Malawi’s Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Samuel Tembenu has revealed that there will be no arrests or prosecutions on homosexuals saying the laws on the same are currently being reviewed.
His sentiments have come as the debate on whether government must legalize homosexuality or not continues to heighten in Malawi.
This has been revealed after United States Gay convoy met government officials.

During the meeting, according to reports Malawi24 has, the envoy maintained that legalization of same sex marriages in Malawi is not part of the conditions to approve aid to Malawi’s ailing economy.
United States of America Special Envoy for the human rights of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender and inter-sex (LGBTI) envoy, Randy Berry when speaking to the media played down assertions that the issue of legalization of homosexuality is part of aid conditions.
According to Berry, an open gay the US is pushing for the need to combat discrimination against LGBTI people.
He said issues of LGBTI or minority rights cannot be divorced from much broader issues of good governance, the rule of law, and independence of the Judiciary,
Berry said it was not possible for conservative African nations like Malawi to “live in a bubble” on the question of the rights for gay couples but that they would not attach strings to aid on the laws on sexual orientation.
”No persons should be subjected to discrimination or violence on any ground, including on the basis of sexual orientation ”said Berry whose coming received a storm on social media as critics argued that he came to push the Malawi government to legalize homosexuality.
But according to Tembenu , the laws are currently being reviewed and as such no arrests or prosecutions will be made to same sex partners.
The Malawi police on 7 December 2015 arrested two men in Lilongwe over their engagement in homosexual acts. It is said that they were forced to undergo some tests to determine if the two had gay sex.
Malawi remains a conservative society where homosexuality is punished by imprisonment. However, laws that punish homosexuality were suspended.
Government has been under fire for being mum on the issue.
Recently, the United Nations (UN) commended Malawi government for dropping the charges leveled against two gays, Cuthbert Kulemela and Kelvin Gonani, who were arrested for being suspected of having sexual intercourse.
zikoli likutipasa mafunso kuti tiyankhe ,koma Yehova anatiyankhila kale,satana akumuyesa Yesu anamuwuza asanduse mwala nkate.Yesu anamukanila ,leli lelo ndi Pitala wapemphedwa asanduse mwala nkate,satana anamuwuza Yesu amugwadile amupasa ufumu chifukwa ufumuwo ulimanja mwake ndipo amaupeleka kwa amene iye satanayo wamufuna.ndiyeno Yehova anatilangiza musayike chikhulupilo chanu mwa munthu yemwe mwe iye mulibe chipulumuso.Pitala akasandusa mwalawo nkate inu konzekani kusadya nkatewo
zikoli likutipasa mafunso kuti tiyankhe ,koma Yehova anatiyankhila kale,satana akumuyesa Yesu anamuwuza asanduse mwala nkate.Yesu anamukanila ,leli lelo ndi Pitala wapemphedwa asanduse mwala nkate,satana anamuwuza Yesu amugwadile amupasa ufumu chifukwa ufumuwo ulimanja mwake ndipo amaupeleka kwa amene iye satanayo wamufuna.ndiyeno Yehova anatilangiza musayike chikhulupilo chanu mwa munthu yemwe mwe iye mulibe chipulumuso.Pitala akasandusa mwalawo nkate inu konzekani kusadya nkatewo
Iwe uzimva amalawi mathanyula takana kusauka ndikwathu.
Zopusa?afunsidwe kuti muli ndi ana angati?muuzidwa kuti countable
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zonsez cifukwa ziko lathu ndlosauka ku Russia ma gay anagendedwa oona zaufuluwa anal kut? kuScotland anachita refrendam
Boma ngati livomereze zimenezi ndiye kulephera kwake ndikumeneko chifukwa olo azunguwo ayenera kudziwa kuti malawi ndidziko lomwenso lilindiufulu ndiye ufulu wathu tikukana mathanyura komanso ataleka kutithandiza sindikuwonapo vuto ndiponso president ndichitsiru chamunthu chifukwa mulungu sazamsekelera pazomwe akutipangirazi mwina poti ndizomwe ankachita iye.
Say no 2 homose..and lesibienism,malawi is a GOD trusting country ov whch GOD Himself gat 2 fight 4 us whlst we’re quiet,ndife olemera kale .
Aliyense Opanga Mathanye Ndindichitsiru.Kusata Kumsira eti?? Zamanyi!!!! .
Kodi makape Amathanyulawo Amatenganso Mimba? Zitsiru Zimenezo Zikufuna Ziononge Dziko. Aziuze Ziadzungu Zaozo,Kuti Fuck U.
Ayi Chifukwa Kupanda Akadzi Iowonso Atsanabadwe. Mulungu Sichitsiru Kulenga Mwamuna Ndi Mkadzi Ayi. Ndizalakwika Zimenezo.
Geneses 30 musodomu ndigomola mulungu anakantha anthu akhalidwe lopusa limeli mulungu analenga mamuna ndi mkazi mumunda wa eden inuyo mwazitengakuti
Ifetu asamatitenge ngat nd ife zsiru, tmakhulupilra MULUNGU. Ndye pleaz tsoka kwa iye amene abweresa ndkuvomereza choipa, kmatu nkwiyo wa YEHOVA uli pa ana akusavera. Ndye iwe osainira lamulo iwe: Lupanga la YEHOVA ligwa pamutu pako komaso banja lako.
Kod amipingo ena omwe mumatenga nawo bali pazochitka za m’ boma mwachtapo chan? Kkkkkkkk KAPENA AKUPANISAN KENA KAKE PAKAMWA MBONA MULI CHETEE. Muyaluka nonse, THAnks Real BINGU MAY GOD REST YOUR SOUL. We cry for YOU PAKUKANA KUVOMERA CHITHU CHOIPA. Pano til pamavuto aakulu kwambiri, NOW I REALISE MY KING IS IN HEAVEN, YESU NDYE President WANGA, ANAKANA gold, malo ooneka bwno NASAKHA UPHAWI. NDYE IFE ND NDAN? Mulungu adalise kwa nonse ozwa choipa nd chabwno like me.
Fuso langa ndilot,
1)Kod anzungu opusawo/asatanicwo anawauza ndan kut ku Malawi kulbe akaz?
zachamba za a peterzi
mchifukwa chake mulungu akuti langa osatipatsa mvula yokwanila. anzeru zambilinu gwetsani mvula tione musanayambe kukwatilanako
mchifukwa chake mulungu akuti langa osatipatsa mvula yokwanila. anzeru zambilinu gwetsani mvula tione musanayambe kukwatilanako
mmchifukwa chani mmunda muja munapezeka adamu ndi Eva? sadaikemo amuna kapena akazi okhaokha bwanji?
mmchifukwa chani mmunda muja munapezeka adamu ndi Eva? sadaikemo amuna kapena akazi okhaokha bwanji?
Tsoka Kwa Iye Wakukwanilitsa Malemba
Ndimatenda kuti atithandize,azunguwo afuna adzitenga azikazi athu ife tidzikwatilana amuna okhaokha shem Peter
Ndimatenda kuti atithandize,azunguwo afuna adzitenga azikazi athu ife tidzikwatilana amuna okhaokha shem Peter
palibe chazeru. munthu yemwe ali ndi uzimu wa umulungu sangachite zopusazo.
palibe chazeru. munthu yemwe ali ndi uzimu wa umulungu sangachite zopusazo.
Stupid government officials leave your happy wives/husbands and marry your fellow men/women then we your subject will follow
Kodi peter ndi mbuzi eti? mmmmmmm malawi unakhalilanji ndi atsogoleli okonda kupepha? Nthandizo ndiye lomwe tikupeputsa nalo mulungu eti? Pa ichi amalawi tiyembekeze chilango chachikulu koopsa izi ndiye tidziwe..
Wosauka alibe mau ife chomwe tikufuna ndi chithandizo kukwatirana amuna okha okha ndi ufulu wamunthu
zopusa zimenezo amangidwe akapezeka amuna akwatile mkazi basi
Mbuxi yeni yeni pitala muthalika palibe chilichonse adziwapo.ndipo ngati ukulorera kulandila nthandizo chifukwa cha matanyula ndithu ndalama xotembereredwa zimenezo.zingoonjezera uphawi dziko.do it then u will see how God will punish u?ufa chidule ngati mkulu wako uja.
leave them….i agree…but to my fellow Malawians lets hold on our culture…lets not promote it in any way but focus on what we know is common good….
Malawi siwa Peter muthalika ayi , malawi ndiwazika zobadwira mmalawi anthu tikawukana usatanic takana basi osatikakakamiza.
Bambo peter ndi amanyi
Peter Mutharika naye ndimathanyula kuyambila kale,komanso nkadziwakeyo mumaona ngati ndimkazi ndimamumamzake mumati angatani amalawi musiileni yehova adzathazonse
Apa ndiye kuti kuberekana kutha pa dziko la malawi sinanga there is no way man to man having a child!!apa zikuonetsa kumudelela yehova!!dziko laipa yoooo God help malawi!!evill spirits has bounded our lovely malawi
Kumango ndiye zisafike zimenezo kungopezela akaikidwa ndende ya mazi
Mbinzi galu anyamanu ndiye muziti malawi mzula kulibe kuli njala kodi mulungu angasangalale ndizopusa ngati zimenezo koma inu ndi ndi anthu amulungu inu
Heaven z between woman legs
signs of time has come……
Dear Lord,
punish them all !! Amen
Nanji pano apatsidwa nthandizo lamagalimoti ndie mmmmm mpovuta ndithu(Mulungu atiteteze
zangondikhudza kut boma ili likufuna thandizo la maiko a kunja kma malakwika kwambiri chifukwa likusinthitsa ntchito ya pa NTANDA ija ndi kathandizo kochepetsetsako kalaaanga inee!! chomcho mvula ingagwe bwino, khate lomwe sitidalione lero langwa mukuona ngat ndi chan? waipidwa namalenga!
I WANT TO KNOW! Is there gay issues in Zambia,Tanz,Zim,Moz etc?what is the stand of other countries in AFRICA on this?WHY is this issue is hot in MW?WHA does thee raw say on this? Take JUDGE to mental hospital he waiting 4 review while the raw is there
Maulosi a mmasiku otsiliza if u know u r not part of it jus avoid &let urself not involved in that evil things very sorry 2 those involved lets pray hard 4 them & ourselves so that the Lord shld protect us
Palibe zodikira malamulo ine mongamzika ya Malawi anthu oterewa azingonyongedwa basi olo adziwspitisa kudzaleka. Kutota ndi kutotako ukatotele pamamuza nzako? Zikanakhala choncho Mulungu sakanapanga Eva
soka kwaiye ovomeleza kuti amuna kapena akazi okhakha azikwairana UZAFA INFA YOWAWA UKANGOKHALA OPEZEKA MGULUMO.
Anthu amene akuyendetsa boma atsopanowa akusiyana ndi akale. Nzawo monga mfumu David, solomon anali odzodzedwa ake a mulungu koma athuwa poti ndiosankhidwa ndi anthu that’s why akungochitapo zinthu chifukwa mzimu wa Ambuye alibe asiyeni poti maso Ake akuona zonsez. izi ndizamsiku otsiliza koma tsoka kwa iye amene adza ndi choipacho.
sangawamange anthu otelowo coz nawosa apangapo nkhalidwe lotelo
Ayambe iyeyo amene akufuna kusayinayo tionele paiye asationengele dziko lathu
Nkhondoyi siyathu ndiya yehova amen..
These white people have no fear of God or religions thats why , Let them set examples for us Malawians . Let those representatives who are here to talk about gay issue should be married to our Malawian men if they will accept then we will also accept. Why white people always take advantage of poor Malawi!! Better to die poor than to disobey God and our cultural and beliefs don’t accept such rubbish. Why did God creat Adam and Eve?! If God wanted that he could have created two men. But he created a man and a woman for purpose.these white people are not wise than God
Koma kunena chilungamo chake peter watikwana kwabas. koma mbeu ya muthalika siyabwino ndithu.
Ine ndikuti aziochedwa mwakasilili basi.
Stupid president galu iwe
Last days!! It must happen so tht scriptures will be fulfilled.
God help us this is not good, don’t allow any one, when you find your doing the same way arrest him or her.And put unto a jell.
Kodi tikadali kulamulilidwabe ndi Azungu kuno ku Malawi?????
tiyeni nazo koma imfa mukuyenda nawo
Azungu wo awatenge agalu wopanga mathanyulawa apite nawo kwawo , apo biiii tiwagwira ntchito tikawapeza.
Sitinenapo kanthu, chifukwa ndi nkhani zongofuna utapana mkamwa.
Nzonyatsa bwanji, mutu ngani tchule iwe chi pii…..
Apa Ndiye Pamapeto Adziko Komanso Zonsezi Ndi Zizindikilo Za Satanic Malawi Ngati Dziko Tikadayenela Kupanga Zithu Zanthu Osati Kunvela Za Anthu Ena Chifukwa Kufa Saferana Amerika Si Malawi , Kukakhala Kusauka Ndikwanthu Oky
bwampin haz been raizd in america wea dis practice z legalizd, hw do u knw, myb he hd hz patner ov xem sex no wondr he wnts malaw 2 tek afta hm
Akufuna Kuti Pusitsa, Ndalama Zao Zikhale Mulungu Sataya Wake
Machende ake Peter tamuuzani.
Chiganizo apanga kale angobwera poyela atiuze osati kumachedwetsa zinthuzikuchitika bwezi nditatukwana kma andiletsa only God knwz
Boma silinaganize bwino.Kod makolo akalewo akanat zichita mchitidwe otelewu tikana badwa?
Umenewu ndi ucisolu .kod makolo
stupid yo country
Osangoatenga amathanyulawo mukaapase ufuluwo kwanuko bwanji?ine ndi abanja langa takanisitsaa
Even ur so cod president cnt c it mxeeeew
yaah nkhani yabwino zikhale nchoncho za gewe
Zanyasi kwathu kuno ayi mathanyula anuwo muzipanga Ku america komko
Y they force us TO CARRY THE heavy THING.
ngat mukumapanga zopo
Ambuye mulowelelepo
kod malamulo adziko lathu lino amati chani pankhani ngati zmenez? mwachidziwikire kut palibe dziko lomwe atsogoleri ake ali owopa Mulungu angavomeleze zopusaz.komaxo atasia kutithandiza ndekut tichangamuka tiyamba kuganiza mozama.am saying this becoz timaganizabe mopepera kaamba koti ena amangotithirira chuma ife ndikumachichita zina ndi zina tivekere angerez amatikonda osadziwa kuti ali ndikampen kumphasa siizi nanga akuti vomerezani bill yamathanyala.pomaliza ndingoti United States of vampire God bless u!
Ndiyankhule chichewa moveka bwino oky ndiyambepo tsopano kungoyambila azunguwo ka pitako onsewo ndizitsilu zonkhazonkho mbuzi za anthu ana amahule ndipo iii basi andilakwitsaso apa MXM
Za ziiiii
Wogonana ndi mwamuna kapena nkazi nzake aphedwe.. Ref: Lev 20:13 in de Bible/ Ref: Sura 119 quaran,,,thus not my opiniom.
END TIMES, izi zinanenedwa kale, soka kwa oza ndi choipacho ndi amene akulandira choipaco. Salvation is personal choice.
Uzizipanga wekha galu iwe pakongo pako
kma nde mwalusatu. kkkkkkkkkk ndzimenezo amwene.
Kupemphetsa ndalama ndi cholinga chotukumutsa matumba awo chonsecho anthu akuvutika. Penaso atola nkhani mukumapatsa matama amathanyulao pomalengeza nkhani zao zopusazi,enao amafuna kutchuka basi.
Kodi mukusinthanitsa mathanyula ndichuma . Amalawi anzanga makamaka inuyo andale ganizani bwino chifukwa Mulungu akuwona
The fall of Malawi is here, Africa we have a culture, we have our life, we respect and fear God, we can’t just start living like animals in the name of westernization
It means boma lavomereza but in an ambush way.where there is no enforcement of the law there is no breaking of the law.
ambuye atichitile chifundo
Zimenezi zosatheka ambuye kumeneko ndiye timati kulowesa mbanda munyumba ndiye anathu akamakula ndiye adzati chiyani sangatengere muzawo. Robert Mgabe sakufuna mudziko lake dzamathanyula ndiye chifukwa chake azungowa akulumbana naye ndiyeyo wangofika kumene then kumazomereza zopusa ndikuti iyeyo walimugulu lomwero wakungo bisalila chakatikati ifeyo monga ngati zika zamalawi sitikufuna zopusa ayi.
Bingu clearly said no to homosectuality and donors went away.tell me was there any person died becoz of lack of donor support? tell them that malawi will never ever engange in this envil practice
Iziso ndiye za chamba zeni zeni,they’re educated but savages
is a dog or a cock wiser than man, wea r we going as a country
God for oooooo atikhululukire ndithu
God for oooooo atikhululukire ndithu
Mmmmh xilibwino akaziwa ali ndimatenda osayamba guyz ine ndikugwilixana naxo
Mmmmh xilibwino akaziwa ali ndimatenda osayamba guyz ine ndikugwilixana naxo
Ku malawi tilibe mtsogoleli olimba mtima ngati Robert mugabe, mbuzi yi palibe chimene ingachite
Ku malawi tilibe mtsogoleli olimba mtima ngati Robert mugabe, mbuzi yi palibe chimene ingachite
zake pitala ndi onse omuvotera ndi amene akugwira nawo ntchito
zake pitala ndi onse omuvotera ndi amene akugwira nawo ntchito
iweyo walembawe ndiwe mbuzi yopusa ndiliti wunaliwona boma lako likunva maganizo awathu ngatimuli ndizelu musazalembeso makape inu A MALAWI 24NEWS
iweyo walembawe ndiwe mbuzi yopusa ndiliti wunaliwona boma lako likunva maganizo awathu ngatimuli ndizelu musazalembeso makape inu A MALAWI 24NEWS
Koma ngati pali Mtsogoleri openga ndi Bingu,Waliyika Dziko lathu mu Nyanja ya Moto.Koma kwayine ndalumbira pa Maso AMULUNGU Kungowapeza Sharia Law izagwira ntchito.
Koma ngati pali Mtsogoleri openga ndi Bingu,Waliyika Dziko lathu mu Nyanja ya Moto.Koma kwayine ndalumbira pa Maso AMULUNGU Kungowapeza Sharia Law izagwira ntchito.
Bola Mulungu amve mapemphero athu amutenge munthu ameneyu monga anatengera mchimwene wake uja asanationobgere dziko azibusa chonde kangalikani mumapemphero sitikumufuna munthuyi mphuno salota mchimwene wake aononge dziko ikoso kaononge utsogoleri wabwino uzachokera kuti? Inu mumapanga miracle money bwanji mutipangireko miracle death akakwatire mchimwene wake munthuyi..
Bola Mulungu amve mapemphero athu amutenge munthu ameneyu monga anatengera mchimwene wake uja asanationobgere dziko azibusa chonde kangalikani mumapemphero sitikumufuna munthuyi mphuno salota mchimwene wake aononge dziko ikoso kaononge utsogoleri wabwino uzachokera kuti? Inu mumapanga miracle money bwanji mutipangireko miracle death akakwatire mchimwene wake munthuyi..
Kumalawi tilibe malo osungira the so callled gays or lesbians, ngati alipo akuwadziw ndi azungu omwewo ife sitikuwadziwa and the best they can do is to take the to America tisanawapange zoopsa, palibeso zomasulira malamulo coz amanena moveka bwini kuti opanga mchitidwe ngati uwu amangidwe
Kumalawi tilibe malo osungira the so callled gays or lesbians, ngati alipo akuwadziw ndi azungu omwewo ife sitikuwadziwa and the best they can do is to take the to America tisanawapange zoopsa, palibeso zomasulira malamulo coz amanena moveka bwini kuti opanga mchitidwe ngati uwu amangidwe
sorry guyz no way to go jst say God b wth us das it k
sorry guyz no way to go jst say God b wth us das it k
Nkhani ya Gay siyosowanso kukambilana.Chomwe tingadziwe mawu amu bible sazasinthidwa ngakhale tikane.Zinalembedwa kale izi kuti zizachitika.Zaka 15 zapitazo tinkanena kuti Za Gay zokha Mulungu ananama pano ndizimenezi tikuvomela kamba kaumphawi.Tisadane ndi Peter ndipo kunena zoona dzikolathu likanakhala lachuma izi sizikanatipeza.Ife tiona zochepa chabe koma zochuluka zilipo ndipo tifune tisafune zitsusa uzimu wathu.Pomaliza pempholanga ndiloti Inu ndi ine tipewe kukwanilitsa malemba poti tsoka lalikulu lizagwa pamaso pathu.Tikumbuke mmene anapulumukila Nowa komanso Loti.Dziwani kuti ngakhale dziko litatanganidwa kuchita zonyasa koma ngati inu mukuchita mau phazi lanu silizateleleka.Choncho Asiyeni azichita poti akukwanilitsa malemba ndipo chiweluzo chilipo kwa iwo Amen{seach kuyenda ndi Yesu mmasiku otsliza 4 mo}
Nkhani ya Gay siyosowanso kukambilana.Chomwe tingadziwe mawu amu bible sazasinthidwa ngakhale tikane.Zinalembedwa kale izi kuti zizachitika.Zaka 15 zapitazo tinkanena kuti Za Gay zokha Mulungu ananama pano ndizimenezi tikuvomela kamba kaumphawi.Tisadane ndi Peter ndipo kunena zoona dzikolathu likanakhala lachuma izi sizikanatipeza.Ife tiona zochepa chabe koma zochuluka zilipo ndipo tifune tisafune zitsusa uzimu wathu.Pomaliza pempholanga ndiloti Inu ndi ine tipewe kukwanilitsa malemba poti tsoka lalikulu lizagwa pamaso pathu.Tikumbuke mmene anapulumukila Nowa komanso Loti.Dziwani kuti ngakhale dziko litatanganidwa kuchita zonyasa koma ngati inu mukuchita mau phazi lanu silizateleleka.Choncho Asiyeni azichita poti akukwanilitsa malemba ndipo chiweluzo chilipo kwa iwo Amen{seach kuyenda ndi Yesu mmasiku otsliza 4 mo}
inde ndzona ine ndi ochimwa ,koma zomwe akuchita piter zkuchita kuneselatu kt gahena lli pa mutu pake ,chifukwa sakuziwa chimene akuchita . Nde bolansotu bingu ,chifukwa uyu nd mwana wa khanda sanakhwime nzelu
inde ndzona ine ndi ochimwa ,koma zomwe akuchita piter zkuchita kuneselatu kt gahena lli pa mutu pake ,chifukwa sakuziwa chimene akuchita . Nde bolansotu bingu ,chifukwa uyu nd mwana wa khanda sanakhwime nzelu
Gay m’Malawi ayi nde sitiyimva.
Gay m’Malawi ayi nde sitiyimva.
Ukavomeledza mdalawe ineyo ndikufuna iweyo ukhale nkadzi wanga kuputsa ala iweyo unabadwa kulimwamuna nzako dzithelethu zoputsazo dont breing satanism in malawi abambo
Ukavomeledza mdalawe ineyo ndikufuna iweyo ukhale nkadzi wanga kuputsa ala iweyo unabadwa kulimwamuna nzako dzithelethu zoputsazo dont breing satanism in malawi abambo
Mamthanyula ndy kt chani?Chonch Ambuye angatipatse mvula?Anthu omwe akupanga chitidw umene adziphedwa basi.Amalawi tisalole kaya ndkusauka tikhale nako,Mulungu dalitsani Malawi
Mamthanyula ndy kt chani?Chonch Ambuye angatipatse mvula?Anthu omwe akupanga chitidw umene adziphedwa basi.Amalawi tisalole kaya ndkusauka tikhale nako,Mulungu dalitsani Malawi
zisankho atibere, maganizonso atibere??? y kusainira ngat Malawi ali mmanja mwako? dont u read da bible? Mulungu akukanthe….Palibe amene azatsutsana nd Mulungu nazapambana sae my Lord….Ndi pa mkwiyo wake Mulungu azapulumutsa ake akuchita chifuniro chake……LORD SPARE MY LIFE…….Malawi waposa sodom and gomora
zisankho atibere, maganizonso atibere??? y kusainira ngat Malawi ali mmanja mwako? dont u read da bible? Mulungu akukanthe….Palibe amene azatsutsana nd Mulungu nazapambana sae my Lord….Ndi pa mkwiyo wake Mulungu azapulumutsa ake akuchita chifuniro chake……LORD SPARE MY LIFE…….Malawi waposa sodom and gomora
Siizoona guyz kuti tizinyengana amuna okha okha mulungu siwophutsa polenga nkazi ndimamuna anawonapo chinachake ndiye piter ndimalamulo anuwo siimukuganiza bho man
Siizoona guyz kuti tizinyengana amuna okha okha mulungu siwophutsa polenga nkazi ndimamuna anawonapo chinachake ndiye piter ndimalamulo anuwo siimukuganiza bho man
mwayambako zupusa ku mw ko
mwayambako zupusa ku mw ko
busa amene angamange ukwati umenewo mmm ndizamukwapula zedi kkk
busa amene angamange ukwati umenewo mmm ndizamukwapula zedi kkk
E liganize bwino bomalo mulungu sanalakwe polenga mamuna ndinkazi
E liganize bwino bomalo mulungu sanalakwe polenga mamuna ndinkazi
damson mankhusu unali ndi sister wako wankulu tinali limodzi ku welfare alipo? inform me pliz
damson mankhusu unali ndi sister wako wankulu tinali limodzi ku welfare alipo? inform me pliz
Ambuye mubwelanso liti?Dziko lanu latha ili
Ambuye mubwelanso liti?Dziko lanu latha ili
Izi zikutidziwitsa ife amalawi kuti boma lavomereza ukwati wa amuna okhaokha asanafunse maganizo amalawi. Atsogoleri athu ndi amantha akuopa kuti ngati kukhala kopanda thandizo ziwavuta kuyendetsa dziko. Amalawi opemphera tiyenera kuvala zilimbe kulimbana ndisatana amene akufuna kuononga dziko lathu. Zinali choncho ku Sodom ndi Gomora anthu anasangalala momwe akanathera koma Lot amene namudziwa mulungu sanatengeke anakhalabe olemekeza ndikuopa mulungu, kufikila mulungu anafuna kuononga dziko lonse ndipo anapatulapo Loti yekhayo ndi apabanja ake.
Izi zikutidziwitsa ife amalawi kuti boma lavomereza ukwati wa amuna okhaokha asanafunse maganizo amalawi. Atsogoleri athu ndi amantha akuopa kuti ngati kukhala kopanda thandizo ziwavuta kuyendetsa dziko. Amalawi opemphera tiyenera kuvala zilimbe kulimbana ndisatana amene akufuna kuononga dziko lathu. Zinali choncho ku Sodom ndi Gomora anthu anasangalala momwe akanathera koma Lot amene namudziwa mulungu sanatengeke anakhalabe olemekeza ndikuopa mulungu, kufikila mulungu anafuna kuononga dziko lonse ndipo anapatulapo Loti yekhayo ndi apabanja ake.
Amalawi tiyeni tikhale olimba mtima ngati Yobu, Yobu anakumana ndi mavuto pa thupi lake kuola thope lonse chuma chake chonse kutha, umphawi unalowa pakhomo pake koma sanataye chikhulupiliro kwa mulungu. Ena analipo amene amamuuza kuti ingotukwana mulungu, koma iye anati bwanji ukulankhula ngati akazi opusa. Ndiye ife amalawi tiyeni tisagulitse ndikuipitsa chikhalidwe chathu chifukwa cha umphawi bola tikukhala ndi moyo ambuye amatikonda, akutikondabe mpaka pano tingolimbika kupemphela ndi chikhulupiliro ambuye atiyankha kulira kwathu.
Amalawi tiyeni tikhale olimba mtima ngati Yobu, Yobu anakumana ndi mavuto pa thupi lake kuola thope lonse chuma chake chonse kutha, umphawi unalowa pakhomo pake koma sanataye chikhulupiliro kwa mulungu. Ena analipo amene amamuuza kuti ingotukwana mulungu, koma iye anati bwanji ukulankhula ngati akazi opusa. Ndiye ife amalawi tiyeni tisagulitse ndikuipitsa chikhalidwe chathu chifukwa cha umphawi bola tikukhala ndi moyo ambuye amatikonda, akutikondabe mpaka pano tingolimbika kupemphela ndi chikhulupiliro ambuye atiyankha kulira kwathu.
nyini ya make ameneyo kapolo
nyini ya make ameneyo kapolo
there is something going on here…infact they just want to amend the laws to fit those ……homoz
there is something going on here…infact they just want to amend the laws to fit those ……homoz
aaaaa boma loopa mulungu ai mathanyula pilizi zimanganim donar ngati sakufuna kuthandiza asiye asamabwereso kwathuko ayi
chilichonse tikumakhomela nsonkho kut boma lithetse umphawi.Ndiye homo ikuchitika kut tithese umphawi So it means kuzipelekedwanso nsonkho kuboma kuti umphawi uthe?
Peter mutharika is stupid!!!!
wafela nkhondo ya abale abisalom
Mulungu amaletsa kuba koma anthu samaba? Mulungu amaletsa chigololo ndi Chiwerewere koma anthu sakuchita? APM asanavomereze mathanyula anthu samachitabe? Kodi ndimayesa mpungwepungweu wabwera chifukwa choti anthu ochita mathanyulawa akuchuluka? My point is, kuvomereza kapena kusavomereza siyankho. Yankho ndichisankho chaiwe mwini kumachita kapena ayi. Mulungu adzaweruza aliyense payekha not Malawi as a nation. Inuyo olo mulimbane nazo bwanji, olo munyoze anthu ena dziwani kuti izi ndizamasiku otsiliza.
Angonena kuti lucifala walamula kuti tizikwatana amuna okhaokha
iwe…apanga kale chiganizo tsono ife ndiye tingasinthe???alephera ma MP ku paliament kutsusa ndie ife ukufuna titani? munazolowera kulalata,,,osangosiya nansongole ndi tirigu zikulire limodzi bwa??? kodi mukuona ngati kulibe yesu dzikoli oti mungamuuze mavuto anu?
Ndiye kupusako kumeneko lamulo lilipo kale ndiye akudikila lamulo lochikera kuti akuwapangira ndani Mr president Please!!! be strong and serious with your country and your people if not just let GOD to intervene >>>>>>shame
Pitar akukakamira zimenezo chifukwa ndizimene amapanga
Pitala asiye pansi udindo coz sakudziwa chomwe akupanga. Akamadzazindikila zinthu zambiri zizakhala zitawonongeka. Ngat mukumbuka bwino lomwe iye mwini adat “Our government is stuck ” meaning palibenso njira iliyonse angapange kuti boma liyambirenso kuyenda bwino. Papetoake angovomera mfundo zopusa.
akuluakulu andale ambili akondwela nazozimene wanena min of justic chifukwa ndikhalidwe lawo,musatiphimbe mmaso timakuwonani zimene mumapanga,mchikulire wina wakwatira kumene atakhala paubachala zakazambili koma ndiwachuma chambiri nanga chimamlesa kusakwatila mbuyomu ndichani,andale inu ndinuwonama yakho mulinalonokha pankhani yama gay.
