![Ken Msonda](https://malawi24.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Ken-Msonda.jpg)
Malawians have backed People’s Party (PP) spokesperson Ken Msonda after he was criticised over his Facebook post which urged citizens to kill gay people.
![Ken Msonda](https://malawi24.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Ken-Msonda.jpg)
Msonda faced criticism from the Malawi Law Society (MLS) who described his comment as a hate speech.
MLS further called the country’s human rights body and Malawi Police to investigate the remarks made by Msonda.
Reacting through a story that Malawi24 carried, Malawians have sided with the PP spokesperson arguing that homosexual remain sinful.
“If our leaders were God fearing people they would be in same track with Ken! Devils! Malawi is facing hardships because of you! You are the ones leaders to be stoned,” wrote Amos Kaphwiti.
While Bright Dangayah wrote: “Yes, I absolutely agree with you Ken Msonda, These stupid gays must be killed, we don’t want this stupid behaviour in our beautiful nation, why making Malawi be America??? This is stupid Law Society.”
Other commenters, however, suggested that Msonda is being victimized for expressing his opinion.
“I agree with Msonda’s decision, I don’t see any problem of harassing Msonda for what he wrote on his Facebook page, it’s just his rights to express his views against that stupid malpractice,” wrote Rispar Tembo.
Meanwhile, investigations are yet to begin on Msonda for his views on same sex marriages in the country.
Ngati olamulila amathanyulidwa ndinduna zake anganene zomveka?Malawians tikudziwa mwaphunzira kwambiri and respect to human rights is one of fundamental principles of civilization. koma if you have romantic feelings for the same gender as you are, as a Malawian,I would advise you to seek medical help. The psychatric department in Zomba(box 2)could help.I like to see human rights practiced but wouldn’t like to bring my son to the alter on a gay wedding. There’s no God up there,being human it’s our duty to deal with immoral behaviour like this. Kill The Gay by Bonga Bonga.Don’t please the West.
If we decide to kill womanizers, will Msonda be alive?????
propaganda… nxtime this man runs for president am tellng u.. hes catching attentions of others
Ichi ndiye chamba musiyeni msonda….. muona mukapanga zopusa zimenezi inu ablue omenya nkhondo ndimulungu
Woke up u leaders of ngo .how do
u suport athing adog can not do
If am not wrong there is no any single political party which is backing the homosexuals, it is these guys Trapence and his fellow mad friends, have u verified as to who is taking Msonda to court? Mr Msonda, don’t worry God and no nonsense Malawians will fight for u coz this battle is God’s, to put this issue to a rest, could the govt call for a referendum pliz?
Msonda big up dont fear or look back put to shame these sons of the devil.
kuphako awiri atatu enawo asiya tiyenaoni tikawapeza akuthanyulana kuwang’amba nayo mbalu afere pompo asatisautsepi ndi zao zopusazo
kuphako awiri atatu anawo asiya tiyenaoni tikawapeza akuthanyulana kuwang’amba nayo mbalu afere pompo asatisautsepi ndi zao zopusazo
Bring msonda’s case in lilongwe tizaphwanye magalomoto of stupid organisations ,, leave msonda alone he has right a of expression.
Bring msonda’s in lilongwe tizaphwanye magalomoto of stupid organisations ,, leave msonda alone he has a of expression.
Dare get Msonda to court and see Malawi get disturbed! Court lake mikaweruzila kuti? ku Malawi konkuno? Try and see!
No matter wat! MSONDA u r sayng the truth,hop God wl show his revelations dnt fear to face court 4 God is the highst Judge.no wonder Malawi remain the poorest country just pple r being oppressed hw could de nation develop? Lets all pray 4 Msonda 2 show dziko lanthu ndilolephera.
Court lake likhale lakunja osati Malawi muno tikamachana koko.tikayambila mbuz ya muthalika kuthela ma gay akewo.fireeeeee bon ku state house koko.
thast true must be killed
free ken msonda please!! these people they are worse than dogs or pigs indeed,ndi ziwanda izi
Bubu ameyiso nde wationjeza bwanji,
rest in peace Ngwazi Dr Bingu Wa Munthalika…wish u were still rulling this nation…
iwe chipeter chimunthu chosaziwa ndikuyakhula komwe ukupita nalo kuti zikoli mbuzi, galu,bwatasa, chinyani iwe iwe. unayamba wakwatilapo mwamuna mzako mwina ambuyako
Peter Munthalika archetecturing his down fall if h dares arresting our hero Msonda
If msonda will be found guilty….. Gays will be killed through mob justice. They should expect no mercy
Kod inu a DPP munali naye ndi zifukwa mr msonda??? Walakwanji musiyeni, ngat walephera kusogolera dziko ingotura pansi udindo, usatibwelesere khalidwe la uve mdziko mwathu. Ndi chifukwa chani nonse mukuvomeleza zopusazo muli ndi akazi mumanyumba mwanu??? Nanga munabadwa mmabanja oterewo??? Nonse mukuvomeleza mukuyenera kuphedwa basi.
Ndiye mungomanga a Malawi onsetu chifukwa ife zimenezo sitingalole muno, nyansi zanuzo muzikapangila kwa azungu konko ana a njoka inu…… Ufulu ufulu zopusa basi!
