Opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has announced that it will not denounce its legislators’ racist attack at Member of Parliament for Lilongwe City Centre David Bisnowaty arguing that the party was provoked.
MCP legislators are on record to have called Bisnowaty a ‘Jew and foreigner’ after he reminded them of the party’s brutal leadership.

In an interview with the local press, Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC) asked the party to condemn the attack on Bisnowaty or the human rights body will brand it as a racist party.
However MCP spokesperson Jessie Kabwila has said HRCC must investigate the matter before taking any action.
“People must see where it came from, he actually attacked the founder of this nation, and you can’t expect us to be quiet. When someone has attacked your “Kholo” you react in a very angry manner”
“MCP has been in parliament for so long and Malawians have never heard us acting in that manner this means something was wrong, therefore the HRCC must investigate the cause of matter,” said Kabwila.
Bisnowaty argued that during the MCP era there were severe food shortages as Malawi was rated one of the poorest in the world only that people were afraid of the bloodthirsty dictator.
He was reacting to claims by MCP legislators that the country was a land of milk and honey during Kamuzu era.
One thing people don’t know is; We are all equal in the eyes of the Lord. Racism is a sin.
Kodi amalawi, ndichifukwa chiyani timalemekeza anthu obwela? Apatu, panalibe chifukwa chomupepesela Bisnalwart .
I feel very pity May His Soul Rest In Eternal Peace His excellency The Father & Founder Of Mw Nation Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda is gone everything is lost!!!!!!!!
All this Calls for Reformation so That Malawi shud Transform! R2T!
Inu Mwaiwala Zeno Ija Sipano Ndalama Zomwe Akulandirazo Zili Za Mmalawi Mzathu
Provoked? So, you don’t want to be criticised, you want to be like angels yet you re not? What Bisnowaty said was 100% right nde kuti Mcp sinasinthe ng’ona zija zidzabweleransotu ngati mukuipidwa ndi chilungamo
so the **** happening in parliament is rather fighting for power unlike developin our country? . . .
Malawi is a black counterpart!!
,all members of opposition keep on fire with this stupid DDP,Savage president Peter Mutharika
The problem with MCP it fails to capitalise on government weaknesses yet instead it makes blunders. The time the party had a chance to win great support it spent time fighting for section 65. Now they are becoming racists, how many Malawians are holding high positions in other countries?
op Pitala wanyamuka ndi Getrude wake
1981 kunali njala yazaoneni anthu ankadya zapansi pa nthochi ndipo dziko la Kenya lidathandiza ndi chimanga cha yellow ,anthu ambiri anadwala matenda osekula mimba ndi matenda ena that was during Kamuzu Banda’s rule.
So up to date even the so called opposers dnt know that the world is a global village?mcp party for decades failluers,you wont make it anywhere!!!
sananamedi.. chilungamo chimawawa/chimapweteka! Jessie Kabwila, what do u mean by saying “Provoked? Government in waiting imeneyo? Aliyense okuwuzani zoona.. mudzintero? MCP idakali yomwe ija (unrepentant) Ka ubongo kake kameneka mkumabwebwetuka zodzalamuliranso dziko lino? Mulungu akukana umboni ndi pafupi fupi zaka makumi atatu muli ku Opposition! How many times MCP provoked H.E Prof APM? MCP wati sulira? Mpaka tsankho?
Nkhaniyi njabodza Mesa MCP yapepesa kod? Nde inu nkhaniyi mwaitenga kt? Shupit!
Nkhaniyi njabodza Mesa MCP yapepesa kod? Nde inu nkhaniyi mwaitenga kt?
musatinyanse anthu opusa inu,founder of the nation ndiye kuti chani? osakamba za creator of the nation bwanji.inu a kongolesi or ng’ona party simuzalamuliranso,tsankho too much,munathamangisa atumbuka mukulamulira inu,muzawona 2019.
Kodi kupepesa umachita kuwuzidwa? mesa ndikuziva kwa muthu kuti koma wakuti ndamulakwila ndimupepese nanga kuchita kuwuzidwa sizowona zimenezo mwina mwini wakeyo sakuziva kulakwitsa nde akapepesa chani? zamasanje basi.
It is not racism when a blackie is belittled and demands but when the opposite happens it becomes racism. Are human rights really universal? Maybe they have outlived their original purpose and meaning. See how right to life is infringed.