Tiye nazoni, kuitana dala imfa, aliyese ali ndizokhumba zake.Opusa azipanga ocengera sizimukhudza.
Let gayz do dea mathanyula,i don’t think anybody cn 4c u 2 b gay wen u don’t av such feelings…Ona machimo ako m’bale..Only God wl judge not uuuu!!!
zautsiru basi
Rumour sayz Mr Presdent has been a gay for a long tym en He got married kungotitchinga mmaso ife amalawi! So i dnt think he will refuse tha mathanyula kind-of-stuff! So amene ali ndi uzimu sangapange khalidwe lonyasali! Lets maintain our culture, warm heart of Africa
Kumalawi kwavuta akutipusisa. Ameneyo anavomeleza kale atapita kunsonkhano uja ku america mwayekha osafusa anthu kaye lole akuzibisa aligululomwelo peter sangakane watibwelesela nkhondo
Am saying No to homosexual,and once found must be arrested to death
Malawi watani kodi???? Kodi can’t you open your eyes and see? Why are you so blind ? Don’t practice this abomination. Musamukwiise Mulungu and try to cover up in the name of human rights. It is just another sin which the leadership wants to legalise but GOD is still saying no to this pathetic act. Instead of focusing on the DOs of God, the government is focusing on the DONTs.what a pity.
Kodi boma limeneli lazaza ndi anthu olamulila achamba okhakha et? Lamulo limeneli akalivomela akhazikitse nyumba mwawo chifukwa akavomela awapatsa ndalama azizidya ndi banja lawo koma munthu uyu atifuta koopya chifukwa anazisankha yekha ndikuba kwacheko .tha’ts why this skerem he jast do this cack basi amalawi tisadandaule mulungu ndiamene akuziwa zonse uyu asowa ngati m.mene anasowela m.khulu wake uja tiyeni asilamu ndi akristu tisipemphela kuti tisachite zimenezi god bless asilamu and akristu onse
Ndalama zomwe akufuna kumatipasa ndi misonkho ya anthu othanyulanawo ndiye paja amati a begger has no choice ndiye tiyenazoni. Sewera pa chiteze kapolo sakwiya !
Na Kwa Ine Ndi Banja Langa Palibe Munthu Wina Angatiumilize Kupanga Machimo Onyasa Ngati Amenewo!! There Is Nobody Who Can Oblige Me To Face The Hell! Now I Wonder Those We Call Leaders Are Leading Us To Hell,instead Of Encouraging Christianity!But These Depraved Motivations Won’t Be Accepted Anyhow, Coz U Cant Force Us Into A Snare! Think Twice B4 U Act,are U Using Dictatorship? Tell Us ? But Mind U God Is With Us,all These Evil Things Were Written Now Come True.I Still Persistently Refuse This,cant Be Tempted Ng’oo!
Mind your spellings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ingodikiran kut Malawi achita naye chani Mulungu kungogonjera zimenezi, warning yense amene avomereze kuyambira nthawi yomwe wavomereza azakumana ndi zoopsa zimene zizamutengere ku IFA ndipo Malawi azakhala mmiliri yoopsa.
maganizo athu sanganveke koma Mulungu analesa kale. Kod anthu tili ndi mphamvu yanji yot mpakana TIKAMBIRANE PA LAMULO LA MULUNGU.KOD ZA SODOM NDI GOMOLA SITINANVE?tiziti inuyo udindo wanuwo wafika pomususa MULUNGU?nde mukamalumbilisidwa musamanyamule Bible or Qur’an. God help us pliz
Kodi nthawi yoseyi zinali kuti MATHANANYULA woye sopano
Izi ndi zabwino amene akularatawa muwasiye ife pano tikufuna ndalama bwana chonde chonde vomerezani tagwirizana nazo.
ambuye tichitireni chifundo ife ana anu
Nkhumba ya munthu
Amene avomele wavomela triple 6 chenjelan a mw ine ndili ndi mu2 wa may kunyumbaku mwamuna nxanga ndi wachan? Ma gy holly ghost fire aaaaaaah!
Malawi alipamavuto kuteloko ndiye amene akuvomeleza uchisilu ngati uwu naye amapanga momwemo ufulu umakhalapo pazithu zazelu osati izi ayi iweeeeeeeee
ndalama zikamayankhula chilungamo chimankhala chete
Abale nda alongo choti tiziwe ndichoti asogoleri awa ali mumabungwe aja otchedwa #Satanic# Iwo akuziwana zochita. Sopano tizipemphera mosalekeza ino ndithawi yoipa. Anthu awa asanamizile kuti athandiza, awa akuziwana iyi ndi nyambu kuti athandiza. Ndi asogoleri ochepa omwe sali mubungwe limeneli. Ndanena ngati mwawelenga #apeter# mndiphe ndi #usatanic# wanuwo. Bola ndife mwazolo wela kuyamwa magazi. Ndi msogoleri wanji opanda kuopa mulungu. bwinotu mulungu naye sakusekelera zopusa. mungakalangidwe
Zimenezo nde zauchitsiluzo amunaokhaokha apanga bwanj ntundu kumeneko ndikusowa umunthu ine xandinyasa hvy gyz
Anavomer akukana kubwera poera chabe
Boma latenga njira yopusa kwambiri. Kutengeka kwaboma lomwe likulamulira panoli,likutipwetekesa. Ndichifukwa chake Mulungu watikwiyira kwambiri, ndipo mpupuluzi ( chilara) chikutigwera pa kati pathuchi,ndichifukwa cha uchimo omwe uli pakati pathu. Ndikakumbukira m’mbuyomu mumayankhula motumbwa kumati ulamuliro wa DPP wabweretsa zakudya. Munaiwala kuti mwini nyengo ndiye mwini wake Mulungu. Nanga lero boma lukulamulira ndi la MCP,kapena UDF,kapena PP? Nkhalani anthu owopa Mulungu abale ndikuulemekeza ukulu wake.
God will never forgive us
God will never forgive us
Ngati boma lavomeleza muwauze kuti athamangise azimayi onse nanga azitani azimaiwo popeza mukuti azigonana amuna okhaokha
Masiku otsiliza ano adzawakantha yawe
Dziko lasokonekela bas satana ndiamene akulamulira Malawi: pempho tisamulole kt satana apitilize kwakwana bas ndipo ndibwino kt tipeleke mpata kwa achinyamata alamulire dzikoli
Anthu Opanga Zimenezo Ndiamisala Chifukwa Sakudziwa Kukoma Kwa Mkazi Peter Wapanga Bwino Kumvomeleza
Azunguwo anabadwa munjira yongonana amuna okhaoka kapena akaziokaoka. Palibenzimenso auzeni kuti ife ai
Zauchitsiru Zikakhala Ndalama Zikuphani Agalu Udindo Ndi Udindowo Kumalola Zopusazo Mulungu Ayambire Kukantha Inuyo
Kodi Bomalo Litavomera Anthu Otelewa,adzipangira Mathanyulawo Paguru Kapena Ayi?Ufulu Otani!Ena Panopa Akupanga Alibe Ufulu Wao Pamenepo?Ndye Azunguwo Asanene Kuti Wina Avomere Ngat Dziko Ayi Koma Ngat Munthu Bora.
Sinanga nayenso amapanganawo
Azungu ndi agalu,they come With a bible,they come with a gun and now mathanyula Kodi tisatechiyani?666 is around da corner malawi my poor country beware
Kuvomereza kwanu tsiku lina mudzagulitsa dziko lanu. Muyembekezere ufulu winanso ukubwera mudzavomereze kuti mudzikwatira ngakhale amai anu. Olo chumacho akupatseni mukulephera kuchigwiritsanso ntchito moyenera. Azunguwatu akuchita dala zonsezi, akufuna akuoneni uchitsiru wanu a president. Chilango tidzipereka tokha tikaapeza.
Za manthanyulazo ayambe kaye peter coz iyeyo anakwatila Getrude amafuna chan?obama nd peter ukwati haz to b arraged and aftr a year we hv to c a child camin frm dem.God cwolakwa kulenga mkaz nd mamuna,hd a purpose 4 dat.PETER SAMALA B4 GOD SHOW MKWIYO PA MOYO WAKO BCOZ OF WAT U R DUIN!!
Ndende zam’malawi zili m’mavuto aakulu athu ambiri afa amwalira chifukwa cha nchitidwe umenewu.c
Dzko ndi lathu ndalama ndizawo akagwele uko. Ngat boma likutelo ndiye kulibwno nawonso olima chamba asamawamange bcoz nawonso ndi ufulu wawo kutelo
Nambo lipuku lyeleli yakuona ?
Peter Waganiza Bwino Anthu Okwatirana Amuna Okhaokha Kapena Akazi Okhaokha Ndianthu Amisala Ndiponso Sakudziwa Bwino Kukoma Kwa Mkazi
Matongo ghake uyo
mageyi muphedwa pamalawi ngati mufuna pitani kwa amerika komweko osati kumalawiko
Komatu ndimamema mumati ife zoti azungu andituma ife ayi koma wamathanyula ali booo Leromwayambatso chiyani? JUST DO IT
Vuto pitala amapangaso Zomwe
Zinalembedwa kale bible why wasting time arguing poti izizi zikuyenera kukwanilitsidwa. Lets jst focus on de way and the truth mwina paradise kukapondako
Asiyeni chilipo chikuwasaka achipeza posachedwapa.No question without an answer chilango chili paiwo ma devil worshppers foolish leadership
Musamat mukambirane kaye,tangonenani kut tavomereza chifukwa mukanakhala kut simunavomereze bwenz mutaletsa mpaka mukambirane kaye koma ngat mukit azpanga osagwidwa nfe kut iyeyo mumat prensdentyo wavomereza kale bt muguna mutphimbe mmaso
we dont it boma likanangolemekeza zomwe anthu akufuna basi
We trust u igwe always
koma muthu ameneyu atinvuta kwabasi koma akanakhala kut anachita kuzangindwa. tikanati timotchotsa pot anasiyika yekha basi apange mmene akufunila mwiniwakeyo?
Jah clean this poor country is under devil. Why my poor Malawi. Ooh God bless lan of malawi keep it land of pec….. Snd now ? Why? Why?Why? Mother malawi Warm Heart of Africa Why…….
Noses they said put on deed people hair we did they said woman wear trouser we did now this no
Ai! Awauze Kut Amalawi Akana Zopusazo! Zikungokhala Ngatinso Tilibe President Bwenzi Atakana Kale Ngat Mmene Adakanila Mugabe, Analimbikila After Mugabe Atanena Kut “abwele Obamayo Ndimkwatire” Vuto Ndi Bwampiniyi Coz Its The Head Of State But Doing Nonsense!
vuto ndi asogoleli kukonda kusolola chuma chaboma mapeto ake ndizimenezi mamuna azilowesa ponyela pamzache kupusa basi!!!
tigayileni ndalamazo njala abwana
za ma thanyula pakamwa, za edzi pakamwa. mabunge bweee kuti tionetsetseso palibe amene amakhala bwana wa mabungwe a edzi nayeso ndikukhala wa kachilombo sizitheka sadziwa wakachilombo mmene amavera ndichifukwa chake amangonyopola ndalama za a edzi
malawi do u search real face of lucifer za zunguzi izi ndi maboma athu otitsogolerawa dyela ngati fisi kukonda ndalama ngati chule ndalamazo anakupatsani za ma homo zo mwapanga chani makwala muzipatala akusowa inu mwapanila
Nde za chambazo amenewa lamulo ligwire ntchito tu ife mmalamulo adziko lathu sitinachose aadzilangidwa amenewa ationongela nthaka yathu
Kodi m’chifukwa chiyani mulungu sadalenge amuna tokhatokha? Nanga bwanji adalenga mwamuna ndi m’kazi? Bwanji adatipatsa dziwalo dzosiyana ndi m’kazi? Kodi zitangotheka kupatsana mimba azimuna okhaokha amakwatanawo mwana angabadwire malo ake ati? MULUNGU kodi ndi m’zanu? Inuyo mukuti osawamanga anthu amenewa. Dzilemelani ndi chuma cha UMUNA za uchitsiru m’malo mobweretsa ma company dziko lathu lomwe kusowa ntchito zamanyazi ndangotero guys.
Zikatheka mutiuza
Malawi kumvetsa chisoni. Nde Boma tinalitengelanji kwa azungu if we still need their help? Dziko lowopa Mulungu lija layamba kuopa munthu.
Asavomera tingovomeleza kuti ndife anthu avutika tindalama tawoto asamale akamadzafuna kufa ankangule moyo wina muwauze azunguwo ife zimenezo takamika kukwanilitsa
Ha uyo ndiye profs weniweni.waliika dziko pamoto.Amalawi ngati sitisamala,nazoizi titha ndithu.sikutha kuthupi kokha ai komanso kuwuzimu.Mulungu adzalanga winaaliyense wotengapo mbali paizi.chonde,chonde Anthu achikhalidwe inu mukufunilanji kupalamula mulungu.zisiyeni izo nzodutsa.Ngati mulungu akufuna atithe ndi Njala well i’m out.
mwai wanga nd omweu…ndkwatra #APM tione ngat sachtapo kanthu
Maganizo anga ndioti Dziko lathu ndilathu palibe chifukwa chovela zomwe Azunguwo akunena ngati ati akufuna maufulu aanthu amathanyula awatenge apite kumene kuli ufulu wawo kuno kwathu kulibe ufulu wa Asatana ngati Amenewo
Apapa zikuchita kuonetsera2 kuti avomereza ngakhale akuzembazemba.Ndimayamika presdent waku zimbabwe anawauza anthu kuti amenee akufuna zimenezi ndiololedwa ndipo aziwapatsa chilichinse pamoyo wao,Nyumba yaboma,chakudya komanso ntchito m,boma,koma adawauza kuti pokutha chaka chimozi pakhale mwana kupanda apo awapha,Ndie kuno kumalawi zinazi timangonena kwaife kuti sizitheka pomwe bwampiniyo atavomereza kale,chilango ndichomwe tikuchionachi mvula ikuvuta njala ndiimenei madzi,magetsi zonsendizovuta zokhazokha!!
One PP senior member said this and i quote” There are worse than DOGS” am seeing the vision of telorisim…A ma thanyula Makosi Tidula….sharia law…
Iye amazichita nde asasocheretse fuko la Malawi zopusa eti
Akt maukwati amuna okhaokha,nde zimakhala bwanji?koma abale masiku omaliza.kaya asiyeni azipanga zachibwanazo anzao tikuufira ndi madam iwowo azingopakana sete,ndiponso ciwerengero ca amai ndi abambo cambiri ndi ca amai nanga amai awakwatira ndani,
Chime anthu ambiri akudabwa ndichakiti kondi ma gay apambani pati kuti mabungwe azichita kuwamenyela nkhondo mchichi? Ndikukhulupira kuti ambiri tafusa kale fuso limeneli, koma chomwe mugaziwe pakhani iyi ndichakuti pali phamvu zina zomwe zibwele povomeleza zoti kuchita zamathanvula kuvomelezedwe. Chifukwa imeneyi ndi njira yokhayo yomwe mulungu amakwiya kopsa Ndipo sakhozaso kukhala nafe pafupi, chotero satana ndiye angakhale nafe pafupi Ndipo yembekezani kumva zachilendo zomwe chibadwileni sumunazimve kapena ku ziona.
Ndiyeno paja pali mau aja amati akhungu salondolelana okha okha kupakuti agagwele muzenje. Ndiye ngati wakhungu aku londoleledwa ndimunthu openya, ndipo iye akuchita makani kuti akhoza kuyenda yekha ndibwino osamulondola kuti akagwe yekha
Am here just to read the comments
then u would hv just read and faq off
Is anything wrong with that?
u hv bin axed to say ur idea not ur axion so y u telin pippo wat ur doin?(readin coments)
u hv bin axed to say ur idea not ur axion so y u telin pippo wat ur doin?(readin coments)
Koma malawi
Koma na pitala wafikapo ndinthu,,,amalawi timaopa kwambili presedent south Africa people ngati chinthu sanagwilizane nacho amapanga zioneselo olo akhale Zuma samuopa;,,,koma dziko lanthu chifukwa cha umphawi tikungosatila zili zonse,,,,,Mlungu atithsndize
Zauchitsiru kuno kwathu ayi.Kodi cholinga chake chimakhala chani?Malamulowo azunguze mutu lero.Azunguwo auzidwe kuti zimenezi zidzatheka pokhapokha America itasaukanso ngati Malawi.We are not refuse ourselves kuti azitipusitsa.
Ine ndili pambuyo pa Ken Msonda. shoot to kill. Ndiposo magay wo akuchedwa kupanga zawozo. Machaka akungokhala yapa. Mmene mudayambila kulongolola muja mpaka liti. Mukufuna Machakawa mpaka apange zimbili?
Thats bull sheet think how pple inmalawi behave
Basitu sopano Sodom ife tisatira zoti opedzekayo tidzimumpha pomugenda ndi miyala palibe kukanena ku policenso basi,a Peter mukhonzeke kutola mitembo ya ma gay mwakathithi
Vuto malawi umphawi ndiumene wakula,kumangovomera ciliconse kaya zipangani utsiluwo mulungu azalanga yekha
Hagahaga now the president has allowed to this shit neh…???????,#fwetsek_y_homosexual
Amenewa akapezeka ndikuwawotcha ndi tyre basi okha aziwa kopangila zopusazo
Bingu sanalole zopusa ngati izi!!! Pitala ali phee kuvomeleza zopusa.
Zauchitsiru zimenezo koma ndimmene zililimu zikuoneka kuti bomalo lavomera likungoopa kuti libwere poyera mkuwauza anthu choonachake. Ngati akuti apolice asamamange zitsirudzi what does it mean?
Kamba nga mwala tortoise is like a stone? Who gave the name Mathanyura to our beloved president? F…..k nigger f…..ck..er
Mmmm ine ngati munthu wamkazi ndikusutsana ndi mchitidwewu ndipo uku ndikuzitanira tokha malawi amoto kuno Malawi ndinso mkwiyo wamulungu. Ndichifukwa chiyani tikumuyesa ambuye mulungu wathu? Amalawi tiyeni tikhale anthu omuopa mulungu. Akuti tiyeni timukanize satana ndipo azatithawa ndichifukwa chani tikumulandira satana povomereza uchimo? Haaah lord have mercy on Malawi
Zimadziwika kale kuti nyaphaphi akadzangolowa m’boma adzavomera zimenezi munthuyu muzimuonetsetsa si mmalawitu ameneyu choncho sangasamale zofuna zathu koma mulungu amene muli ndi mphavu than nyaphaphi plz lowelerani kuti satana achite manyazi
musadabwe boma lathuririndi musogoreli waku America ndiyeangagwiritse bwanji malamuro amalawi chifukwa mwiniwakeyo amapangazomwenzo ndiyeasiyekuno kotianabwerera kututsokonenza dzotorera zijatimafuna ndidzimenedzitu amalawi
Peter ndi chitsiru uyo alibe nzeru, inu boma lakuvutani tatulani pansi udindowo.
Ndizanena mobwerezabwereza mawu achakufa chihana kt ndilolera kt magazi anga akhale mphumulo wa ana athu
Koma ine ndiliwokhozeka kt ndiluze moyo wnga koma anthu awa afune koti akapangire izi
People practicing gay are abnormal, their reasoning is below animals; hence if found they must be butchered without mercy!
Zisiyeni zikulelire limodzi tizaziona pokolola!
Adzikwata konyerera kwa abwanawo.
tikawapeza oterewa kuwaponya miyala
Ndipo zili pano tiyambe kuzinga peteryo timalizile matanyulawa. A peter nawo makani ngati anachita kuvoteledwa. Bomalo lakuba zausilu basi
inu kadziwa mwini khuto wa fulu, we can handle it ngati nkhani zaku simba zija sitiulura zija basi
pitayo watani iyeyo kukwatila mamuna zache azunguwo mesaso anabwela ndiazikazawo bwanji sanabwele iwo ngati ali oziwa ufulu bwanji sanakwatile amuna azawo izi ndi za satanic ife siagulu lawo atikhululukile
auze worrior
Lets kill those foolish peaple .They must not distabe us with those fool.
Ngati Boma La Apeter Mutharika Livomereze Osamanga Anthu Otelewa Ndibwino Kt Anthu Oxe Ogwirilira Ana Achitsika, Amayi Awatulutse Ndende Chifukwa Iwo Ndufulu Wao Kutelo
Ife za ufiti ayi pa umunthu wathu ife amalawi sitikuvomereza umathanyula za uve ife ayi ndife owopa chauta
Palibe zachilendo apa. welengan maulos abaibulo amat tsoka kwaiwo amene adzava ndikuzichita.
Ndikuganiza kut lalakwista chifukwa ngati akuunika malamulo amaenela kulestelatu mpakana amalize kunika malamuloo
Pakuti boma lilipoli mtsogoleli wake ndi satana zikuyenela kutelo ,koma pompano zikutha zimeneneni,nanga ndichifukwa ciyani peter anakwatila mzimayi mmalo mongokwatilako nduna imodzi ya chimuna mkumacita ma thanyulaso akeo,zamanyazi malawi.
That is not gud… This govt is so much stupid… Its better kuti this president should resign before make our good countr..
Tikawadziwa tizingowamenya mwa nkafinyila basi
Kodi kusauka kutichititse kukhala ochimwa?vuto amalawi sititha kupanga ma demostrations.
Kodi mukumatiuza zingati? Lero muti tikawapeza tiwadure makosi boma latero mawa ayi tikawapeze tisawagunde boma latero fundo yanu ilipati? Ndipo kugonana amuna kapena akazi okhaokha zikugwirizana bwanji ndikuthandiza dziko lino? Ngati athu akana ndi umuthu wathu zapangitsa bwanji kuti musatithandize? Ndie kuti amathandizawo ndi a homosexual? Musatithandizeso mo over chithandizo chanucho ithink akumalandira ndi a mathanyula omwewo bcoz ine sindikuonapo kusitha nonsese
Amathanyula aziphedwa ndithu,ine ndikutero,ngakhale sodom anaonongedwa chifukwa chamchitidweu osati mowa kapena kusuta ayi.
Kumawapha mukawapeza
Musagonjesedwe ndi Azungu kuyiwala malamulo a mulungu usogoleli wanu uzakhala opanda mphavu, taonani bwana Mugabe sakutekeseka
Aa ine nilibe pulobulemu coz or avomele or akane mathanyula ndi ntima wa munthu tsoka kwaiye akupanga zimenezi kumanso nkulakwa ngati azakakamize mpingo kudalitsa maukwatiwa kma ngat kuli kungopanga mathanyula uwo ndi ntima wamunthu! And or akane nkungozipweteka ndiumphawi coz anthu zin2zo akumapangabe! Ine kusangalala coz anyamata amenewa amapangisa kuti ma bebie azitikana coz kuti muwonetsetse opanga zmene zija ambili amakhala ma handsome nde apa atipasa chance hahahahaha imva loud n clear
Mbuzi inanso yaremba izo^^ mwambamo,,,,, aunt Tiwo ndi handsome?? Mukasuta musamango lankhura zopusanso adha free data yakupeperetsani?
Uchitsiru Omwa Madzi Ometera Umenewu! Iwe Ngati Umakanidwa Mbalume Ndekuti Ulibe! Kuvomeredwa Sikukongola! Opusa Iwe Kwambiri!
pajatu tisayiwale kuti zimenezi ziyenela kuchitika chifukwa palibe mawu kulephereka omwe bayibulo linanena osachitika ziyenela kutolo chifukwa ndimawu soka ochitawo chifukwa azawona zinawona yudasi
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk asogoleli athu kuphunzila kwao sikukuti thandiza chifukwa zochita zao zikuti phyesa mtima….
Malawi,bola ukhale m’mphawi than kudya zofa zokha
Inunso boma la peter muthalika ndiye kuti chani??…
I thought they are the ones who told us to use democratic type (system) of GOVT, which says ”Majority rules.” Mr. Msonda was the only one who stood for what they call democracy coz homosexuality is not what the majority of we Malawians want, so Mr. Msonda thanx for representing the nation on this issue.
Vula izingovutabe chifukwa Mulunga wakwiya nafe ndimchitidwe wa mathanyula komaso wochosa mimba
akhonza kuloleza ndalamazo nkumabwela koma titalole siife…. ife we wil man handle them if found avala zitayala zoyaka sitikufuna nkwiyo ya Yahweh utigwele coz of these dogs
Aziti boma lavomeleza osaphimba anthuwa m’maso , kuunika malamulo atani. Malamulo anapangidwa kale. Ndiye ngati zili choncho nzofunikanso Baibulo aliunike bwino bwino nkulisinthanso .Chifukwa ngati asintha malamulo okha Baibulo osasintha ndiye kulibwino angosiya mmene zinalili. Boma linalakwitsa likanawafunsa A zungu akuti Americawo ngati kwawoko kuli anthu amuna okha okha akazi kulibe. Metsa Obama ali ndi wankazi komanso A President mukangovoveleza izi muthetse Banja lanu mukwatile mwamuna nzanu tikuona ndimaso.
Mr Mutharika,tawasiyeni agalu,achule,afinye,atombolombo,mphemvu kapena kuti analigomkwiyo ameneo akhale nazo ndalama zawo za usatanazo.ndi kangachepe tilinakoka.titha kuyambisa ulimi wa nthirila ife zathu mkumayenda.koma mukuwakakamira cholinga muziba.coz komwe tilinakoka kuti muzitenga pomweponso muyaluka.tiyeni tikhale anthu achikondi.kodi tinayambira kuthandizidwa muja,n’chani chikusintha? Ine sindikuchionatu.
this is we call 666 know because we are ruled by devil the devil appear to white people but we are malawi as too munch greed
Ndipatseni #phone ya Peter Mnthalika ndikmfna ndipange ndiiyeyo #STUPID
Ndipatseni #phone ya Peter Mnthalika ndikmfna ndipange ndiiyeyo #STUPID
aphedwa pa njira ya mob justice
ndekuti akazi asiya kubadwa eti? ine sindingatenge mamuna nzanga…. haha.. ngti ndimakanika; kugaira mamuna wamphamvu zake, good nyt sindiperekaso kwa tonde!!! If Homosexuality is to be approved. Legalize Marijuana!!! 50-50 basi
mulungu adzalanga wina aliyensa payekhapayekha mosapsatila ayi.alekeni dont judge them azakanthidwa okha ngati kuli kotelo
Malamulowo alipo kale achikhalire okammbanso momveka bwino nde akamati aunike amatanthauza chani? Komanso chounikacho nkumakhala chani. This is all madness
Ngati ulosi unakamba za izi ndinthawi yoti ukwanilisidwe,palibe yemwe angasunse zaizi.Chimene tingachite tikuyenera tonse tilape machimo anthu,tisalimbane ndikuyang’ana ndi zochimwa za anthu ena.
Zimenezo ayi.Mulungu analenga muthu mchifanizo chake kodi ngati mulungu sakalenge muthu wa mkazi bwezi tikuchulukana zausatana zithele kwawo komweko ngati ndi umphawi tikhale nawo anthu opanga zimenezi akapezeka pafunika chilango
Pamenepopo ndiyekuti boma lamvomela kuti anthuwa azigonana basi asatinamizepo apa coz ngati akunena kuti asamangidwe pokha pokha aunike lamulo ilimeneli ndekuti kagulu kameneka kazinka kakuchulukila chulukila mapeto ake kazavuta kukathetsa
ngani si yambili iyayi amene akuyambisayo apase mimba pitter yo mpaka akale ndi mwana nde kuti anthu ali ndi ufulu opanga koma ngat sakala ndi mwana sizingateke zimene
ngani si yambili iyayi amene akuyambisayo apase mimba pitter yo mpaka akale ndi mwana nde kuti anthu ali ndi ufulu opanga koma ngat sakala ndi mwana sizingateke zimene
Ndichifukwa chake mvula ikuvuta dziko lathu lamalawi akulamulirayo ndi Satana
Kugonana okhaokha ndi chipongwe pa maso pa Mulungu mukulimbana ndizazii iionani wa mphamvuyonse wakwiya
Boma lathu ngakhale lili losauka tiyeni tisunge chikhalidwe chathu monga ife amalawi. Tisasithanise ntendele wathu ndi chuma ayi! Mulungu atilanga tikatelo, zomwe lachita bomazi lalakwisa potengela chikhalidwe komanso malemba sizabwinoyi!.
ife tiribe vuto what we is an example ndie a mutharika_wo apite akawatire saulos chirima then tizatengerapo phuziro
Kod mulungu angakhale opusa kulenga athu aziwalo zosiyana???? akatero azibelekasotuo
Kod mulungu angakhale opusa kulenga athu aziwalo zosiyana???? akatero azibelekasotuo
Nkhani Ya Za Chuma Basi? Kaya Ndi Umphawi Ukhale Kma Mathanyula Ife Ai
Kodi umphawi ndi ntchimodi et? Nanga bwanji akufuna adzichita zinthu motikakamiza pomwe eni ake tisakufuna? Ambuye Mulungu chonde chitanipo kathu
Zachisoni kwambiri, Mw anali wabwino koma pano ndi Babulo weniweni. Guys dziko likupita kt? Tiyeni tikhale ochenjera ndi atsogoleriwa.
Mzungu asamatiuze zotitipange, mesa potenga independence plan inali yot tizizilamulira tokha!? Nde apa kod zimene an2 ankamenyera lyk John Chilembwe,Kamuzu Banda zikukwanirisidwa? Amalawi dziwani kt potenga chin2chi padali nyanja ya magaz. Nde anza2 amene adataya miyoyo yao pofuna independence tinganene kt nizisiru? Mulungu dalitsani Malawi ndipo dziwani nae chochta mzungu kt zimene akufuna zisachitike. Kana mchtidwe oipao iweee Malawi plzzzzzzz.
Bull shit
Admin, kodi Bingu uja atakana zamathanyula amalawi anati chani?vuto liri ndi amalawi sitidxiwa chomwe timafuna &timalowetsa ndale chinachilichonse maganixo anga chabe idont want replies plx amalawi 24 afunsa kuti maganixo athu ndiotani.Nkutheka boma lapanga ixi potengera ndimmene xinakhalira mnthawi ya a Bingu noone supported Bingu& ithought ndizimene timafuna.
Kodi lero kuli game?