These People Are Crying For Their Sinnful And Reberious Rights To God.They Know That They’re Agaisnt Gods Words.That’s How Devils Works.But God Will Punish Them.
i thought there z freedom of speech,Msonda practised his freedom…Nw wats all dis abt court court nonsense???magetsi akungozima daily thnx to BOSCOM en mbava zili mbwee mtaunimu,no drugs in de hospitals en so many other problems in our small country yet u r still pondering on wat Msonda said……Y dnt u deal wid some serious cases dat wl benefit MW,he ddnt murder any1 bt instead he jst placed his views on homosexualitymukungoonanga cash wid dis nonsense bt if Msonda z sentenced eish 20 July 2011 wl repeat itself 4 sure…..Y am i saying dthis??luk @ de rate of Malawians siding him en hw many r in support of him being jailed.Ngati zili zandale plz pezani reason ina yomveka bwino mmmmnn
Go Nsonda go. God is with u.
u gat suport bro musonda,not 4 ur pp,but for ur remarks
Inu a Nsonda monga inu munthu wa ndale simumaziwa kuti boma lomwe lilipo pano ndila homo,zoti a mabungwe onsewa ndi a homo koma angobisala kuseri kwa masamba simmaziwa,akumazuzula poyera koma kuseli akukwatana amuna okhaokha agalu amenewa,ndipo choti muziwe mdziko muno homo yalowa basi ndipo yalowa kamba ka boma ndi mabungwe,nanga taganizani lamulo linalipo kale loletsa homo koma nkulichotsa cholinga azipanga momasuka 666 yafika,tsoka kwa iye yafika mu ulamuliro wake
Ndikupempha mulungu kuti atitalikisire kunchitidwe oyipawu,kuti akwimise chikhulupiliro chathu mwa iye ameen.
i think anyaninu mongotimanga tonse machende mwanu nonse amene mwamanga msonda
Mr #Nsonda ndimuthu opanda khalidwe amangidwe kumene ndii anzake #Onse akuopyeza #Athu kuti asapange u #Gays #Amalawi Ali ndi ufulu opanga chimene akufuna kaya Ku #join ugays apange pasapezeke #Muthu owaletsa #Athu ena osazindikila akumakaopyeza athu onse amangidwe akuzolowera sakukakamiza ngati sukufuna palibe vuto koma osamaopyeza #Athu mumangidwa
Mr chithumba munabadwa kuchokera kwa mayi kapena kwa bambo? Genesis 1 vs 27 so God created Man in his own image, in the image of God he created him :male & female he created them. Vs 28 God blessed them & said to them, Be fruitful & increase in number, inuyo musatengere zimene maiko ena amapanga kwanu Amadziwa kuti ndiwe gay ndipo makolo ndi achibale anu anachilandira bwanji? Mulungu akukhudzeni achimwene akuchotsereni Chiwanda chimenecho.
akulu mwanena bwino koma ena akumanditukwana sibwino ndiyakhe pakhani yanuyi ichi ndichisakho changa
Ku court tikawelenge LEVITIKO 20:13::::::::judge akawelenge LEVITIKO 20:13:::::::::::::Peter mathanyula Mutharica akawelenge LEVITIKO 20:13:::::::::Osadanda bwana Msonda! !!!
Do you slaughter and burn lambs? Do you lock yourself in your house for 7 days if you have a case of the runs? Do you ask every woman you come in contact with if she is on her period because heaven forbid you touch her and become unclean? Do you plant tomatoes in your garden and then wait 5 years to eat them? Leviticus has to be the stupidest book of the Bible if you actually read it.
Some of the other stupid stuff in Leviticus:
Death for Adultery (Leviticus 20:10)
Death for Blasphemy (Leviticus 24:10-16)
Death for Cursing Parents (Leviticus 20:9)
Death for Fornication (Leviticus 21:9)
Death for Fortunetellers (Leviticus 20:27)
Yeah, let’s shut down all those seafood restaurants too. They’re an abomination. Leviticus (11:1-12)
You did notice that rape, child sexual abuse, torture and slavery are not forbidden in the Bible, right?
u will dragg all malawians,,,,,watch out so soon
This is the end times where even the president will letting evil things to happen on his land while his citizens strongly denies it. I think if this country was run by Mr Sonda may b we could have not face the curses we are in, imagine sugar is K750…all of these are happening bcoz the evil whivh is being brought in our smart Christian country…gayism in malawi!!! indeed Jesus is coming soon…
So many ignorant comments here by people who don’t even understand that sexual orientation is not a simple matter. When did any of you decide to be straight anyway? Show a gay person a naked hot lady and he won’t even get aroused. That should be a strong indicator kuti IT IS NOT THEIR FAULT NOR CAN THEY CONTROL IT… When has it ever been right to kill people for something they can’t even control such as sexual orientation? I await a rationale response but I assume people will just swear at me because thinking about it is hard work…
Ndi nthawi yoti aliyese akunena maganizo ake pankhaniyi kaya wina ayankhula mosagwilizana ndi kagulu kena kapena ka bungwe kena palibe zoti amangidwe nde mudziwa bwanji kuti awa akukana kapena awa akukondwela nazo .kaya pakuti chilichonse timachiva mwandale mumangeni
This country is a democratic one, so everyone have their own opinions. intimidating people not to xpress their opinions is opposite to democracy. I love the idea of killing the gays. In Mw we don’t have a law which support this activity. The law is not suspended that’s why Mr msonda said what the Law says.
So you’d be okay with the international LGBTA community deciding to end Malawi entirely in response to the genocide you are advocating, right? Since you like violence so much. Or is it only when you think you are not subject to it that you seek to harm others. You should defend the human rights of others because your own depend on other people as well.
Only if God was a person and Only if He was my brother I would have told Him 2 stop being so Kind and Merciful, because these politicians they are taking Him for granted. They are taking His kindness for a weakness and His silence for acceptance. To those people in support of Msonda and you live in around Blantyre, let’s meet at the Court on the said date (22 january ). Let us show them that we are not afriad, jail or no jail we shall stand 4 the truth.
Bingu sakanalola zopusa ngat zmenezi ndithu.amenewuja samafuna zawusilu
Abomawo aziyamba atifusakaye ife anthu osati zopusa zake zimenezi afuna azichitazi.zowona malawi atembeleledwe chifukwa cha zopusa zake zimenezi?
Nsonda is a hero
Mademo Aja Tsopano
4 sure shld be killed
Before u judge Msonda for the remarks he made concerning gays, what did God do to sodom and gomola?? Why He did it??? So if God the creator punished those people because of homosexuallity, who r we before the creator??? Who r we to legalise such a bad thing???? Today the same idiot who is opposing GOD is saing that we should pray for the rains, who gives us rains??? Ok, suppose in ur house u set rules n regulations, now one of ur kids diobeys it, then the same kid has a problem and comes to begg from u, will u give him??? My fellow Malawians lets wake up and see where the world is going. Homosexuallity is ilegal dispite beeing legalised by someone who doesnt believe that there is God. Cursed is the one who signed that law and whoever is supporting that, just wait ur time is coming God will deal wth u.
