Thyolo and Mulanje declared a ‘country’

Malawi Tea

…Malawi government branded careless

Board member for People’s Land Owners (PLO) Vincent Wandale yesterday declared Mulanje and Thyolo districts as one sovereign state.

Wandale made the declaration following the failure of government to solve estate land issues that started months ago.

Malawi Tea
Mulanje and Thyolo now a state.

The organization met yesterday for discussions on the next step concerning the issue of self-rule but they were disrupted by the Malawi Defence Force.

However, Wandale described government’s decision to send the army to the meeting as “foolish” saying the organisation was expecting a proper solution on the matter rather than a confrontation with armed forces.

“We are surprised that the police came fully armed instead of the government coming with the solutions to the problem,” he said.

He however explained that as a board member he will make sure that their country continues with the secession and they will be supported by international organizations.

Malawi government was yet to respond as went to press on the matter.



  1. Enanu mwangoyimva kumene nkhaniyi, pls Dont blame Malawi24, Wandale was on air a week ago talking about the same topic pa radio inayake.

  2. Ife tkufuna tizipanga zathu bas coz its not izy to share the same identity ndi atumbuka and countries like islael,afghanistan and iraq mosogozedwa ndi bokoharram akutisapoter ndiye musamale nafe

  3. Koma apa cha khota-kota ndiye chikudyedwa guys, kaya mukudya legally kaya ndi illegal koma mukuchipichila, kungomva kuli United States ya kwa American basi kanundu akulamuleni eti.

  4. Awenge mpoto mphanyi mwate waukira nakumthira machaka. 20 july viwawa vyachalo chose kweni wapolisi kumpoto wakakoma wantu wanandi kujumpha pakati na kumwera why? Tikuona ndipo tikumuonani

  5. kkkkkkk ka malawi ndi kochepa kale kuposa bulangeti ndiye mukamakokelana kakhala kachidutswatu.Inu amaphulisa ntchito yanu siyowophyeza anthu koma kuteteza ndiye mumapita ndi wonga ndi timapayipi kuti chani

  6. zikuchitika kwao kwa president zilibwino apite dziko lawolo mwina mkuona kusitha malawi ali pamavuto adzaoneni . pitilizani zilivwino zimenezo osasiya

  7. Those two villages were not states in the first place so they cant be THE UNITED STATES OF THYOLO AND MULANJE. Get. Your facts straight( i know that they are not villages)

  8. Ufulu wochita zinthu umapha ( Matafale anayimba ) simsimatu ai. NDIYE MUWAFUNSE GREEN CARD. Coz. DEN. Ndiye EXPORT ya mthochi,mapiyara, makaka etc ziyambika liti? poti imeneyi ndi ina yamigodi ya CHUMA. MONEY&JOB zikavuta umapenga, even USA,ENGLAND,SPAIN…

  9. Mutharika divide the country.kunalibe izi mu nthawi ya Dr Kamuzu ndi Dr Bakiri. Koma kubwela kwa inu iiii ! Mtundu wagawikana, chigololo chamuna okhaokha ndiye sinkhani.

  10. Asilikali adziko lamalawi nyamuka kukamenya nkhondo dziko la united stase of thyolo and mulanje kkkkkkkkkkkkk alomwe mukabisala kut kuminda ya tea kkkkkkkk

  11. Ngati munaonapo njovu itafunda kampango kopuputila thukuta(hand c)Anthu a ku south limbikikani poti kanthu mkhama nyelele inasenza mgolo wa mafuta.koma nthabwalazi ndimapesi amapila ndithu!!

  12. No matter what u say,we try any possible to make our own country called United Districts Of Mulanje And Thyolo bcz we wanna develop our economy.

  13. Aku thyolo ndinu tizitsiru tachabechabe penapake eti !!!! U r failing to rule the country then you bring ur useless Ideas … Chamba eti!!!!