Vengence is for Jehovah God only,kwa yomwe sanachimwepo plz com forward n throw the first stone,Im not homo,all wat im sayin is ndimamwa bawa,ena amasuta chamba,ena mumapanga chigololo,aliyese ali ndi ntchimo lake we r not perfect,dont justfy ur self like ur rightious,Leave Judgement for God,olo ku mkhoti kod iweo umamuuza zochita judge? i mean do his/her job on his/her behalf? ,Kwa omwe mukut aphedwe satana akukuchenjerelani kut pa ma record a machimo anu pakhale “Murder case”.im off ineso ndine ochimwa ndili ndi machimo anga oti ndilape koma wu homo its not 1 of them,im happy for dat,and its my prayer dat de Demon leadin our brothers,Sisters(Lesbians),and all our relatives into this malpractice shuld not meet with u,In JESUS name!!!!!!!!
mulungu akawalanga athu amenewo chifukwa chimene akupanga ndichimo lalikhulu subuhanallah
Kumangowapha basi,,,akavutavuta tizangowaloza basi,,,kkkkkkkkkkkkk.
msogoleli anali Bingu bax i belive dat sazapezekaso,he say trueth white people r stuept
Zamanyi eti? Zosatheka zimenezo! Ndiye kuti mulungu analakwisa kutipasa akaziwa? Tandiuzeni mukumutenga mulungu olakwa mutabadwa kale? Mind you anzanuso akufuna kubadwa! Shut up!
No future generation,,homosexial never hv children,,,is it part of family planning? Oooooohh moma eyyyy,,,we don’t want God to punish our innocent Country becz of one foolish person who can sign for this,,,remember ”sodom and Gomorah” yhoooooo!!!!!! our country is under FIRE.
Asaname kuti afufuze bwino za malamulo,,,iyeyo wavomera kale akungofuna kumva kuti anthi aziti chani,,,if the government is poor can not become rich chifukwa cha mathanyula. Uku ndiye kumuika devil pampando,,,kenako azaloranso kuti ma Alubino aziphedwa kuti dziko lipeze ndalama,,,,,what afool!
Zot tikulangidwa nkhani yake umathanyula ximukuwona ?? Mvula inasiya lit ?? Chimanga timadzala januwale ??? God wll punish malawi ngat xitizitenga bwino
Kuli bwino angosiya kuthandiza dzikoli
Komaso zimenezi ayambe anawake akwelana okhaokha osati osati a maliwi awoneke ngat dzitsilu komaso adziwe kut sanayambe yeyo kulamulila dziko lino kunali ma pre. . . . nt ambili amene alamulilako malawi koma sanapangeko manyi amenewa ayambe yeyo kukwatilana ndi (vais ) wake sakudziwa kuti kuli (freedom )(freedom ) pamnyapake peter pamodzo ndamene amavomelezana khani yamanyiyo zabwinoooo zose amene mwandimva ndavayaaaaaa
uchitsilu,umbuli,komaso zikhulupililo zikutipwetekesa ubwino wamkulu wanga or mngono wanga sizikutathauza ineso ndiwabwino ayi ndye tizisiye coz tikanalila mpaka 2019 apange zomwe afuna namachend* ameneyi
thats nonsense! even if you dont arrest them by means of human rights,God will deal with these demons! have we ever gone to America to ask for review of their laws? poor leaders its high time you rose up from your sleep! these stupid decisions you are making God is not pleased mind you! we do not want more calamities in our Land! GOD FORGIVE AND RESCUE MALAWI!
Zopusa zimenezo
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha ,koma pitala adah iwe ndi ziro pa teniiii pawani palibesoooooooo .kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk , Ambuye adzalanga yekha masheitwani amenewa, not you palm, he wl organize da judgement day,
Ukasauka umangovomereza Anything!
Boma Lili Kt?
Kodi ndiye akakwatilana amuna kapena akazi okhaokhawo pazikhalaso akhoswe?.Chifukwa m’mene zililimu zoti boma lavomeleza kale ngati alamula amapolisa kuti asamange anthu ochita nchitidwe umenewu sindiye kuti bilu imeneyi yapasa kodi ndiye kufunsilana kwake akumati chani? Ndakukondanitu abraz
Kuwopa ma donars mmalo mowopa mulungu thats a big shame
I do remember very well in d bible anachita kulemba kt kuzakhala njala, nkhondo, maukwat a same sex e,t,c but God anachita kupanga conclude kt” TSOKA KWA OKWANIRITSA MALAMULOWO” can’t u see hw dangerous it iz..
Amalawi tiyen tisate njila yomwe mulungu watipasa. kwamene amapanga zimenezo kwamulungu akalangidwa chifukwa amenewo sakumziwa mulungu kwamene akuziwa zomwe amanena mulungu sangapange zimenezo.
Amenewo ndi maganizo anu , Mau a Mulungu akukaniratu nchitidwe umenewo, Kodi muli ndi mphamvu yosintha Malamulo a Mulungu ??????
Acknowledge source plz
Ndichifukwa mvula xingabwele gyz
A BIG nooooo to mathanyula
Its not within the powers of men to cast punishment, but God alone can. You people here have ur own shortfalls, some of you are thieves, alduterers, drug addicts, false followers, selfish, money lovers, and much esp greedy. Shall we have to kill you too? Then we will all end up killing each other! ‘lorani nansongole ndi tiligu akulire limodzi,’ jesus said that, not for u to accept this, but God to accept that tiligu ndi nansongole akulire limodzi because it is not ur power to accept kuti tiligu ndi nansongole akulile limodzi. In the end, He alone will come to seperate wheat and tare, He further said to His followers, dont separate wheat and tare, until they grow up. Now who are you Man to judge what deserves death to ur fellow man. Let the gays be for they will answer to God by themselves not to you!
Mesho, pali machimo ena amapanga affect dziko for example gayism, killing of innocent people, corruption e.t.c koma ena amakupanga affect wekha like zimene mwatchulazo. So people are crying because it will affect our nation. Do a research u will find that those countries that accept gayism, they are facing with many challenges like wars. So let them speak against it.
Muwauz e azunguwo akwatilane ndpo process ya ana ikachitka nde avomeleze bwno if not tkhala ndkusauka kwathuku
Aliyense angathe kukhala ndi ufulu wake koma pa”TCHIMO”palibe ufulu. Ngat Boma likuti liunike lamulo lokhudza zimenezi,kodi mphamvu yomangila achina AUNT TIWO anaitenga kut? Apapa boma likufuna kungozemba koma zoona zake ndizoti lavomereza mchitidweu. (#feeling_sorry_4malawi)
Boma lalakwisa kwambiri,zinaz timauyamba dala mkwiyo wa Mulungu,njira zopezera ndalama ndizambir mdziko lathu lino,ndizomvesa chison kwambir zimenez, Ambuye achtepo kanthu.
kodi mathanyula phindu lake nchiyani?. tisawanvele axungu coz anthu amenewa amatiuza kuti tipange zinthu zimene pasogolo pake zimabwelesa mavuto,for example amati apeza mafuta panyanja, akanavomeredwa kuti agwile ntchito panyanjapo mukanaona akanangowengapo mafutawo kwa 2 to 3 yearz kenako ukananva athapo, pamenepo nyanja yaonongeka same to mulanje mauntain. bwanj iwowo sapeza zinthuzo pa open ground? amalawi tieni tichenjere anthu amenewa angofuna ationongele malawi wathu wabwinoyu, tisadane ndi mulungu chifukwa cha zinthu zopusa ngati zimenezo
Chigozie Obioma’s The Fishermen : A review by Ndi Charles via http://wp.me/p5m7Al-20.
Malaw ndi ziko laanthu akuda ndie axungu sianthu ayi munthu ndi wakuda ixo ndi nyama pot boma lake ndilochepa mphamvu ndikut ixi ndi nyasi basi atate tithangatilen
M’mene amakomera mamuna akakhala pamwamba pa nkazi basi ndikhale busy ndi nkazi nzanga? Ine ayi zopusa zimenezo!!
My fellow country men ifeel bad when peaple put the blame on Peter only yet there more people sorrounding him together they rule our country if they can say no you mean Peter can say yes alone?come to think of it you wil learn that Peter has been covered with evil people even bad than the devil itself,they move from this party to that party just like parasites when an animal die parasites will move to another animal and life goes on!
there is need kumasulira lamulo,ife lamulo tikulidziwa kale.iwe pitala osatiyesa dala ife a malawi.ubwerere komwe unali kwa azunguko ndipo utsazabwerenso
Ai takana zanuzo kumweko ku america koo ndati takana ife ai toto
President anasainira kale kuti athu kumalawi kuno akhoza ku mathanyulana.Angozi bisa iyeyu
I think Peter Muthalika is interested in the conduct.Everyone who is interested in the Practice is a devil messanger.Malawi wake up,do not allow stupid Govt ruin Malawi morals.Ken Nsondas case dismissal is just a way to stop Malawians to act against these stupid behaviours.This Govt has really annoyed me.Why cant the seek guidance from the religious leaders?This is now a dictatorial rulling system.Government are the people.If Malawians say No to zopusazo,why are you interested?Team_msonda #tizikuphani
Anthu Osanva Inu!! Cant You See Kuti Anu Ndmalast Dayz? Malembo Akukwanilitsidwa, Kma Bible Timat Tsoka Kwa Amene Akukwanilitsa Malemba,,
You Americans come and collect your sick old man Peter. We are tired of this thieving gay . No homos in Malawi . Please remove your filthy old man and let him continue with his MATHANYULA there in USA and not here
Peter has been sent by the devil to rule this country . He is a pure gay and he must collect his greencard and return to USA . He was given money inorder to betray our identity . Ufa imfa yowawa Peter. Beware! God is watching you
ndikuganiza kt titati tamanga ma babeshop ambili, ithink ma raster man angachepe mdziko
a peter adaziwika kale awa kuti ndi achitsilu. sangapite ku Ndata(mpumulo wabata) kukafunsa nzelu kwa malemu nkulu wake? u professor waumbuli nawo. manthanyula thus unnatural acts. kuyambira m’bible, mukuran and common sense yamu society, izi zokanidwa palibe kukokera. dont u know dat America is de father, mother( in short home) of all evil things? find out how many go to church or mosque in america? paja bwanawanso anali konko ndiye kupemphera anayamba akulowa ufumuwu, eeeeee zachisoni!!!!
Akadakhala malemu aja bwezi zitakanidwa kale zimenezo chifukwa chakuti Bible amalidziwa.Kodi anthu a Loti adaonongeka mmalo mwachiani?Nanga Mulungu ataona kuti Adamu sanali osangalala mmunda mwa Ideni nagaziza kuti Adamu amupangire omuthangatia/kumusangalatsa adamulengera mamuna nzake kapena nthitiyake adapangira mkazi wake?Ndiye Mulungu adapanga mistake koma anzeru ndinu?Ma president onse omwe akhala akulamulira Malawi palibe ndimmodzi yemwe akadalora zopusa ngati zimenezi.Mawalino akabwera ndi mfundo yoti maliseche a anthu akuda muli gold mudzavomerezanso ndipo mudzatidulitsa maliseche athu mmalo mwa mantha.Bwanji Obama sadakwatire mamuna nzake kuti chikhale chitsanzo chabwino kwa otsatira mchitidwewu?Panopa takhala pang’ono kulandidwa nyanja ija,mmalo moti munthu yemwe samalora mayiko ena kutengera Malawi ku ntoso ngati nyama ya galu adapita.A Malawi tidzachangamuka liti?
Tisalore kuti olamura avomeleze kodi aMalawi mzungu ndimuthu wakuda ndiofanana??? Malawi ndiokonda kupenphera chonde Malawi usasochere tipenpha mzimu wanu oyera Yehova kuti ukathangatire mtundu wamalawi chifukwa inu ndiyenjira ndichoonadi popanda inu Yehova pamaKhala mdima musalore kuti mtundu wamalawi usochere chifukwa cha asatana ngati amenewa
Malawi ndi dziko loopa Mulungu tisadzimberere tokha polora mchidweu ngati Sodomu ndi Gomora
Mulungu analengakale malowoti boloizilowapo osatimalowonyelelamuzikwatanapo ai!Ai izotakana amalawimukawauze azunguo zokwatanapamtumbo takana ife
Chodabwitsa Munthu Akuvomereza Zimeneziyu Anachokera Kwa Mai Ndi Bambo! Kodi Limodzi Mwa Makolo Ake Akanakhala Opusa Ngati Iyeyo, Opanga Za Mathanyula Akanabadwa? Musaphe Mtundu Ukubwerawo Chifukwa Chokomedwa Ndi Ndalama Za Kwa Azungu! Mudulidwa Nazo Mitu Izi, Ndakwiya Nanu.
Running a country z different from from a family,a religious organisation,a company etc,a country accommodate everyone ku c if chased they’ll say humanrights bleached thats why we c as if no action z being taken but we r not happy with the so called LGBT as u call u urselves but ladies& gents we r playing a losing game!
MBAYAMWEEE KASI CHALU CHIKULUTA NKHU? Doda la mwanalume na Dodaso linyake kupanga vya UNYANKHASI IVYO,,, Ine khutukwe-! doso
Tikuyenela tiyang’ane ufulu umnw,ndi w Mulungu kapena tazipasa tokha?Zkusonyeza kut dziko lino tikulamuldwabe nd azungu.Ta ngkhala chikwangwan cabe, kma kumbuy kathu kul azungu.Comwe ndi ku ziwa ine ufulu wa Mulng ul ndi malile.Na bwanji munthu wapha mzako umasakidwa dzko mun?Kusonyeza kut uli ndi malile.Tiliope tsiku lachiweluzo.Zosez nd zosala.
President ndi bingu osat mbuziyi bingu amalolera adane ndi anthu kma akondweretse Mulungu
Don’t worry cause am still watching ,reading and listening carefully to what he is doing……veerry soon he is going to solve it….!!!
Fusani mugabe ku zim uko
Levitiko 20 vs 13…………….follow w@ de bible says…..
If he will allow h sexuality we must divide mw south mw and north Mw,
Nziko lathu ndidziko limodzi lomwe muli zithu zachilengedwe nyanja,mampiri abwino komaso game alipo ambiri koma chodabwitsa ndimadalira thandidzo lakunja azungu akangoti mupange izi ife ndimati oky Atsogoleri anthu nao amakhala ngati loboti kapena chikwakwani azungu akangoti ndipange izi Peter amati oooooo oooooo
what is mathanyula? am a zambian chewa bt i dont understand that word coz the nyanja u speak in malawi is so hard compared 2 what we speak in the chewa land here in zambia
Kod amalawi chifukwa chaumphawi ndiye tingovomeleza zilizonse koma musayiwale kuti ndime imene muliyi ndiyachipulula ndiye musova
We don’t need their devolic donations they must stay away from us.Massage to all those who r pushing this God is watching u.Fire is waiting for u.U r a failure in the name of God Amen
Special massage to Peter wamthalika our loved President ,professor we elected u into power to protect Malawi not to put Malawi for sale,our late president Dr Bingu wamthalika never excepted dis babalic, ambiguous,devolic and lubish behaviours not in Malawi pliz Mr president for the love of all Malawians from,Northern,central and southern region don’t ever except dis Malawi is a God fealing nation not satanic nation I. the name of Yahweh father almighty God i rebulk the power of dis devil out of Malawi Amen. May the king of kings lords of lords bless all his children AMEN
ngati ufulu wachibadwidwe ulipo wamathanyula.tiyeni tiwasiye azipanga. nkhaniyi ndiyofanana ndiufiti zilibe umboni weniweni
Zonsezi sichina koma satana anaponda mapazi kwathu kumalawi. Chonde president musalole zimenezi zichitike ndife oopa mulungu kumalawi, ngati uli umphawi usiyeni sitifa ayi tikhalabe amphawi koma tili moyo. Ambuye chonde musalole izi zoipazi zichitike kumalawi ngati alipo oipa amene akufuna alole izi chonde pangani naye zotheka akuziweni kuti ndinu ambuye wazatheka bwanji amen.
I think all AMERICANS sud not b longer found in our country,atijaira heavy th@’s y I hate Eurosian pple nd I will forever hate them
Iyi sinkhan yokambiran opezeka akuchita kharidwe limener ukuyenera kurandra chirango bas.
ANzungu adziulura kuti satana ndi iye ndiye iwe pitala samalira usaononge malawi wathu
Moya wata ng’adza
akufuna kukhala mbali ya okana komanso yovomera
Umphawi wathu wakhala chitonzo amalawi zomvetsa chisoni tilipo amalawi ena amene tikugwilizana nazo mfundo imeneyi koma chonde akakwiya chauta atikantha ndithuuu akazi alipo ambiri ena akupita ku mozambiki kukapanga uhule kusowa mamuna iwe ukulimbana ndi mamuna nzako kupusaaaaaa amenewa afeletu dziwachoke
Where did u get homosexuality becoz if Satan himself is not a gay
will maganizo athu change anything with dictator in the house? Naaah!so why wasting our precios time?malawians have more pressing issues to debate .
Mutidikire Mbuye Dzikoli Musaotche Moto..
ngati ndi mathanyulawo peter amuthamangitse getrude kaya akatero akwatire mphongo zake abusa akadalitse ukwatiwo anthuso apanga.
Plz plz plz God guid us all de way to ur mercful n greously pelekani chilango kwaiye wavomela tchimo limeneli aoneseni kuti ndinu olamula kwaolamula onse chonde ambuye onesani mphavu zanu kwaasatana otelewa apaseni kuyiwala iwala,kusaona,misala ndi khunyu plz plz alangikedi mumphavu zanu
Azimangidwa bas
akulu zinthu kumalaw sizidzasntha chifukwa kumalawi prezident ndamene amakhala ndimphamvu kuposa anthu pachifukwa chimenechi amatha kuzipangila zinthu mokomela iwowo pantha imeneyo osati anthu akufuna chani ndimayamilakila anthu akusouth africa akagwilizana kut apange chakut ndikugwilizana zimachika mopanda kuganiza prezidnt ayi ife amalawi timaopa kufa kwambili ndichfukwa chake sitingapange strike kuonesa nkwiyo pankhaniyi zithela momwemu kenako tizamva kut lamulo lalowa lovomeleza homesexual
umve, nyasi
Mulowelelepo ambuye moyo wanga ulim’mazi.
kodi ndi nthawi ya asamundabe azunguwa akufuna azitiramula bwanji?
dzuka malawiwee dzuka~ndkale udayamba kugona,:back 2 chwamba “takana mathanyura” de goverment of mr p its unreasoable
Maboma enawa?
Bwanji tizivutika kusiyana ndikuchimwira mulungu
Kodi Bomalo bwanji Nkhaniyogula chimanga lilibe nayo ntchito koma mathanyula.
dats noses de goverment of mr p is unhelp 2 us,
Kd mukufuna maganizo achani? inu mukuona ngat boma xiliziwa kt 99.45% Akukana za gay?
Aliyese azisakile mbali chipulumuso nchawekha kufa saferana
Bola pamenepo asamamangidwe komango otcha basi ngati ma hindu sizochedwesana zakupolisi moto ndi deal aziuyambilatu pansi pompano
Bola pamenepo asamamangidwe komango otcha basi ngati ma hindu sizochedwesana zakupolisi moto ndi deal aziuyambilatu pansi pompano
Guys tisaiwale kuti president wathu ndi mzikanso yaku America chomcho America imamutenganso Peter Mutharika ngati mwana wao. He got a green card yaku America ndani angatsutse? Kuteleku chilichonse adzilamulidwa ndi ma Americans. Ngati bambo akulephera udindo wapa khomo ana mumalowerera koposa. Angry mob mudzigwira ntchito yanu kumawapha ma gay ndaganiza chomcho
Guys tisaiwale kuti president wathu ndi mzikanso yaku America chomcho America imamutenganso Peter Mutharika ngati mwana wao. He got a green card yaku America ndani angatsutse? Kuteleku chilichonse adzilamulidwa ndi ma Americans. Ngati bambo akulephera udindo wapa khomo ana mumalowerera koposa. Angry mob mudzigwira ntchito yanu kumawapha ma gay ndaganiza chomcho
I still blv kuti ulendo anatenga wathu 115 ku Amenrica nkhani imeneyi anakakabilanako and anapatsidwa tindalama,ndiangati mwa anthu amene anapita ku America ndi iye womwe akutsutsa nkhaniyi? Mupeza kuto palibe onse milomo ndiyotseka akudziwa kanthu and a wa anabweraw kunali kudzaona m’mene zomwe anagwirizanazo ngati zikuchitika and Ineyo chomwe, Nkhani imeneyi ndiyosavuta akapezeka Gay kaya Lesbian iphani and mudzikawawuza bwino kuti wafa Gay and ene onse amene akuchita kapena amene nawo akufuna mchitidwewu asiya powona zomwe zingamawachitikile anthu amenewa. Pomaliza ineyo ndili okhudzidwa kuti wina wake amene sakonda dzikoli,yemwe chibadwileni chake sanathandizepo dzikoli,yemwe wakhala ku America kwa nthawi koma kubwera kufuna kusokoneza dzikolo, sanamenyere Ufulu wa dziko ndi iye ayi and ife tikumusekelera,we will die once, and we dntAbwenzedwe aeneyu
I still blv kuti ulendo anatenga wathu 115 ku Amenrica nkhani imeneyi anakakabilanako and anapatsidwa tindalama,ndiangati mwa anthu amene anapita ku America ndi iye womwe akutsutsa nkhaniyi? Mupeza kuto palibe onse milomo ndiyotseka akudziwa kanthu and a wa anabweraw kunali kudzaona m’mene zomwe anagwirizanazo ngati zikuchitika and Ineyo chomwe, Nkhani imeneyi ndiyosavuta akapezeka Gay kaya Lesbian iphani and mudzikawawuza bwino kuti wafa Gay and ene onse amene akuchita kapena amene nawo akufuna mchitidwewu asiya powona zomwe zingamawachitikile anthu amenewa. Pomaliza ineyo ndili okhudzidwa kuti wina wake amene sakonda dzikoli,yemwe chibadwileni chake sanathandizepo dzikoli,yemwe wakhala ku America kwa nthawi koma kubwera kufuna kusokoneza dzikolo, sanamenyere Ufulu wa dziko ndi iye ayi and ife tikumusekelera,we will die once, and we dntAbwenzedwe aeneyu
Palibe chimene tingachite poti chithandizo chadziko lino chikuchokera maiko osawopa Mulungu asiyeni amene akupanga mchitidwe oyipau poti kufa safelana komanso aliyense azalangidwa payekha malingana ndi ntchimo lake
Palibe chimene tingachite poti chithandizo chadziko lino chikuchokera maiko osawopa Mulungu asiyeni amene akupanga mchitidwe oyipau poti kufa safelana komanso aliyense azalangidwa payekha malingana ndi ntchimo lake
Kodi mmesa amati dziko ndi anthu. tsono ngati a Malawi akukana za gay poti ndiwo dziko. Nanga ndi chifukwa chani akulu akulu enawa kulimbikila kukamilira zachikunja. kodi Malawi wayiwala mu nyimbo ya mtundu wake kuti anati Mulungu dalitsani Malawi wosati ma donor dalitsani Malawi. tsono nanga iziso ndiye ziti? kodi tikufuna nthaka ya Malawi ikhale yodetsedwa kamba ka chuma? Komaso chuma chakecho chongolowa mmatumba mwawo. Phindu lake kwa m’Malawi sowe. a Malawi tithawira nayo kuti nkhondo imeneyi. Lero ndiyo wabisala ku lamuro satana.
Kodi mmesa amati dziko ndi anthu. tsono ngati a Malawi akukana za gay poti ndiwo dziko. Nanga ndi chifukwa chani akulu akulu enawa kulimbikila kukamilira zachikunja. kodi Malawi wayiwala mu nyimbo ya mtundu wake kuti anati Mulungu dalitsani Malawi wosati ma donor dalitsani Malawi. tsono nanga iziso ndiye ziti? kodi tikufuna nthaka ya Malawi ikhale yodetsedwa kamba ka chuma? Komaso chuma chakecho chongolowa mmatumba mwawo. Phindu lake kwa m’Malawi sowe. a Malawi tithawira nayo kuti nkhondo imeneyi. Lero ndiyo wabisala ku lamuro satana.
Ndichifukwa chake mamelekani amalimbana ndimaiko asilamu/aluya kuti akhazikise matipate chifukwa kumenekuja amagwilitsa ntchito malamuro amabuku qur’an nd baibulo eg wachigololo aphedwe, wakuba adulidwe manja, kupha mzake aphedwe. osayenda munthu atavula ngati zalerozi, zonsezi mukuti ufulu wachibadwidwe muufulu momwemo mulikugonana amuna okhaokha,chigololo paliponse,kuyenda anthu maliseche ndizina zambiri zoipa kamba kaufulu, aliyese amapange zomwe akufuna go to hell, chonde ambuye mulungu nditalikiseni ine kuzoipa zimenezi.
Ndichifukwa chake mamelekani amalimbana ndimaiko asilamu/aluya kuti akhazikise matipate chifukwa kumenekuja amagwilitsa ntchito malamuro amabuku qur’an nd baibulo eg wachigololo aphedwe, wakuba adulidwe manja, kupha mzake aphedwe. osayenda munthu atavula ngati zalerozi, zonsezi mukuti ufulu wachibadwidwe muufulu momwemo mulikugonana amuna okhaokha,chigololo paliponse,kuyenda anthu maliseche ndizina zambiri zoipa kamba kaufulu, aliyese amapange zomwe akufuna go to hell, chonde ambuye mulungu nditalikiseni ine kuzoipa zimenezi.
I stand to a point that God doesn’t choose all leaders, if our president was God choosen he could have bowed to God and ask for wisdom osati zomwe akupangazi, Mulungu azakukantha ndi lupanga lakuthwa
I stand to a point that God doesn’t choose all leaders, if our president was God choosen he could have bowed to God and ask for wisdom osati zomwe akupangazi, Mulungu azakukantha ndi lupanga lakuthwa
Ndizi2 zolakwika mboma liganize mofatsa
Ndizi2 zolakwika mboma liganize mofatsa
That’s lucking of wisdom
That’s lucking of wisdom
timadzilamulila tokha wosalola azugu azitiwongolela tili pa chiwongolelo mukavomela tikugendani ndimwala wopusa inu wololanu
timadzilamulila tokha wosalola azugu azitiwongolela tili pa chiwongolelo mukavomela tikugendani ndimwala wopusa inu wololanu
This government is a disgrace. Ukamamuvomeleza mwana wako kuba ndiye kuti iweso ndi mbava,this is y John Chilembwe (mhsrp) chopped off Linstone head he knew kuti azalimbikisa mathanyula
This government is a disgrace. Ukamamuvomeleza mwana wako kuba ndiye kuti iweso ndi mbava,this is y John Chilembwe (mhsrp) chopped off Linstone head he knew kuti azalimbikisa mathanyula
Thats y in cz most pple comit murder cases they took it from a hero.
Thus Godless act ,tisadabwe ndi izi coz bible linanena kale izi ndi zizindikiro za masiku otsiriza chofunika ndkuzikhutula kwa Mulungu wathu,zikapanda kuchitika ndiye timuyesa wabodza,Ambuye bwerani!!!!
Thus Godless act ,tisadabwe ndi izi coz bible linanena kale izi ndi zizindikiro za masiku otsiriza chofunika ndkuzikhutula kwa Mulungu wathu,zikapanda kuchitika ndiye timuyesa wabodza,Ambuye bwerani!!!!
Akafuna zopusa zaozo, avule #peter ndi mzake azichindana tiziwaonelera tione ngat zilibwino. Zakumachende bac
Akafuna zopusa zaozo, avule #peter ndi mzake azichindana tiziwaonelera tione ngat zilibwino. Zakumachende bac
Chisilu chopanda zelu bale wake bingu sadamvumelenze ayambe yiyeyo ndipo ndikumupasa masiku 4days apenzeke atamupasa mimba nzakeyo
Chisilu chopanda zelu bale wake bingu sadamvumelenze ayambe yiyeyo ndipo ndikumupasa masiku 4days apenzeke atamupasa mimba nzakeyo
Ine maganizo anga ndiokuti anthuwa aziwotchedwa chifukwa mbalame zisamatiponse nzeru kamba kandalama
Ine maganizo anga ndiokuti anthuwa aziwotchedwa chifukwa mbalame zisamatiponse nzeru kamba kandalama
Nzopusa zimenezo
Nzopusa zimenezo
Osati izzi….
Osati izzi….
Ife timaziwa izzi,,,,,,,
Ife timaziwa izzi,,,,,,,
Ife tikupephela ndi kusala kudya usana ndi usiku tiona zomwe zingachitike.ndiboma lanulo tiyeni nazoni kunja kuli mulungu komanso ziwan kuti kuli oti akampepha mulunguyo amawayakha tiwona zomwe zingangamuchitikile pitalayo ndi boma lakelo
Ife tikupephela ndi kusala kudya usana ndi usiku tiona zomwe zingachitike.ndiboma lanulo tiyeni nazoni kunja kuli mulungu komanso ziwan kuti kuli oti akampepha mulunguyo amawayakha tiwona zomwe zingangamuchitikile pitalayo ndi boma lakelo
maganizo anga tipange ubale ndi ma Arabs,asatanawa tasiye,takumbukani tym ya Muluzi chuma chinalibwino2,too much public wrks.
maganizo anga tipange ubale ndi ma Arabs,asatanawa tasiye,takumbukani tym ya Muluzi chuma chinalibwino2,too much public wrks.
Ndiye ndi chani ndulonjedza apa tizakumana ndabwelela ku malawiko.
Ndiye ndi chani ndulonjedza apa tizakumana ndabwelela ku malawiko.
Amalawi musalole zopusazo azunguwa bwanji andituma azungu joys banda lelo tikunva zot azungu akut pita usamatiyese uzatinva kuwawa gys azunguwo tiwasowese ufulu siwabwino ndinanena ine simwawona kuyambila lelo muziwe kuti ufulu ndi chihmo muziwe
Amalawi musalole zopusazo azunguwa bwanji andituma azungu joys banda lelo tikunva zot azungu akut pita usamatiyese uzatinva kuwawa gys azunguwo tiwasowese ufulu siwabwino ndinanena ine simwawona kuyambila lelo muziwe kuti ufulu ndi chihmo muziwe
Kodi tikhalire nkhani zopusazi?
Kodi tikhalire nkhani zopusazi?
Baberon iz conca malawi
Baberon iz conca malawi
the law was suspended in November 2013, by then Joyce Banda govt …its been in process to check if its necessary to repeal the law, don’t point a finger to the current president on this guys…. ignorance is bliss has seen it in this country called Malawi…follow issues don’t just start judging issues without substance…am not a supporter of gays rights NOOOOOao!
the law was suspended in November 2013, by then Joyce Banda govt …its been in process to check if its necessary to repeal the law, don’t point a finger to the current president on this guys…. ignorance is bliss has seen it in this country called Malawi…follow issues don’t just start judging issues without substance…am not a supporter of gays rights NOOOOOao!