Quoting Asian religions like Christianity and Islam is very unAfrican. You are also quoting religions that were created by incest when Lott had sex with his two daughters in a cave (that is what the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is about – read the second half of the story). That is really absurd to claim such things are holy. Incest is always wrong.
My Country Malawi, Where Are You Heading To?,because Of Money, You Want To Get lost,shame.BRAVO Msonda!!! For your rebuke on the matter.we are aii on your side.
ineyo ndili pambuyo pa Msonda. Ndipo ndikanakhala President mkanalamula kuti aliyense opezeka akupanga umve uwu awotchedwe basi
then i shud suffer for this what benefit can we malawians get 4rm homosexuality iya ngat zamvta angotula udndo pansi
Siyani kutiwonongela dziko lathu lokongola, inu nose mukuvomeleza za wu gay pamutumbo panu (stupid)
nthawi yasatana ino akugwilitsa ntchito anaake
Justice delayed is equal to justice denied. No to gay rights in Malawi,that’s in-human. If a bull dog can’t mate with it’s bull dog,yet they don’t have guilt concious and self awareness. What about a human with all senses? That’s abnormal. Culture varies from society to society and is a life blue print. Gay rights? That’s mad. Where was that before? Malawians do you see anything to smile on this? What’s the root course? Is that because of poverty? Feeble soft in the heads. Extroversy.
Are Church Councils In Malawi exists? Why are you silent on gay rights? Trust you me,homo is a sin. Don’t be scared or threatened by someone who is also created like you by GOD. Truth shall always prevail.
Mulungu wuti amene apeter mukamulambira saturday lomwe mwakonzalo? Ngati kungamukomere Mulungu adzadziwitse anthuwo pamodzi ndi inu a peter zakuwopsa kwake.
That’s the problem of speaking without a mouth
Shame Malawi wangaaaa!!!kodi ngati bible limati sikoyenera mkazi kuvala chovala chamwamuna kapena mwamuna kuvala chovala cha mkazi what more kugonana inu amene mukuzicha kuti atsogoleri musamale ndiiiithu, mulungu wathu sali ngati balaa ai koma ndi emwe uja wa eliya ndiwachikhalile oncegain ndiiiithu mutha nonse mphwiyo ambuye salephera akhala nawe nthawi zonse kufera dzina la mulungu mkokoma kuposa kufera chuma cha dziko amen.
Let god judge on this But its clear that all people backing GAY belong devil….so its GOD vs Devil
Say no to homosexual, it is worthy for all Malawians to drink tea without milk,to eat nsima without meat,to move by foot without car and to allow people to die in hospitals without medicine. Rather than allowing donors to donate all those necessities with an idea of making Malawi to be gay practice country. Let them fall into the pit of hell with their donations. Mind you real blessings comes from God whom I know has no forces when receiving.
Boma la DPP ndilonvetsa chisoni kwambili akanamanva zomwe amanena azipani zotsutsa komanso mabugwe sibwenzi Malawi ali pabvuto momga momwe zililimu. Koma kusanva ndikomwe kwakula nkhani ya gay sinkhani yoti mungafunsenso anthu dziko ndiyachidziwile kuti kunoku zimenezo kulibe. Angakhale mutafunsa mwana zamaukwati otelowo akuuzani kuti sanazinvepo zotero. Ndiye nkumati ansonda akaonekele kukhoti nkhani yake imeneyi nzonvetsa chisoni kwambili. Koma popeza tikudziwa bwino kuti njila imodzi yomwe mwaona yobela ndalama mbomamu nkumatsekula timilandu ngati timeneti inu mkumaba ndalama za boma. Zifukwa ngati zimenezo zapangitsa mulungu kukwiya nalo dziko lathuli. Lomwe eni ake timkati ndi dziko la bwino komanso loopa mulungu nkumangoti nyengo yasokonekela pamulungu wakwiya nao utsogoleli omwe tili nao panowo cz sizinaoneke nkale lonse zomwe zikuchitikazi. Kwainu anzanthu muli pafupi ndi president chonde muzimuuza zinthu zomwe anthu akulankhula osati zomwe inu mwaganiza pofuna kusangalatsa ntsogoleli mwaichi mwapangitsa dziko anthu kukhala pamabvuto osati masewela please take note ngati ndinu anthu anzelu simungamutengela sonda ku nkhoti.
Kumapeto kotha kwaziko ……ufuru Malawi mulibe unatha
Loma a Malawi one ziko langa latayika basi
VS 32 Amene akhala odziwa kuweluza kwache kwa Mulungu kuti amene achita ZOTERE AYENELA IMFA.
God is knowing what Msonda is fighting for and akumenyerani nkhondo.Ndalama zomwe atengazo achite okha mathanyulawo,ife timaopa Mulungu amene adalenga bambo ndi mayi kuti amange banja ndikubereka Magays.
Komatu musamangotchula dzina LA mulungu pachabe kodi kupha nkololedwa pa maso pa mulungu…think before u comment
Ufuna kunena mathanyu ndi khalidwe labwino pamaso pa Chauta.Ngati uli mmodzi ife tagwirizana kuti kuno ayi nyasi zimenezo wava.
As usual
Ngati mukuti kupanga za GAY ndi ufulu wa chibadidwe;kotero mukumatimanga tikafotokozapo maganizo athu pa kutsutsana ndi choipachi,nde kuti muperekenso ufulu wa mabedwe kwa mbava zonse zisamamangidwe,mupelekenso ufulu kwa ogwilira onse akhalenso ndufulu wawo wa magwiliridwe.Mukatero ife monga a Malawi tidzakhala chete pogwilizana nanu zoti u GAY ndufulu kotero umere mizu mdzikomuno
Mbala zili chete ukuyendera ma benz mukalimbana nda msonda za ziii
Hw many pipo have said these stupids must be killed? Why only Msonda shame to the rulling party 2019 its not far!