  14. thyolod and mulanje to be a state its nothing wrong about it as far as is still under mw govnment ,,Nigeria got a lot of States still thy are under Nigeria gvnmnt…But to be declared as totally independent states that’s a madness, which even a Dom ,crazy, stupid mad person can lough out loud..
    The country its too small for every Dick and John to have a portion from it…kkkkkkkk

  15. I think u must combine Nsanje and Chikwawa district as well bcz ndimadera amodzi osalidwa kwambiri. Kwa omwe akudziwa bwino za nsewu wa Thabwa angathe kundivomeleza

  16. I think u must combine Nsanje and Chikwawa district as well bcz ndimadera amodzi osalidwa kwambiri. Kwa omwe akudziwa bwino za nsewu wa Thabwa angathe kundivomeleza

  17. where were u at the begining kut mungodzambatuka mkumt mukufuna maslo anu? lero mukut dziko lanu pot boma silikuloweleratu za ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! ndale basi!

  18. Mr Wandale udindo wa-akulila. AT D BEGINING HE SAID AWISE WORDS “TIKUFUNA MALO OMWE SAGWIRITSIDWA NTCHITO M’MAKAMPANI ATIPASE. LERO ATI NGAKHALE MULI TEA ATIPASE. MU TEAMO MA THOUSANDI A Anthu akugwira ntchito ndi kumachepesa mavuto awo, mindayo yatha choonde akuthira fertilizer tea. KODI KUGWIRA NCTCHITO M’MINDA YA TIYI NDI KUTENGA MALOWO CHABWINO NDICHITI? Musaiwale kuzimbabwe. mwinanso alibe Alangizi owathandiza

  19. instead of putting constructive ideas your busy with this nonsense! bwanji osamtenga mbuyanuyo akakhale ku capital yanu ku ndata. shupitttttt!!!!

  20. alhomwe why so selfish? what do they have so special unlike Blantyre : Lilongwe and others; akamaphunzira amati ndikathamanga Ku limbe!

  21. If the estates are owned by the whites its their estates no one is got right to deprive them its rong.Government must take a touph action against this nonsense.I believe and understand that malawi belongs to all those living in it and no one must live with fear and isolated eccept gays.

  22. Awatuma kuti ayambe ziwawa malawi apazelepo mwayi nanga si kuyendetsa truck akanika ndiye angoti ayendetsa yopanda magiya(mulunje +thyolo)

  23. Kkkkkk koma kumeneko mpaka united states of Thyolo and Mulanje!!!kkkkk seriously u need to see a doctor olemba nkhaniyi

  24. Passports please and all people from this country are Illigal immigrant in Malawi and should be deported to Thyolo Mulanje Limited its a fact according to International Migration Law

  25. pepani akuluakulu ineyo ndakhala ndikulondola nkhani zonse kuyambira zakumpoto pano ndi mulanje ndi thyolo zonse izi zikuonezeratu kuti ntsogoleri wathu akulephela kuyendesa dziko mulibe utsogoleri mwa pitala coz bakili walamulira zaka10 kunalibe malemu bingu 7&half kunalibe zopusa ngati zimene tikuona apazi mayi. jb kunalibe zopusa ngati izi koma nanga bwanji akuluwa ndipamene ife anthu adziko lamalawi tiziwe kuti mwamunthu ameneyu mulibe utsogoleri sure apo biii!!! amalawi kulira sikuzatha nkulu ameneyu akadakhala kuti ndi bambo wanga ndikhadamuuza kuti bambo tulani pansi udindo mwalephela!!!!!!!!! sure

  26. Let them do what they want.Tsono tione komwe adzikagulitsila zokolola zawo komanso ku MG kuno tizifuna ma passport

  27. I am happy thats ur now an interim president for the new state.The people of Mulanje and Thyolo needs your help Vincent Wandale,Are you back from Likoma?


  29. Good move! now peter can go back to where he came from.Take your peter and we shall give you free maize for a decade. Tea? we shall be importing from india.

  30. Amalawi plz tell us wat u r komentn bout coz ife kuno kumpoto kapena kuti atumbukafe tikudabwa nazo, tea thyolo mulanje zatani?tel us timvese bwino wat u r talkin of.

