?tidzamanga wina aliese amene adzapezeka munkhalango zanthu opanda lamulo ndiposaona nkhope.

    1. Hey baba ukunenazo ndizoona bt the police are doing nothing only arrest the poor akusiya omwe akumapha ma albinism a cash gate koma opha akalulu ndiye kuwagwira azanu afuna adyeko nyama

    2. kkkkkkk kmano kopeza nyama sikukharango zotetezedwa,dziko lathu pakari pano tiribeso cotibweretsera ndalama fodya ndiamene akumangolandao kumisikaku tiyen tiyese kusamala zacilengedwe zomwe zatsaraz kt mwina titha kufika pomadalira zokopa alendo akunja mkumatibweretsera ndalama monga maiko azanthu.zinazo akudziwa wokha apolice mmene amagwrira ntcito zao ine ndimafuna ndineneko mbari imene ine ndimadziwa.zkomo kwa amalawi onse okonda dziko lanthu.wildlife z aresponsibility of evry malawian.

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