Koma anthu ena anabadwa mwauchitsirudi, umangololera zirizose.Peter ngati amapanga kumene wakulirako zithere konko zisafike kuno,ngati zamuvuta atule pasi udindo.Msonda amusiye.
kkkkkk akuba ndalamawa mukuwasiya bwanji?
Malawians always talking about God. They hates gays but most of them calling Gods children are rapist cant u seee… shame
I have followed ur coments,,anyway i dont blame you…nomatter which side one is,,in the end its the head of states decision that will matter basing on what he values,,thus Malawians opinion or donors opinion,,,if he values Malawians,,he has thr back and not donors,,,if he values donors,,u kno wat that means,,,but that does not mean gays will be free,,they wil stil face it beliv me
Doesnt matter.. malawians must value food in the table .. job.. money.. u guys are suffering now.. u cant feed ur self of ur pride
I want to be a rapist pastor
Drag all of us to court not only Musonda, zalowa ndale eti ? mumamusaka eti ? Tikakumanana ku court konko & pakhala ma demo basi
Mr Msonda munalakwisa kunena zot ma gay aziphedwa chilungamo ndi choti akuyenera azimangidwa ndi kukhaulisidwa mndende chifukwa cha mchitidwe onyansawo umene ndikukhulupilira kut titauvomeleza Mulungu angatiyang’anire kumbali ndkukumana ndi mavuto ngat dziko.A malawi tiyen tikhalebe oopa Mulungu osat kusatira zinthu zoipa chifukwa chofuna chithandizo.chithandzo cha chikulu ndi Mulungu ndpo sangatitaye
Dpp imeneyo
Thanks guys for ur replies…all in all
Malawi should not regalise homosexuality!!!! it’s inhuman! it’s insane!
im behind you Msonda
Hu help this guy now… nothing. U see. Just close ur mouth zip basi
Ifenso Tikuti Ma Gay Aphedwe,ndiye Ku Court Mutiitana Liti? Peter Kuipa Nkhope Ndi Mtima,ndakukana Siwafuko Langa,amalawi Tikulamulilidwa Ndi Satana!
Hes nothin now
Life sentence prison must be
In Arab countries Homosexual punishment is death by hanging or stoning,In Arab countries there is not human rights for Homosexual, What’s the difference between Arab countries and Malawi? Since when did you hear that USA is putting pressure to Saudi Arabia or Kuwait to allow gays to practice? Why?OIL?Does it make sense to anybody that million of people in Malawi should suffer for the few hundreds?The constitution of malawi have not been changed to accommodate the gays, therefore it is wrong even for they lawyer to comment on the issues which the know it’s criminal offence to practice Homosexual freely In Malawi as long as the constitution has not been changed.
Even ku USA konko certain states do not allow such rubbish…..Koma abwanawa nthawi yomwe amalumbiritsidwa sadanena kuti adzateteza constitution yathu tsono panopa nde zikutani tsopano?
Zaziiii mwasowa zochita eti muka ngomanga msonda muona chinameta njoka mavuzi
Aliyense yemwe akut ndibwino kukwatirana anthu ofanana ziwalo ndi opusa mutaleka kaye azikazi anuwo mukwatirane nokhanokha amuna,osati chilungamo mukuchidziwa ndikumalankhu zopanda nzeruzo apaazikazi anu achita kutopa nazo mutanyanya tsiku ndi tsiku game ndiye ndikumafuna kupusitsa ena basi ngati mwadyapo ndalama zikuvutani ken msonda yemweyo kuti wawawa!!!!
just hit like if you say no to homosexuality in our country,,,,me I say NO
Many People Are Dying and who is being arrested for that. The majority should also be respected as well.
Respect others but do u think people respect homo.. that guy must be in prison
U perish in hell gez
Change Malawi, am not finding it to be a Christians nation anymore;
Msonda we are behind you aphedwe basi,mphoto yauchimo ndiimfa
apite nawo a Msondawo ku khoti tiwone kuti mulandu ukayamba kuti chiyani aziti alakwa chiyani.chilango chili pansi pompano wina alangidwa makamaka ma jadge ndi a low society mufa ndithu mmodzimodzi mulungu siwocheza naye.kodi kunyansa nkhopeku ndiwe satana eti ndiye poyamba umanyengana ndi ndani pakuti wakwatira mkazi
For how many times are we going to lose tax payer’s money on these senseless issues
To all those who are supporting the Homesexual act, i think he is somehow mad and stupid. Some are saying it’s the right of any person to excirse his freedom, of course you are true but it shouldn’t be with this stupid and foolish thing.
Ndingokumvani enanu mukumalankhula mophwisa zedi apa kukhala ngati zomwe wanena Msonda ndi zonunkha, koma dziwani kuti ngakhale mukumutengera Msonda ku khoti, ndinu olephera pa maso pa Chauta koma pa maso pa mbuyanuyo Demoni ndinu opambana ndipo mkwiyo wa Chauta ukhale pa anyani nonse okondwerera zopusazo.
Chauta wachifundo, mokudandaulirani chonde mutetezeni mwana wanu Ken Msonda (ngakhale nayenso ali ochimwa) ku mkwiyo wa zitsiru zodzazidwa ndi nyansi za mdima.
Banda palibe ufulu umene unaperekedwa kwa munthu kuti adzikwatirana ndi mamuna or mkazi mzake……afterall Amapereka ufulu wachibadibwe kwa munthu ndani, Mulungu kapena satana? Mulungu sangalore zonyasazo
U must be stupid one
Ndidzakhala mdani wa anyani onse okonda mkhalidwe lochititsa manyaziri. A Banda, nkhani iyi yandiwawa zedi
U rappist
Anthu ambiri akuvutika kusowa chakudya pamene anthu ena ali ndi ndalama zomutengera Msonda ku khothi ndi ya ziii?