  31. Pofunika zitero ndithu.Madera ameneewa minda yavuta.

  32. Malawi 24 olemba nkhani ake zitsilu zokha zokha osamalemba zamzeru bwanji anthu opusa inu agalu atonkhwetonkhwe akapuku mbuzi

  33. Malawi 24 olemba nkhani ake zitsilu zokha zokha osamalemba zamzeru bwanji anthu opusa inu agalu atonkhwetonkhwe akapuku mbuzi

  34. hayiiiii! kaziko kathuka ndiye katochepatu mbuyache asaaaaa panganipo kanthu basi

  35. kkk aiwerenga aona kuti dziko la malawi likuwadyera masuku pamutu ndi nkhani ya tea kkk afuna azimupanga export wokha ku dziko la malawi

  36. kkk aiwerenga aona kuti dziko la malawi likuwadyera masuku pamutu ndi nkhani ya tea kkk afuna azimupanga export wokha ku dziko la malawi

  37. they wont to be exporting tea to malawi govt to boast their economy kkkkkkkkk. Ali atumbuka bwenzi mutatukwana heavy pano muti bwa. The best thing ZFederal Basi

  38. they wont to be exporting tea to malawi govt to boast their economy kkkkkkkkk. Ali atumbuka bwenzi mutatukwana heavy pano muti bwa. The best thing ZFederal Basi

    1. ndimanena zoona eti siawa akusuka mkamwa pano amvwkele mbwenumbwenu uyu kkkkkk .atumbukawo akuti ,,, tikhale ndi federal sytem kuti aliense azipindula ndima resources alikudela lake .koma ayi ndithu basii kutukwana vibekete vambulamaji

    2. ndimanena zoona eti siawa akusuka mkamwa pano amvwkele mbwenumbwenu uyu kkkkkk .atumbukawo akuti ,,, tikhale ndi federal sytem kuti aliense azipindula ndima resources alikudela lake .koma ayi ndithu basii kutukwana vibekete vambulamaji

  39. Palibe za thyolo mulanje state apa,akakhala atumbuka amapangira kupsa mtima chifukwa pautsogoleri they dont hav chance,sopano awa athyolo thy,re excising their stupid idea.

  40. Palibe za thyolo mulanje state apa,akakhala atumbuka amapangira kupsa mtima chifukwa pautsogoleri they dont hav chance,sopano awa athyolo thy,re excising their stupid idea.

  41. Nde kuti nyumba ya Bingu aisandutsa state house. Kenako ndata university ikhala state university. Ali ndi poyambira asiyeni koma asayiwale kumutenga mulhomwe nzao ali ku kamuzu palace uyu.

  42. Nde kuti nyumba ya Bingu aisandutsa state house. Kenako ndata university ikhala state university. Ali ndi poyambira asiyeni koma asayiwale kumutenga mulhomwe nzao ali ku kamuzu palace uyu.

  43. Malawi24 ndinu opusa kwambiri, mumangopanga post nkhani zofuna kudzetsa kwiyo ndi udani pakati pa a Malawi bwanji? Mwajambula apayu si tea uyu? Wandale mmene mumakuna munalibe macamera? Musamale
    , atolankhani opusa ngati inu mumayambitsa nkhondo dziko.

  44. Malawi24 ndinu opusa kwambiri, mumangopanga post nkhani zofuna kudzetsa kwiyo ndi udani pakati pa a Malawi bwanji? Mwajambula apayu si tea uyu? Wandale mmene mumakuna munalibe macamera? Musamale
    , atolankhani opusa ngati inu mumayambitsa nkhondo dziko.

  45. Atumbuka anayamba kale “TIKUkHUMBA MALAWI WITHU KU MPHELEMBE” mpaka lero, diso psuu sazaoneka MALAWI WITHU KUMPHELEMBE pano ndi alomwe. mxx! vuto la mulakho atangoba boma Bingu alomwe nzeru zinayamba kuchuka nzeru, matukutuku mpaka kutuma malole anthochi inu, nthochi serious? wakusanjika ati bingu adye akhute, nthochi? abingu azituma kumaula prison, chingwenya chapweteka akaidi ndi anyapala. mulakho. misala ayamba awawayi sipitilila mungoti phee.

  46. Atumbuka anayamba kale “TIKUkHUMBA MALAWI WITHU KU MPHELEMBE” mpaka lero, diso psuu sazaoneka MALAWI WITHU KUMPHELEMBE pano ndi alomwe. mxx! vuto la mulakho atangoba boma Bingu alomwe nzeru zinayamba kuchuka nzeru, matukutuku mpaka kutuma malole anthochi inu, nthochi serious? wakusanjika ati bingu adye akhute, nthochi? abingu azituma kumaula prison, chingwenya chapweteka akaidi ndi anyapala. mulakho. misala ayamba awawayi sipitilila mungoti phee.