Mr Biznowate shud not complain at all.the majority of malawians including leaders’ minds are cripled.if malawians from the north are regarded as refugeese who is he?mungomuzolowera mmalawi bwana MP,Malawi has a number of years b4 it attains reall democracy.
Its a shame for us malawians to have an opposition force that uses racism to defend its wrong doings. Of all pipo MCP should have known that our constitution allows any foreigner to become a citizen of this country after staying in this country for seven consecutive years. i believe bisnowaty fulfilled this condition thats why he is a citizen and was allowed to be elected ad MP. i see no sense in the MCP legislators who knew this very well to go on and descriminate bisnowaty. to make matters worse, there are educated individuals in MCP like the likes of Kabwira who could stand up against racism in the party unfortunately she didnt. educated savages.
no to RACISM,don’t spoil the image of our mother party
Kodi paja a Kabwira adadzalankhulaponso kuti ndalama za ku NAC ndi za mitembo eti? Slow down mayi chonde.
Mwamvera nkhani ku radio mwanama.apepesatu
Chipani Cha Nyawu sichingapepese ata
Apite kwao,mcp woyeeee
zitsiru za mcp.losers
zitsiru za mcp.losers
Ku Malawi kuno ndikwaife anthu akuda (Africa is 4 Africans)munthu okuda angapatsidwe mpando Ku Israel?
umbuli baba muziwelenga sudanese ndi mp waku canada,mmalawi nzanu ndi councilor ku uk.bwanji pamenepo
umbuli baba muziwelenga sudanese ndi mp waku canada,mmalawi nzanu ndi councilor ku uk.bwanji pamenepo
Hehe akuti bwanji pamenepo mwina simunamve baba
Stupit mind! U dont even know the meaning of africa for africa. #Wezi teach him! Keep quiete if u knw nothing than kupeperapo.
Obama the USA President ndi mzungu? Why do u choose to disgrace yourself ???? Is it because u support MCP then u back them up even when they talk shit????
Zamanyi basi,whites can be africans
Pitani a Malawi ku Israel akakupatseni mpando ngati umeneu amalawi kukonda mafolena mpake kukulandani chuma ndi dziko kupusa thooo
Zitsilu inu
MCP is a.party of savages even the the tone of their writing shows that they are killers and rascals from the pit of hell. Like the devil himself they can not apologies because you r father Satan never apologises.
Dzuka Malawi iwe dzuka akulemela ndi obwela taona
M c p can not and will never rule this country.
kodi iwe kabwira siiwe umavuta ndi acadamec freedom iwe? ndiye mukudana ndimunthuyu chifukwa choyankhura maganizoake? this is freedom of speach…..chipani kumangoti kwacha kwacha from 1964 paka pano kwawachera ambuyako
Its just unfortunate that Mcp is saying it will not apologise. I thought these are honourable members? Kodi Mcp idakalibe ndi khalidwe lonyozana?
Bisnowaty spoke the truth….but regardless the situation has only got worse.
Obama ndi mzungu mayi ake anali mzungu manda a agogo ake Ali lwa azunguwo. Do not compare him with Bisnowaty
He is not a Malawian. Kuzolowera kuombera mmanja azumgi nasi
Don’t siupport studpid things he is wrong to call someone a foreigner while obtained a citizenship that allows him to take responsibilty in Malawi
Keep on making these blunders MCP, and let DPP capitalise on these unnecessary anf and stupid mistakes.
A Malawi muzalimbana mpaka liti? And kunyozanaku ndife amodzi koma?
kutukana kutukana basi kabwira miyendo kufufuma ngati mtengo wa mlame wakwa uladi mussa
If he’s a MW ctzn,he has equal rits lyk evry1,dnt tak chances coz he’s whit,tak Obama as an exmpl. If MCP iz wrong they hav 2apologz,if his,he has to. Being whit & liv in africa chisakhale chi phinjo.
MCP ndiaanthu akunja iyi
All of u amene mukugwirizana ndi nzunguyo ndinu zitselekwete,abwampini,anyapapi inu zoona azungu atipondeleze anthu opanda nzelu ngati inu sindinakuonene mapeto ake achulukana akaidi othawa kwawowa simukuona akutilanda ulamulilo pang’onopang’ono?