Point of order sir! Samesex marriage is not a right, and its dangerous
Bwana Julius Charles, you can call me names of your choice but will never change my mind. I am not a rappist myself, dziwa kuti kuli Chauta yemwe akuwona nyansi zanu mukubweretsa pakati pa anthu osadziwa ndiponso oti atha kukopeka nazo zibvunde zanuzo. Chauta akukhululukire.
Agalu, Anyan, Abwampini, Agongoni, Abimbiri, Akapuntha Buye, Agulu Mamina, Achingolopiyo, Muvekere Aliyese Ali Nd Ufulu Oky Tiye Nazoni
Kodi chi julius chi ndichakuti always chimabakila za ma gay
Anthu Omwe Amapanga Mathanyu Kuwa Tchula Maina Anyama Kaya Mbalame Nkuldmekeza Zedi Poti Mbalame Ndi Nyama Zimadziwa Ogonana Naye. Anthu Awa Tiziwatchula Kuti Nyongolosi Poti Ali Ngati Izozo Tidzilombo Ta Satana Tofunika Doom.Am Supporting Nsonda
Anthu ena ndi ana obalidwa ndi Demoni mwini-mwiniyo ndipo anawaberekera kwa mkazi obadwanso mu chigololo yemwe bamba ndiponso mayi ake anaberekedwa ndi Lucifer mwini. Apa ndi chifukwa chake ena akunyansidwa ndi zomwe Ken Msonda wanena. Ndikhulupirira kuti a Juliasi Charles ndi mwana obadwa kuchokera kwa Satana mwini wakeyo.
Amlawi Ngati Zinthu Zinasintha Kma Malamulo Amulungu Samasintha Icho Nde Muziwe Mli Busy Kumapanga Compire Ni Cashget Scandle Mwina Chifukwa Chosamuziwa Mulungu Ndimkona Mukutero Ankhwere Inu Bible Says Pali Machimo Ena Omwe Mulungu Ndiokozeka Kukhululuka Kma Aliposo Ena Omwe Kovuta Kukhululuka Makamaka Ukachimwila Mzimu Limoz Mwamachimowo Nde Kugonana Kwa Pakati Pa Amuna Komaso Akazi Okha Okha Afinye Inu Mukufuna Muvutise Ana Osalakwa
To say the truth I’m an atheist and i find religion total nonsense. What you said here just proved me right
Whatever You Are. I Beleive You Were Born From A Woman. Go Ask Her Which Hole Did You Come Out From Anas Or Virgina? Who Imprignate Her Was It A Man To Man? Woman To Woman? Or Man To Woman?
Take a second and think about it. We are talking about sexual orientation which isn’t a simple matter. Show a gay person a naked woman and he won’t even get aroused. Some even try and fail. Others even kill themselves because they know they can’t find a woman attractive and are scared of such murderous people like most here. It is not their fault. When is it ever okay to kill people for things they can’t control?
Eric, you and most people here have a shallow view of love and sex. Sex is not all about reproduction. Many couples choose to not have kids but bang all the time. Why should it concern you how someone decides to have sex? Many heterosexual couples have sex in the ass all the time (and sometimes the female even likes/prefers it)… ever thought the problem is you people?
My Bro Lets Follow The Rule Of The Nature And Never Pretend That Our Heads Are Big Than The Nature Itself. A Big Question Is “Why Of All The Creatures There Is Male And Female? Even Scince Concluds By Saying That Postive And Nagative Has To Go Togather To Give Us A Better Results Not Postive Postive Or Nagative Nagative Why’ Donot Believe What Devil Wisper Into Your Heart. But Follow The Nature Donot Resist Cause You R Goin To Break Yourself As Tai Says Do Not Use Force But Use The Power In U.
Satan Z Controlln U, Even The So Calld Professors Hv Become Fools V Satan N Fools In The Sight Of Savages. These Savages R Bettr Interms V Thnkn Capacity Than The Useless Professors Mxiew. To Hell Wt Yo Lord Devil, Kp On Praising Demon, U Shal Perish To Unextinguishabl Blue Fire.
I think something going wrong iwe Athu akutengele Ku mental wapenga palibe chazeru ukulakhula apa #Mulungu sangave pempho imeneyo iweso tikufufuze bwino ukalowa limodzi ndi Nsondayi mulilimodzi tikupeza kwanunkonko
Onse odzazidwa ndi mzeru zopusa za mdima can say all what you are saying here. Ndi odala iwo ali ozindikir ndiponso kudziwa chinsinsi ndi ndale za owonongayo popeza atha kulizemba tchimoli. Kwa ana onse anjika olo titawawuza zowona kwa iwo ndi zauchitsiru basi popeza anabadwa ali okutidwa ndi nyansi za mbuye wao Sanana mdyerekeziyo.
Pakuti sitiri kulimbana ndi anthu chabe koma mphamvu za mdima zochokera kwa mwini umveyo.
Eric Baluti you no little of what nature has to tell us. Some species of bacteria have more than one gender. They have thousands of genders. Some species in nature only have one gender and some species are even Hermaphroditic. Some species can even reproduce without the opposite gender. Nature does not care. AND positive and negative… That is not a better result… Stop lying to us
So your question is irrelevant…
so mr chifundo kasiya, are you gay? Were you born from a man? I mean i find your reasoning irrevant on the whole matter. May Jah fire burn you down!
Tonse ndife ochimwa alekeni ma Gays akhale ndi ufulu nawo ndi anthu. Ameneyi aphedwe
Werenga levitiko>18vs22 >20vs13
kodi osangotiuza bwanji kuti tiponye voti ya referendum tione ngati ma gay awowo angawine?
awina, paja amaberatu
Refrendam Sapangira Ufulu Wa Munthu Chifukwa Amabadwanawo Ndiye Refrendam Ilibe Mphanvu Yophwanya Ufulu Wa Munthu Mufuse Amene Anaphunzira Za Malamulo
#gay must fall *even they can drag him to court
Yese oyikila umboni zopusazi ndithud ALLAH azamuika mu gulu limeneli uwu ndi chitidwe oyipa aziphedwad amenewa
koma sizinati,that’s dpp I know.apa zalowa ndale basi
Amalawi anzanga,kuvomeleza mchitidwe wausilu ngati umenewu chifukwa cha umphawi.Kodi mulungu kulenga mkazi ndiye kuti sanaganize bwino? Musiyeni Msondayo nayenso amanena maganizo ake ngati aliyense mmene akuwonela.Ngati ndichoncho mumange aliyense amene ali ndi nagative ans pankhani yimeneyi.