Manyakawo kwanu konko nt here damn. Anthu enanu tinkaona ngat m’mutu mwan network ili bah its empty dammn nde mathanyula anuwo muziberekanso? Hahahahaha zipangan tikuoneran nga muli maliseche! Mxieeewwwwwwmmmmmmmm. Havin’ big heads doesn’t mean u r superb
Manyakawo kwanu konko nt here damn. Anthu enanu tinkaona ngat m’mutu mwan network ili bah its empty dammn nde mathanyula anuwo muziberekanso? Hahahahaha zipangan tikuoneran nga muli maliseche! Mxieeewwwwwwmmmmmmmm. Havin’ big heads doesn’t mean u r superb
Tsoka kwa okwanilitsa malemba even a dog knwz d@ dis z my oposite sex wen doin sex nde kulibwanj ngakhale akutele kma alindmkaxitu mamuna mxako upanga bwanj demet
Tsoka kwa okwanilitsa malemba even a dog knwz d@ dis z my oposite sex wen doin sex nde kulibwanj ngakhale akutele kma alindmkaxitu mamuna mxako upanga bwanj demet
Ine ndikuwona iweyo bola ukuziwa komwe ukupita chifukwa sizokakamiza zoona munthu wabwinobwino unkhagonane ndimamuna mzake choti muziwe zimenezija samapanga munthu wamba kawirikawiri amakhala asatanic, ifeyo olo tilankhule bwanji palibe chingathandize chachikulu kumuziwa mulungu ndikumalimbikila kupemphela.
Ine ndikuwona iweyo bola ukuziwa komwe ukupita chifukwa sizokakamiza zoona munthu wabwinobwino unkhagonane ndimamuna mzake choti muziwe zimenezija samapanga munthu wamba kawirikawiri amakhala asatanic, ifeyo olo tilankhule bwanji palibe chingathandize chachikulu kumuziwa mulungu ndikumalimbikila kupemphela.
Ine thus y i like Mugabe coz dziko lake anaona kut akamupasa mpata dzungu ajaira ngat zili kunozi vuto olo tiyankhure ataaaaa sizimveka ndiye pitirizani muone Khwinyo ya Mulungu
Ine thus y i like Mugabe coz dziko lake anaona kut akamupasa mpata dzungu ajaira ngat zili kunozi vuto olo tiyankhure ataaaaa sizimveka ndiye pitirizani muone Khwinyo ya Mulungu
Ndizochitsilu ngati akhuta just go to toilet
Ndizochitsilu ngati akhuta just go to toilet
Tiwona mutsogolo muno
Tiwona mutsogolo muno
Ndichitsi Pitalayu mbuzi muiwuze aaaa tsiruuuu.
Ndichitsi Pitalayu mbuzi muiwuze aaaa tsiruuuu.
Gvt is very very weak on one they dont want to disappoint westerners becz they desperately need financial aid on the other hand they are afraid of Malawians who are strongly against homosexuality hence undecisive. Shame!
Gvt is very very weak on one they dont want to disappoint westerners becz they desperately need financial aid on the other hand they are afraid of Malawians who are strongly against homosexuality hence undecisive. Shame!
Dzuka malawi ku tulo tako, su uja unadzala tiligu mundamu..taona mwameranso nansongole ..wadzala nansongoleyu ndi ndani..Adulidwe atayidwe ku moto.Mr..President if you fail to defend the majority on this issue 2019 the minority wil vote for you.
Dzuka malawi ku tulo tako, su uja unadzala tiligu mundamu..taona mwameranso nansongole ..wadzala nansongoleyu ndi ndani..Adulidwe atayidwe ku moto.Mr..President if you fail to defend the majority on this issue 2019 the minority wil vote for you.
Tikumbuke kut sodom ndi gomola itapanga izi mulungu anakwiya ndipo anayatsa moto anthu akuona ndimas awo ifes tiyembekeze chilango nde pot wayamba kale kulanga ndip apresident akuona koma sakuziwa zomwe watipangila chauta.nde akumbukile kut nthawi yakusaziwa mulungu analekelera.
malamulo onse amene boma limagwilitsa ntchito kaya ndi apolisi kaya ndi khoti anachokela mu baibulo ndipo zinayambika ndi kale kwambiri aliyese amazipeza ndipo amazisiya ndipo ngakhale munthu wopanga mathanyula kapena chigololo amagendedwa miyala mpaka kufa malilo ake amaika ndi agalu ndi a khwangwala…koma kodi nanga izi nde zitiso,kodi Mulungu analenga aAdamu awiri kapena mmodzi,kodi polenga Hava zinkatanthauza chani? mesa ndi pamene ukwati unayambika? nanga zoti tizikwatilana amuna okhaokha zachokelaso kuti?…Komatu mudziwe kuti Mulungu akuona zosezi ndipo sakusekelera zimenezi
Choti muziwe mamelekani anayambisa zaufulu wachibadwidwe chifukwa cholimbana ndi Baibulo amati aliyese alindiufu kupanga zomwe akufuna ndiye tisadabwe zosezi ndiufulu
malamulo onse amene boma limagwilitsa ntchito kaya ndi apolisi kaya ndi khoti anachokela mu baibulo ndipo zinayambika ndi kale kwambiri aliyese amazipeza ndipo amazisiya ndipo ngakhale munthu wopanga mathanyula kapena chigololo amagendedwa miyala mpaka kufa malilo ake amaika ndi agalu ndi a khwangwala…koma kodi nanga izi nde zitiso,kodi Mulungu analenga aAdamu awiri kapena mmodzi,kodi polenga Hava zinkatanthauza chani? mesa ndi pamene ukwati unayambika? nanga zoti tizikwatilana amuna okhaokha zachokelaso kuti?…Komatu mudziwe kuti Mulungu akuona zosezi ndipo sakusekelera zimenezi
Choti muziwe mamelekani anayambisa zaufulu wachibadwidwe chifukwa cholimbana ndi Baibulo amati aliyese alindiufu kupanga zomwe akufuna ndiye tisadabwe zosezi ndiufulu
Komano ndindan amene angalimbane ndi YEHOVA? Lero tikuopa munthu zanthu mmalo momuopa iye wakulenga DZUWA, KUMWAMBA NDI DZIKO LAPANSI aaa MULUNGU chita nafeni.
komanso tifune tisafune, Mulungu samalemekeza munthu koma munthu ndi ntchito yake yoti alemekeze mlengi
Mnyero (anus) ntchito yake ndikutulutsa manyi osati ku-ku
Mnyero (anus) ntchito yake ndikutulutsa manyi osati ku-ku
Yes indeed all gayz must killed
Yes indeed all gayz must killed
Tchimo ilo zawo izo
Tchimo ilo zawo izo
Kuwapeza kulasa pali mpeni zingani pakhosi
Kuwapeza kulasa pali mpeni zingani pakhosi
Choyambilira ndifunse kuti kumanga munthu kumasonyeza chiyan? munthuyo aphwanya lamulo kapena angomuwonela chabe? Ngat lamulo loretsa muchitidwe wa mathanyula liliko amangidwe basi. Lamulo lipotsa mphamvu ndiponso siliyangana nkhope kapena kukondela ayi. Tiyerekeze boma litanena kuti kuba ndikulakwa komanso mukapeza munthu akuba musamumange, ndekuti likuvomereza kuba kapena kukana/kuletsa? Zikatere ndiye boma nalonso liphwanya lamulo lomwe linapangidwa kunyumba ya malamulo.
Choyambilira ndifunse kuti kumanga munthu kumasonyeza chiyan? munthuyo aphwanya lamulo kapena angomuwonela chabe? Ngat lamulo loretsa muchitidwe wa mathanyula liliko amangidwe basi. Lamulo lipotsa mphamvu ndiponso siliyangana nkhope kapena kukondela ayi. Tiyerekeze boma litanena kuti kuba ndikulakwa komanso mukapeza munthu akuba musamumange, ndekuti likuvomereza kuba kapena kukana/kuletsa? Zikatere ndiye boma nalonso liphwanya lamulo lomwe linapangidwa kunyumba ya malamulo.
Shame on you Tembenu, you may also be a guy!
Shame on you Tembenu, you may also be a guy!
Za chamba ndiye muzibelekelana ana2 agalu..fuck
Za chamba ndiye muzibelekelana ana2 agalu..fuck
Uyu asatipusitse, kodi iyeyu ndi mulungu mamkulu ndani, mulungu analenga Adam kenaka analenga Hava ngati omuthangatira, bwanji sanasiye Adam yekhayo? kodi iyeyo amene amakhala naye uja ndi mamuna nzake? kodi ukwati amakamanga ku mpingo wake uja ndi mamuna nzake? kodi akanakwatira mamuna mzake viduee zake zija zikakabadwa? iyeyu asalakwitse anthu, kodi mamuna/mkazi ndi mzake angabeleke? akufuna kutidoda ngati mpira eti, wajaira? kambadi amanya womtola, kodi umphawi wabweletsa dala chilolinga choti anthu adzipanga zaugalu zakezo? anawauza anzakewo ali mubwele mudzawanyengelele amphawi anga kwathu, akopeke ndindalama, akulu zimene sizimafuna amphawi, tiye nazoni , manda adzadze, kodi akufuna makasu tikhale ife omulimira iye zikacha adzikolola? atisiye umphawi sumapha, mmalo mothandiza anthu kupemphelera mvula tidzingomva mathanyula, mulungu wayamba kale kulanga tifunilanjinso chilango china?
Uyu asatipusitse, kodi iyeyu ndi mulungu mamkulu ndani, mulungu analenga Adam kenaka analenga Hava ngati omuthangatira, bwanji sanasiye Adam yekhayo? kodi iyeyo amene amakhala naye uja ndi mamuna nzake? kodi ukwati amakamanga ku mpingo wake uja ndi mamuna nzake? kodi akanakwatira mamuna mzake viduee zake zija zikakabadwa? iyeyu asalakwitse anthu, kodi mamuna/mkazi ndi mzake angabeleke? akufuna kutidoda ngati mpira eti, wajaira? kambadi amanya womtola, kodi umphawi wabweletsa dala chilolinga choti anthu adzipanga zaugalu zakezo? anawauza anzakewo ali mubwele mudzawanyengelele amphawi anga kwathu, akopeke ndindalama, akulu zimene sizimafuna amphawi, tiye nazoni , manda adzadze, kodi akufuna makasu tikhale ife omulimira iye zikacha adzikolola? atisiye umphawi sumapha, mmalo mothandiza anthu kupemphelera mvula tidzingomva mathanyula, mulungu wayamba kale kulanga tifunilanjinso chilango china?
aa zaziii.kukambilana chan vuto la mumipando yonhoziikapo ulamulilo umakanika frm today promising kit pitala akazanhowinaso tizathetheysanspo.tatopa
aa zaziii.kukambilana chan vuto la mumipando yonhoziikapo ulamulilo umakanika frm today promising kit pitala akazanhowinaso tizathetheysanspo.tatopa
Anasankha molakwika nkhope ngati yosema
Anasankha molakwika nkhope ngati yosema
Iwe pitala sadakulenge nd amako wava?Samala ndi mulungu ukumuyesayo wava,watilanga kale usatpatse mkwyo wa mulungu!
Iwe pitala sadakulenge nd amako wava?Samala ndi mulungu ukumuyesayo wava,watilanga kale usatpatse mkwyo wa mulungu!
Akatero wavomera uyu koma nde ndiziyenda wamanyazi bwanji, dziko langa kukhala lovomereza za u gay abale
Akatero wavomera uyu koma nde ndiziyenda wamanyazi bwanji, dziko langa kukhala lovomereza za u gay abale
choymba ndikufuna ndive zot iye wasiya mkazi wake uja ndikukwatila mphongo izake apangane mathanyulawo ngat angabeleke mwana….izi nzachamba heavy,Amalawi azanga izi tisalole bola tikapsele machimo athu kwa Mulungu osat chitsilu china kuchita kutichimwitsa ayi ndikukamwa kwake konyasa kuja ngat kwa njoka…Oooh God help us from these demonish pple….rescue our country
choymba ndikufuna ndive zot iye wasiya mkazi wake uja ndikukwatila mphongo izake apangane mathanyulawo ngat angabeleke mwana….izi nzachamba heavy,Amalawi azanga izi tisalole bola tikapsele machimo athu kwa Mulungu osat chitsilu china kuchita kutichimwitsa ayi ndikukamwa kwake konyasa kuja ngat kwa njoka…Oooh God help us from these demonish pple….rescue our country
Mzeru yabwino ndikupanga referendam Yes or No
Mzeru yabwino ndikupanga referendam Yes or No
Dziko likakhala losawuka umangobvomera ndimalamulo okomera adzungu. Koma m’nkhalidwe umenewo ndi oyipa.
Dziko likakhala losawuka umangobvomera ndimalamulo okomera adzungu. Koma m’nkhalidwe umenewo ndi oyipa.
Anyani sasekana zikundu. Iyenso ali mgulu la mathanyula komwelo ndiye mukuganiza angatani. Komatu analumbira kuteteza constitution ya dziko munthuyu. Wataya chipangano.
Anyani sasekana zikundu. Iyenso ali mgulu la mathanyula komwelo ndiye mukuganiza angatani. Komatu analumbira kuteteza constitution ya dziko munthuyu. Wataya chipangano.
Plz don’t tray again kungoti palibeso kukambilana azunguwo mwauze azikakambilana kwawoko asamatiwone kupusa chifukwa dzikolathu ndilovutika plz asogoleli pamozi ndiboma plz musalole
Plz don’t tray again kungoti palibeso kukambilana azunguwo mwauze azikakambilana kwawoko asamatiwone kupusa chifukwa dzikolathu ndilovutika plz asogoleli pamozi ndiboma plz musalole
choncho mvula ibwerad koma
choncho mvula ibwerad koma
choncho mvula ibwerad koma
choncho mvula ibwerad koma
choncho mvula ibwerad koma
choncho mvula ibwerad koma
Tingovomeleza kt tili mu injury tym,,,,,
Tingovomeleza kt tili mu injury tym,,,,,
Malawii needs deliverance
Malawii needs deliverance
Ngat safuna kuvera zofuna za anthu,nafe tingogwirizana cimodz.Tikangowazindikira anthu oterowo kumangowapanga kanyenya bas asatitenge ife kukhala nyambo zobwereletsela ndalama!kwawo mkoko macimo awo.
Ngat safuna kuvera zofuna za anthu,nafe tingogwirizana cimodz.Tikangowazindikira anthu oterowo kumangowapanga kanyenya bas asatitenge ife kukhala nyambo zobwereletsela ndalama!kwawo mkoko macimo awo.
People practicing gay are abnormal they are below animals; if found they must be butchered without mercy!
People practicing gay are abnormal they are below animals; if found they must be butchered without mercy!
Muzamusinthe kaye unirfom iyo wavala munthu wakuyimilirani pa mbali panupo bwana, then chiweruzo!
Muzamusinthe kaye unirfom iyo wavala munthu wakuyimilirani pa mbali panupo bwana, then chiweruzo!
Pitala mbolo yako wamva uzipita kwanu kwa mereca komko wamva
Pitala mbolo yako wamva uzipita kwanu kwa mereca komko wamva
Kod Otsangowatengela Snipar Bwanj Kut Angoduwah…Mwna Tingapume…Kunva Khalidwe Lopoila Ngt Limeneri…Maganizo Anga Nd Amenewa…Full Stp
Kod Otsangowatengela Snipar Bwanj Kut Angoduwah…Mwna Tingapume…Kunva Khalidwe Lopoila Ngt Limeneri…Maganizo Anga Nd Amenewa…Full Stp
km Mulungu mutichitre chifundo ife anthu ochuluka zeru
km Mulungu mutichitre chifundo ife anthu ochuluka zeru
Thats why aluya amapanga nkhondo amakana zopusazo poti ndife osauka tizingovomera zilizose koma bingu manyi amenewa sakanalola
Thats why aluya amapanga nkhondo amakana zopusazo poti ndife osauka tizingovomera zilizose koma bingu manyi amenewa sakanalola
Amalawi tiyeni tiope mulungu osati azungu. Ziko lililonse lili ndimalamu ake komanso chikhalidwe..chake.boma litiuze ngati till mmAlamulo azungu? Atsogoleli akuopa azungu .sakuopa mulungu ndi anthu omwe anasankha, kumbukani kuli infa komanso mulungu anakulengani. Amalawi tieni maso kwa mulungu osati kwa Satana
Amalawi tiyeni tiope mulungu osati azungu. Ziko lililonse lili ndimalamu ake komanso chikhalidwe..chake.boma litiuze ngati till mmAlamulo azungu? Atsogoleli akuopa azungu .sakuopa mulungu ndi anthu omwe anasankha, kumbukani kuli infa komanso mulungu anakulengani. Amalawi tieni maso kwa mulungu osati kwa Satana
Kma Zoona A Zungu Azitimangila Zochta ?.Peter Bwanji Osapanga Zomwe Anapanga Brother Wako Bingu?. On Ths Issue I Salute Ur Brother Bingu.
Oooo allaa why u do this our country??? Chisoni changobwera chongova nkhani yonpusayi. Ndichifukwa chani eni malawife mumationerela pomwe zomwe zilikumipando zangokhala ndizimimba BA’s.. Nde apamukutiuza kt tikupaseni maganizo pomwe inu yankho litapita kare… Oomy my my Malawi khalanawo mtima wanyasiyo .. Komano chomvesa chisoni kwambili ndichoti nkhaniyi amalawife tikuyiwona ngati ya simpo km kusogoloku izakhala ya by kompaxly .. Mmmmm
Athetse kae myeyo banja lake ndi Getu uja akwatilaane ndi amene akumutumayo
Ngat wankulu kumeneko analiko nchito take inali imeneyo ndiye angakane. Koma mbuyathu unja ndamene anakana zimenezi koma uyuyu ndichito yake tichitepo kathu zisana fine povuta ameneyo ndiwololalola kale ameneyo.
zikuyenera kut zitero kumene kut ulosi wa BIBLE ukwanitsidwe…….
Kod ndzotheka purezident kumuuza zot pa #munyero pake,,tel m b4 ndxanamutukwa guyz???
Peter and his DPP to Hell with their Gay issue!!!! Mukwiyo wa Mulungu uli pa inu!!!!!!!
Mukudabwa kodi ludifala wakuta dziko lamalawi chifukwa chaumphawi .
Koma atsogoleri athuwa amawopa #Mulungu kapena amaopa #azungu????
Zopusa, Ife Zimenezo Sitikufuna .Amalawi Nonse Tisalole.Boma Ngat Lavomeleza Zopusaz Lipanga Lokha Zimenezo Dats Stiupid.
A real malawian leader can’t accept this nonsense, only a leader who practice mathanyula will have no say to this f*** issue
Nde tiziti pa chithunzipo akuunika malamulo eti?……I miss Bingu
Malawi mpaka dziko kutha ndidziko lokharo lizafike dzikoli athu ake alibe ufulu kma kuuzidwa zochita osati kufusa zomwe athu akfuna athu aknenetsa kti mchitidwe umeneeu ayi……kma basi boma lizpanga zimene lafunazo kmaso kumadziwa kti kuli mulungu amene aktiyang’anira
Monga ine. sindingapange zimenezo. mathanyula sindikuwa? mwauze zunguwo kuti ng`ombe yaimuna ndi yaikadzi ikakumana imabala ina. ndiye mamuna zangayo ndipitanaye kuti?
Kupha agalu amenewa ndichimozimozi ndikupha galu wachiwewe
Aaa ine kupusa kwa kapitalamuthalika kumandibowandisanamechilchonsekamangotikukamwayasanzeluzakesizikukwananakulamuladzikotohellndi za Ugay zakozo.
Kod mwatayad mau ake Ayehova??..kod MULUNGU sadanene kudzera mwa Yesu khristu kut iye ndye thandizo lopezekera2..ngat amadyesa mbalame nd kuveka udzu wakuthengo kulibwanj ifeyo..koma tsoka lalikulu lili paonse amene avomereze zimenez ndpo mkwiyo wa Mulungu ukhala paiwo.Yehova sanyozeka mmau ake!!!!!!!
Mmmmmh This World Is Tough Takonda Ndalama Atsogoleri,yehova Musatikanthe Nayo Milili Monga Tinava Za Ebola Ife, Oh Lord Talk To Them Kuti Akudziweni Inu
Tizingoshuta basi,,,,,, simple way,,,,,,, chifukwa ku pha awiri atatu enawoso akhala ndi mantha
zacibwana ai, zokambiranaso ai sitikufuna mathanyula. Ticenjere masikuwa ndikumapeto aliese agwiritse YESU AROMA 1V 24 ~32
Gay akapezeka aphedwe mwa nkhanza ku malawi
LEVITICUS 18 ves 22 Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman tha is detestable.
Lediculous we don,t allow man to man or woman to woman this is totally devils rights now yaaaah
Leviko akuti chiani pa nkhaniyi
Noooooooooo to gay
Akanakhala kuti ali ndi mzimu, thupi ndi moyo ngati mmene ndilili ine sibwezi akutsusana ndi Mulungu chonchi ; Dziko ili likhala pampanipani pachina chili chonse chifukwa chawukhutukumve wa azitsogoleli anthu koma mulungu agwila ntchito yake sangasekelele zimenezi
Mathanyura wankulu ndi APM,,, onse akupangawa akuonera iyeyo,,,, No wonder akuti asamamangidwemo.
Kodi abale apazaonekelatu kuti musogoleri wadziko lamalawi ndiosangasidwa ndimuchitidweu. Pozitenga iye ngatintunda, ngatimumaziwamo mumakomo mwaagalu amenewa basikungowaotchela mumanyumba ndi petelo basi. Itchedwe operation chosani umve
tizingopha basi aaah why wasting time wth stupid things
Tpha Tokha Guyz Ngat Boma Likukana Za Chamba Bax Agalu Amenewo Osanyengelera
Aganize chiyani ngati wamukanika u president pitalayo asiye MSONDA alipo boma ndi anthu ndipo anthu ndifetomwe apa palibe kuganizanso akapezeka agaluwo tiwaphe basi oro kuotcha ndimoto
Peter sakulakwitsa chifukwa amalawi mukutikota kwambili kuti dziko silikuyenda bwino, ndiye akakana azungu sadzadzathandiza, malawi mudzatukwana kooopwya, boma laletsa apolice sanaletse iwe ndi ine, tikawapeza tichite nawo.
Already wrtn in de buk ov QURAN
Ngati bingu anakana ndendiwe yani takutopela wamva ubwerere komwe unali utisiyire dziko lathu tilangidwe chifukwa chaiwe amalawi anzanga tikangomupeza opanga zanyasizi tizinge basi azibale anthu akufa chifukwa chamatenda aedzi olenga anthu ake omwewo leronso atilangisetso kwamulungu ayi ndinthu tisalolere plz
Kwa yine ndikuti boma lisalole zimenezo
Holy ghost fire! Let god settles dis nonsense. Zitsiru ndi zmene zkupangazo osati boma ayi.
A ku America ndi akufa muzimu, ayisiye Malawi yathu
Thats stupid idiots brain…… Nosense!!
koma osayiwara mauaakuru amati ukamakodwa kurira kuri pafupi ndepongachithu tiyambetanganizakaye tisanapange
mmm amangdwe
Big no to gays…bcz thats the signs of satanism.God’s nt stupid to create Adam & Eve
Ngati modzi mwaanthu amene tili achichepele sitizalola kuti munthu mmodzi aononge dziko lathu ngati mmene yaonongekela south africa pano pankhani zachuma.
Kodi mmesa azunguwo akutiso sangatithandize
Thats means anthuwoso asapangeso kufkra lamuloli litakozedwa otherwise it wl b tag of war
zakhala bwino!!
Musiyen Mulungu akhale Mulungu on ths issue
Eesh koma ine munthu opanga zotelezi akazandiyandikira ndizachita ngati simon petro,kupungura uku mkudelera mulungu mmodzi yenkha ndudzachotsa.
Kodi mayiko anayamba liti kuthandiza dziko la Malawi? Nanga ndichani chomwe chimasintha ku dziko lathu lija? Poti thandizo la azungu ndi lomwe anthu ogwira m’boma amalemela nalo. Pemphero kwa ambuye allah dalitsani dziko lathu kudzela mumphavu zanu. Musalole kuti satana atisocheletse kuti tikuyiwaleni
kondichiti dwe wopusawo bwa nji? zakazose zambuyozi kunalimbe ? ndeno panopa malamulo amenewa ? akute ngedwa kuti kondi ndi chifukwa chani allah andale nga mamuna ndi mkazi ?
Abusolutly Rubbish I have no point on that just no that is a Taboo
Masiku osilidza zizindikilo ndizimenezi
Wina ayelekeze kuzafusila ine,azaona polekela ndithu… 🙁
pakufunika kumatcha basi,zachamba eti.ngat sakwanitsa kulamula malawi angopanga resine!!!! iyeyo ndindan pamaso pa MULUNGU? kmanso AMALAWI?
Kodi ma ufulu enawa kale lomseri anali kuti za chibwana
Peter ndichixilu mulungu siwopepela kulenga mamuna ndi nkaz ngakhale kut tawayuze zamulungu satanayo sangamuziwe matako ako nchila odumaw
#peter n yo cabinet u’ve 2 tink twice b4 signing de agreements….zkanakhala kut abambo ndi amayi anu ankachita zimenez bwenz inuyo muliko????{am talking 2 u pita n yo grup}…chonde khalan ndimalingaliro a umunthu…dont tek yosef az d creator ov dis nation pali #MWINI waketu….watch out #LORD z watching u!!!!!!!! shame on u #pita along syd yo #grup
Sindikuonaso chazeru kumunyoza Peter chifukwa ndinu amene mumatenga vote yanu ndikukataya mu Lake Malawi ndiye lelo ndizimenezi chomwe mungapange ndikupepesa mtima wanu kuti sorry my heart potaya vote munyanja even ana m’banja safanana muzochita ndiye ngati mumasankhila history izi ndizo zotsatila
Sizachilendo izi bible linafotokoza kale komanso pa romans1vs25-29
Zimenezo zifikanso mmaboma mwina? Nanga si mwangoti boma la Peter, nanga boma la Mangochi, Blantyre, Limbe, Namiwawa?
Go and fuck urself @ife ayi zakumatako@@@
Palibe zovomela zopusazo. zitipambane nyama kuganiza kuti uyu ndimwamuna nzanga sindingagone nae? ?? Eyeyo Pitalayo akuopa kuuzafuko lamalawi kuti iye wavomela zimenezi.Osati azit eee malamulo eee apa akulekelanji kuvomela kuti akapezeka amangidwe mulandu uzakhalako akaunika malamulo
wt ever kwamunthu ozindikila they cnt change money with satanism thing…spare mi 4 dis stupid sodom n gomola
Oh my God why this is happing in my warm heart of africa.I blame poverty.
Boma likuenela kuvomeleza pa khaniyi
wt ever kwamunthu ozindikila they cnt change money with satanism thing…spare mi 4 dis stupip sodom n gomola
Hu are to oppose God will shame on you
The great controversy continues it started in heaven where Satan wanted to rule over God.Then God send him here on Earth he deceived Adam and Eve in Eden.Now he is deceiving us.Times of the end.Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy and he who listen to its messages and obey what it says, for the time is near.
Ine changa ndi chisoni chifukwa zizindikiro za kutha kwa nthawi ya pansi pano zidayamba kale kuwoneka, nde m’malo moti tikonze mitima yathu, tili busy kufuna chuma chadziko lapansi chomwe ndichotsala. Tawonani imfa momwe ikuthamangiramu? Abale anga inu, musamuyese dala Mulungu, chifukwa iye sazengereza nalo lonjezano, akanena wanena, kuti adzalanga onse akuchita kusaweruzika, nde a mabungwe, atsogoleri, samalani muli imfa nkhalimo. Chamwini sumakhala nacho mphamvu yoti mkudzipatsa ufulu wopanga zomwe ungafune. Moyo siwanu uwu, ndiwamwini wake Namalenga, atafuna atha kuutenga lero lomwe, nde samalani ndi maufulu anuwo. Ineyo chomwe ndimakhumba, ndikudzaona ufumu wamulungu basi. Chifukwa zinazi ndichabe, ndiza mdyelekezi ine toto zopusazo
That’s true
Ndagwirizana nawe 100%
Go on be a jehovah’s witness. Make a witness on jehovah’ wards. Tell them all, door by door.
We fear God not mzungu
End days,there will be nothing get over
Ngati samawamanga achita bwino zedi, ndiye nafenso tipemphe boma lomwelo kuti ife amene tiziwagenda mpaka kuwapha anthu amtchitidwe oterewu asamatimangenso ayi.
Posachedwapa ndilkhazikitsa gulu langa lolanga Nyani aliyense opanga nyansi zimenezi.
Mulungu sanalakwitse kupanga mamuna ndi nkazi ndiye poti satana aliponseponse mmmmm kachitani koma mukanakhala kuti mumanva nkwiyo wa mulungu simukanachita mbwerelazo
Koma izi zatikwana, honestly!
Boma ndi anthu, ndipo opanda anthu boma palibe.chimodzi2 malamulo anapangidwa ndi anthu omweyo, kodi azunguwo ankhale kuti akunena zothandiza akulekeranji kukamuunza mugabe? Palibenso zomakataya nthawi kukambirana nkhani zopusazi, zikungofunika mr muthalika awamasule ofira nkhunguwo. Asatizowerere ayi.
kodi azunguwo ngati amakonda ma thanyulawo better azipangila kwawo konko not kuno ayiiiii sitipanga nawo zopusazo
Ife sitikufuna chithandizo chawocho
That’s great news
Nde kundiputa kumeneko ..m’mwe a peter-a watumire wani kumalawi kwereko.m’mwe wakusyausya ntundu waa malawi.pikene
Mukuganiza Ndalama zingabwere ndikukwana aliyese chifukwa chaMathanyula???
Ine ngat mmalawi komanso poziwa chomwe ndili,ndikut NO.Ndip kuyambila lero lamulo la boma sindzaliopa kom lamulungu basi
Tsopano Mumavomerezeranji Musanaunike Bwinobwino..ndinu Zitsiru Eti????Tandiy*nkhani.
adzafa infa yowawa wavomerayo
adzafa infa yowawa wavomerayo
Chimenecho ndiye chibwana chachikulu. Yemwe atamvomereze zopusazo ndithu athana ndi MULUNGU.
Tione ngati atsogoleriwa angafane ndi Abraham, Loti. Adamvapo za Sodom ndi Gommora anthuwa? Nchimo lake lidali lotani? Kodi ngati dziko livomereze zitithera bwanji? Kodi Olenga ndi olengedwa oyenera kuopedwa ndani?
chilango azapeleka yekha mulungu osati munthu ngat iwe nawexo uli ndi umve wako pa maso pake and the ones practicing it r ur brothers ,sisters ,mothers,fathers,sons and doughters,so r u ready 2 kill ur beloved family?u ready to be the most sinful man than them mu dzina la culturd?tink wise if u really love God
mulungu anaphapo kale anthu opanga izi and kupanganso pano sipakhala kusiyana sodomo and gomola anthu anabedwa y not now?we will do it
mulungu anaphapo kale anthu opanga izi and kupanganso pano sipakhala kusiyana sodomo and gomola anthu anabedwa y not now?we will do it
and if u r part of them taonekela uwone ukhale wa demo
and if u r part of them taonekela uwone ukhale wa demo
Tawonekerani man tikuonetseni
Tawonekerani man tikuonetseni
iwexo ngat ndiwe modzi cam out…..anthu atengerepo phuziro,2016 tikuwotchan muziwaxo
Yes am ready to kill them”bcoz bible or qur’an said so
Mr #Songanile don’t mention God in yr comment plz plz, if u fear God leave our God Alone, Sir, muziganiza kaye b4 u comment
Its not within the powers of men to cast punishment, but God alone can. You people here have ur own shortfalls, some of you are thieves, alduterers, drug addicts, false followers, selfish, money lovers, and much esp greedy. Shall we have to kill you too? Then we will all end up killing each other! ‘lorani nansongole ndi tiligu akulire limodzi,’ jesus said that, not for u to accept this, but God to accept that tiligu ndi nansongole akulire limodzi because it is not ur power to accept kuti tiligu ndi nansongole akulile limodzi. In the end, He alone will come to seperate wheat and tare, He further said to His followers, dont separate wheat and tare, until they grow up. Now who are you Man to judge what deserves death to ur fellow man. Let the gays be for they will answer to God by themselves not to you!
am not a driver but I hear that when he is panic he can kill one person to save a group of people .. so y not deal with these few people to save our country from punishment like that of sodomu and gomola
ngakhale lot amene,sanamenyepo mbama munthu ndixe iwe ndi ndan kut uphe?kuyela mtima kuposa lot?