Say NO to racisim
Iwe mcp kawerengeko speech ya THE GREAT MARTIN LUTHER called I HAVE DREAM
Mind you black boy called OBAMA is leading america! Mcp why? Mcp tangondiyankha why?
We don’t have white people here in Malawi, this stupid man is coming from Israel, he is very stupid and he is an idiot
more fire MCP
Laurette ndaziona ada. Obusa okumpenya kuiwala kutli malembo oliukana kunyoza olendo, zovu zeditu mmezi!
Apepese ndipitala mathanyula pobela chisankho komanso odwala mzipatala kuwagoneka ndinjala. Alomwe mbuzi mwaononga malawi anthu akumozambique. Malawi eni ake ndi achewa
Kapena ananu tikuwuzeni zimene zimachitika pa 3 march, ayi mungayambe kulira
MCP is feeling offended because what the guy said is very true, every malawian was scared to voice out concerns…. It was hard, we had no freedom of speech and now they are doing the same even when they are not in goverment…. The guy was only expressing himself, MCP made a mistake, they are racist, they are that same people, same spirit… Thts why they lost to democracy.
chipani cha mcp ngati chinalephera kupepesa kwa mawanja a wanthu womwe adapha aja anduna za boma lawo ndie akapepese izi ndie mukunamatu kusapepesa ndi imodzi mwa ngodya zawo 5 zachipani chimenechi mzotsadabitsa izi pamenepa sakufuna kuphwanya imodzi mwa ngodya zawo
Kukankha ku school ndinakhala 3 weeks osapita cause of card kudikila kuti father to get paid stupid mcp, ana omwe munabadwa 1990 mavuto amemenewa mumaone m’mimba mwa amai anu cause kupanda card no hospital olo kumsika osalowa ine ndimaso ndaziona
Iwe wanchula chimanga cha yellow wandikumbusa mavuto ine, ngati munalandira ulele bola koma ine ndinaima pazele from 08.00 mpaka 16.00 koma osagula ndikuyenda wapansi from limbe to chimwankhunda mkukagona ndi njala, please dont remind me about yellow maize
vuto ndi constitution yathu
Kodi Inu??Uja Wa Ku Ghana Amalephera Kunena Chichewa Uja Koma Kugwira Matako Aazimayi Ovina Uja Timamuti Ndani Dzina Lake Lija??Anthu Akummweraku Akumudziwa Bwino Ndithu Anali Ndi Ng’ona Zokudya Anthu Ku Stella Marisku.Anali Osasutsika Wina Wake Ndangomuiwala.
Mcp trying to cover de truth,to those ppl who were not dea wil b blindend,but me hhhhhmmmm just even sing de nation anthem kumangidwa.
MCP is a party of stupid people,racism & selfishness.Look what they are doing now to their own member,what if they were in government i guess many people would have died
u are the one showing ua stupidity
Specify my stupidity please @ #Pius
Mwati N’ngelezi…..!?
mwachita bwanji inu anthu A MCP,nthawi munali nayo koma inapita,siyani kulota,sitingadye masanzo athu ife,lekani kulota
umakwana!! auze avesese achina lazalo nthawi yayo inatha mileme imeyi kkkkkkkkkk
aaaaa iwe,sungadye masanzo ako,we dont belive about the past,this is the time of new era & new genaration
Chimanga cha yellow munadya kangati? You must appreciate what Kamuzu did. Pano ndiye mudya cha blue.
People were even being arrested when mention the word Kamuzu.This party did its crazy stuff that aint easy bounce back in the government.Buying a card when a lady is expectant.You think we forget?
Its true in time of Kamuzu we were completely voiceless when something goes wrong.
Bisnowaty ndi munthu ovuta kwambili akuvutitsa m’ma office aboma kwambili.
Nde chikhala munali ku Zambia mukadasamuka uzoba umenewo, kunali president Guy Scott mzungu
Every leader who ruled this country wheather He/She is alive or dead. Must be respected at all cost from all members of the community.
It’s just here in Malawi where we honour foreigners n give them Government key posts.
Every citizen of this land who obtained Citizenship by application should not be employed in any Government post.