Patrick Mofati usamale,polankhula kumaganiza ufulu uli ndi malire aliyense atamachita zomwe akufuna likhala dziko.munthu atabwera pakwanu ndikuzapha abambo ako umusiya chifukwa choti ali ndi ufulu ochita zili zonse usamakhale ngati mbuli pali zina sizifuna ufulu
If you were born to Malawi #Mauro and #Patrick u cant say that stupid speech. Do u knw that these Gays were arrested before? Why the government arrested them? #Mauro. You must not be to government side because of ur poverty. Malawi since,,,,did not want Gays in this country. Are Malawians changed or turned to white today? Did this guy msonda killed any? How many people on fb talked abt killing them? Are u #Mauro gonna arrest all the rest? How many people said or talked about killing the robbers when they are caught stealing? And hw many of them had been arrested coz of violeting their rights? Be serious guys i am also a dpp big member but i was born not to hide the truth even in my own house.
I think satana walowererapo
Koma kukhale chete nthawi zina ndi bho mumaonakako ngati kape bola zikujuendela nanga asonda pamenepa muzemba bwaa
Manyi ao!
Inu aBoma musatenge ma personal grudges anu mkumupaka nawo msonda mumusiye Msonda ali ndi ufulu kuposa Wamathanyula
Tisaiwale Sodom ndi Gomorrah inaonongedwa ngati momwe zayambiramu shaa mpakana ufulu ndi zimenezi?Ankolo kubera ma vote anthu nkumati Aa basi ife dziko lathu lopempemphera pa izi kupemphera palibe? Koma respecting rights,kapena iwowa mchitidwe wawo ndiomwewu munthu kufotokoza maganizo ake walakwa?
Inu aBoma musatenge ma personal grudges anu mkumupaka nawo msonda mumusiye Msonda ali ndi ufulu kuposa Wamathanyula
auze sister kaya vuto lawo ndichan kaya
I do support him too,never gv up Mr
He spoke recklessly , we all don’t like homosexuality but he went too far
big man more fire
Koma ma ufulu amenewa? Zilizonse kumangoti rights? Malawi kuli anthu ozitsata, tsiku lina tidzakha ndi ufulu okupha ma gays no dout
Muvi oyang,ani umalasa diso.amalawi tisalore kuti ana asatana atisochelese.machimosiufulu
I don’t see any reason why the government is taking Msonda to court.Nomatter what we stand against homosexuality in Malawi.We gonna pray for mr Msonda to win the case because our God is not homosexual so our country too must not be like that
If Malawians are siding with this idiot, then Malawians are idiots and criminals. A real human being wouldn’t want to kill a person who has done no harm to anybody. Being Gay is a personal and natural thing. It’s nobodys business and you have serious issues to deal with rather than what adults do to their private lives.
Natural thing? OMG! lord have mercy on you bra!
Scientifically speaking, if you know a damn thing about it. Nothing that some research or reading can’t help.
fuck u criminal being gay is not natural its artificial why do you want to mislead malawians. You are there today because of yoir father and mother, gays are unclean ,un natural
no wonder coz even the nem mauro steinway sounds gay
It right.
Maxon ur so stupid u remain thesame shot up
Mauro get some education brah…Anakuuza ndani kuti u gay its a natural thing?…homesexuality just like any other behavir its learned…..ever heard of the concept of “tabla rasa by john Lock”?…google it & hit my inbox for more explain….
You must be very stupid mauro! Kodi bambo ako amachindana ndi mamuna mzawo kuti iweyo ubadwe?
am asking for his immediate release from all charges gaysim its evil
Zaziii! Palibe Nkhan Yopitra Ku Court Apa! Kumangoonongabe Ma Resources Bx!
Mukamva kuti ziwawa zayambika musadabwe ai
amangidwe kape ameneyu
joisi abwere azamupangire bail_out
Mukuona ngat msonda kupita kukhot pakhala mtendere?
This guy shld think before he talks…akapanga masewera asatila amayi
Ooooky?? nkhani yake?? mpaka ku court just because him too exercised his freedom of speech?
Dpp Govt don’t take advantage here, over political affiliation! Msonda didn’t kill anyone and was just expressing his stand like some of us are doing here!
He used the media and us too are doing the same here!
Homosexual should not be legalised in Malawi and we repeat it is unacceptable and total inhuman!
Amwene, nkhani si ya dpp apa. Dpp wil not be there but courts wil be there.
eeti man si dpp ai kumvetsa wamva
Alright !
Then if it is the court let them visit Malawi 24’s page, browse all the comments that are written in support of Msonda’s view and drag them to court for Questioning as well!..
Who doesn’t know politicians?
Cowards! They are trying to attack him over the remarks! …He has a big mouth and hopefully Him (Msonda), will clarify it in the eyes of those feeling offended!…
mesa boma la Dpp ndilomwe linaloleze kut kukhale ma gay! kapena nda court amene anavomelaza?
Dpp si court there r more people supporting nsonda even i myself support him koma its not dpp which z dragging him to court..
At Pax….yes The Dpp Govt is in power ndipo ali ndi role yaikulu pa nkhani imeneyi! …
They will do everything possible to mute any voice that may come out against them over the rubbish decision they made…
Oook inu amene mukulimbikira za court mwina u should read the story again .chizungu alemba kuti “He has been dragged to court….”…. Sadanene kut a court amuitana yapa.
To be dragged to ; which means there is a certain person or a group of people who have taken Msonda to court!