Akaz onsewa ntchto chani?zopusa basi
See your hand sign on your profile picture 666 that is why you are saying mnyalanyala you know you one with American satanism,my brother just remind you,we Malawians will not change our minds and we saying NO to homosexual!Forkatzsi Ngizo Songanile
Iyi Ndiye mbuzi ya munthu yeniyeni
u see now, mukamat akaz oxewa mukutanthauza kut chan?muwafusenso akaz amene amapanga zimenez dat same shit funso kkk simukuziwa chomwe mukukamba anthu oziyeneleza kwa mulungu inu…jack ngoma panya pa mako
u see now, mukamat akaz oxewa mukutanthauza kut chan?muwafusenso akaz amene amapanga zimenez dat same shit funso kkk simukuziwa chomwe mukukamba anthu oziyeneleza kwa mulungu inu…jack ngoma panya pa mako
amene mumayakhula zopusa ndinu athu olemera mumafuna kuti zithu zikaima inu muzingolemelelabe osauka azingosaukirabe wats long whith u musiyene peter apange zomwe angakwanixe kupanga ndi thawi yake facken pusi
ndili nd mathaaaaa ndithudi kulikana lamulo lamulungu mkuikapo lanuuu koma mukamakhala mmaziwa kuti kuli mulungu? nangano izi mukuzitenga kuti pemphelo langa kwa namalenga oziwa zonse alangeni asogoleli akumalawikuno onse omwe akulola mchitidwe umeneu ndi onse opanga zanyasizi aoneseni kukwiya kwanu ndiponseo pomaliza ndikuti ooooooh mulungu wanga wazonse dalitsani malawi kuti akhale mmanja mwanu ameeen
Ngati akufuna zachambazo amusiye Getrude nayeso ayambe u gay za SHIT!!!!!!!
Kkkk…ndikuseka ngat zikundisangalatsa,amalawi chibububu ichi tiyeni tichichite timtini bwanji,(KUMATCHA) Mukuti bwanji????.
Ndi Gay pitala ndichifukwa sanalumbilile bible ameneyu. God is watching
We will take laws into our hands
Ndikufuna mwana obadwira mwa mamuna amene akhale amake mamuna komanso abambo amuna then I’ll xpt it other wise u shud go to hell with ur thanyulaz act ndipo mudzafa imfa yowawa dement
Koma tikalangikadi kumwamba ku, Iye wayesapokale mathanyulawo? Ndimbuzi yamano kusi shupit
We r saying no no no to homo
zisiyen zikulile limodzi tiligu ndinansongole kuzulapano mulakwitsa…..remember we are in enjoully time koma tsoka kwaio…..okwalitsa malemba! God have a mecy in my mother land shame
mawa waku state house ndikukakwatira Peter basi, matsiku otsiliza awa, mwana wamunthu watsala pang’ono kufika, tiyenera kupemphera kwambiri.
Okhulupilira yehova pilirani chilimikani panyengo zamayesero ndizowawisa izi tikuziona masiku anozi. Werengani baibulo lanu ndikuwapeza mavumbuluso anu popeza anthu ndalamatu aiika mlungu wao. Sankhani chimodzi chikha imfa kapena moyo
Viva viva msonda,khani ndiyoti ,tiwapha basi,dikilani azionekela,ndiye azikahala ku state house2 nanga mumalocation mwathumu hahahaha,tiwamaliza posachedwa 5years isanathe
Azungu asalamulile malawi akalamulile kwawo
Munthu wafika pomposa galudi, Boma lisaerekeze kuvomereza zopusa, nkuona Yehova watikwiyira. Amalawi nchiani kodi??
Timasuke ma gay tsopano mukakolope shire ngati zakunyansani
Kkk usova Ekali
Kodi akusayinilayo ndiuja mumati Joseph kamwendo?
Iiiiii kaya amwene bola ine ndikudya
Aaaaa! Zinthu Zangokhala Zovuta, Vuto Lalikulu Apa Ndi Umphawi Pa Malawi. Boma Latenga Njira Yolakwika, Chifukwa Dziko Lathu Ndiloopa Yehova. Yehova Mwini Chilengedwe Amadananazo Zimenezi, Komanso Malamulo Athu Saalola Zopusazi. Ndiyeno Apa Boma Likulakwisa Posamamanga Anthu Ogonana Amuna Kapena Akazi Okhaokha.
Kumeneku nde kusowa zochita,M”malo momakambilana zachitukuko kumalimbana ndizopanda pake ngati zimenezi zoona,Koma ngati kuli kufuna kulemela mmmmmmm sitinafike
asiyeni ma gay ndiufulu wawo, tiyeni tirimbike kugwira ntchito kuti tipeze zosowa zathu
Zimenezo sizabwino anthuwa ayenera kupatsidwa chilango zasatana muno mmalawi tikukana osusuka apite kuja komweko
Tisayiwale kuti zinthu zapadziko pano ndizachabechabe
mmmmmmm kaya kumeneko zikambiranani nokhanokha ine ndili kwa zuma kunoti osati kuumphawiko ya
Hey God Have Mercy.,,,,,
Umufuse Kuluwako Naweso Uyendela Umoz
Malamulo amulungu amati chiyani?Nanga chifukwa chiyani analenga mamu & mkanzi,koma ndibwino ndalamazawozo atsabwerenazo
kupusa bas palinso lamulo lofuna kuunika Apa aphedwe anyan amenewa bas .
Noooo! This is useless en no one shld accept this
guyz tangosiain ndimasiku oxiliza ano
ndili pa mbuyo pa msonda. aphedwe basi ma guys, chadza ndiyani akazi ali mbwe amuna so mbwe!!! nanga mu hule akuti bwanji pa nkhani iyi???
Ulemu wanu nose ma guy nd ma lez.., ndan adat zitsiru zisamapatsidwe ulemu, tkuonelani ngat mulungu amene ndmampembeza ine ndwamoyo! ndthu!! akulangiran pompano! za chamba!
Malawi dziko loopa Mulungu sitilola zimenezo ,zompusa iwowo ndithandizo laolo akagwere kutali ife chauta ndie mthandizi wathu sitilola kuti timkwiitse
tikupempha atsogoleli wathu achitepo kanthu kuti nchitidwe umenewu usapitilile alange anthu ochita zimenezi ine mr JACK DICK
Fools are those who made that law.
kod ambuye izizi mukuva nawo????? f it so do mercy 4 us…
Mmmm we are in the last days
Mtsogoleri amayenera kukhala chitsanzo ndiye ngat iwowo atero tawapempheni awonetse chitsanzo pamchitidwewu. Apezenso akazi awo aamuna omwe adzabwere nawo tonse ndikuchitira umbon Ayi ndithu akatero Mwina tidzaunikeno malamulowo koma pakali panopo lamuloli lisaunikiridwe popanda iwowo kutipatsa chitsanzo
Mamvuto kudziko la malawi chifukwa zochitika zikuchuluka kodi anthu amenewa andalikuti thawi yoseyi
love jesus as he always love us amen
Mapeto adziko
sizabwino izi kuno kumalawi! gift thilapezi bwanji sadakwatire mwamuna mzawo? nchifukwa chake mvula yasiya kugwa.
Eisheeeee is 200 kgs of sin.
There is power in the name of jesus to break every chains l braek that evil to night by power by force
Am crying for my country Malawi where r u going, me think this is not fare, ngati ndi umphawi ndi wathu koma asatidyetse manyi
What kind of gvt is this mmmmmm ur leadership is stupid & ur failer tell us that u have failed we can vote again basi koma kutipanga zinthu zinazosakhala bwino mmmmm mulungu yekha aziwa basi
chabwino tava.
Akuopa kunena kut avomeleza,Akubisalira kuunika malamulo bwinobwino,Late Muntharika once said “Malawi is not a poor country but the people are poor” koma ryt nw lets face facts Nyasalandi is Dead Broke.chithandizo akuchihopela basss
Akhalenacho chithandizo chaocho ndipo apolice akapeza athu otelewa azimangidwa kunosikwa america sitikufuna kuti ationengele dziko atisiye.
koma zungu ali ndi vuto lalikulu.Mulungu anati mungavutike bwanji misadzanditaye ine chifukwa ndidzapeza njira zokuthandizirani.Mai Malawi unali ndi mbili yabwino tatula nkhawA zako kwa Mulungu osati azungu
Ayambe pitalayo kuthanyulidwa kenako kenako mkazi wakeyo athanyulidwetso ndi anzake.akatha kutero asayinire lamulo limeneli.
azunguwo akukana kuti sakulimbikitsa homosexuality koma amalimbikitsa ufulu wa magays,,nde pamenepa zusiyana pa?? akutiona ngati ndife makanda???
Ndichitsankho chamunthu koma inendie ai
Amene akufuna mathanyulawo, angopita kwa Mereka konko osatikuno ayi, tikusosolanikoni kuno muona!!!!!!!
It means he has legalized homosexuality! If you are doing something and the police don’t see it as aproblem, then it’s legal!!!!
Amathanyulawo asamawamange koma tidzingowaswa ndimabotolo mmabalamu akamagwilana gwilana basi palibe kuchitila mwina.
Ladies are busy praying everyday on their status” God bless my relationship” but she is dating 11 guys…. why can’t you simply say God bless my team , ….
Bomali likanakhala kuti akulamula ndi kamuzu, sakanalola zompusazo. ndipo bwezi anthu amenewawa ataphedwa kale. pano chifukwa cha kusauka mungovomela chilichonse. nde ine pepho langa ndilakuti anthu akuluakulu mwavomelanu, mukwatilane nokhanokha tionele inu.
ndi mfana wa camero ameyo
aboma asatipusitse mwachiziwikile anabvOmela kale za umathanyula asanamizile kuti aonenso malamulo cOz malamulo anthu amakanilatu chitidwe uMenewu nde ngati malaMulo alilpokale chimafunika ndikungosatila bola Akanati tisinthe malaMulo panali poMveka than kuMawanamiza anthu akumudzi koManso afune asafune boma lienela kubvoMeLeza kuti zomwe zinalembedwa mu Bible zikwanilitsidwe boma likana mpaka liti?
Za ufuluzi? Wakuba, wakupha etc nayenso adzanena kuti ali ndi ufulu sadzamangidwa? Amene anati amangidwe sanalakwise. Ngati lamuloli silimagwira ntchito. Onse chabwino ayime kaye ngati zingayende? Kodi zilikonso zomvera mzungu ?mesa Malawi akudzilamulira yenkha?????????? Yyyyyyyyy
this simply shows the stupidity of our president. how do you expect the fucken white people to force us a such foolish thing? saying the truth our president don’t have skills of leadership and I think a wise thing is that once we catch some people doing such a stupid thing we must burn. we can’t be against God’s laws. let’s unite to buid mw not being attracted by devilish things
Masiku osiliza
Kkkkk ok, ndizosatheka mbava kugwila mbava inzake. Ndipo thumba la Tambe amamasula ndi Tambe yemwe. Aziwabwanji njila asanadusemo. Aphana bwanji atakwela lichero limozi akuziwa okha.
thats stupit thing
iwe malawi 24 bwanji ukutifusa ife amalawi maganizo athu pomwe ukuziwa kut ndife athu osauka komaso tilibe dzina ku boma ndipo achina pitara mutharikawo sakutizi or iweyoso malawi 24 iwe bomalo silikukuziwa ndiye or tipereka maganizo bama la pita lingavere maganizo ayife aphawi chomwe mungaziwe ndiichi kukachika khani kumeneko mudzifusana nokha nokha ife aphawi mutisiye ife maso pasogolo ndi mulungu wathu zasatanic zo muwasiile aboma azipanga ndi dzisiru zaozo.
Umenewo ndiye unsiruwo ,ife kuno tikuti ayi zimenenzo .
fisi ndi fisi olo asithe nthengo,bambo anga anandiuzapo,so mutharika anali gay ku america mukuganiza chifukwa anabwela kumalawi ndiye angasithe ngati,adakali gay mpaka lero lino
Thandizo lochokera kunjali limathandidza anthu ambiri ndetiyeni tidzisiye dzitsiluzi akadziweludze ndimulungu.
nawe so nde kachisilu maya ako kapena bambo ako akanakwatrana amuna onkhaonkha or amkaz onkhala onkha iweyo ukanabadwa mulungu amene ukmuntchurayo angankhale opotsa kulenga mkaz nd mamuna
uchitsilu uli nkabudula mwakomo wat I mean is supposed azungu asiya kuthandiza ndinkhani dzau guy avutike ndi anthu ambiri kulibwino amene asankhawo akhale.Even boma likulephera kupeleka chigamulo kuopa THANDIDZOLO
Ndeusapange dza ine
Tulutsa maganiza akowo anthu anve
sinanga nayeso ali mu gulu la mathanyulalo
hallelujah God is coming soon…. mukazaona izi, nkhondo,zibvomerezi,kuphana,Kusowa chikondi chapa abale, maukwati achilendo chomwecho chaku Sodom and gomola kumbukani. mvula ikagwa mundifutse God don’t have mercy over Malawi. Amen
lord will not show mercy bra over Malawi…. mind you winawe usakomrdwe soka kwa iye okwanilitsa even you comment can change the world
………..Samalani mulungu alipo
Mulungu aknafn zimenez akanaleng Adam ekha kom analengas mkaz kut azicit nae zacilengedw.mufun musafun ocit mcitidw umeneu akupalamula mkwiy wa Mulungu ndip mukaynkh mlandu paizi.amabungw inu samalan ndizocit zanu Mulungu akujwapulan ndi2!
Nothng i cn say coz olo maganizo tinene sagwilitsidwa ntchto ndkomwe_ Izi nd zomwe Baibulo limanena zokhuza masiku otsiliza.. Tsoka kwa iwo akugwilizana nazo nyasiz
Iyee azunguwo anpanga kale iyo mathanyula? timuone iyo akumupanga mathanyula eeyaa kaa timaonakaye mtsogoleli kut akuoloka bwanj mtsinje wa imfa zachamba eti akufuna atilangitse kwa Mulungu ngat wafuna angotipha chabe’ tatsala pati apa chonde amalawi azanga dont do that kaya umphawi utiphe bax Mulungu atimenyela nkhondo ife til chete Oh God nyimbo yathu yafuko lathu amalawi tisangoti phwwii tiyen tichetepo kanthu Mulungu atipanga zoopsa God bles malawi
tsoka mtunda ndi nyanja
zolakwa ziwiri sizipanga cholondola,,,,what is interesting this behaviour is still illegal in Malawi,,,the pernaty for this stupit things is death,,so who would take that responsibility to kill his/her friend,,hey you Christians Pray for them,seek to God these ppo can be delivered in Jesus name
apandee ganjaso kapena kuti chamba chpangidweso regalise,cifukwa ncitidwe umenewu nkupenga bola kupenga basi
As we Malawias it is not possible 2 do that issue.
Malamuro wo anamangidwa pati pomwe aboma akufuna kuti azamasulidwepo? Ma devil achabechabe
kod tkuyendera new rules kapena old rules…?
Palibe zokambilana apa!,, boma ndi anthu ndipo opanga malamulo ndi anthu omwewo, so if the majority says no to homosexuality palibe zokambilana aphedwe agalu amenewa!!
Samala tikukazinga ukapezeka.
Zisiyeni zikulile limodzi zizaoneka pokolola! Tilimbike kupemphela.
Mkanjowo ndimaufunatu man
Azungu onse Pa……..Panu,nyasi Zanuzo Muzikapanga Ku Dziko Lakwanu Kumalawi Kuno Ayi.Mukapitiliza Nkhani Imeneyi Tikulodzan Nonse
maganizo athu mutani nawo?
azunguwo ndiamene apangixa izi asamakane apa asah
Baibulo limati mwamuna ndi ndimkazi adzasiya makolo nakhala thupi limodzi sizimene mukupangazo,ndakwiya nanu köopsaaaaa!!!mulungu achite nanu.
Choncho mvula ingabweree?
Singagwee amwene tanyanya kumulawura ndithu bwete ndi bwete amvapo chan anyan ena ati amunawo kudunyurana kumatako zoopsa2 mvura singagwe
Mulungu wathuu wakwiyaa ife chonde asatipange kut tikalowe nao ku hell
Mulungu wathuu wakwiyaa ife chonde asatipange kut tikalowe nao ku hell
Ayi ndithu akatimvera chisoni akakong’otha akuyambitsawo kuvomereza pakamwa pawo
Kikikiki koma azalira koma tsiku ndili modzii
Ndukuuzan adzafa imfa yowawa
Ndukuuzan adzafa imfa yowawa
Mr Muntharika I Knw You Are From America,please Can U Pack Your Penis And Go Back To Your America And Leave Malawi Alone! Plz I Beg Mr Peter Mathanyula!
Tikawapedza tidzingowakwapula basi.
Ndiye kuti nkhani yamathanyulayi ndiye yawoneka yaphindu kwambiri ku boma la dpp kuti mpaka kuganiza zoti lamulo pankhaniye lichitidwe “tchuzi kaye?”
Mukapeza anthu wokwelana polowesa kombimbila wa muzitiuza mwachangu tiziwathila moto
Zachamba ndikangowapeza ndachotsamaxo kut asamaone pathakopo
Aaa nkhaniyi yatopesa kuyimva muli monxe mmene boma likufunila zikhale mommo tsoka kwa iwo amene azichta mchitidwe oganana amunaakaz okha okha pakut aliyenxe azakalangidwa payekha,koma aaa kagulu kapena tizipha mmodzmmoz bola akangozwika
Consurt bible and qruan on issues to do homo
Mulungu Akamapereka Malamulo Amakhala Akuteteza Anthu Omvera Choncho Kuphwanya Malamulo Amulungu Chifukwa Chofuna Chuma Sikungatithandize Ngakhale Pang’ono
Chochita tinapangana kale,kupha basi.
Aaa.Boma Lathu Limenero.Mh
No gays in Malawi therefore no debate on this
That’s ridiculous,don’t allow that my fellow Malawians
Shit leardership ,change golo amalawi
God will punish Malawi
zoputsa bası,obama naye banja lake lıthe akwatıle peter mutharıka
Izizi zindipangitsa kuti ndigule kamfuti ndikangowapeza ndizilasa pompo pompo
Kkkkkk inenso ndibwera
I mean ndibwera nako
Uli bho aise, apapa zawonetsa poyera kuti boma la a Pitala ndimasanje
Zimenezo sitikuzifuna mu dziko lathu la Malawi, azunguo muwauze kuti zamathanyula zithere kwaoko osati Ku Malawi.
Nde ife tipindula chani tikanena maganizowo???
if it is so then its not a good move…….wopanga mchitidwe opusawu ndiolakwira lamulo basi..
Zachamba zmenezo!
Nkhani zenizeni koma nyasatimes kapena Malawi Nation sizinaziyi eish
Jesus we need you more n more
Signs of de tymz, we cannot run away frm such evil thngs those who read the bible typically and spirituary cannot wonder about this.
Amene amadziwa komwe kumakhala tembenu andidziwitseko chonde chonde ndimafuna nditakumana naye kut mwina angatembenuke monga mwa dzina lake…..ndimafuna kut amudziwe YESU mwina akhoza kutembenuka poti sachedwa kutembemuka
say no to gay
I can see the reason now why malawi is not raining
Can you allow Malawian to vote for it if you will win you fools u can not just say yes by yourself let vote for it let us to vote
U minister u talking bulshit did you married to a male or woman come and date with me so maybe u will be happy with that or tell your children to do that any were else not in that country u fucking with people of malawi that has been respecting god from long time if you want donation from western just find something else not that all u need is money for ur own needs u bring sacrilege, abominable evil things grow up old man look the gods are anger with you evil, no rain upbto now more hunger in country because of this, u misleading people of malawi with your money desire u thinking we don’t know who send you
choncho mvula ingabwere?
At first I thought lawyers r clever bt with cash at hand they r useless tembenu is a gud example.
No Good In Malawi We Are Bracking Arour Cature.
God is watching u.may God punish u.not whole malawi as a nation.Ameen
Mwavomereza tchimo lija eti muyembekezera chiweruzo popeza mukupisana ndi okulengani.
Fok off.. Wts tht Malawi u don’t even think why do u wt to destroy all court with that stupt thing hah….. Ain’t homosexual ……!!! Peter muthalika ur dwng nthng …ukooooo apa!!!!!
homosexual behaviour is prohibited in scripture {leviticus 20:13}and was a major cause of the divine judgement against Sodom and Gomorrah {Genesis 19:4-5,12-13}The apostle paul listed homosexuals among the unrighteous “who would not inherit the kingdom of God {1 corithians 6:9}and declared that God Is Wrath stand against such behaviour whether practised by men or woman {ROMAN 1:26-27}to the people of malawi as a whole please never gone in that sin ful act of homosexual i beg u all those who says homosexuality its not a sin there r deceived by the devil because of money people r chasing money and forget Gods rules and devil wont be happy see people entering paladise
yea thats true
amalawi amzanga tatembeleleka bas zoona dziko lathu lotchuka ndkupemphelari mwavomelezad? eee kma mulungu akuyndelen nakudzudzulen nd zikwap usiku wa lero. ife ndi nyamba ndife osyana koma nyama izitiposa mzeru poganiza?, ndalemba ndemangay pozazidwa nd “chisoni” kd titsilize chonchi dzikoli malawi zoona?
Nyero zao a ku USA bansi…me luk simple in appearence bt tough in mind i AKA badest lione…malawi tiyeni tilime Ganja nt manthanyura…aaaahh…
Guys action now before too late he must goooo, tikumane pa kwacha zopusa ife ayi.
Guys action now before too late he must goooo, tikumane pa kwacha zopusa ife ayi.
Guys action now before too late he must goooo, tikumane pa kwacha zopusa ife ayi.
U can go to school study whatever but if you do not have wisdom and understanding and knowledge of the word of God u perish.
You mean Malawi now has to be Sodom and Gomorah? you don’t even remember why Jehovah had to consume the whole nation with fire because of those dirty acts?? Shame on you perpetrators shame on you and Jehovah God will not leave you unpunished shame on you!!!
Money is A Root of a sin. For wages of Sin is a death. Shame on Samuyele Tembenu ndi anzako chifukwa Holy Bible limat , tsoka kwa odzetsa tchimo.
I think the Nation of Malawi is for a group of people more than 15, and these people are forcing more than 15,000,000 people, and these people are just watching without defending their land…..? How is GOD going to help us while we are failing to take action ourselves! Kod a Malawi tizakhala chigonere mpaka liti? Amalawi onse ndi amantha! Kudakakhala ku maiko azanthu bwenzi eni dziko atapanga ma strike onse kuyambira a mipingo, koma apa tikulekelera anthu ochepa kubweretsa zinthu zomwe ife sitipanga……!
ha ha ha we wil surely burn them if found….
Ife tizilanga tokha. Go to hell!
By trying to look civilized and search for easy wealth thats when we turn our backs against our creator but there is hope to those who truely believe and we know what it is , is to exercise our faith coz we who is with us is Mighty for sure we shall over come this is from the deep of my heart
Za Chamba!
If it is there rights wat about our rights our kidz future azikula ndi mkhalidwe lonyasali chifukwa mufuna ndalama zomwe osauka sazaziona or dontho koma kupitila kuvutika
Now i kno d reason why Osama Binladen bombed america…d reason why late Bingu chased away britain ambasador..u guys rise up pliz..Malawi z on fire
Ali phwi pampando. Ayambe iyeyo homo!
thats un fair mr and stuped NO TO HOMO SEXUAL
shame on u Mr Tembenu! God is wawhin u , it s jst very soon when u wil stand before Him $ answer lyk dat
They av bribed u wth their dirty money…God z watchng…1 day u will stand b4 him explaining all this
They av bribed u wth their dirty money…God z watchng…1 day u will stand b4 him explaining all this
Unphawi sizinthu kikikiki ndipo ndi tchimo
Unphawi sizinthu kikikiki ndipo ndi tchimo
Unphawi sizinthu kikikiki ndipo ndi tchimo
Unphawi sizinthu kikikiki ndipo ndi tchimo
Wht afool is mr minister fucken bushit .
Wht afool is mr minister fucken bushit .
Samuel Tembenu r u a gay, i thot u hav a wife and children why drugging other’s if u read Bible u ar not to do this
Samuel Tembenu r u a gay, i thot u hav a wife and children why drugging other’s if u read Bible u ar not to do this
ukangotero usafa imfa yowawa mulungu anati manuna ndi mkanzi baja osati mamuna ndi mamuna kapena mkanzi ndi mkanzi kutero fyh born aras atero pray 4 jah des baberon systems
ukangotero usafa imfa yowawa mulungu anati manuna ndi mkanzi baja osati mamuna ndi mamuna kapena mkanzi ndi mkanzi kutero fyh born aras atero pray 4 jah des baberon systems
ukangotero usafa imfa yowawa mulungu anati manuna ndi mkanzi baja osati mamuna ndi mamuna kapena mkanzi ndi mkanzi kutero fyh born aras atero pray 4 jah des baberon systems
ukangotero usafa imfa yowawa mulungu anati manuna ndi mkanzi baja osati mamuna ndi mamuna kapena mkanzi ndi mkanzi kutero fyh born aras atero pray 4 jah des baberon systems
No arrest again to Malijuana dealers
Ife ndiokwatira
osawamanga koma tiziwapha basi.Gays and lesbians are like chickens so they must be killed the way we kill chickens
Akuziwa zose ndimulungu. Ambuye timenyereni nkhondo
Kod r u nt christians,hav u nt heard about sodom n gomorrah??what happend 2 them aftr doing the immoral bhaviour?do u want de same 2 happen 2 us? No malawi!!! u r aGod fearing country do somthng malawi…am a concerned citzen on ds issue???by the way what do they benefit…what does the bible tell belekanani ngat nchenga,,,bt wth ds bhaviour ztheka…shame on u all amene mukukakamira ds stupid issue of gay
Stupid minister
Tembenu ndiwe galu kobasi mutafatsa ndi pitarayo mwati muvomele zopusazo. Tiyamba ndiiwe tembenu kupha that is why sunawine ndikomwe pampando Wa MP kwanu kwanu anthusakufuna ndiwe munthuodzikonda.unapititsa kwanu chimanga chowawa choola uli busy kuvomela zopusa tionana 2016 agalu inu. MCP boma kulibe kubela muuzane ndipo mcp ikatenga boma ndiuhule wanuwo tidzakuonani mutathawa malawi munu
tidula matako tikawapeza mwauze
stupid idear am malawiab n i lv my country no more homosexuals
Iweyo ukwatile mamuna mzako ife ai
Just heard that the US convoy on homosexual was in the country early this week and the discussions have taken place.
Who has the info on what transpired during the meeting?
What a fool!!
Zitsilu za kwathu ku malawi(ku moto)
Aaa ndalilira dziko langa kwambiri kodi awavomeredza nkhani yoputsayi ndani ife timati mutithandidza lero kuvomeredza uchimo ngati umeneu chifukwa chofuna kuthandidzidwa asogoleri adziko lamalawi munatani kodi ndimayesa mumati mukufuna kutukula dziko nanga apa mukupitilirabe kuliononga mukute zikhalidwe zotsalemekedza mulungu kodi mulungu angadalitse bwanji dziko lathu ngati atsogoliri simukutsogodza mulungu nanga anathu tiwalera kapena tiwalangidza bwanji ngati inu mwavomeredza kuti akadzi azimanga banja okhaokhawo amunanso chimodzimodzi malawi lidali dziko lomwe limaopa mulungu lero mukufuna muwataitse anthu chikhulupiriro? Akulu akulu akakambiraneninso kawiri lamulo limenero lichoke mutsadalandire temberero plz
Abomination, God will punish u all , go to hell! !!
Boma silikulakwa chifukwa akawamanga mabungwe akumati sitikuthandizani, anthuwa timakhala nawo limodzi m,midzimu, tidzingo waotcha basi, iwowa akafuna ku kwatilana atengane apite ku usa.
Idiots,,,foolish tembenu and your president,,,why insulting God like that,,,,are we americans? Why are they still kukangana nkhani zake zomwrzi kwawo konko? Kill them
Malawi pa malawi amoto walawilawi.
Dziko mmayenda, takumana ndagalu amichombo.
Analakwa ndi ndani malawi kuti udzikhalira kulira mmawa,masana ndi madzulo inde usiku?
Anali malawi wokoma tikamakumbuka nyimbo zanu inu a lucius banda mchimbale cha yahwe nyimbo ya yahwe, muli ku parliamentko koma mukumatsutsa izi?
Naye Matafale ndikumuvomereza ndi zake nyimbo koma nanga titani poti munamutsogoza kwake kunatha?
Kodi ndizo zizindikilo zija zamasiku otsiliza kudza kwake kwa wamkulukulu wakumwamba?
when pipo are in darkness
Nthawi yokwanilisa ulosi wa Paulo yakwana monga kalata wake pa Aroma 1:21.
Nthawi yokwanilisa ulosi wa Paulo yakwana monga kalata wake pa Aroma 1:21.
Malawi my country uuuuuuuuu, please Good see us
Malawi my country uuuuuuuuu, please Good see us
O God U Mst Panish Dis Peter Wa munthalika Kis Ur Ax Peter
O God U Mst Panish Dis Peter Wa munthalika Kis Ur Ax Peter
We shall have no rains in this country as a punishment for this gaysm
We shall have no rains in this country as a punishment for this gaysm
I’m Disapointed In You Samuel Tembenu! I Regret Voting You Guys.
I’m Disapointed In You Samuel Tembenu! I Regret Voting You Guys.
this person want to change malawi into sodom and gomora plz God save our nation from this
Basi we need to move on, nobody can change the Time.
Ngati mukudziwako ena mwa iwo opanga izo or ovomeleza plz tazingotipatsani map or house number apo akhala basi inu pheeeh.