Ambiri mukungoti chimanga cha yellow,ai dzina la chimanga chodyetsa chimene kamuzu ankagawira amalawi chochokera ka azungu chinkatchedwa #kenya.azunguwo amadyetsa ng’ombe zawo chimanagacho koma kamuzu ankagawira anthu.nde muziti kudalibe njala ku malawi.ndikudziwa ambirinu mudali mafana komanso enanu musanabadwe panthawiyi.
sibola ankapereka chimangacho
Mwayambapo nanga mukazatenga boma, ndie kunali kumuphatu, forget ruling this country
MCP will never change…and it will be an opposition party till Jesus.
Amene anali mwana atha kukana kuti nthawi ya Kamuzu kunalibe njala koma ine ndikukumbukila kuti kunali njala yosaneneka ndipo azungu anatithandiza ndi chimanga chodya ng’ombe cha yelo
Zoona ndipo mmasukulu talandirapo mapira ochokera ku USA.
Ukunama iwe imeneyo inali thawi ya UDF
Zoona ayise sukunama, tadya Chimanga cha Kenya cha yelo i remember 1990 ndili kusimba timadya chimenecho
Enawo ndi ana asiyeni, njala sapanga ndi munthu koma kumwamba kukangoipidwa basi kaya ukhale ndi fertilizer ngati mvula yavuta palibe chabwino
Chipani ichi sichizasintha ayi chifukwa chinapha miyoyo yambiri yaanthu osalakwa, Anthu awa ali ndi magazi mmanja mwao
I hv to remind this Bastard Bisnowaty that we r no longer under da white skinned Leadership and to attack Kamuzu z a bloody sin I cnt forgv espcly from him a whiteskinned dog,,,,,, He hs to go home Africa z for Africans I mean black skinned Africans….tlk of racism its them da whites hu r vry gud at it….Bisnowaty go to hell no one from My party will apologise to u bloodsucker
Hahahaha! Nde uti bwanji poti chakwera wavomeleza kulakwa kwa mp wake?kkkkk. ‘No to racizm’ by lazaro yona chakwera,haha
Hahahahaha that’s w@ we du to cap put a dog to rest,,just throw a bone wth no fresh and t will go silent….Never heard of that??
Foolish party cannot allow whites to join itt
Mcp chipani cha anthu opanda nzeru agalu kmaso osasamba cilungamo kuwawa eeeish
komadi agalu enieni…..mcp, mcp,mcp lelo zakalekale chipani chinatha muzingodikira kumoto basi anthu mumapha aja
Tapitani kwawo muone ngati mukapatsidwe ulemu
Food security is nt abt mvula alone,proper plannin is important osati kumangobwebweta pa kamwa.pano mvula yayamba koma macoupon stil at state house.dnt u think u are creating another hunger?…..a Malawi tisamangoombera manja zilizonse
he is indeed anoutsider and nothing wil mek him amalawian
Chipani ichi sichidzasiya tsakho ndipo sichidzalamuliranso malawi chifukwa tikawonetsetsa Kamuzunso anali obwera kwawo kunali ku Ghana nthawi imeneyo amalawi anali asanachangamuke.Pano amalawi anachangamukatu
Analankhula mwa utsiru nzunguyo, akagwere uko kuno sikwawo, mwana wa nkhumba, garu.
A MCP kudana ndichulungamo, kamuzu mmamutenga ngat muhammad buanj? inu nthawi yanu ija ndani akadamalemba kuti an2 akufa ndi njala? ndy mukananji akamati nthawi ina kudalinjala ku malawi? utsamunda udakukwatirani, mukalambira kotsutsa konko… hehehe Kabwila, ndale zija nzimenexi2. xinkaphweka ubisala kunsana kwa unima council…
Akufanana ndi Muhamad onse ndi mazoba
palibe chifukwa chopepesera pamenepa
Hahahaha!akudziwa chomwe akuchita.Inu,anthuwa2 amadyera limodzi,muona pompano akhalaso limodzi
dont forget Kamuzu was a foreigener too
Jessey Kabwila koma uli pabanja iwe?