Dpp has no mandate to do that and no one z above the law ngati nsonda ndiosalakwa the laws will liveal dont take anything politicary man.and in previous post anatchula mabungwe amene akuntengela kukhoti.
Man apanga zimenezi its not dpp.a malawi law society ndi azimzawo ndi amene amtengela msonda ku court
I say Kill the gay shoot the faggot
This has just convinced me more that religion is utter bs. I can’t believe this
msonda is 100% right.
wa khoti wina aliyense amene atenge mbali poyimba mulandu a Msonda ameneyo amwalira chaka chomwechino ndikunenetsa mulungu amakonda malawi judge iwe usayetse dala kupereka chigamulo ana ako uwasiya pa mavuto
if all sinners would be killed,how many of u will be still alive?watchout Malawi this is a democratic nation where everyone has got the right to do whatever he wants
moffat do u know y mulungu anawononga sodomo?iwe ngati u r one of them usanale
coz rights cant over rule const
malamulo amalawi akuletsa who are u
am not one of them bring here ur sister ,she will ensure u that indeed Moffat Patrick ndi Mthutha
tisintha malamulo amenewo pajatu Kamuzu anali life president koma tinasintha zimenezo!Bakili akufuna third term tinakana ndiye zikavute kusintha izi?
Is Sodom the only city that God destroyed?@Thom
jois anaba ndalama zonse zaboma bwanji sanaphedwe
Surely Patrick is one of them! Kodi amakhala kuti ameneyi? Stone him alive kumeneko munthu osaopa chauta ameneyo!
if people are not gays must shut up and mind their own business,we have a lot of things to think of rather than blaming one another about this
ndili ndi fuso limodzi lokha undiyankhe iwe Moffat “kuti ukusangalatse Mulungu ndkuti usangalatse Dziko kapena munthu chabwino ndichiyani?”
chabwino ndi kusangalatsa Mulungu!inu chomwe mukundinyansa kwambiri ndi choti mukuona ngati ma gays ndi ochimwitsitsa than inuyo however mukuphunzitsa ana a eni ufiti mmidzimu,muli pa banja koma zibwenzi kuuuu mbali,mukumaba mmalo momwe mukugwira ntchito,mukuledzera osawathandiza abale kumudzi,mukutaya mimba ,ku church chachikhumi simupereka koma muli maso tudzuuuu ngati akazizi kulimbana ndi ma gay ngati ndinu oyera!
nawenso Mercy uti chani apa!ubwere kunyumba kwanga tione ngati mu September muno sudzabereka mwana wanga uwone,kkkkk koyera bwino kofupikirapo kama dimposi,akwanu akakufunsa kuti mzungu ameneyu unamupeza kuti iwe kungoti iiiiii ndi mbewu ya Patrick Moffat iyi kkkkkk
#patric #moffat iwe ndiwamathanyula eti?read this chapter LEVICUS 20 verse 13
ine ndi wa straight man!am 27 yrs koma sindinakwatirepo koma mkadzafuna kukwatira ndidzakwatira mtsikana osati mnyamata mnzanga,ine I only respect the gays coz its their choice
iwenso ndiwe wamakan kwambri kale anthu maiko enawa samapanga zau gay?amalawi tisiye kusilira zachikunja! msonda siolakwa palibenso reason yoti apite akaime mu court sanalakwitse kumeneku ndikuwawidwa mtima
iwe Moffat. chikundibowa ine. bwanj akuloleza u Gay. bwanj akuleka kuloleza tchimo lonse ? lyk Kuba , kupha, ndichifukwa chan akuloleza zonyasa zokhazo? apapa chomwe chilipo. ineyo ndimapha anthu nde ineso ndkufuna ufulu wanga oti ndizipha anthu mwaufulu.
ndiye mpaka tiziwapha??udindo okupha mnzake wautenga kuti?Mulungu anapanga moyo ndipo Mulungu yemweyo ali ndi udindo owuchotsa!pa malamulo khumi a Yehova ,amakaniza kupha,pomwe a Musonda akuti tizipha,is that a true leader
Ndiwenso mathanyula?
odi ndimvere radio maria apa a Lucius akuti akubwebweta kaya zichani!ndi ka MSCE kawo kazigambako akutivuta nakotu kkkkkkk Thank God for taking Bingu ,tikanakushoshanso iweeee
i think wont be wrong to say chipatrick tenga chamba kayale poyera ukalembeletu kt am excersing my right twone momwe zingakuthere zamkutu
inunso a Cisale muli ndi mavuto ochuluka ndithu koma pena vuto ndi madera omwe timachokera iinu si aku Mchinji inu kapena ku Ntchisi?aaaaa kumekudi zitukuko sikwenikweni
Tawerenga levitiko 18vs22 / 20 vs 13.usamangoikira kumbuyo zilizonse.mungapute mkwiyo wayehova
pipo lk u needs brain transfer dat 1 is useless lk the owner if every has rights why they r taking msonda ku court du u think gay has right 2 bat msonda dont hv wat fucker right pipo hav?
Moffat wayankhula ngati mwana. “a democratic nation where everyone has the ryt to do WHATEVER he wants” then we also have a ryt to kill gays.. Mmmmh
If you are gay expect death as sodom and Gomora
Kkkkkk apatu. musamatchule Chauta pamene chiphunzitso chake mukuchikana, kodi suja Yesu adalamula kuti amene sadachimwepo ayambe kugenda? Koma palibe adagenda kenako Yesu adamuuza kuti mayi iwe usakachitenso nyasi zi, apa Yesu akuphunzitsa mmene tingawaphunzitsire onse ochita nyasi, kodi Msonda akadakhalapo nthawi imeneyi akadati Yesu akubackila a chigololo? Kodi akadamutchula Yesu kuti mndani?