This people commenting here are idiots..always God God but ur most sinners am telling u.. Dont blame people if u dont recieved rains.. No food no eveythin.. Ur just fuckin idiots lazy.. Go out and work
Mpaka Gay envoy kkkkkkkkkkkkk koma umphawi uwu. Send him to Saudi Arabia
Mpaka Gay envoy kkkkkkkkkkkkk koma umphawi uwu. Send him to Saudi Arabia
Nzanuyo anasankhira dala makape ngati inu mma udindomo kuti adzingokutembenuzani ngati nkhwani nthawi yonwe atafune! kuli madolo a ndale ku Malawi kuno Sanawasankhe coz anadziwa kuti sangalore zopusa ngati zimenezo!!! hands clappers! boot lickers!!! fuck off!!!!
Nzanuyo anasankhira dala makape ngati inu mma udindomo kuti adzingokutembenuzani ngati nkhwani nthawi yonwe atafune! kuli madolo a ndale ku Malawi kuno Sanawasankhe coz anadziwa kuti sangalore zopusa ngati zimenezo!!! hands clappers! boot lickers!!! fuck off!!!!
1:Malawi is a poor country yes, i do agree. 2:its a democratic. but all these shldnt make us forgt tht we are knwn as God fearing country & accpt all these bulshit tht im hearin… this is th reaso i now suprt my fellow nothners tht we shld really devid this Nation coz we cnt take it any more from you….. & i don’t think that we are part of homophibians….. should we say that malawi is very poor than all african countries????? oooohhh… im disappointed with malawi….. z this nkaka ndi uchi you were sayin tht malawi is full of???? believe me… im not part of your bill….. coz i take malawi as israel n nt sodom & gomora…. THIT TWICE MALAWI…. taonani anthi ayamba kale kutiseka n ieo ali vry happy mmene tkekedwamu….. nsima yakudya ukusekedwa siyikoma tisanamizanepo apa….. iyi si democracy o freedom mwayambayi……
1:Malawi is a poor country yes, i do agree. 2:its a democratic. but all these shldnt make us forgt tht we are knwn as God fearing country & accpt all these bulshit tht im hearin… this is th reaso i now suprt my fellow nothners tht we shld really devid this Nation coz we cnt take it any more from you….. & i don’t think that we are part of homophibians….. should we say that malawi is very poor than all african countries????? oooohhh… im disappointed with malawi….. z this nkaka ndi uchi you were sayin tht malawi is full of???? believe me… im not part of your bill….. coz i take malawi as israel n nt sodom & gomora…. THIT TWICE MALAWI…. taonani anthi ayamba kale kutiseka n ieo ali vry happy mmene tkekedwamu….. nsima yakudya ukusekedwa siyikoma tisanamizanepo apa….. iyi si democracy o freedom mwayambayi……
Stupid Malawi and those shameless things called (judges) for doing that. i hate you to the core.
Stupid Malawi and those shameless things called (judges) for doing that. i hate you to the core.
1:Malawi is a poor country yes, i do agree.
Kkkkkkkk mzungu kungobwela kungomuuza Tembenu kuti tembenuka iye kutembeka mzungu kuikhomela kumbuyo Tembenu ali aaaa ili boo palibe kukumangani muzibwela bwela zaziiiii
Koma nawe mwan wa banda iwe ayi sulibwino
ndie kuti mwatigulitsa eti? Mulungu akukhululukireni atsogoleri onyansa inu.
We’ve nothing to do now u r just talking nonsence instead of thinking of pple who did dere education to b employed so as of now we r going to b in difficuities in S Africa Idon’t want to hear it again stupid.
Tsoka mtunda ndi nyanja poti oyipayo watsikila komweko
Tsoka mtunda ndi nyanja poti oyipayo watsikila komweko
Even satan wasnt a gay he approached naked Eve nt naked Adam
I stand for righteousness. Homo is wrong so is phonication. Sex workers are full in our streets but no arrest has been declared for them. If its arresting lets arrest them all or leave them all. No double standarda
We are living in the last days indeed!!!
Ndizoputsa mukupanganazo kodi tikulamulidwa ndi Amerecans dziko lamalawi ndidziko loopa mulungu lero mukulitsiya mmanja mwasatana? Mukufuna thandidzo la ku over sea mukugulitsa ukuluwanu chifukwa champhodza? Mitu yamwu sikuyenda bwino nonse mukugwetsa ziko dala ndikuba lero mukuvomeredza kuti amuna azikwatirana amuna okhaokha ndimaye mukukhala ndi adzikadzanu uchitsilu umenewo wapanganawo mulungu akukantheni ndithu
ofunika mob justice on gays basi
ngati munayamba mutawonapo ma muna atatenga po mimba munkhoza kutero…..fools
1st I have 2 say DAT Mr Tembenu ur a fool,he much they give u to speak this nosense? Remember Malawi is one of de country dat fear God. We can’t alough to see DAT rubbish happening in our good country we will punishing dem by our selves. May God bless Malawi, Ameeen!
Hhmmmmmmm! Ine nkhawa biiii, what wl be the next
Ulamuliro wavuta panyasalandi zose ndi njira zopezela ndalama zautsiru latembenuka dziko?
God for bit .! God wil punish this act of dis obdience tu these selflish people who even dont care about the distruction that they are bringing in’because of their in senceble disires play tu aimight tu for giv ur sins.
with these foolish reforms,i swear they are hatching trouble,just because of porVerty you are forcingus to accept foolish things.We will never forget,our time is coming
That’s bull shit,how can they accept such stupid things?
ok kumwamba mukaneneso chimodzimo ine ndikakhala mboni kuti zopusazi muna tsogolela ndinu
Machende anu Anduna mwamva!!
Mukapeza gay or lesbian pansewu menyani, let Americans rule America not Malawi.Chamba eti
mboli zanu instead of kulemba anthufe ntchito, kukhwimixa chitetexo koma bizy nd za ugay hahaha malawi is poor nation 4eva ngat muzitero machitidwe ake,,,,, 5ck dem
All these activists shud be killed too-burn fire tembenu
Ukatsala pangno kufa mumayamba nd nkhutu kugontha,God z watchn u n nver thnk He z aslip nd wa nthaw achta nanu ana anjoka inu
samuel, u need speacal prayer
malawi tsopano yaamba kulemekeza ufulu wa anthu. aliyese azichita umo angafunire not kupanikiza
Rmember dat malawi z apregnant woman who fails to deliver no she is 61 yrs pregnant
Kodi bwanji Tembenu ndi Munthalika akwatilana chaka chino cha 2016 ku state house
Ooh My God! We need National prayers that this demonic bill when i comes tp parliament it should fail.Oh God! Protect our beautiful country from these invaders Americans so that they should not live long because they r not obeying you Lord.Punish anyone who is behind this Lord.
muli ndiana ochokera kwa mai
stupd thinking,its tough being poor thats y ur pretending to be like American
Woe, Woe, Woe to President Of Malawi and Minister Samuel Tembenu and the DPP Government. God is going to punish you.
Tembenu kukonda zotembenukatembenuka,posachedwapa mwati tigwade pamaso pa Mulungu atipatse mvula,lero watembenuka uli mbali ya asatanawa pofuna kangachepe.Ukufuna ;Yehova atitani?
ndiye kuvutatu ma gay asimbwa tu apa
dnt wory guys tizizangopha basi tikawapeza
kutha kwafika
Tizipha tokha mmamidzimu
How did they give you?mubweza ndalama imeneyo
Mr.Tembenu,are you a Malawian?If the answer is yes,in what way were u born?Is your wife a man like u?Do you have children?How were they born?Warning to Mr.Tembenu:this is a God fearing,so you should not bring God’s anger to a God’s fearing nation please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please may God rebuke u in Jesus name Of Nazareth.
Hell malawi!
Tinkanena anathela musiiziiii
I don’t think prosecution is the solution of this gay thing, because when we read the bible we know that this things will happen and many things will still happen. And how many people will be killed because of their sins? Let God be the judge of them.
Tembenu nkumatembenukira kumene kwa lodza ndalama basis. Mapazi ake.
Chofunika trapenceyo asowe ameneyo azikapangira komwe anzake anapita iweyo umazitenga ngati president wa malawi uyese kupitiriza zopusazo uzafa imfa yomwe anafa naye mchimwene wako . Amalawi tiyeni tiyambe ma demo muvi oyang’anira suchedwa kulowa mmaso.
Bomboklat pussy
tembenu must go and mary pitala azikatokosa
this.is foolish
stupid peter wamutharika u r nothing but a coward zaumve bas
Manyi anu olamula nonse!
mr president ndi anzanu mwavomerezanu poyamba ndikuti pitala machende ako .pathako pako.manyi amako.ndi family yako yonse uyipatse pamtumbo pawo.2)enanunso amene mwathandiza kuvonereza panyapanu nonse pamtumbo pachipsethe ndiazungu anuwimwewo.mundifufuze sindikukuwopani sindinadyeko even 1kwacha yaboma.stupid president
We must go for referendum please mr president let us vote this country belongs to us power to the people
Tembenu azichindana ndi Bambo wake/azichimwene ndinso aziphwaake chitselekwete chamunthu iya!
mulibe mzimu wawumunthu kupanda makolo bwenzi mutabadwa,pangani koma mwana abadwe.
Signs Of Times.
Ngati zili choncho ine thupi lokhali ndine mmalawi , koma muzimu am not a Malawian. Osamatifunsa kaye bwanji musadalole zopusazo
He’s hungry. Give him something to eat here in Africa but not to come from White House as he thinks
Fuck Peter and USA..Muzichindana kumatako yhoo..kapena akazi azichindana bwanji..bull Shit..fuck them!!
Akulu awa nawo kujijillika anamuyimba Bingu ali anathamangitsa anzungu, mwaziona tsopano lero? Ndiye imbanitu nyimbo timve?
iwish i could have a better place to call it my home…am sad
This is rubbish now
iwetu tikulozapo apa usamale yelekezani muone
I think its time for gvt to see the powers of Malawians,why legalising this malpractice yet 99% of people are againist it! So u gays and lesibians get ready to be stoned if you are found.Mxiiiiiiw
Bwana Tembenu,matenda a Mphere akugwireni muzingozikanda konse komwe muziptako,ndipo mufa imfa yowawa kwambri.
Kusauka ndi chimo basi, lero tikulolela kuchimwa kamba kosauka
zau galu basi…..
Mulungu sangakhale opusa kulenga mamuna ndi mkazi
never vote for this devil again …..
Ufumu wa satana ndichoncho.
Awa adya nawo dirty money. Alanda bwanji mphamvu za parliament. Ndimayesa thumba la tambe amamasula ndi tambe yemwe…Mulungu athana nanu.
malawi is led by the constitution and Not the Bible.#Jst an observation
So does our constitution allow that? The 1 who commit that taboo the punishment is to be sentenced 14 yrs inprison!
Arguing over this issue over and over again will only let pple yield nothing at the end. By the govt allowing gaysim in Malawi does not mean that every1 will b forced to be gay..its a matter of choice. Let those of us who fear God not partek in such kind of bhaviour. I always wonder those pple who alwayz raise eyebrows when it comes to such issues. We have alot of developmental issues to discuss in malawi,
I am south African and I agree with your point I think it’s a good idea
The best solution is once u see donkey ( gay)just stone & kill them coz we want to finish this kind of seeds now we are Rats n cat
wat adark world we live in ……….azungu wathy control us sirently
Proudly homosexual
Atembenu mpaka mwafika ponyoza malamulo amulungu chifukwa chazokoma zadziko lapansi? mwaiwala zoti muzafa ndipo mukakumana ndi yemwe anakulengani kudzera kwa AMAYI ndi ABAMBO anu.
hahahaha bwampini wavomeleza
Ooooohhhhh !!!! Now the minister of justice is now responsible 4 reviewing and making the laws and not the judicially,,_OK !!!!! Ccccccccc Reserved!!!!! Mung at I so we tell …. So freakin hell …mxieeee , rubbish …
Ooooohhhhh !!!! Now the minister of justice is now responsible 4 reviewing and making the laws and not the judicially,,_OK !!!!! Ccccccccc Reserved!!!!! Mung at I so we tell …. So freakin hell …mxieeee , rubbish …
You people are no better than isis
You people are no better than isis
Malawi!! my motherland are you accepting everything even if you know that is NOT right but because of poor? So that they must continue helping us with their donations?Shame!!!
Malawi!! my motherland are you accepting everything even if you know that is NOT right but because of poor? So that they must continue helping us with their donations?Shame!!!
Ooooooh my God! crying for my country,where are we going? Sodom and Gomola is here now.
Ooooooh my God! crying for my country,where are we going? Sodom and Gomola is here now.
Kamtumiki ka Lucifer
Kamtumiki ka Lucifer
Just killed
Just killed
What are you trying to tell us? I can’t believe this
What are you trying to tell us? I can’t believe this
Lord have mercy! !!
Lord have mercy! !!
Malo moti tizilima Chamba chathu tizipanga ndalama,mkuti ayi kugonana amuna or akazi Olga okha aaaa Asatana inu.mmkwatire mzungu anabwelayo tiwone ngati mbeleke nayo mwana,ndipo amene sitikufuna zimenezi ufulu wathu uli pati? Ine mbale wanga angapange zimenezi kumtundu wathu tizamwocha ndithu adyabulosi.
Malo moti tizilima Chamba chathu tizipanga ndalama,mkuti ayi kugonana amuna or akazi Olga okha aaaa Asatana inu.mmkwatire mzungu anabwelayo tiwone ngati mbeleke nayo mwana,ndipo amene sitikufuna zimenezi ufulu wathu uli pati? Ine mbale wanga angapange zimenezi kumtundu wathu tizamwocha ndithu adyabulosi.
Dziko lili m’manja mwa agalu..
Dziko lili m’manja mwa agalu..
Yaaaa! Samamangidwa koma azigendedwa ndi miyala kuti mtchitidwe wa uchitsiruwo uthe.
Yaaaa! Samamangidwa koma azigendedwa ndi miyala kuti mtchitidwe wa uchitsiruwo uthe.
Mkanati msabadwe anthu enanu,timaziwa kuti boma la DPP libwelesa zimenezi.
Mkanati msabadwe anthu enanu,timaziwa kuti boma la DPP libwelesa zimenezi.
Gays and Lesbians hav NO rights in this world rather than animals but only Human being hav the rights YES!!
Gays and Lesbians hav NO rights in this world rather than animals but only Human being hav the rights YES!!
Reviewed by who? Tikuphani nonse
Reviewed by who? Tikuphani nonse
Kodi mmensa munalowa ndivoti?
Kodi mmensa munalowa ndivoti?
Mr Tembenu dziko ndi ndale plus zaambuye
Mr Tembenu dziko ndi ndale plus zaambuye
A source of knowing the social status of the world… Like it now.. Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow
A source of knowing the social status of the world… Like it now.. Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow
Uzafa imfa yowawa!ukazangoyerekeza kuyankhula mosutsana ndi Mulungu ndicholinga chofuna kuteteza nchito imenenso iye mwini Mulungu anakupatsa,uzafa imfa yowawa!ukazangoyelekeza kuyankhula kuti onse ochita mchitidwe ogonana amuna kapena akazi okhaokha asamamangidwe mdipo m’malo mwake azichita zimenezi m’mene afunira,uzafa imfa yowawa.
Uzafa imfa yowawa!ukazangoyerekeza kuyankhula mosutsana ndi Mulungu ndicholinga chofuna kuteteza nchito imenenso iye mwini Mulungu anakupatsa,uzafa imfa yowawa!ukazangoyelekeza kuyankhula kuti onse ochita mchitidwe ogonana amuna kapena akazi okhaokha asamamangidwe mdipo m’malo mwake azichita zimenezi m’mene afunira,uzafa imfa yowawa.
A source of knowing the social status of the world… Like it now.. Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow
A source of knowing the social status of the world… Like it now.. Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow Social Shadow
foolish,mkazi mmene amàkomeramo ndingamaķhale buzy kumķowa dongo mamunà mzanga? mwapenga ati?
foolish,mkazi mmene amàkomeramo ndingamaķhale buzy kumķowa dongo mamunà mzanga? mwapenga ati?
Generation lost!
Generation lost!
xo the whole executive is nodding for this demonic act! let them divorce their wives n marry each other! shame!
xo the whole executive is nodding for this demonic act! let them divorce their wives n marry each other! shame!
“Umphawi ndi tchimo”Zoonadi Malawi,the warm heart of Africa on sale?Mr President,kodi mwaiwaliratu kuti late Bingu,mkulu wanu amakana kwa mtu wagalu kuvomeleza nkhani yomweyi?Kodi Robert Mugabe its not an African leader who voiced out against these white pple.Let Malawi to be Malawi.Mr President Sir,ngati dzikoli lakukulirani step down.A Malawi anzanga lets stand up together with one voice say, NO HOMOSEXUALLY, anthuwa asatitole ngati nsabwe coz this is a modern Malawi sidzulo lija.
“Umphawi ndi tchimo”Zoonadi Malawi,the warm heart of Africa on sale?Mr President,kodi mwaiwaliratu kuti late Bingu,mkulu wanu amakana kwa mtu wagalu kuvomeleza nkhani yomweyi?Kodi Robert Mugabe its not an African leader who voiced out against these white pple.Let Malawi to be Malawi.Mr President Sir,ngati dzikoli lakukulirani step down.A Malawi anzanga lets stand up together with one voice say, NO HOMOSEXUALLY, anthuwa asatitole ngati nsabwe coz this is a modern Malawi sidzulo lija.
Homosexual must be killed
Homosexual must be killed
Shame On Us. Punish Us O God
Shame On Us. Punish Us O God
Mpakana apapapa apapapa apapapa.Koma inu iyayi apapapa nono
Mpakana apapapa apapapa apapapa.Koma inu iyayi apapapa nono
The good idea just kill them.
The good idea just kill them.
we are still a White colony….under white slavery…God will surely punish this country as He did to Sodom and Gomora
we are still a White colony….under white slavery…God will surely punish this country as He did to Sodom and Gomora
U have accepted 666,All leaders shame on u
U have accepted 666,All leaders shame on u
Boma lopusa ngat ili sindinalione.Kod iwe mutharika ukutitengelaku ndikuti mbuz ya munthu iwe?
Boma lopusa ngat ili sindinalione.Kod iwe mutharika ukutitengelaku ndikuti mbuz ya munthu iwe?
Kom amalawi tili pa moto,ndipo tiyembekezere mkwiyo oopsa wa kwa mulungu.Kom ine mundisamale,kukupezani ndimangidwe ndne
Kom amalawi tili pa moto,ndipo tiyembekezere mkwiyo oopsa wa kwa mulungu.Kom ine mundisamale,kukupezani ndimangidwe ndne
people with small brain leading us astray!! Where was our commander in chief just dancing to their tunes..your brother was better than u dear he was brave not as u..damn
people with small brain leading us astray!! Where was our commander in chief just dancing to their tunes..your brother was better than u dear he was brave not as u..damn
Now I understand that you are stupid because of your stupidity! This is not America, this is malawi so if you want homosexual go to America.foolish!!!
Now I understand that you are stupid because of your stupidity! This is not America, this is malawi so if you want homosexual go to America.foolish!!!
This is a disaster, my beloved nation falling to pieces from above..
This is a disaster, my beloved nation falling to pieces from above..
DNT SPOIL OUR WARM HEART OV AFRICA COZ OF GAYS MARRIAGE.Hd t bn d@ ur mum & dad dnt 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。hw du.u tnk kut mudakakhalapo zosemphana ndi Mulungu bas…Ngat masiku akuthelan musaononge a ena pliz
DNT SPOIL OUR WARM HEART OV AFRICA COZ OF GAYS MARRIAGE.Hd t bn d@ ur mum & dad dnt 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。hw du.u tnk kut mudakakhalapo zosemphana ndi Mulungu bas…Ngat masiku akuthelan musaononge a ena pliz
Apenga amalawi
Apenga amalawi
Gay rights are human rights
letter n caution to unborn babies: born in Malawi at ur own risik !!!
gays and lesbian hv no human rights, plz kill them and put their blood onto their heads.
show bro angatigwelesele minyama kwathukuno
show bro angatigwelesele minyama kwathukuno
etii , even the Bible says we shld kill them.
kupusatu uku,osuta chamba nde muziamanga.babellon’s mind,anthu amaganizo oyipa jah jah akukantheni ndi moto orusa fire burn
Very Stupid
You make ok 666 why my mather country .
dziko lili mmanja mwa agalu
How can u arrests em? Pamene uyoyoooooooooo ndiwazomwezo ………..mudzakayankha nokha pano zionekani udoloooooo.
Gud over evil……Tembenu God should 4give u
I have wash my hands
tizavomera za gayism ngati akulu onse akuvomera izi atakwatirana nkusiya azikazao. I knw its impossible koma asogoleri athu ndichani?
owerenga khala mmaso this are the signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ amen , akhristu plz osatekeseka , there z only one God , and only 10 commandment . just follow what God says,
Malawian is sovereign state which got indepence 1964. Therefore it has whole mandate to decide own its own such issues on the table. US envoys has nothing to do with our constitution, bcoz in malawi gayz n lesbians are supposed to be prosecuted. America is America, Malawi is Malawi do not tolerate evil.
President uyu ndiye chitsilu chothelatu and now malawi is colonised by america ku kwatirana amuna okha okha he he he
zopusa ife ayi chikukukanikani anthu akuluakulu ngat inu kuwauza agalu amenewo kt ife sitikufuna ndichani?Mtsi!! zopusa basi nde utsogoleri ulipati pamenepo? akusinthilani malamulo anthu amakhalidwe ausatanawo!!! zopusa basi ngati samamangidwa anthu amenewa ife tizingowapha bas!! mtsi!!! zopusa
Koma zonsezi chifukwa cha Ndalama basi????? Asogoleli athu mwataaaaani?
boma lationjeza das buu shit …mahule onsewa mkumapanganxo mathanyula
So stupid tembenu yr motherfucker ass chotani? Amayi ako n amuna?
Kodi iwe ukuti uzapha gay kodi panthumbo paround po nipako osalimbana nipako bwanji.Every man got a right to decide his own destiny, go to hell.Don’t judge for u too will be judged according to your sin.
Iam one of the amalawian currently we dont want malawi following you stupid the law lyk dis and whats has malawi done ,we should never watch malawi dctatorship about the law home sexually lyk this nosense remember isnt you run from exile leave africa must rulling by God ,Even the past leaders never command malawi lyk this stupid .
Gvt officials …???
So glad I moved from the shit hole of a country
fools,demons,u wl stil die n hunger n poverty..u can make ur laws but u wl never make this n heaven …how l wish n pray hard that mulungu akuotcheni pansi pompano…..demons
Is this reall or am dreaming?.
Fuk u
tembenu mbuzi ya munthu nthawi zina mzimu wa umunthu uzikupezani zikakhala ndalama zikuphesani. kodi anthu mukuimihrawo ali kuti?
I guess,all these people who have big names in this country are educated savages,NDAONERA PANKHANI IMENEYI,where is opposition parties(UDF,PP,MCP,ect) and what is your role?, GOD help us!.
MR Tembenu ur now spoke person of devill, shame on UU may GOD have mercy on uu. woe unto them that call evill good and evill good; that put darkness for light and light for darkness…………… ( issaiah 5:20)
MALAWIANS don’t let your heart be troubled with Gay issues because Gay is no only a sin, and it’s just other People’s choice of committing sins like other people kusankha kuchimwa popanga chiwelewere, Kuba, ziphuphu, maboza, cigololo, ufiti ndi zisankho zina
Mukazaona chopululitsa chija chinanenedwa ndi daniel mneneri chitaima mmalo opatulika owerenga ukhale mmaso
I’m ready to Spend a Corporal of Million Malawian Kwachas for those who have de same mission of Killing the Gays and Their Representatives like InI!
For those Who’re ready for this kind of Recruitment,Fear not,Shy not,,,instead,Contact Me,,,at([email protected])
Be free to ask or Send Your Contacts through the Email Address which has been written above!
Ambuye kanthani onse omwe akulimbikisa uchimo uwu
US gay convoy found dead at area 47 in Lilongwe
From when? And you must be first example. From now adays your husband is geo gwaladi
Its an abomination in eyes of God.Homosexual is forbidden in eyes of God.Its evil spirit.
Watchova njinga ni bena… Balizanso belu ni benangu…. Atasay!
am not pat of this koma ndimalamulo akulakhulawa sitingatsutse tiwalore akhale mwaufulu mosaopyezedwa. ofuna kuchimwa a joine osafunafe tikhale
Fisi amathiwira kutchire komwe kuli afisi anzake
apapa zikuonesa kuti mmalawi muno citizens are not regaded as very important en what people have been saying that our fearing God country must not axcept such kind of uve bt it just go in vain,God is about to send fire to consume all gays en lasibians en also youself greedy,hipoclietic leaders.All Malawian let us we join hands to unbuilt this behavior
Mwafikapotu )eeeee komakaya
mbuzi zokhazokha zimenezi!!! zisanditaitse yesu wanga ine!!!
Devil is ruling the Malawi Nation! Tiyenela Kuchenjela ndife olamulidwafe kuuzimu!
Alibe nzeru minister ameneyo
Masiku omaliza
Wish Bingu was Here…
Thats what we call America, they have tried their best to fulfil their devilish teachings. I think we Black people we r still blind. The same America has a link with Bokoharam, but we still dont know coz we r blind. America has a link with Alkhaida but we still dont know. All they wanted is to weaken the countries where they knew that their devilish teaching can not be accepted so that their plans should work. On the other hand I think there is something to go with religions here. Dziko lapansi likutinyenga, YOU HATE ISLAM BECAUSE IT DOES NOT COMBINE GOD COMANDMENTS AND EVILS OF THE EARTH. There is more to come with Americans including 666. Lets ask ourselves that which scripture do those who accepted HOMOSEXUALITY IN MALAWI use????? God is watching this.
Koma kumalawiko chikuchitika ndichani ,koma ngati mukufuna ndalama nsankhani njira yina onsakhala imeneyo ife kuno zantinyasa .kodi mulungu mensa analenga mamuna ndi kadzi ,nanga izi dzikubwelanji komatu ambuye akukuwonani inu amene mukunsintha malamulo .chonde ansatipusinse adzungu.
Inu mulikuti?
Ena inu munasankha tchimo Lokuba. Enanu tchimo Lachiwelewele, Enanu tchimo Laziphuphu, Enanu tchimo Laufiti, Enanu lotukwana ndiye wina wasankha tchimo la Ugeyi. Anthu onse kusiya machimo awo ndi kumaona la iyo Geyg Ayi musachedwe ndi tchimo la Geyi chotsani chitsoso chanu kaye
Last days, dziwani kut nthawi ilinkudza oyipa adzakhara chiipire ndi olungama chilungamire, konzani zamoyo wanu nthawiyi isadakwane
Guyz akangopedzeka tidzingomustoner bax
Malawi 24 u r lying,,thats not what the govt said,,the govt told the envoy that as of now Malawi is not ready to change its laws and that the outcome after consulting Malawians was that Malawi is not ready to embrace LGBTI issues,,,seems u r so obssessed with this issue such that u r posting more abt it than developmental issues,,,
Apa nde angobwera aweludze
Mulungu sadzalangaso anthu andi madzi kapena moto Enanuso muleke kuuluka usiku,Kugona ana anu amene odzibelekela,Nsanje, Ndi zaina zonyasazo then mubweleso ndidzamva uthenga wanu osati pano
Simwalola mathanyura muyembekezere akuzani muyambe kugwirisa ntchito ndalama yakwawo then 666 chilichonse akakuzani muzingoti yes boss, mwaiwara otilenga woona zakumwamba ndi zapansi wogwesa mvula kwanake mwamutenga munthu kukhara thandizo lanu kuiwara kuti thandizo lathu ndiyehova mwayamba kuopa munthu wapaziko lapansi amene mphamvu zake zili za fake mwaiwar Kuti Mulungu amene mukususana naye ndiye ali ndiulamuliro onse ndiye thandizo lathu, zoonadi simunalakwe Mr Minister kuyankhura choncho asamangidwe zoona evn bible silinakambe zoti amangidwe koma aphedwe nde aphedwe basi,
No legalise Malawi is not a country to support that if wnt those things go to other coutry
Ooo! A Malawi Mulungu akukathan onse ochita zimenezi alangidwa
This Nation is not yours. fuck u.
Suspension of the laws against homosexuality speaks volume that govt has legalised homosexuality in malawi.
Does this justice minister have some form of religion? If yes, then I doubt his sexual orientation.
it was started long time ago by the name of gender!!!!!! ….FIRE BURN BABYRON
I always wonder that y our country is easier to be attacked? Nde chomchi muziti tingagonjetse Tanzania ngati tangonjetsedwa ndi gay role,shame on our stupid government
Who Is Reviewing The Laws And Where? Dont Take Malawians For Granted Mr Tembenu Or Watever Name They Call You. Aphedwatu Yense Wamathanyulayo, Ndithu. Try It Publicly If You Think We Are Joking. Zopusaaaa. Vuto Mukaikidwa Mmipando Mumafika Pomazitenga Ngati Timilungu Osafuna Kumva Zaena. Tiyeni Nazoni And Lets See Who Has The Last Laugh.
I won’t feel like loosing a Corporal of Million Malawian Kwacha,,,for Recruitment of those who have the same Altitude or Mission of Killing the Gays and Their Representatives like I’m!
The Fucken Stupid Minister can Speak Shit like that,,,but He musnt forget that all His Journeys are not done by Airlines only,but also the Road.
From Now on,His Drivers must be aware or more careful with HEAVY GOODS TRUCKS!
His days are Numbered and He won’t Enjoy,,,,,,,
Malawians, do you see what i see?? Possible that this American envoy has promised DPP as a party huge funding(note that these minority people are billionaires). There is no way that this issue can soften up the minds of learned people in DPP without strings attached. Believe me or not. Dirty deals are happening behind our back. Nevertheless, the issue has to pass through parliament and i don’t see our MPs approving the bill. Lets wait and see. Meanwhile we have to endure and bear the nuasance of gays/lesbians with this freedom they have been given. May God save our children.
masiku omaliza afikadi ndani anganditsutse plz tiyeni tilape machimo.
Che Tembenu Kukamwa Kwa Agogo Anu Musattole Ife A Malawi Ndipo Mulungu Akuyankhulen
Atembenu inu munakwatila mwamuna mzanu?
Osamakakamula nkhani ya No arrest on Gay issue ngati Chimo kwa Mulungu ndi la Ugeyi basi. Mbuyo monsemu anthu Samachimwa? Machimo ndiambirimbiri kale ndi pano pomwe
am a Nigerian not malawi citizen, am from Africa its time we stand up for what is right, stop destroying African youth future with evil dreams of America demonic politician, time we come where there will be no hidden place for satanic politician in Africa, GOD bless malawi God bless Africa..
Lol! Thanks bra for standing with us! Together can #OneAfricaOneLove
thank u for joining Malawi to fight the evil
i lyk it. One africa
I lyk it2!
I lyk it2!
nice words bra
U tolk lyk an Angel,big up bro
Igweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you really sound like ibo man, Nigerians don’t go round, they go straight on a point.