  47. One of the functions of Malawi Defense Force is ‘to protect and safeguard territory, integrity and sovereignty of the country.’ So they were there to carry out their duties because you idiots want to annex a part of Malawi. Akanakuomberaninso. Osamangosangalala ndi mtendere umene mukunjoya ku Malawi kuno bwanji? Nyooooooooow!

  48. One of the functions of Malawi Defense Force is ‘to protect and safeguard territory, integrity and sovereignty of the country.’ So they were there to carry out their duties because you idiots want to annex a part of Malawi. Akanakuomberaninso. Osamangosangalala ndi mtendere umene mukunjoya ku Malawi kuno bwanji? Nyooooooooow!

    1. Daudi ,malamulo umawadziwa,kodi ntchito ya Polisi ndi chani?Asilikali a mfuti angalimbane ndi anthu opanda mfuti chifukwa chani.Akamati boma la nkhanza ndi limenelo,mmalo mopangitsa meeting ndi a DC,akutani?

  49. Hahahah…you voted for him so don’t forget to take him with you may be he will manage to rule that a small state of Thyolo n Mulanje, Malawi wamkulira

  50. I, representing the Akhokhola – Bushmen heritage, ndunenetsa kuti though our headquarters is in Thyolo, we r not under what’s so called Nguruland.
    Chomwe chuseketsa nchoti, all d ngurus r following wat these mad individuals Winiko n friends r talking aft take Iria. They fight for independence yet they’re in town, ena ku BT, enawo ku LL. U may see dat government cnt listen to dem bt akudziwa kut awawa ngozweta. Nde admn, stop posting nkhani zopeperazi. Better u post za wanthu wotoleza mtown

  51. Nde ngati zili chomwecho ma MP onse ochokela maboma awiliwo asiye kulanbila malipilo . Boma laMalawi lichotse ma MP amaboma awiliwo kuti siadziko lamalawi

  52. Who is the head of state of the so called united States of Thyolo and Mulanje? What’s the constitution of the new government? Will travellers need visas when visiting this newly established country? If the government machinery really condemns the act done by Wandale then they should arrest him for conduct likely to bleach peace?

  53. Micheal Kuyere Ganxo Joseph Gibson Peter Paul Silikasi Christian Banda Glorie Mtambalika Stevie Phinifolo Tobious Mbughi Mwilwa Ronald Samson Gama Ronald Samson

  54. Kkkkkkkk! How much is a bag of kgs chamba in Thyolo and Mulanje? Do u mean that Ibu is rulling foreign land now?

  55. @Makwakwa wasting your time on jockers?He has 5 yrs mandate if your candidate did not inspire people let the choice of majority be respected.All failed candidates have lost esteem not appealing anymore maybe new faces

  56. This means Malawi is now under a foreignor! All MPs from that country are illegal and should resign. Citizens from the Republic are staying in Malawi without proper documents,therefore should apply at Immigration Offices to be allowed visas. They have to get work permits and resign from their posts.My word of advice to the leaders in the new country,you have very able sons and daughters who are in Malawi. Send a delegation to that country and persuade these sons and daughters such as APM Patricia Kaliati Mulli and others who can help develop your country

  57. Ndekut pamenepa winiko akhala president wakumeneko kkkkk zli bwno kenaka timva chitipa karonga state

  58. Kumene amapezelako mpumulo kunali kumeneko ngati kwao,muteloso nde alowela kuti?azimangilila kenakotu, mr president ingotulani pansi udindo,kaliat apitilize zaka zasalazi

  59. Zazii! Zopanda ndi mchere omwe. Maloto a chumba. Mutenge ndabig anu akulamulireni, kumalawi kuno sitikuwafuna

  60. Ndiye pamsonkhano mkumanamiza anthu akuti dziko likuyenda bwino? shame on u ibu coz ngati ana ako akukukana ena akupatsa ulemu bwanji? the fr7t foolish prnt!