Inuyo bambo ngati muli ndi galimoto, tapitani nayo pa filling station ndiye mumuuze petrol attendant kuti athire mafuta mugalimotoyo pogwiritsa ntchito ekizozo osati nbowi wamasiku onse. Ndiye mudzandidziwitse zomwe zitachitike. Nkhani yama gay tizayambira pamenepo
mwina ndiwenso gay bwanji kukhakira kumbuyo nkhani zonyansa. ulibe umunthu iwe?
basi good bye beautiful people ndigone kaye !ma gay tisawaphe koma tiwaonetse chikondi ndi cholinga choti athe kumuona Yesu,
kulankhula kopusa kumeneko mulungu akukhulukire
chifukwa ngati tiwaonetsera chikondi ndiye kuti adziwadi kuti tikupembedza Yehova wa makamu!koma tikati tiziwapha ndiye kuti tataya chipangano pamene Mulungu akuti tisaphe!
tikukakamira kutchula zamulungu yet ma zomwe tikukamba zikutsutsana naye… chitsanzo yesu anapereka kale pa nkhani yamzimai wachigololo ija… can’t we take that as an example… let’s not be hypocrates pliz.. we also have our failures and downfalls and we should not pretend as if we are saints… search yourself and u wil realise kt u also deserve to be killed… preach what u practice and practice what u preach…
akudya ndi ochimwa ,ena anathamanga kumafunsa kuti how dare are u?zoona kumadya limodzi ndi awa?these are sinners,awa sapereka chachikhumi ,awa nga zigololo ,koma Yesu anati pakuti mwana wa munthu anabwelera kudzafunana chotaika!kutereku tonse tikadakhala oyera Yesu sakadadzafa pa mtanda koma kamba koti ndife operewera anatifera kuti tione chikondi chake,lero mmalo moti titembenuze ochimwa kuti muone Yesu pa mtanda tikuti tiziwapha ,kusonyezeratu kuti palibe chomwe tikudziwa ndifenso olephera
mboli yako
Am sory wth those behind guysm,no sooner or later God shall com,wat wl b ur say b4 christ.
Am sory wth those behind guysm,no sooner or later God shall com,wat wl b ur say b4 christ.
when u say gays need to be killed God also will judge u,but if u preach to them so that they may turn away from their evil doings then u belong to Christ indeed,
patrick,i dont know which side u r? seems lyk u got a point on what the bible says but u r also saying everybody has got ryt to do whatever he wants.dont u know that some misunderstood democracy?
even democracy prohibits the killings!I am a sinner that is why I am a Christian,that is why before I eat I pray,before I sleep on my bed I pray before I start my work daily I pray knowing that am also a sinner,so I can’t send fellow sinners to death as if like am a saint
How far it will takes for you to be in presence of God you will be judged for your rmarks.Do you know the basis of Democracy? When the two cities SODOM & GOMORA were fully in Democracy without fundermental principles do you aware what they did? And do you aware wht God do to them? Never be influenced by the well-being people you will stand alone on the presence of God.
Ken relax!
Dont Wory Our Nsonda Will Out
Kupanga zionetsero kulibwino kusiyana ndikupha osati zionetsero zinakhalapo m’mbuyomu
in the garden of Eden,Satan did not approach naked Adam,but naked Eve. . …….. msonda is right.
zauchisiru,freedom of speech apa yathatu
Dziko la Malawi zimenedzo ndizo ndizawo kkkk… kusisa fertilizer mmalephera fack you.
I totally agree wit him(msonda).i thnk amakhala nd nthaw yowerenga Bible coz amanenazo znalembedwa m’Bible.aMalawi anzanga, tisazsye nd moyo nyansi za wan2 zmenez
In this world we have two groups of people. Those that belong to God and those that belong to the devil(satan). All gays belong to the devil. You devil and ur gays dnt force ur self on us. Who doesnt know u. Your father is the devil and thts why u r devils. Leave Msonda alone.
ken ur lyt palibe kholo lomwe limafuna mwanawake ataike. Even amalemba amatiuza kutikoze njira zakolong’onjo.palibe yemwe akuweluza mu2 kma akuziweluza okha kamba kachimo lomwe akulika opeyela muzina laufulu
Please, don’t dare to prosecute Msonda on his remarks over gays . As Malawians, we believe in fearing GOD our only SOLE Creator of the UNIVERSE and the EARTH. HE created man on His will, and ordered him to FEAR and FULFILL HIS Orders, Commandments. and Obligations. Should you dare to,l swear, you will see and face GOD’s anger. Hey, Don’t you up to now know and understand why our beautiful Malawi is facing lots of problems? why, because GOD is annoyed with your tendecies and beliefs, influence by government leaders for their own benefits, since they are there only enrich themselves. They don’t mind about one’s life, or wellfare, as long as they acquire what they need.
Please, don’t dare to prosecute Msonda on his remarks over gays . As Malawians, we believe in fearing GOD our only SOLE Creator of the UNIVERSE and the EARTH. HE created man on His will, and ordered him to FEAR and FULFILL HIS Orders, Commandments. and Obligations. Should you dare to,l swear, you will see and face GOD’s anger. Hey, Don’t you up to now know and understand why our beautiful Malawi is facing lots of problems? why, because GOD is annoyed with your tendecies and beliefs, influence by government leaders for their own benefits, since they are there only enrich themselves. They don’t mind about one’s life, or wellfare, as long as they acquire what they need.
msonda is right dem burn babylone and its masters.how can someone fe lov de butty.we must rise up and kill the butty boys.Now we need to strategies on how to handle them how they look like and what they like gonna smash dem bad until they came to their senses
Me wait , u first to comfirm
we don’t need gays
Its a free country let gays b gay …let God be the judge.ine ndilibe nawo pulobulemu
pliz DO NOT trouble Msonda because he is a politician,Gays are worse than dogs. leave msonda alone he was only expressing his opinion. komanso abale mwamuna wochindidwayo amamva kukoma? I really do not understand that a sane person can do that, only rabid dogs. but even dogs know that this is female dog and this is male dog, they dont do male to male or female to female
Dnt blame Msonda, bt the one who bring homosexual in our beloved country he is astupt. We dnt care anything, this is our mother land.
I for one I think nsonda is right