Bisnowaty is not mature their is a need for him to apologise analowela za amuna
malawi movie season 50,,,
Thats why they will be on opposition for ever
zoonadi simukunama kumangoti kwacha kwacha kwacha from 1964 pakapano zausilu basi
Racism will never end as long as white cars still have black tires and black pple still use white tissue paper
MCP ili ndi ma mp oganiza mwachangu indeed ithink these pple can rule this country very well,Inu olo mwanawanu wamwalila ndmatenda a edzi nde wina from wochokela kusaziwika azizati”mwana wanu uja uhule,analibe sogolo kwaife mkulila chan?”BISNOWATY ANALAKWISA NDPO APEPESE
Two wrong things can’t make a right thing.
Kod Mw24 Ilibe Zolemba Zina Kupatula Zamikanganozi?
Anabwera kalekale ndipo akudziwa bwino komanso nzika ya malawi ikudziwa bwino zimene mu yuda amanenazo.
Apa zawoneseratu kuti amalawi ndi mbuzi anamuika pampando muyudayo ndani ndi abale ake? tsono mumati ku nyumba yamalamulo iye azikatani azikayendako bawo? palibe zopepesana apa iye wanena zakukhose zake mu ulamuliro wa democrasy zamunyasayo zake
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk shauri yako ase unamuvotera kunatha and munadya zake zochuluka za muluyayi ndiye musiyeni analankhula zakukhosi
MCP imafuna kudzudzula ndipo imadana ndi kudzudzulidwa. Amaona msanga mavuto a ena nkusiya awo. Anasankhidwa basi musiyeni alankhule.
kodi iwe kabwira ukatero ndiye kuti ukuchita advocate sankho….anachita provoke mcp chani apa mumafuna muzizuzura azanu inu ndiye mukazuzulidwa chimulomo lende kukwiya….blood thirsity party
Olo Mukhito sanapepese
Ndi zachilendo mu ndale zimenezo? Castigation and barb-trading is part of political language. I DON’T see any problem there in as far as our politics is concerned.
A Gondwe munthu uyu wakhalanso liti mu Malawi? Inu mupite kwawo mudzaone ngati mungakapatsidwe mpando uli wonse ngakhale land yoti mumange ka khumbi kanu. Bwanji kodi a Malawi? Mudzadzuka liti. You can only appreciate this when you travel to other countries. That is why inu ndi a Malawi pamene iye ndi myuda. Chauta anatipanga ife kubadwira kuno and iye kwawoko ndicholinga choti tonsefe tikhale ma stewards oyanganira gawo lathu.
gud movie…there is nothing to approgise…simply coz ndimzungu iyeyo..who dou he is. God? Ngati akufuna kutchuka nsanga athamanga aone.
AYICHOYE AYIONE!Bisnowaty wabodza iweyo ndiye mufolena weniweni tilibe mfunda wotchedwa Bisnowaty kumalawi kuno ndinu amene mmatibera maudindo ndi chuma chathu foseki go to hell shotiiiiii
Ameneyo a MCP amutengere ku court chifukwa chogula malo a MCP mwakatangale.
Zosankhana mitundu sizitithandiza, koma tikufuna kuti zinthu zisinthe, chitukuko chiwoneke.
Mcp should keep dreaming of wanting to rule Malawi #myopinion
shame on u mcp!
Nd foreigner bax,das y he doesn’t knw kut nthawi ya Kamuzu kunalibe njala
Iweso ndiyekt sukuziwa kt njala inaliko panopa kt mcp ilowe m’boma njalaso itha kuzakhalako chifukwa mcp siimene izagwese mvula yabwino
Sha iwe ife tidadya chimanga cha yellow nthawi ya kamuzu koma iwe don’t even mention pliz.
man mukuikira kumbuyo za sankhozo kuyenda kuvina2 dziko lilibe malile man….mulungo polenga dzikoli sanaike malile kuti uku kwakuti uku kwakuti…anapanga malile ndi munthu
MCP must go to jail as whole
Tawona izi Adah Peter Bradford Sapanga
His Malawian I don’t see any problem here and why are These MCP niggas on about
Kupepesa ndi Kupepela Mwamva?
He waz saying the truth Bisnowaty and to me I can’t see any future from MCP an less chakwera and Jessy kabwira stepdown there position.
He is a Malawian, no to racism, wake up Mps!
is reminding him that he is a jew racism? No no no he is a jew he is a jew period
he is malawian mufune musafune MCP ndiyakhaza kuyambira kale inu?
kkkkkkkk aaaaaaaaa milk and honey