  61. Ai, Musadandaule za president, ameyu tikhoza kukusiilani apitilize kulamulira zikolo. ife a MJ and TYO tipeza wina, osadandaula, sinkhani imeneyo ai.

  62. First it was Nyika Republic then now its about this states & the central must be sober minded people who deserve leadership

  63. MDF chitani nao anyani akuMulanjewa fast fast akufuna aukire boma where is Kaliat,Mr President,Winoko? This DPP fans from Mulanje and Tyholo they want to play dice with us ohooo!!! Akutioputa dala wa kuMulanje nd Thyolo anyenyedwa azioona…..

    1. anyan akumulanje ndi thyolo mwOnjeza zaka zosezi zambuyomo munali kut mukuyamba lero fwi fwi fwi manyi thoooo ngat kukhuta tea munene agalu anyan akambuku kaya ulomwe kaya cian musiya ngat mukusowa potchukila muonaso this nxt yer

    2. Galu wanga wa mphongo akhala Gavuttoh wathazi akhala Nyoko nyoko! Kkkkkkkkkk ndi ndaninso inu kuti mukanyoze anthu aku United States! Guyz Nyokonyoko ndi mzache Gavuttoh ofunika tiatengere ku Darfoul akaiziwe mfolo! Aphwanga mwachepa kwambiri ife taona zokhoma mwamva! Masewera anuwo muzipanga ndi ena osati ife aku United states

    3. Galu wanga wa mphongo akhala Gavuttoh wathazi akhala Nyoko nyoko! Kkkkkkkkkk ndi ndaninso inu kuti mukanyoze anthu aku United States! Guyz Nyokonyoko ndi mzache Gavuttoh ofunika tiatengere ku Darfoul akaiziwe mfolo! Aphwanga mwachepa kwambiri ife taona zokhoma mwamva! Masewera anuwo muzipanga ndi ena osati ife aku United states

    4. Gavuttoh ndi mzako Nyokonyoko pakunya panu mwamva??? Anyani mukuwanena azimanu! Ndi inu zisiru kwambiri pali nkhani apa yoti muwanene anthu osalakwa kuti anyani?? Mbolo zanu koma zinadulidwa kumene akanyimbi inu??? Osamangokwatirana amuna okha okha ku Mw kwanuko bwanji? Za mtuzu basi! Awoneni mitu ngati a Kazizi! Pa likundu penu mwamva?? Mxieeeeew

    5. Gavuttoh ndi mzako Nyokonyoko pakunya panu mwamva??? Anyani mukuwanena azimanu! Ndi inu zisiru kwambiri pali nkhani apa yoti muwanene anthu osalakwa kuti anyani?? Mbolo zanu koma zinadulidwa kumene akanyimbi inu??? Osamangokwatirana amuna okha okha ku Mw kwanuko bwanji? Za mtuzu basi! Awoneni mitu ngati a Kazizi! Pa likundu penu mwamva?? Mxieeeeew

    6. Machende anu nonse nwanditukwana mukandipitiliza tithana pa wall mwamva??? Anyani ndati mabatire anu Mulanje and Thyolo was part of Nyasaland before Lomwes come there munathawa ku Mozambique uko mumkadya njoka mukubwera kuno munapedzako adzungu atayamba kukhara kare kuMulanje nd Thyolo mufufuze mbili zanu mzomvetsa chisoni ndithu tikayamba kukusarani muziti ndife olakwa? Mhhh musamazipute dala

    7. Machende anu nonse nwanditukwana mukandipitiliza tithana pa wall mwamva??? Anyani ndati mabatire anu Mulanje and Thyolo was part of Nyasaland before Lomwes come there munathawa ku Mozambique uko mumkadya njoka mukubwera kuno munapedzako adzungu atayamba kukhara kare kuMulanje nd Thyolo mufufuze mbili zanu mzomvetsa chisoni ndithu tikayamba kukusarani muziti ndife olakwa? Mhhh musamazipute dala

    8. Iwenso nawe Gavuttoh chipsyoto chako! Ukayambe walemba ku Wall ya mako Gweyani iwe! Pa Mkongo pa makonso! Wadya manyi iwe eti? Chisiru! Mapwala ako wamva?? Kanyimbi iwe #Gavuttoh lingakhale zina la munthu???