Big Up Bro
thanks bro
Thank u
Thanx 4 courageous
You Nigerians have already destroyed our country
You Nigerians have already destroyed our country
You Nigerians have already destroyed our country
Zopusa basi malawi anthu tinabesa tokha po votela mbuzi iyi kaya ndiyakuti mavuto ali tho ndiliti america inathandiza kuti chimanga kulibe kumalawi akulamula dziko lose tizipanga zomwe akufuna boma lathu kungona mpaka lelo wake up Malawi athu opanda chikhulupilo
Zopusa basi malawi anthu tinabesa tokha po votela mbuzi iyi kaya ndiyakuti mavuto ali tho ndiliti america inathandiza kuti chimanga kulibe kumalawi akulamula dziko lose tizipanga zomwe akufuna boma lathu kungona mpaka lelo wake up Malawi athu opanda chikhulupilo
Mr Tembunu hu gave u authority to say yes? Hv u heard malawian sayng want ths rubbish to pass n our country? Hv u forgot wat happened n Soddom? So which bible ur takng, ru anticrist? Wat hv u done is very very sacramandous.. God punish u..
Mr Tembunu hu gave u authority to say yes? Hv u heard malawian sayng want ths rubbish to pass n our country? Hv u forgot wat happened n Soddom? So which bible ur takng, ru anticrist? Wat hv u done is very very sacramandous.. God punish u..
Mot Kukukhazikani Pampano Bwana Tembenu Nkhan Yake Ndiomatiuza Zimenezi Are You Serious About Your Job?Ngat Mulibe Upangili Siyan Ntchito Kut Ena Agwilipo Ndimisonkhotu Iyi Mukudyai Mukudziwa?
Mot Kukukhazikani Pampano Bwana Tembenu Nkhan Yake Ndiomatiuza Zimenezi Are You Serious About Your Job?Ngat Mulibe Upangili Siyan Ntchito Kut Ena Agwilipo Ndimisonkhotu Iyi Mukudyai Mukudziwa?
Arresting for wt no no no if u wnt total wall start t they must b burnt to ashes ow cn i fuck a fellow man does he hav a place where mine wil go i thot men has only one place where they produce dirty stuff so if u wnt to regalise tel m where i wil put
Arresting for wt no no no if u wnt total wall start t they must b burnt to ashes ow cn i fuck a fellow man does he hav a place where mine wil go i thot men has only one place where they produce dirty stuff so if u wnt to regalise tel m where i wil put
Zisilu inu mukuvera kuti muzi panga nsete m uganiza anthu tingakondwe ndi za manyi zanuzo machende ako iwe wavomereza kuti zitero ndipo wakuuza kuti usainireyo umuuze kuti machende ako ndipo machende ako ndikuti machende ako, mbuzi yamunthu ine nde ndipha wamoyo ndipo ndisaone wina akupanga chigao chakwathu wina asowa
Zisilu inu mukuvera kuti muzi panga nsete m uganiza anthu tingakondwe ndi za manyi zanuzo machende ako iwe wavomereza kuti zitero ndipo wakuuza kuti usainireyo umuuze kuti machende ako ndipo machende ako ndikuti machende ako, mbuzi yamunthu ine nde ndipha wamoyo ndipo ndisaone wina akupanga chigao chakwathu wina asowa
mayo ine chala changa iwe ndinakulakwila heavy! mkwiyo wa Mulungu uli pa Malawi basi…zomvetsa chisoni2 izi
mayo ine chala changa iwe ndinakulakwila heavy! mkwiyo wa Mulungu uli pa Malawi basi…zomvetsa chisoni2 izi
Tipemphele kwambili che kape
eeeee apapadi pakufunika mulungu alowelelepo
1 by 1 mpaka onse atha,tizingowadula makosi
1 by 1 mpaka onse atha,tizingowadula makosi
its better to legalise marijuana coz it can raise up our economy
its better to legalise marijuana coz it can raise up our economy
No Arrests, Yes, even the Bible DOES NOT say that, we will stone them cold, NOT Areest them…They dont need to be arrested…
No Arrests, Yes, even the Bible DOES NOT say that, we will stone them cold, NOT Areest them…They dont need to be arrested…
God didn’t spare his angels after sinning, God burned Sodom and Gomorrah of being lesbians and gay. May the same God deal with you
God didn’t spare his angels after sinning, God burned Sodom and Gomorrah of being lesbians and gay. May the same God deal with you
oh my God luk at malawi my country suporting the power from the beast America! May God 4giv these piple
oh my God luk at malawi my country suporting the power from the beast America! May God 4giv these piple
Ligalize Canabis sativa not homo God created aman in his own image .In the image of God hecreate him Male &Female bwanji sanalenge amuna okha okha kapena akazi okha okha
Ligalize Canabis sativa not homo God created aman in his own image .In the image of God hecreate him Male &Female bwanji sanalenge amuna okha okha kapena akazi okha okha
I Swear 2 God Dat My Good Lord May Punish U 10 Tymz.
I Swear 2 God Dat My Good Lord May Punish U 10 Tymz.
Tembenu ndikuyamba ndiiweyo machende ako zimenezo wakuuzandani zauchisilu bas kusowa zochita bas iweyo na machende iwe bambo ako akadatero bwezi iwe uliko chisilu chamunthu nzeruso ulibe galu wandibowa heavy ndiye ubwele ndiyambe zauchisiluzo ndiiweyo mumaganizabwanji enanu kuganiza ngati mbuzi bas sikuchenjera kumeneko wanva koma uwauze kuti akamapanga zauchisilu zaozo kuno zisafike chigao chino ife tipha osati by ukuona koma asowa ameneo uonanso zimene ndalembazi mulungu wandionanso mwana wasatana iwe
Tembenu ndikuyamba ndiiweyo machende ako zimenezo wakuuzandani zauchisilu bas kusowa zochita bas iweyo na machende iwe bambo ako akadatero bwezi iwe uliko chisilu chamunthu nzeruso ulibe galu wandibowa heavy ndiye ubwele ndiyambe zauchisiluzo ndiiweyo mumaganizabwanji enanu kuganiza ngati mbuzi bas sikuchenjera kumeneko wanva koma uwauze kuti akamapanga zauchisilu zaozo kuno zisafike chigao chino ife tipha osati by ukuona koma asowa ameneo uonanso zimene ndalembazi mulungu wandionanso mwana wasatana iwe
Akapezeka Tizingothananawo Basi Mxieu
Akapezeka Tizingothananawo Basi Mxieu
Inuyo Atembenu Bambo Anu Aja Akanakwatila Mwamuna Mzawo Bwenz Mulipo Inu??
Inuyo Atembenu Bambo Anu Aja Akanakwatila Mwamuna Mzawo Bwenz Mulipo Inu??
Tembenu ndikuyamba ndiiweyo machende ako zimenezo wakuuzandani zauchisilu bas kusowa zochita bas iweyo na machende iwe bambo ako akadatero bwezi iwe uliko chisilu chamunthu nzeruso ulibe galu wandibowa heavy ndiye ubwele ndiyambe zauchisiluzo ndiiweyo mumaganizabwanji enanu kuganiza ngati mbuzi bas sikuchenjera kumeneko wanva
Tembenu ndikuyamba ndiiweyo machende ako zimenezo wakuuzandani zauchisilu bas kusowa zochita bas iweyo na machende iwe bambo ako akadatero bwezi iwe uliko chisilu chamunthu nzeruso ulibe galu wandibowa heavy ndiye ubwele ndiyambe zauchisiluzo ndiiweyo mumaganizabwanji enanu kuganiza ngati mbuzi bas sikuchenjera kumeneko wanva
2019 sikaletu musaiwale nonse muzachoka anthu osaopa mulungu inu
2019 sikaletu musaiwale nonse muzachoka anthu osaopa mulungu inu
Fuck You
Fuck You
Dyera,mzagulitsa dziko inu.
Dyera,mzagulitsa dziko inu.
I say no to homosexuality in Malawi, my home
I say no to homosexuality in Malawi, my home
my Malawi we changed colonial country first it was Britain nw is America its very shameful bt I believe God is watchng
my Malawi we changed colonial country first it was Britain nw is America its very shameful bt I believe God is watchng
kma2 nde ma #gay anuwo muziabeleka pansana coz ife tikamakumana nawo ndikuoha basi kuti tidalire ndkunvera zainu nde palibe chomwe tingaphulepo.and kodi akupasani ndalama zingati kuti mulore zopusazo?zkanakhala kuti iwe unakwatila mnyamata nzako ana ako aja akanabadwa?kapena bambo ako akanakhala kuti anakwatira nyamaya nzawo iwe ukanabadwa??kukomedwa ndi ndalama kufuna kutchuka pa maso pa azungu,kumunyoza Mulungu ndi mawu ake mwantundu oterowo chonsecho kuti ufke pamenepo ambuye wachita kukudalisa.mxiiieeeewwwwww
kma2 nde ma #gay anuwo muziabeleka pansana coz ife tikamakumana nawo ndikuoha basi kuti tidalire ndkunvera zainu nde palibe chomwe tingaphulepo.and kodi akupasani ndalama zingati kuti mulore zopusazo?zkanakhala kuti iwe unakwatila mnyamata nzako ana ako aja akanabadwa?kapena bambo ako akanakhala kuti anakwatira nyamaya nzawo iwe ukanabadwa??kukomedwa ndi ndalama kufuna kutchuka pa maso pa azungu,kumunyoza Mulungu ndi mawu ake mwantundu oterowo chonsecho kuti ufke pamenepo ambuye wachita kukudalisa.mxiiieeeewwwwww
Only God knows when and where w’ll end Up!!
Only God knows when and where w’ll end Up!!
Chikhala kut umaganiza ngat munthu sibwezi utavomeleza zopusazi Ai and anthu anapanga mistake posankha IWE ankaona ngat mwina uwathandiza Koma kungowaputila muliri wamoto Nkasa sananame Ai mnyimbo yake. Kod iweyo anakulera ndi mai kapena bambo .ndie pot walora kutero mkazi unakwatirayo banja lithe upeze mwamuna nzako Koma pakutha pa 2 months akhale ndi mimba. IWE ndi mbewadi bas opanda Mzimu IWE
Chikhala kut umaganiza ngat munthu sibwezi utavomeleza zopusazi Ai and anthu anapanga mistake posankha IWE ankaona ngat mwina uwathandiza Koma kungowaputila muliri wamoto Nkasa sananame Ai mnyimbo yake. Kod iweyo anakulera ndi mai kapena bambo .ndie pot walora kutero mkazi unakwatirayo banja lithe upeze mwamuna nzako Koma pakutha pa 2 months akhale ndi mimba. IWE ndi mbewadi bas opanda Mzimu IWE
My Malawi,My nwtion,should I still call you a God fearing nation??They make crazy decisions in the name of poverty while they are busy loading the same money in their pockets. I wonder what the so called stupit Mzunguz has done to my warm heart of Africa..learn to make your own decisions you greedy leaders & stop blaming poverty..Bastards
Mimbulu ichotsedwe pakati pa nkhosa!
My Malawi,My nwtion,should I still call you a God fearing nation??They make crazy decisions in the name of poverty while they are busy loading the same money in their pockets. I wonder what the so called stupit Mzunguz has done to my warm heart of Africa..learn to make your own decisions you greedy leaders & stop blaming poverty..Bastards
Mimbulu ichotsedwe pakati pa nkhosa!
Agwape ngati inu sindinaonepo iwe Tembenu ndi mzakoyo yambanipo kugonana mkaz wakoyo kamuyike ku bara anyamata anzeru akaonepo kusintha coz iweyo MBUZI … Wakutumayo nayoso MBUZI
Agwape ngati inu sindinaonepo iwe Tembenu ndi mzakoyo yambanipo kugonana mkaz wakoyo kamuyike ku bara anyamata anzeru akaonepo kusintha coz iweyo MBUZI … Wakutumayo nayoso MBUZI
hahahahahahahahah auze amvese
Why u make your own commandment?
Why u make your own commandment?
Cholinga Boma likakana mudziti zinthu sizikuyenda bwino….. Coz Malawi ndie alowa mu severe poverty…….. My suggestion = zisiyeni zikulire limodzi, tidzasiyanitsa pokolora
Cholinga Boma likakana mudziti zinthu sizikuyenda bwino….. Coz Malawi ndie alowa mu severe poverty…….. My suggestion = zisiyeni zikulire limodzi, tidzasiyanitsa pokolora
Tembenu! Mboli yako ma gay aziesera michila yawo paiweyo azikumboola kumbuyo mwana wagalu iwe
proverbs 3 :27.shame on u katembenu coz u tolk lyk a fool do u know that God is watching and one day u will give account to each and evry word u say. a Ken Msonda tayimananu aphedwe ma homo basi
proverbs 3 :27.shame on u katembenu coz u tolk lyk a fool do u know that God is watching and one day u will give account to each and evry word u say. a Ken Msonda tayimananu aphedwe ma homo basi
Zikuposeni nyama kuganiza zoona. Shame on u
Zikuposeni nyama kuganiza zoona. Shame on u
Idiot Malawianz
Idiot Malawianz
I cry my beloved malawi. When are u going to have freedom?Likanati lidzibwerera kale,nyakula ukanaivala.
I cry my beloved malawi. When are u going to have freedom?Likanati lidzibwerera kale,nyakula ukanaivala.
Malawi must take a stand and say NO to Homesexuality.
Daniel 3:14-18
While everyone else in Babylon was bowing before Nebuchadnezzars idol, these three men Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego were standing straight as arrows, why not just bow and repent! millions do that everyday, not these men, they had made up their minds that they would not bow and they didnt certainly, theirs is a good example for believers in this age! There are somethings that are wrong, it doesn’t matter who maybe for them, they are still wrong and we need to make up our minds that we will take a stand against that which is wrong and for that which is right. Gods call for us is that we stand. 1 corinth 15:58, My dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable, always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.
The church needs to realise that there are still some wicked things worth standing against. Pastor Isaac Kabwese
Malawi must take a stand and say NO to Homesexuality.
Daniel 3:14-18
While everyone else in Babylon was bowing before Nebuchadnezzars idol, these three men Shadrach,Meshach and Abednego were standing straight as arrows, why not just bow and repent! millions do that everyday, not these men, they had made up their minds that they would not bow and they didnt certainly, theirs is a good example for believers in this age! There are somethings that are wrong, it doesn’t matter who maybe for them, they are still wrong and we need to make up our minds that we will take a stand against that which is wrong and for that which is right. Gods call for us is that we stand. 1 corinth 15:58, My dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable, always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.
The church needs to realise that there are still some wicked things worth standing against. Pastor Isaac Kabwese
hahahaha ukupita kuti Malawi iwe? hahahaha
hahahaha ukupita kuti Malawi iwe? hahahaha
i thought they are supposed to follow the already documented law and not the being discussed or the unknown law!! beisde that the police even arrest one by just being the suspect of breacking the law without questions despite being true or not. ,,,,,,,, they should arrest those while they are waiting for the law they are saying
i thought they are supposed to follow the already documented law and not the being discussed or the unknown law!! beisde that the police even arrest one by just being the suspect of breacking the law without questions despite being true or not. ,,,,,,,, they should arrest those while they are waiting for the law they are saying
ndichitsiru amenei akagwere nchimbudzi asatinyase ife.
ndichitsiru amenei akagwere nchimbudzi asatinyase ife.
Amenewo ndiwo maganizo amunthu wandevu zambiri ngati Tembenu.
Amenewo ndiwo maganizo amunthu wandevu zambiri ngati Tembenu.
Go to hell Mr.Minister
Go to hell Mr.Minister
so u mr Tembenu ur now reviewing the law and Malawi constitution in your House ,without the concept of Malawi Parliament so disgusting ,,,, u cheat people when swearing in holding Bible raised ,saying shall protect Malawi constitution without any favour shame on u ,u can’t make decision based on professional, but pleasing a person not a Nation of Malawi Why ,God is about to punish you for this
Have u read the article? He has just said no arrest now awaiting review and its the pariament which is mandated for the review boss
well read ,it is giving loopholes those willing for homosexuality. why saying no arrest ?????? before its revised ,No need for such kind of governance that’s contempt of court ,he has no mandate to say that
if he was to say that ,those doing will be arrested until the rule of law and Malawi constitution is reviewed ,
so u mr Tembenu ur now reviewing the law and Malawi constitution in your House ,without the concept of Malawi Parliament so disgusting ,,,, u cheat people when swearing in holding Bible raised ,saying shall protect Malawi constitution without any favour shame on u ,u can’t make decision based on professional, but pleasing a person not a Nation of Malawi Why ,God is about to punish you for this
Have u read the article? He has just said no arrest now awaiting review and its the pariament which is mandated for the review boss
well read ,it is giving loopholes those willing for homosexuality. why saying no arrest ?????? before its revised ,No need for such kind of governance that’s contempt of court ,he has no mandate to say that
if he was to say that ,those doing will be arrested until the rule of law and Malawi constitution is reviewed ,
am agree to mr ralph stonebridge why let them go meaning what?sitikufuna nkwiyo wamulungu utigwele ife we know kuti mmukhala busy ndinu anthu ofunika koma tamawelengankoni bibble pliz
am agree to mr ralph stonebridge why let them go meaning what?sitikufuna nkwiyo wamulungu utigwele ife we know kuti mmukhala busy ndinu anthu ofunika koma tamawelengankoni bibble pliz
wily surely then iyeyo wapanga go against the constitution,,if ngat akut no arrest pa iye yekha wat will hapen if t will b reviewed afta a year from now,given homosexuality ilkhala palipose en thanks to that stupid fool for asking God’s anger kwa amalaw
God plz punish tembenu,ibrahim moses yu & all their supprts b4 tomorrw plz…
God plz punish tembenu,ibrahim moses yu & all their supprts b4 tomorrw plz…
Koma ife kudera kwathu tagwirizana tonse kungompeza mukumunenayo kuti kaya “gay” tizimuotcha…Mwamva a buluzi inu???
Koma ife kudera kwathu tagwirizana tonse kungompeza mukumunenayo kuti kaya “gay” tizimuotcha…Mwamva a buluzi inu???
Mr Tembenu and ur government fist u must fuck his anus American president gay live then telling us about that if it not we say NO otherwise we going to kill time has come now u to drink my blood 4 u to get rich that’s busht divonce ur wife
Mr Tembenu and ur government fist u must fuck his anus American president gay live then telling us about that if it not we say NO otherwise we going to kill time has come now u to drink my blood 4 u to get rich that’s busht divonce ur wife
No arrest But We wil Kill them!! prblm solved
No arrest But We wil Kill them!! prblm solved
mulngu kukhulukile poti sukudziwa chomwe ukuchita
I have a good suggestion.Lets adopt SHARIA law first to deal with the perpetuators and then strengthen our relationship with Arab countries.What do you think?
What shall a man profit if he gains the whole world and loses his soul.
Malawi is on autopilot, we don’t have a leader
Ndalama mwalandirazo zikupititsani Ku hell believe you me
Ducks are better than human being now adays shame to pple who are attending this
That is Malawi nt America , did u alow that foolish to Convey that evil mesage?
Peter and your officials becareful count attack is around the corner better you legalise that nosense somewhere not in Malawi
Malawi has recivd the mark of the beast,,,,!!! God be with innocent malawians plz,,
ukawauze ana ako zmenezo…..
Osauka alibe Mau
Political suicide
Mwina timangova kuti sodomu adanyekandimoto ukundye muyambadala mlungu ndipo mapemphelo athu sadzavekaso kwayehova tikhala dziko lotembeleledwa palibe otsutsana ndiyehova ati adzapeze ntendele inu akuluakulu aboma mwalandila ndrama zoculuka kut muvomeleze zaufitizi kuno kumalawi mulinditsoka losaneneka musangalala kanthawi kocepa koma mlungu aonetsela nkwiyowake posacedwa ndipo mudzalila movetsa cisoni ngati ana ndrama zanu sizidzakhoza kukupulumutsani kunalianzanu upusa mmaganizo ndiamakani koma lelo ndimbiliyakale tsoka ili likudzapoyelali cifukwa cha dyela mmalo moyang’ana kwayehova kut athane ndimavuto amalawi lelo tatewanu wapezeka ku America shame zizindikilo zammasiku otsiliza yesu akubwelaso posacedwa kudzaweluza
Kkkkk kuopa western coutry kumeneko sss minister why are u doing this to ur b loved coutry
Kutukwana kukusiyana bwanji ndi u gay,?mukuti ndizoipa ineso ndikutero koma kutukwana palibe chanzeru chomwe chingathandize. ,anthu ochoka dziko lowopa mulungu kuma akutukwana really,??ndimuchitodwe wauve koma tieni tisatukwane
let them get married but we want to see a baby afta some months but if they are not we gonna kill them. even me i can kill them
Ndiye za kutchini kwadzadza zimenezo
Kodi mukupembedza chani ku dziko la America mulungu atilanga mpaka titadziwa kuti talakwitsa!
Hahahaha only a mad man can accept this for a progress to his generation
Mwamupya Kuchanya Oho
It seems like mwayamba kutengera malamulo mma
tuzingowa pha basi tikawapeza
God’s created man and woman for the benefit of them in fact any reasonable or sensible person can reason it only the devil’s and vagabond may disregard or disobeyed him lord for his blessing to human being
Ee My God ,masiku Osiliza
Koma ngati ali neba wanga ndipha ndichikwanje nkangomuona ndi aliyense mwa ana anga, since aboma muli pa off pakukhwimitsa malamulo athu adziko, kuopa angaphunzitse zopusazi anthu ambiri panthawi yanu yareview imeneyi.
It’s a democratic country… I say we vote
this is stupid at its best and those legalising this mulpractice are fools and satn envoys had it been BINGU is still alive he woulden’t allow this uve in our country.mr minister and your friends 2019 is coming.see you during elections
wait ndiwelenge kaye b4 I comment
y my land malawi! (crying)
Potayira mphepo pawo.
Dpp woyee mwaivomelatu kkkkk mumati mutani no arrest kusonyeza kuti or azigonana amuna okha okha simuwamanga kkkkk paka liti malawi wa peter munthali panja naye ali momwemo
Ndimmene zimakhalila ngati boma likuyendetsedwa ndi achina ujeni kkkkk achina mathanyula zotsatira zake ndi izi tikuzionazi rubbish yeniyeni
iwe mapwa iwe2 iwe #GOD 4gv us they dnt knw wat dey do
The problem is reliance on donor fund. Indeed the poor can never be a king amidst the opulent unless the poor is first made rich so as to be equal to who he can influence. Donors will always have much say on malawians politics unless Malawians stop reliance on them. Oh God help malawi!
I miss Bingu. .
But our father Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda warned us about multiparty and democracy………………….how I wish he (Kamuzu) would resurrect and see how once a Warm Heart of Africa is doing…………..
Who has got powers to suspend laws of Malawi and who is to review the laws and why taking too long? Is it deliberate? The gvt is putting Malawians on unnecesary pressure and debate over the issue while gvt is sitting quiet. Yet gvt knows that majority is against homosexuality. The USA envoy were not supposed to come until the so called ‘review’ is done otherwise you are confusing Malawians on this gay issue!
@ 50 yrs Malawi is not yet indpendent…koma zoophya ndithu mmm!! Ndisaoneso ndikumva za 6 July chaka chino kut mwakwanisa zaka 51 muli pa ufulu anyapapipi inu a dpp oziramulira ndizakwiya nanu…dikira muone zize chaka chino!!!!! Ambuye alangeni basi ndi wana wakukamwa ngat mulambayo osamusiya polangapo…ine sindikupanga nawo!!
Bingu anakana za ma homosexual inu munayamba kumunyoza, mukhaula agalu inu, Mulungu adzakulangani.
man choche ndaona apa ku banja la munthalika kuli ziwanda zochuluka bas
just look at he’s face and he call himselves he’s justince what kind of justince you are Malawi is not belongs to you not even Peter Muthalika Malawi is belongs to all of us we don’t need devil money we need peace in our country God he can never make mistake for make man and woman you will never ever have power to aganest with God untill he will distroy all worild
Kutha Kwan dziko ukuuuuu!
Malawi for sale
Ok no arrest? we will deal with them accourdingly.
Panyapako iweo tembenu umuuzeso pitala wakowo mbolo yake
Your very stupid Tembenu in fact ur devil’s agent so jst lyk hw God strucked Satan from heaven may u b struck n Jesus name
Which reviews are you talking about?
What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
Do you have authority to legalise what God calls sin?
Don’t ask for God’s anger,repent from ur sins en God z just to forgive you
These other calamities we r facing,,insufficient rains,z bkoz of disobedience to God
Ur stupid
Kodi ndala ameneyu alindi mkazi
Adya Dollar? Kuputsa bas! Palow tkonza tokha m’maderamu akapolo amenewa! Pamoz tyen tkawapeza twagagade bas.
foolz I just wish all homo dead and go hell iz waitin for u stupid
These selfish thieves bow down to the demonic demands only to get US dollars to fill their big bellies
chenjerani akufuna abwelese nkhondo
Patumbo panu nonse âmene mumagwirizana zauchisi
Shame on you #Mrtembenu may God forgive you
Those people they are stupid as dogs lamulo lopusalo ife ayi zopusanzo
My fear that some of us are handsome so these gays will end up approaching us, if we denie them they might think of raping us…#Uyelekeze_kundifunsila_uwone_
Ndizingopha ndikamapeza mwa anthu angat amenewa
friends did you ever listened to what cameron said in 2011 about Bingu not accepting the 2010 limelight signed in vatican?
Shame on leaders, Malawi z going hell nowadays.
#Homosexual must fall
friends did you ever listened to what cameron said in 201
hw can i leave dix country ?
so you have bowed down to the devil?
Makobiri amusokoneza munthuyu.
Go to hell
In other words “amuna azisokana” watero Tembenu!!
zau chindele mwe mbwa eti?
My poor malawi why? Where is the old Malawi we use to knw? God judge this poor Country. R we following American rules now day? Mmmmmmmmh shame on U Leaders of making Laws
Nkani Munabela Mavoti Kuti Mubweletse Zinthu Zopusazo Kuno? Ndiye Lero Tikuti:muzipanga Komweko Ku State House,ndimacabineti Anuwo! Ife Mutisiye Choncho Ndiumphawi Wathu,sitizafa Ndi Umphawi Ayi! Ambuye Ali Nafe Ndithu!!! We Shall Push Ahead With Prayers,we Won’t Give Up,or Else Perverted By Anyone Anyhow No!!!!No!!!…
Anthu opusa onyasa ngati awa. Bwanji angomwalirapo????
I am a one of the royal people
zawutsilu amene akumvomerezawo alindi akazi akufuna atiputsise ife bwanj
Tembenu ukayambe kugonana ndi ng’ono wako kapena kuluwako ukakava kukoma udzatiuze zosatila kut nafe tiyambe chifukwa ndiwe tsogoleli
Mwachita bwino ine ndizakwatira pitala tizaone ngati azalole zachamba bac
down Babylon chisalu chamkachisi ching’ambika just know,watch out
God wil punish every body who take part 4 this.
Zazii,,bola mloleze ma drugs
Agalu inu mwatopa et? waku moto ulipo mbuzi zokhazokha.
Guyz don’t talk more , open your eyes what the bible say, we are living in lastdays no matter what the bible will stand on top
Its Shame 2 see malawian leaders now worshping america instead of de living God.
I hate gays so i hate anybody who legalise it, u bar marijuana smoking and you legalise homesexual. Shame on anybody who likes it.
Ndalama ikulamula koma Ndalama iwe unbwereranji Mulungu akuona
Pantumbo pako peter muthalika wamva,president wopusa iwe, wosakhalangati Mugabe bwanji? Panyero pa mako wamva
When a teacher teach alweys gives an example so that the pupils should clearly understand the topic so why are these people encouraging the GAY and LESBIAN issue but they have not shown up an example on the importance of this, moreover why are still having women as their loved ones in their homes. Let’s look shap my fellow Malawian these people they just want to FOOL us…….
Akudyetsani ndalama, kwanilitsani malembawo monga kudalembedwa koma tsoka kwa inu okwanilitsani
How i wish these people supporting this or backing them to be burnt with fire, as Elijah prayed: Fire burn those doing this practise and never live again!!!
Mulungu analenga adam and Eva so that they should live together as husband and wife, therefore only useless pple who think that was wrong God to create man and woman will be doing this very evil practice
Mmmmm does he knows God, Huh?
My Malawi, But I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for you
Yes Malawi, are you going to vote for Peter muntharika and his dpp again? That’s my question
Mapeto a nthawi
Ine asanayambe enawa ndikunyenge kaye iwe plen ngati suzalila iwe opusa bwanji
Nkhawa zanga ndi ana obadwawo azakhalatu pa moto….tizazuzintsa wana sure
Chonena ine ndilibe,Malaw chasala ndi chiweluzo ku chokela kwa Chiothamisi bas
Chonena ine ndilibe,Malaw chasala ndi chiweluzo ku chokela kwa Chiothamisi bas
Ambuye yesu mukuchedweranji? Tawonani kumene dzko lathu labwino Malawi likupita.
Chonena ine ndilibe,Malaw chasala ndi chiweluzo ku chokela kwa Chiothamisi bas
Dog wa munthu,mr minister plz go get your upper rooms cleaned.
Dpp must fall
What u mean if u says No arrest? U stupid Tembenu! How much that stupid American gave u b4 u says No arrest?? That’s how Malawi ll not develop cos u hear any foolish from abroad! Plus u r greedy with money!! Y selling the country with evil cos u need cash! What kind of gvnt is this when majority says No! But u end up doing it!
Tembenuyo alibe mkazi? amkaleka kukwatira mamuna mzake bwanji.ife tizipereka tokha chilango kwa ma gay.
udzafa ifa yowawa.
Those Gays Who R Confusing Us Should Come Up On Open. So Malawi Should Think What Should We Do We For Them
Malawi izafa infa yowawa kwambiri, power of money. Amuponyera kena ku account ameyo.
mkulu wampingo tembunu sda church akuchotsatu
May God Almighty Forgive Our President & The Rest Of His Cabinet More Especially The Justice Tembenu,for They’re Demented By The Devil.Beware Pliz Satan Is Driving Pple To Hell!! Let Us Join Together To Pray For Our Country.All These Will End,in The Name Of Jesus Christ.
Hahaha not in Malawi but in USA and UK in Malawi we are going to burn them streight.
Dats very shamful
Birds of the same further fly together, you cannot accept something you don’t know. One day people will act to proof that they have also power to handle the judgement.
God wil surely punnish you people.Luk @ Malawi evrythng is sour now,no rain,poor health services,no maize in Admarc,education so shit yet u r busy legalising homosexuality.I repeat God wil punnish you thousand times
Can you explain why countries where homosexuality is legal are doing much better than Malawi? Why is God not punishing them?
Nyasizi ayi kuno ku Malawi,Take it or not.
U’re stupid u chifundo if u want kuti muzikwera kumatako iweyo ndazako munyamuke to US not here,leave us with poverty as long as we are obeying God’s comandments,no problem.
U’re stupid u chifundo if u want kuti muzikwera kumatako iweyo ndazako munyamuke to US not here,leave us with poverty as long as we are obeying God’s comandments,no problem.
Chifundo u deserve death pelnaty also, stupid gay!
Chifundo u deserve death pelnaty also, stupid gay!
