Masiye Mazaza
Network provider Airtel Malawi has said its newly introduced 4G network will only cover three major cities in Malawi. On Friday, January 20, Airtel launched 4G technology for faster and data connectivity in the capital… ...
Democratic Progressive Party
People's Party (PP) has disassociated itself from purported PP members who joined the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Sunday. Several politicians who were identified as PP district and constituency committee members from Mulanje, Chiradzulu… ...
Mlenga Mvula
Malawi Judiciary spokesperson Mlenga Mvula who was arrested by Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) last year will be charged before the end of this month. Mvula together with Reverend Daniel Mhone were arrested on 1st September, 2017… ...
Steve Duwa
Council for Non-Governmental Organisations in Malawi (CONGOMA) has told Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the country not to pay the hiked NGO fees. CONGOMA which has a membership of over 1,200 NGOs countrywide says the hike… ...