    9. Kodi iwe Gavuttoh kweni kweni ukuti chani? Ngati wasowa chokamba U better shut up! Ife uku wona ngati tingakunyumwe iweyo? A Nyani ukumunena ndani? Chisiru sasamba ngati iwe Nyani ukuwanena masten ako wamva? Ukuwona ngati mbwelera zako walemba pamenepazi ife zikutisangalasa eti? Nditokuziwa m’mawa ndikakumana nawe ndikuphwasamula heavy! Ukandinyozere anthu akwathu iweyo ndi ndani? Bakha ngati iwe ungapange chani!

    10. Iwe #Gavuttoh???? Nawenso Mbole yako Chisiru limozi ndi Zoba m’zako Nyoko nyoko yo! Zisiru makape ana osowa chochita inu! Ana a amasikini inu agalu osalima alesi inu mukati mwadya ndiye kuti mwaitanira min bus! Mbuzi za anthu! Mumagonanso pansi pa Bridge inu! Ukakhala iwe #Nyoko nyoko ukhale phee ndinaku ona ukupanga ganyu yosenda mbatatesi iwe! Mikongo ya manu mukayambirenso mwamva?? Ana mwachepa

    11. Iwe #Gavuttoh???? Nawenso Mbole yako Chisiru limozi ndi Zoba m’zako Nyoko nyoko yo! Zisiru makape ana osowa chochita inu! Ana a amasikini inu agalu osalima alesi inu mukati mwadya ndiye kuti mwaitanira min bus! Mbuzi za anthu! Mumagonanso pansi pa Bridge inu! Ukakhala iwe #Nyoko nyoko ukhale phee ndinaku ona ukupanga ganyu yosenda mbatatesi iwe! Mikongo ya manu mukayambirenso mwamva?? Ana mwachepa

    12. Kkkkkkkkkkk #Galvuttoh ndi mzako Nyoko nyooko waiwona bwanji United States kkkkkk! Ngati tinamupha Bin Laden ndi Saddam inu ndiye mungatani ana osakhwima pa mchombo ngati inu! Aphwanga osamadelera ayi! Mulanje ndi Thyolo ndi ziko kale limene lija! Ufufuze kuti Prezident akati wapambana ma vote amapambanira ma boma ake ati??? Mulanje ndi Thyolo kutereko ndi mtima weni weni wa Ziko aphwanga! No wonder mukuti kakamira! Komabe ifeyo tapanga United States basi! Malawi wanuyo takusiyirani muzikwatirana amuna okha okha a Kanyimbi inu

    13. kodi Gavuttoh ndi Mkazi wako #Nyokonyoko simukuyankha bwanji?? Mwa gona kale?? Kapena muli mkati mopanga mathanyula kkkkkkkkkkk ndikufuna muziyankha mwatondiputatu

    14. Abigail makutu ako plus amayi ako wamva?? Nyini ya agogo ako kaya nafupawo ukawaudze kuti agogo King Gavuttoh akuti nyini zathu….. Wait kaye panopa am busy koma nangati unagwa khunyu ndi mapiliod izo mzako tchende la bamboo akolo kaya mafupa akuwa udze madala Gavuttoh akuti tchende lanu wamva??? Songa ya mwamuna wakoyo mxieeeeeeeeeeeew

    15. Lewis Muluta unasintha dzina pano ukuti Chrissie Okwiya Phiri Mboro ya bamboo akoyo wamva?? Mukuona ngati ifeyo kuchetekaku mkupusa kuyenda mkuvina day one Lewis uzapedzeka mmanja mwa Boko haram Gavuttoh and uzadziona usanafe take my word I am King Gavuttoh Lewis Muluta born name something is wrong with you maliseche anomse kwanuko from gogos yanu mapwara otanuka aja to your girl friend kumaliseche kwakukulu kuja mxieeeeeee

    16. Eee Mukundipepesera ku inbox koma mwandichimwitsa ndinu mmesa mumafunsa ‘Gavuttoh where are you?’ nde ndapedzekano kukambilana mwantendere sizikanatha mwati mundithire phuzo si chomcho nde ndine One man army ghetto wiser

  64. this is a farce. That is treason if you dont know. This is the wrong way to proceed in this debate.

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