#Chifundo ndakuziwa pomwe umakhala chomwe chikuchitikire ndichomwecho machende akonso ndipo!
You should be asking. Why do we care about. Other peoples lives when we have all these problems
You should be asking. Why do we care about. Other peoples lives when we have all these problems
Chifundo Kasiya you are right. These people have there heads up there ass
Chifundo Kasiya you are right. These people have there heads up there ass
Clement Patrick Weluzani and Futur Ameer Abubakar Mdeza olo mutukwane, I still need an answer to my question
Clement Patrick Weluzani and Futur Ameer Abubakar Mdeza olo mutukwane, I still need an answer to my question
Lonjezo Bande these people get murderous over stupid stuff… Gay rights are human rights and non-negotiable
Lonjezo Bande these people get murderous over stupid stuff… Gay rights are human rights and non-negotiable
Chifundo Kasiya thats what scares me.
Chifundo,u must be ashamed of urself,i knw wat u hv replied z nt per ur tek on the matter of homosexuality but wat u hv 2 knw z ur type of comparison z demonic.God is God,whether in a poor country or not fear him.God has already 4given u
aya nai hate it alot ..//.hw can a man see an exit door and enter dat
This faken minister he is no 1 satanizm
Satana naye ali kalikiliki naye kukopa anthu, I’m not surprised because this people knows how to manipulate peoples mind, and kwainu amene mukulora zimenezi inu, ziwani kuti umoyo wapaziko uno siuli kanthu, koma mkumbukileni chauta yemwe analenga inu ndi ine, kodi zomwe mukuwatsogolera anthuzi Mulungu akukondwa nazo? Ndalama zake zozisiya zomwezi mpaka muziwasocheletsa nawo anthu
So you are above the law, huh?
Tsoka mtunda ndi nyanja pot oyipa watsikira komweko
pakufunika kuyenda pansewu bas umve umenewu ife ayi.kd ku america ndi ma state angat amapanga umve umenewu???
A national issue discussed privately?….It would be wise if the whole nation had a say,maybe a vote.Only a few jumped malawians wants that devilry practice and yet u favour them over the majority,is that what u call justice?u claim that “its their rights to be homosexuals”,then isnt it our rights also to kill them publicly?…what is the future of our country?how will the children grow to take our place?instead of concentrating development activities u are busy listening to those foolish gringos who now dont possess any humanity…..next they will say walk undressed,u will…Malawi has no leader,,,malawi need no leader!
Infact APM has again and again said this issue will better be resolved by a referendum!
Exactly my point @John Mbidzi
It would be wise to have a referendum…..
how can u make a referendum on minority rights, u already know the gays are in ‘minority’ whose money do u want to spend?
You are right my dear brother,but what we all have to remember is that we are in the last days where so many bad and unbelievable things will be happening ,the only thing we have to do is to make a good relationship with our ALMIGHTY GOD
tel them anthu osamvawa why us tidandaule njala tidandauleso izizi eee koma ya
tel them anthu osamvawa why us tidandaule njala tidandauleso izizi eee koma ya
It Doesnt Mean That Bcoz We r In Last Days Then We Stop Proclaiming RIGHT In The Presence Of Evil…….Malawi Lets Say Capital NO 2 Homosexual…..God Hav More Mercy On Our Motherland Malawi
No wonder Malawi is stil being colonised by America .In my house no One has power to tell me what to do .This Malawi not America . I know its because of poverty .
Don’t arrest them please. They are human beings deserve to die. I promise you soon you will have them dead with our bare hands
Koma osati ma gay wokha ovomereza nayeso awone mbwaza!
Im ashamed to call my self malawian pliz God have mercy ,your on people have desobey you , save my beloved God fearing country that devil try to make his capital evill in jesus name Amen
Stnd by faith.amen
Amen my sister
Zimenez nde zauchtsru machende anu nose kod mwaiwara kut mulungu anaononga sodon nd Gomola chfukwa cha zomwez,maine kalanga! Agogo anga kumanda dzko lomwe munafera kumenyera ufulu ozilamulira lija lero mutabwera mukhumudwa coz alisandusa Sodom nd Gomola
dis is very shameful and embrassing to malawians
Kape iwe tembenu muthu obadwila mathanyula
Chimsomali chathanz chalunjika pa liwombo pako. UZAFA IMFA YOWAWA!
Akumpando inu welengani YESAYA 2 vs 8
iweyo amene ukuvomeleza homosexuality we Makolo ako aja anakakhala ma gays or ma resbians ukanapezekako kudziko lino? If we catch them we will be burn them to death for others to get a lesson
iweyo amene ukuvomeleza homosexuality we Makolo ako aja anakakhala ma gays or ma resbians ukanapezekako kudziko lino? If we catch them we will be burn them to death for others to get a lesson
Haha zaboza basi ?? ungaotche ndani iwe
Im fed up ov dis story now,yes no arrests bt kill once found
thats total shit….amalawi munatha zoti munkapanga ma demo boma likapanga zopusa pano huiilllii ..thats shit
Ndipo ine ndikudabwanazo kut sakupanga mademo… Bwanji?????? Eish koma
Gitf Trapense yemwe amalimbikisa u gay ndiokwatira ndipo ali ndi ana, akungopangira kufuna ndalama. Trapese amakhala ku mpingwe railways.
Hallari kwa ena ndiharam kwa ena,alekeni akwanilitse malemba:)koma tsoka kwa okwanilitsa malemba:)
anzathu anayrnderedwa ndi leader of jez….ife tayendeledwa ndi gay.koma abale
Mulungu aphe ndikuotcha onxe akuvomereza nkumacita zimenezi
You gay guys out there, don’t even take chances. You won’t know what will heat you.
My country my country why? Why? allowing this gay thing? Leaders just incase you forget, its not the devil americans who voted for you to be where you are today! Respect the voters for your future sake.
Mukangovomereza kuti manthanyula azichitika muzafa ifa yowawa..muzizangotuluka phusi kumathanyula kwanuko.
Mulungu akulangeni azitsogoleri athunu anthu adyera mukaona ndalama
Amalawi, for sure you are money hungry .
Kkk Y cryn? Dats Democracy in othrway its Demon cracy, W r in Demons control,
Mmxxiee. Zoti muchititse chisankho chomva maganizo a anthu zakanika?
Tamakhalani ma gay-wo ife titenga mitala basi meeeeeeeee kobasi koma maina akufa ndithu sapitilira nanga mubereketsa mphongo izanuyo
tsoka lako linayambila ku mkati ndimalamulo akoo
Satanists can not survive without money they know that the currency is going down and the only option is to accept gay marriages more over Peter himself is a gay so the country definitely must accept that!!
Tikadakhala kuti tili mu ulamuliro Wa chisilamu bwenzi akuphedwa koma poti ati akhrilisitu mmmm
Nde kut mukudana ndimalamulo amulungu
Yap that’s nice, no arrests.
Just burn them alive.
Oryt pagan zimene mukuziwa pot mukuti inu simukupanga nawo, koma ife sitingakhale chete kuchita choipa posazuzula choipa tikuchidziwa, kma inu zoona mugagulitse ntchito yaikulu ngat imene ija inachitika pa mtanda ndi yesu Christ ndika Aid kochepesesako mwina munathandiza kuseza nawo chifukwa mukuzipepusa ,samalani yesu akuti” ndiza msanga”
They have bowed down
satan waponda malawi ndi mapazi ake
Read it clearly
Za ziiiii!
Muzafa imfa yowawa mukangonkhala mugulu longovera kut amay kapena abambo azikwatirana onkha onkha mulungu wa islael mwamuyesa musen wanu bad+est habit
Muzafa imfa yowawa mukangonkhala mugulu longovera kut amay kapena abambo azikwatirana onkha onkha
mvuto ndi maufulu
am a dpp fun,but you will not win come 2019
Zitsiru izi mapeto ake zipanga legalise kuphana!!
Ma gay achi Malawiwo ali ndi makolo? Nanga iwe KHOLO LA MWANA GAY ukuti chani
Kupeza Gay kuwochaa
izi nde zacamba bwanj!!! oo! mulungu wanga!..manvuto osewa kumalawi akubwera zifukwa za atsogoleri amenewa osamuwopa mulungu.uthenga ku boma ili,simuthesa mavut osewa pokhapokha mumuope mulungu(ine siwandale)
vinthumbo vinu
Time for flashback on what prophets has prophesized
eishhhh last dyz
Nde Yake ya dpp.
So don’t speak indirectly otherwise you are now telling us that You have authorised homosexual here in Malawi.
Who is reviewing the laws?
The legislature, Judiciary or Parliament? …
Rubbish! !
Bull shit Mr Minister!!!!!
Lord have mercy!
Ayambe tembenu kukwatira mwamuna nzake akapanda kukwati mwamuna nzake pls achoke paudindo wamkanika
Koma this govt in a makeshift type of! Todate I for one I never seen or observe anything done out of ethic. Any field of its adimin, hasn’t done with distinction rather than trying and erroring! They never not prepared to be the ruling party as they weren’t sure of the winning the elections and court verdict! Why too many blunders and mistakes as a vehicle traveling in the night without lights! Shame!!!!$
Malawi anat chani Evison matafale nyimbo ya”Olenga dzuwa?”
Nawe mzungu taona wangodzulula kuti satana ndiwe!!
Wagwetsa maufumu ndiyena onse ndipo wasala wekha!!
Ukulamulira dziko lapansi ndinkhanza zokha zokha,,,,koma palibenso ndichomwe uchita ungotizunza ifeee!!
Posachedwapa tikhala tikuyimba kuimbira mfumu!!
Kuchoka pakhomo lamwamba kufikira pansi!!!
Olenga dzuwa uja timamudikira,,,timamuimbira ndiuyu!!!
Zonse zakwanira apa chiweruzo chafika ndithu!!!
Malawi:chenjera posankha malawi mwayi wako mwina utha kukhala nyambo,,,,komabe imva mwai wako utha kukhala nyambo!!
Komabe imva ufulu sinsimatu ayiiiii!!!!
RIP matafale,,,,ndakumbuka uneneri wanu lero!!!
Its Tru,kom A muluzi Kuyipa Mtima Ngat Njoka.
Great one.
Madala zomwe amapanda andalewa!!
Anali oimba owona patali m’baleyu!!!
Zoona zakee Amulondola ndi nsana wake uja. Ukatyokela mmanda.
Zoona zakee Amulondola ndi nsana wake uja. Ukatyokela mmanda.
Pokhapa amwene anapanga nsambi munthu analiomenyeranso ufulu
Kulimba mtima kumlembera kalata Bakili yachidzudzulo
Pokhapa amwene anapanga nsambi munthu analiomenyeranso ufulu
Kulimba mtima kumlembera kalata Bakili yachidzudzulo
No reviewing of the law in Malawi coz it was already altimately made.
sorry Malawi sorry Samuel.
if no arest wht we ll b done dnt tell nothng coz if peopl tht laws in their hands dnt blame nobdy coz u can c no 1 lyk homesexual in malaw so dnt push u ll regrt ths
machende awo onse amene akulola khalidwe umeneu ndakwiya nanu
kodi ku Malawi kulinso ma professor? they are professional in gaylisation!!!!
Initiating the Malawi to illuminatic American. Shame poor Malawi government whereis Malawi and how will Malawi be after 5 years?
Zopusa bax ndngosamuka kuno ku Malawi kuvia ku zimbabwe coz kur mtsogoleri wa nzeru osat manyaka enanu
Why my poor country Malawi ??????????????????????????????
Mudzafa Imfa yowawa. Satanism iyi mwafka nayo pa Woli Woli. Eeeh Mpaka ine ndkadyane nd Manuna mzanga? Akaz atan?
We better impeach these idiots coz they have failed us coz we as majority we are saying #No_to_homosexuality how possible is it dat minority wins majority since when??? Money is a source of all evil to hell with your dirty money
Muzitenge bwino zinthuzi anduna. Chimene mukupindulapo ndichani kodi?
The issue here is all our leaders are robots, they can not make decisions on their own until Devil spoke to them….Why entertain such immoral acts to be done in their territory….Remember TANZANIA has started the Lake issue Tell your decision makers (WHITES) to help you on this issue otherwise on your own simungamake kwa TZ….
M’malo mounika malamulo kuti president kapena phungu amene akungotha ndalama za boma azichotsedwa, busy kulowetsa uchimo mdziko n pa 50yrs malawi sadamvekepo kulalika ufulu woti amuna kapena akazi okhaokha kukwatirana, chadza ndiyani? Mpakana boma chitukuko sichikuoneka busy ndi nyasi, mzipatala chakudya ndi mankhwala akusowa koma ayi ndithu…ati koma homosexual…nyasi
now its time of action on tembenu and his boss its time to teach them lessons in bingu erro ppo wea angry and it ended to demonstration bt now ppo are quite Y
Iwe Malawi Uone Tsopan Zotsatira Zakubvomereza Zopusazo, Kodi Sukudziwa Kut Chilala,milili, Imfa Zadzidzidzi Sizichoka Mudzikomuno. Kodi Ali Kut Mabishop Athu Abwino Amene Amatha Kutsutsa Mabvuto Adziko Muno Koma Akhala Chete! Haha Malawi Wakujahena.
You can never reverse this Malawians. This is just the fulfilling of the scriptures that talk of the end-time. Just make your hearts right and know your position with Christ cause the time is at hand. Tribulation is about to start. You shall pray but God’s mercy shall stay away from you. REPENT YOUR SINS Malawians. Don’t say King David didn’t warn.
Malawians dogs!
Being justice minister does not mean ur just,you are worst idiot on the earth i have never see!
Iwe The Xo Calld Minister Nde walankhulapo Chan Pamenepo? Zaziii!
nyama zikasowa mkango umadya udzu. malawian gvt have no choice bcouse of economy problems they are facing.
In this Point Malawi will go Down I love Malawi but not to be Gays city all problems we have now is Gays and women who Killed children’s not for African countries If your Father was Gay who gives your mother children’s services
I support ur point ma dea.if we o be gays who wil give birth ?????????????????????????????????????????????
We Find Out European countries people’s Corruption Gays people’s women kills children’s them Homelands Racist Tanzania Est Africa They Push them peoples and to give European people’s they need war Zanzibar after we find out money of European is for War and refugees sorry All friends Africa European countries people’s Corruption
They wnt to kill human population in readiness to their new world order. 1 billion people hv to be eliminated
Our African Government But now this new Generation of African countries we have to finish this problems to work together and to love Each others I love Malawi than Tanzania to much corruption Zanzibar my self my shop kendwa beach Zanzibar European Corruption if is money Our African Government them problems for European not Citizens advice
I like ur comment my brother Abdallah
They must themselves y we r differ in sex
The main problem in Africa we don’t know who we are and we don’t believe in ourself we only copyright what other people doing but we need to know that there is life in Africa
There is no need to sing national anthem in presidential diary..Mr president to hell wth u!
#Samuel_Tembenu samala ungazafe imfa yowawa..
stupid tEMBENU mR upside down with a big head. God must punnish u,,,thus my prayer for u.
Fuck u nor dpp
Stupid justice,shameeee
Bola ma gay wo asaonekere poyera tizithana nao tokha.
NO RAIN,NO FOOD,NO BETTER EDUCATION why wasting your time looking at that nasty homosexual things haaaaaaa?instead of praying to God to help us
Instead of praying. Go outside and actually do something that actually does any good
Instead of praying. Go outside and actually do something that actually does any good
we will regret it…….
shame on you why don’t you ligalise chamba but gay Oooooooh go to hell
Gays en Ganja which is gd bra?
better ganja because ganja is not a sin to God but gays is very bad to sin to God
Is this what we cal. Rights
Iknw this person from place of birth he can not support the act bat he iz just serving his masta
So its f*ck the world,the gvt too … #singing
Paja munthu akamafa mmayamba ndi mkhutu kugontha kkkk. Kakaka pa gay liuma limeneli likutengerani patali koma????? Tikuonerani, ife tili pheeee pamenepo watching pple fighting with God
Yes Malawi Wayaka Basi Ine Maurice Mphaya Am Saying No To Homosexual Tilore Tizilamulire Tokha Mulungu Azatidalisa Azungu Asatilamulire Ife Mkale Lonse Nyasi Zotelezi Sizidacitikepo Ku Nyasaland Kwathu Kuno
Sakulangani pompo Mulungu amadikila kaye muyiwale ndipo azaziwike kuti Mulungu weniweni ndi uti? Tizanzunzisa ana athu kusogoloko kamba kosaganiza mwanzeru
Mr Presdent its beter to give up coz u hv bring mavuto in our btfl & innocent Mw! God wil deal with u & ur carbinet!
Mbava Zisamangidwe chifukwa zirindi ufulu wawo , Ogulisa chamba musawamange nawonso ali ndi Ufulu wawo, Odula ziwalo musawa mange nawoso ali ndi ufulu wawo, zigawenga zisamangidwe nazoso ziri ndi ufulu wawo , Otaya mimba asamangidwe poti nawoso ali ndi ufulu wawo, Zisakuwaweni Aboma mwalowetsa nokha Satana…..
Its a Pit That a Dog Can Reason More than Muthalika!!. How do you Allow the Devil to Control Malawi?.
Bwelani Mutenge Chakolwa Wathu Uyu Edgar Lungu Kuti Ife titenge Muthalika Timupere Ku Mukobeko Maxmu Prison In Kabwe.
you’re saying the truth fana kkkkkkkkkk
Yes Dear, Because This Will Be My 29th Year of Me Existing on Earth, But I Have Never Seen a Male Dog Having Sex With a Felow Male Dog!!.. So Meaning that a Dog Reasons Better In This Case.
One party system. Kkkkkkk zoona man uyu ndi mathanyura
mumuuze tembenuyo pamxana pake, iz he a human being? ukadapanda kubadwa bola!
The government z just showing its stupidity.
Sorry I don’t think so but malawians are really big morrons because this is not for the first time to hear about this stupid idea, We pull down and protesting all over the country because the late Bingu refused to sign the same theme and today how can we point someone a finger? Aaaaah shame
I can get u
Agaluinu bwanji inuyo munakwatila azimayi? Musatilankhulitse pambali
Wat a shame
Zauchitsiru zezeni! Are u saying u Tembenu you’re now Malawi? Why cant listen to the cry of many Malawians
What is going on down there don’t let hm do that prease
End of dayz ……
Thas it if we allow we r fed up
stupid words from justice
massy pussy
Mmmmh very sad News koma na ifeyo mu ghetto mwathu kungomva kut uyu ndi gay kapena lesbian mmmmh kumupha bax kapena kuotcha bax we can’t permit dis devilish act 2 happen in our community mxieeew umphawidi siwabwino banji we r just saying yes 2 everything d@ dis foreign countries command us to do with principle intention of Maintaining donor aid. God have mercy on Malawians
Musamale popanga zinthu muxidziwa kti kuli mulungu kunjakuno.Bware Malawi Govt obey God first thnx abt dat.
am a zambian saying no to homosexual plz ba neighbour ba malawi dnt….hit like if u agree
You’re right but we malawians we are foolish. .
I know of lot’s of gay Zambians.
I know of lot’s of gay Zambians.
I am south African and I say everyone have the right to live whatever they want to live.its nobody’s job to tell people how must they live their life
I am south African and I say everyone have the right to live whatever they want to live.its nobody’s job to tell people how must they live their life
@Marita, thats there in south african, but here is malawi not south africa, so we malawian we are said NO homesexuality in malawi!
@Marita, thats there in south african, but here is malawi not south africa, so we malawian we are said NO homesexuality in malawi!
@marita Martha,ru alesbian?
@marita Martha,ru alesbian?
@Marita, don’t compare us with S.A, that bad national that doesn’t care about other people’s life, here is malawi, peaceful country and God fearing too, so if u want homesexuality go to other countries bt nt malawi!
@Marita, don’t compare us with S.A, that bad national that doesn’t care about other people’s life, here is malawi, peaceful country and God fearing too, so if u want homesexuality go to other countries bt nt malawi!
Marita a right without responsibility and we malawians will always say no to homosexuality because It is against the will of God.
No am not lesbian @ Moses …am not against them it’s their life so I don’t see a problem when people live the way they want it’s not a crime.SA is not a bad nation don’t talk things that u don’t know ur country will never improve as long as u people busy with things that will getting you know where instead of fighting for better life like education u are busy talking about others life@Futur
#marita if you say that what do,u think about God?
Homosextuality is not a good one plz don’t do that, plz plz plz africans
Gays nd Lesbians hav no right #Marita
Inhuman Rights
we know genuin human rights not those inhumans go away with yourdirty money Malawi remains abeautiful country live.no gund no homosextual mind you take adistance
Ofcoz our country won’t improve and its better to be in poverty than to allow devil to come among us coz money!
Ofcoz our country won’t improve and its better to be in poverty than to allow devil to come among us coz money!
Human rights that do not recognise Jehova are from delvish people. I say no to homosexuality.
Human rights that do not recognise Jehova are from delvish people. I say no to homosexuality.
Whether u wnt or nt marita,we malawians we r going 2 demostret & punish those devils.NO homo in malawi.
Whether u wnt or nt marita,we malawians we r going 2 demostret & punish those devils.NO homo in malawi.
What if i dont agree
What if i dont agree
Katiniche Hannec malawi isnt that beautiful ? dont fool yourself
Katiniche Hannec malawi isnt that beautiful ? dont fool yourself
Marita Martha i agree with you. Malawians are prepared to do anything to stop homosexuality being legalized but turn a blind eye on our environmental, economical, educational and many other problems. They want to intrude in other peoples life instead of trying to make there own life better?
Marita Martha i agree with you. Malawians are prepared to do anything to stop homosexuality being legalized but turn a blind eye on our environmental, economical, educational and many other problems. They want to intrude in other peoples life instead of trying to make there own life better?
Marita Martha you raise good point but unfortunately all you will get here are insults instead of rational discourse because people don’t really have good reasons against. Whether they cite religious, cultural or moral reasons they all fail. They don’t understand that homosexuality is so much more than anal sex… It’s love. And people should be free to love who they want as long as it causes no harm
@Lonjezo, no matter what kind of problems we malawians have, no matter how poor our economy is now but we can’t legalise a sin because of little things of ths earth, and it is true we are now prepared to do anythng to stop homosexuality being legalized, even if is war, blood shading, killing or killed we are ready to kill or to be killed, we can’t insult God because of little things of this world
no homo !!!! please !!!!!!
We arrest them on what grounds? If homo is wrong so is phonication. Tell me how many are behind bars for phonication.
Don’t judge others. u are busy talking àbout God but u are busy judging others
ĺol no Futur pls be serious u can insult God? but u said u can kill for this?wow.stop involve God in this please
Martha go to hell, this is not south Africa, you don’t care about God, so leave as alone and we gonna deal with them.
Martha go to hell, this is not south Africa, you don’t care about God, so leave as alone and we gonna deal with them.
Martha go to hell, this is not south Africa, you don’t care about God, so leave as alone and we gonna deal with them.
Marita Martha you are right. We are in a free world. Everyone will answer for themselves. No person has the right to judge another.
Marita Martha you are right. We are in a free world. Everyone will answer for themselves. No person has the right to judge another.
Marita Martha you are right. We are in a free world. Everyone will answer for themselves. No person has the right to judge another.
If we are going to start making what the bible classifies as sins, lets outlaw seeing a woman lustfully, drawing, jewelry, braided hair, tearing clothes and many other things the bible says are a no. It would be fair.
Futur Ameer Abubakar Mdeza you do know that your generation will die and leave my generation with a shitty country which we will need to fix right?. Your children and many others will suffer too because of the actions you threatened to do. If this is the cost of following the bible. Its not worth it. Outlawing homosexuality i can handle, but taking human life for any cause no matter what is a horrible thing
who was born out of a gay marriage here?
@Lonjezo, even the Bible in Romans, it was commanded that who ever commit such sin (homosexuality) should be put on death, should I give u the verse? And on our future childrens will also emulate such thing thnking that it is humanity, have u ever think of that?
Only idiot pple practice homosexuals.
is that what malawian want or you just want to impose that without asking the people? mind you this country is not yours, it for people and you were not voted to be there,
am not a killer but i swear in the name of God i will dismisse each and every single gay i found in my area especially in my home town Dedza, so watch out gays dont ever never take chances.
I will join u bro, it is also my wish to kill these people once we catch them!
Indeed bro these dogs they dont deserve to be alive.
I join u.
Thanx bro but this is not jock i will do exactly i said
Iam also serious brother, iam a muslim, and my book Qura’an also said that these deserve death, so I can also help u to kill these peopl!
Iam also serious brother, iam a muslim, and my book Qura’an also said that these deserve death, so I can also help u to kill these peopl!
Bingu mzimu wanu uziusa taonani nkhondo munatiisiyirayi! Paja simumalora azungu azilankhula mopusa mumathamangisa ….anthu ena mkumakunenani kuti ndiinu oyipa lero Mulungu wakwiya nalo dziko lino anthu asiya kuyendera malamulo anu akuyendera apadziko! Ndipo munalidi Opemphera asatana ndiawa anakuphaniwa podana nanu…palibe azapite opanda Milandu…..chitsime chija nde chapwera taona kuya kwake
Did You Father Married a Fellow Man for You to Be Born?. Mulekwatako Insoni Imwe fima Ministers?. Ngati Inu Munakwatila Mwamuna M’nzanu, Ndiyekuti amene Zingamkhudze Sadza Madwa Yayi, Koma Ngati Munakwatili Wachizimai, Sole William, Ndiyekuti atangoti anveka Ameneo Phani!!!. Ndiminyama Imeneyotu!!.. Just Bring them Here In Lusaka Matero Zambia I will Castrate them Since they dont Want to use their Items On Profitable things.
Thats good. Ubwino wake wu Homo siwokakamiza.
Komabe c bho bcz #Boma liziyenera kukana zina zonyasa as kholo
Inu bwanji mumkayenda panseu mkumati Bingu wachabe atakana nyasi ngati zimenezi, wtF
Thats very stupit, as Malawians we will not condon such issues, or we will know what to do with such pipo on our on if found.
The hell will fall on the country malawi for tolerating demon enter in there country,they’ll never test sweet fruits but pain instead.
Legalise weed basi more n more tax money taxed coz every Malawian will be into that business
Satana anabwera ku malawi kuzakumana ndi agent wawo muthalika to destroy our country’ Oooops! Malawi on fire
Yet Bingu refused the same theme couple years ago eti mpaka munapanga Zionesero kuti Bingu akukupherani ufulu,Look now you’re still talking shit….
Iwe sukudziwa kuti chisiru ndi jb povomereza mgwirizano umeneu?
Felix Wa Arsenoma Nakari ukunamatu aise panthawi ya JB kunalibe zimenezi, avomeleza kuti awa abwere muno ndi ndsni ndipo abwera pa ulamulilo wa ndani kuza yenda kuno Ku Malawi?
Juma I dont think you follow coz it ws aunt Joyce Banda and her cabinet ministers through then minister of justice Ralph Kasambala who started this review……………..but then Peter Mutharika also is wrong for taking such a long time to finalise it…………let’ just keep on praying that God should forgive and save Malawi
Kodi m’ngelo wa satanayu wabwera pa ulamuliro wa ndani? Penapake a malawi timadana ndi chilungamo,the devil came to malawi bcoz the prezident himself is gay. A Malawi tulo basi!
Kodi m’ngelo wa satanayu wabwera pa ulamuliro wa ndani? Penapake a malawi timadana ndi chilungamo,the devil came to malawi bcoz the prezident himself is gay. A Malawi tulo basi!
Chembechembe Khamundi G ok bro koma bola pasakhale zothamanga ka.
Iweyo upange divoce ndi mkazi wako then ukwatile mwamuna mzako. Remember #MUGABE’S SPEACH …….
Aaaah zitsilu komanso mbuzi za anthu kuteloko mungovomeleza kuwopa kususana Ndi mzungu kuti ife gay takana. Zitselekwete za ma minister
Ubwino wake matayala akutha ali mbweeeee tikangoona mukudyana mphongo zokhazokha or viseversa tikuotchani ndithu!!
Trembling before an American gay boss! Kkkkkkkkkk
Tsoka mtunda mtunda Ndi nyanja chifukwa oipayo watsikira komweko, let them Koma mkwiyo wa YEHOVA uzalalira pa zitende zawo.
Amen Pastor.
Why arrest them as if those committing aldutery are being arrested,ndi ufulu wao bola ngat they are consenting.
Check the laws of Malawi
Thus they are being reviewed sukumva chani?
you’re stupid my friend.
@Vin shut u’r mouth! stink like pussy
Ikuposeni Ndi Nkhuku Kumodzi Kuganiza Bambo? Fwire Mwakwatako Insoni!!.. Iseni Musende Chakolwa Edgar Lungu and Give Us Muthalika, Tidzapha Akalibe kufika Pa Mwami Boarder ameneyo.
WtF ……wasted sperm,I cant put a blame on you but yo Father because a single condom could’ve protect us from yo stinky coment Asshole…
Dog does not eat dog. However foolish and hungry a dog is it won’t eat another dog. Munthu akadya nyama ya munthu timamutcha mfiti. Ogona ndi mphongo izake ndi satana, devil, wamisala, osaganiza, waviwanda, wodwala manjenje ndipo afunika Yesu amuchize.
@ vic enafe tinafika mma 20 tisakudziwa kut kul zimenez,chifukwa chot anthuwo amaopa kumangidwa nde ngat amapanga anali ochepa komaso amapanga nchibisira,pano mwana wazaka 5 akamakula adzichita kupangira2 chisankho kut ndidzakhala gay/lesbian, pomwe ife timakula tikudziwa kut mamuna amakwatira mkaz,mot simukuona kut uchimo ukuchita kudzalidwa? Why r u allowing de devil 2 corrupt yo? De manufacturer,producer,creator of heavens &earth,who created u &me anakonzera2 mwachifuniro chake kut zolengedwa zanga zizikhala chachimuna ndi chachikaz,ka obama,ka pitala,katembenu kaya tinato mukut tiachina ndani kaya tikakhale ndimphamvu zosintha chilengedwe? Simukudziwa kut nonsenu muli ngat timavirus tosaoneka ndimaso mmanja mwamulungu? Zoonadi mulungu ndiwachifundo Amatisamalabe ngakhale tikumunyoza,koma samalani
Kkkkkk i don’t understand u guys i know it’s a sin but what about other sins we commit as well?
Are you talking about the commandments of God or the rules of Malawi?kkk come on guys.
I think its upon God himself to punish them.
ogulitsa chamba musawamange nawoso ali ndi ufulu
Amalawi ziwani izi pano tinasiya kugwirisa tchto malamulo pano tinayamba kugwilisa tchto ma human rights tavana?
nde bola kupanga legalize chamba2″
Koma ndiyeditu bruh.
aaaah” eti eti man.
Malawi is not independent guys,, tika dali kulamulidwa ndi akunjao
It is better mungo lora chamba tikufuna ndalama ife..
Malawi my nation z on fire indeed
hahahahaha where is our independent if indeed we’re an independent country!!???
Very stupid u minista &go 2 hell